How to register on Skype on a laptop. Skype registrations on a computer

In modern society, when no one imagines his life without talking on the Internet and studying new computer technologies, the problem of long distances has practically ceased to be relevant. Every evening, with the help of electronic gadgets, millions of people complete work projects, carry out mathematical calculations and, of course, get in touch with loved ones.

Traditional letters are rarely sent these days, because they reach the addressee slowly. Calling an international line on a landline phone is expensive. It is in such a seemingly hopeless situation that special programs for verbal communication come to the rescue. A variety of such software is Skype (Skype). Such an application is very popular in the world, because it is easy to manage, and the functionality expands with each update.

This article presents all the basic data for registration and work in Skype. The article will introduce the newcomer to the software installation, tell you how to register in the program and explain the features of the work.

About company and program

The Skype application (Skype) was developed by a pair of businessmen - the Danish Janus Friis and the Swede Niklas Zennstrom. The first version of the program appeared on September 2003, and with it the application site. Thanks to such software, hundreds of thousands of users have the opportunity to conduct text chat in a classic format and communicate directly through voice. You can make calls not only to one, but also to several people, i.e. in Skype do conferences.

The traditional chat process can also be conducted in groups. The history of correspondence is saved automatically, and users can even send emoticons to each other. It is also important that the application allows you to send different files to the interlocutor, and their size is not limited, and downloading can automatically resume after finding a lost Internet signal or re-entering the program.

Necessary equipment

Using Skype with all its features suggests the presence of some technology. Some of these devices are built into a laptop or processor. To hear a conversation partner, you must have speakers or speakers, and a microphone is required to transmit the signal. If you expect to appear to the interlocutor, purchase or configure a webcam. If desired, you can buy a camera, combined with a microphone. Such acquisitions will cost no more than a thousand rubles.

Download and install Skype (Skype)

The indisputable advantage of Skype is its free access to the Internet. There is no need to pay money to download the program to a computer. It is best to get the application from the official site, because this way you will have the latest version of the software and do not pick up a virus on your computer or electronic gadget. Downloading itself is carried out in several stages:

  • By clicking on the necessary link in the menu on our website, you will find yourself on the page with the software download and receive an offer to download the program for free. Click once on the corresponding download button using the left part of the mouse.
  • The download process will start automatically, after which the application icon will be displayed in the download menu of your browser.

After downloading, you should install Skype on your computer. Start by clicking on the SkypeSetup.exe file with the left part of the mouse (Fig. 9). A window with an automatic installation of the program will start in front of you on the monitor. Click on the "Run" button with the left half of the mouse.

Figure 9. Browser download bar with Skype ready for installation

The program will prompt you to select the language in which the entire application interface will be displayed (Fig. 11). Then you can change this parameter. You will also see the text of the Terms of Use of the software, which you need to meet and agree to. Click on the link (Fig. 11 (c)) with the left part of the mouse, read the document and click once on the button “I agree - Next” (Fig. 11 (d)).

Figure 11: a) the Skype updates window, b) the Language selection bar, c) the Skype terms of use, d) the Confirmation button with the Terms

Now that all the operating conditions of the program have been accepted, a window with updates will be displayed on the screen (Fig. 12). The application independently finds the latest versions of Skype developments and places them on your computer.

Figure 12. Skype updates window while searching for updates

The next window that appears on its own is the registration step (Fig. 13).

Figure 13. The registration window in the program.

When the Skype application is fully loaded into the computer’s memory, the registration stage in the program begins.

Registration in the Skype program

To quickly and fully communicate in Skype, you need to register, i.e. choose a unique username and password. This stage is very simple and is a sequence of several quick steps.

  1. After installing the application, you will see a window on the screen to register or enter the program (Fig. 14 (a)). Create an account, i.e. registration occurs after the left-hand side of the mouse is activated by the “Register New Users” button (Fig. 14 (b)).

Figure 14: a) Window of registration and entry into the program;

b) Button "register new users"

  1. Then you are transferred to the registration web page (Fig. 15). Entering personal information is carried out after placing the cursor in the corresponding line. You just need to click the left part of the mouse on the field you are interested in to fill. Indicate your full name (Fig. 15 (a)), email (Fig. (B)). Next, use the mouse wheel to scroll down the page and continue to indicate data.

Figure 15. The registration web page for the program: a - columns for entering the name and surname; b- columns for entering email addresses

  1. The subsequent fragment of the page is necessary to place the information that will help to find exactly your account in the list of Skype users. For relatives and friends, you can specify only the information that you consider necessary. However, if there is a “*” near the field (Fig. 16 (a)), you must fill in the line without fail, otherwise registration will not occur.

Figure 16. Continuation of the registration page: a - columns “Country” and “Language”, required

  1. The final stage is the designation of the name and password for entering Skype. Scroll down the page on which you are located, a little below, and click on the form for creating a login with a password (Fig. 17).

Figure 17. Form for creating Skype login and password: a) login field;

b) password entry field; c) field for re-entering the password; d) field for displaying security text; e) help icons for reading protective text; e) a security text input field.

By clicking the mouse, proceed to data entry. First comes a column for the name, and then for the password. The last information is entered twice (Fig. 17 (c)) so that you check your password for errors and eliminate the likelihood of problems with entering Skype.

To complete the registration, you need to go through the identification procedure. It is introduced into the program to identify you as an honest user, not a robot or virus carrier. It is only necessary to enter the indicated text (Fig. 19 (a)) in the appropriate column (Fig. 19 (b)). Typing occurs after a single left-click on the desired field and switching the language layout on the keyboard. If you cannot read the inscription, refer to the auxiliary buttons (Fig. 19 (c)). If necessary, the text can be regenerated, listen to or run help from the application. You just need to click on the appropriate icon.

Figure 19. Identification form: a) protective text;

b) the security text input field; c) help tools.

To complete the registration, click on the "I agree -Next" button.

Now the registration is completed, and you have a personal page in the application!

Next, the browser automatically sends you to the recharge page of an individual account in the program. Check the box “No thanks, I want to start using Skype” (Fig. 20 (a)) and left-click on the “Continue” text (Fig. 20 (b)). Please note that the use of the program itself is free, but some functions cost money. However, the need for them is extremely rare.

Figure 20. The account replenishment page.

Check your email. It should be a letter stating that the registration is confirmed. The text of the letter contains your password and account name, so save the information sent.

Log in to the program. Personal and basic settings.

Working with the application is possible only after entering Skype. Make it easy:

  • Locate the Skype icon on the desktop (Fig. 21) and double-click on it.

Figure 21. Skype program icon

  • Check out the window to enter the software. It already appeared at the registration stage (Fig. 22). Indicate your own name in the “Login” column and password in the line with the same name (Fig. 22 (a), (b)). With the left half of the mouse, activate the "Enter Skype" button.

Figure 22: a) login input field; b) password entry field; c) the "Sign in to Skype" button

As a result, your own page will appear in front of you. She is depicted in figure 23.

Figure 23. Skype user’s personal page.

You are redirected to the section with personal data. Here you can enter home and work phone numbers, an additional email address. All fields are filled after a single mouse click. You are also available to install photos (avatars) on the page. Left-click on the "Change Avatar" sentence. The button is located next to the place for photography in the first half of the page (Fig. 24).

Now a window has automatically opened to select the desired photograph (Fig. 25). Click on the inscription "Overview" once and read the contents of your computer through Explorer. Select the appropriate frame (Fig. 26).

Figure 25. Photo selection window

Figure 26. Computer Explorer.

To open a folder with the desired content, move the mouse to it and double-click. The same algorithm is saved to select the necessary photos. Then click on “Use Image”.

Basic application settings - network status and language. Since Skype exists in many countries of the world, its language range is huge. You can change this parameter by clicking on the “Tools” tab. Select “Change Language” and familiarize yourself with the list provided. Left-click on the desired language (Fig. 27).

Figure 27. Skype language change process

In the process of dialogue in Skype, you can place various statuses for the Web. It is about describing your communication capabilities. The application offers such statuses as “offline”, “offline”, “online”, “do not disturb”. To select the desired state, open the “Skype” tab with one click of the mouse, click on “Network Status” and click on the desired button from the list provided (Fig. 28).

Figure 28. Skype network status change (Skype)

Work in Skype

Direct communication with friends and relatives is possible only after finding them in the Skype search engine and adding them to your contact list. First, in the main window of the software, select the “Contacts” tab by clicking on the familiar left part of the mouse. From the expanded list, click on the "Add Contact" button. Now a field will appear for searching and adding people (Fig. 29).

Figure 29. Window for searching and adding Skype contacts: a) data entry fields;

b) Add button

The window that opens contains graphs to indicate any information that you possess about the right person. Enter your name, email address, mobile or home phone number here. The search takes place in the software automatically, and after a while the results will appear on the screen: a list of personalities matching the given request (Fig. 30).

Figure 30. An example of a search query by login and a list of Skype search results.

Examine the presented list and left-click on the name and surname of the person who suits you. If the required identity was not available, try providing other information. After choosing a person, the program will open a window with a request for the exchange of your personal data specified in Skype (Fig. 31). There will be a lot of buttons on the screen, but the most important thing is to draw on the column with a message that will come out from the interlocutor as your greeting, and on the button to transmit the request itself.

Figure 31. Window for sending a request for the exchange of contact data in Skype:

  a) a greeting message; b) request button

The first time a greeting message is always generated by the application on its own, so you may want to change it. To do this, click once with the mouse at the end of the text and delete it using the key on the BackSpace keyboard. Type the desired message and click the send request button. Now your contact is directed to the interlocutor. If he accepts an application for data exchange, he will appear in your contact list and you can call back or chat.

Communication in Skype computer software is possible in three ways: voice communication, video connection and correspondence:

  1. Standard calls in the application are the most intuitive function. Communication in Skype in this way can be equated to a normal conversation on the phone. To realize the possibility of voice communication, you must have a microphone and headphones or speakers. Some computers are equipped with this technique initially. To start a call, select a specific person in your list of people to communicate with and left-click on the name twice. A window opens with a dialogue between you and the interlocutor. Look at the screen carefully. There are buttons for video calls, voice communication, sending messages, volume control and fields for typing and displaying correspondence.

Figure 32: a) the "Video Call" button in Skype; b) the “Call” button; c) the message set window; d) chat window; d) the button "Send message"; e) volume control button

For the call function, in the dialog window, click on the inscription “Call” with the left part of the mouse. You can also right-click the mouse button to click on the username and select a call function from the list by clicking on it with the left half of the mouse once (Fig. 33).

  1. Video calls are designed so that users can not only hear each other, but also see. Implementation of the function is only available with a webcam. First, select the button of the same name in the dialog box (Fig. 32 (a)) and click on it. You can also find this function in the list that appears next to the name of the interlocutor, if you click on it with the right half of the mouse. The call window starts in Skype automatically (Fig. 34). Here you can see the person’s profile picture and a small conversation control panel. On the last there are buttons to turn off and on the webcam, microphone. There is also a function to change the volume and end the conversation. Any button lends itself to a single click with the left part of the mouse.

Figure 34: a) the photo and name of the called Skype subscriber; b) control panel

  1. In the chat, users can chat with each other. The dialog window has a large field for typing and sending messages (Fig. 32 (c)). The start of the conversation is available after setting the cursor in the graph for typing. Click in this field with the left part of the mouse once and start typing. You can send it by pressing the Enter key on the keyboard.

Three basic features of Skype are easy and in demand even for beginners. It is impossible to do without them if you want to communicate with people dear to your heart. Therefore, use computer software and enjoy a free and affordable dialogue.

You can also download skype from our site absolutely free. Enjoy your communication !!!

Equipment list

Browse the list to see if you have everything you need to use Skype. You will need:

  • High Speed \u200b\u200bInternet Connection: for example, using DSL technology, satellite or cable Internet. Dial-up connections are enough for instant messaging, but not for making voice or video calls.
  • Speakers and microphone  (built-in to the computer or connected separately). Some people prefer to use headphones or even a headset, so that sounds are transmitted more clearly.
  • Webcam for video calling. Many modern computers have built-in webcams. If it is not on your computer, then you can purchase a webcam separately.

There are other accessories that may be of interest to you, for example, a desk phone, which you can connect to a computer (using a cable or wireless connection), and talk on it via Skype. These accessories can be expensive, but it is a good investment if you plan to purchase your Skype number and use it often. To learn more about these accessories, visit the Skype Store page.

Windows or Mac

There are two versions of Skype: for computers with an operating system Windows  and computers Mac.

We will focus on Skype for Windows, but Mac users should not worry. The functions of both versions are almost identical. When you learn the Mac version interface, you can follow and try all the actions that we will talk about in this tutorial.

Download and install Skype

The initial installation of Skype will take you a few minutes. But you should start by registering an account on Skype. Then you need to download and install the application, and run the installed Skype on your computer.

To register with Skype:

  1. Go to and select sign in in the upper right corner.
  2. Then click Join in the upper right corner.
  3. A window will open with the registration form for new users. Fill in the required information, starting with the name and email address.

  4. The next part of the form includes a large amount of information entered at your request, for example, date of birth, gender, etc. All the information you enter will become part of your profile. Therefore, be careful when entering, because this information will be available to other Skype users.

  5. Enter your desired username, which is also known as Skype Login. If the entered name is already taken, Skype will offer you some possible options.
  6. Enter the desired password, enter it again in the second field. As with any online service, in Skype it is important to use a strong password, which will be difficult to find. When you enter the password, Skype will indicate if it is not reliable enough.

  7. When everything is filled, enter the text from the image in a special field. (To prove that you are a living person, not a spamming program.)
  8. If not lazy, read the terms of use and the Skype Declaration on the protection of personal information, then click I agree - Next.

  9. Skype registration will be completed, and you will be redirected to the account page on Click Download Skype for Windows.

  10. Downloading the Skype installer will begin. Click Save File to save SkypeSetup.exe to your computer.

  11. After the download is complete, run SkypeSetup.exe. Depending on the download settings, the file may be on the desktop or in some other folder, it is easiest to launch it from the Downloads window in the browser.

  12. Click Run. Then the Skype installation window will appear. Change the language to Russian and click I agree - then to continue.

  13. On the following screens, Skype will offer to install the plugin (I recommend), change the Internet search engine and home page (it is better to uncheck the boxes), installed by default. If you do not want this, deselect in the appropriate fields. Click Continue.

  14. Skype will finish setting  software.

  15. Upon completion of the installation, a login window will open.
  16. Enter your Skype name and password, then click Login.

  17. Skype will redirect you to the sound and video settings, as well as the profile photo. Click Continue to start.

  18. On the next screen, you can configure the microphone, speakers, and video. (In the video verification window, you will see yourself if you have a webcam connected. I don’t have it so the black background). When done, click Continue.

  19. On the next screen, you can select a photo for your profile. In our example, we will add a photo later, so click Reject to continue the settings.

  20. A Skype window will appear.

If Skype does not start downloading automatically after you create an account, you can download it from the link: Download Skype

Skype window

1) Skype

In the Skype menu, you can change your account information, for example, online status, to show that you are available for conversation. Also here you can exit Skype.

The Contacts menu contains a large number of items for managing contacts. There are, for example, useful commands for importing contacts and sorting contacts in the Skype window.

This menu contains commands related to conversations in Skype, in other words with instant messages. The range of options is wide: from viewing old messages to setting up notifications, depending on the content of the message.

The Calls menu contains commands related to calls. If you are not sure what to do with an incoming call, go to this menu and get one-click access to functions such as Mute, Forward or Skip.

Use the View menu to go to any tab that is not currently visible: your profile, voice messages, received or sent files, etc.

Open the Tools menu to access online games, Skype account settings. Most often you will use the item Settings ...  for sound settings, security, etc.

If you have a question about Skype, go to the Help menu. Heartbeat (Skype Status) may even indicate if Skype has any technical issues.

Click on the status icon to quickly change it, or click anywhere in the panel to access the profile page.

A profile page is a place where you can edit your profile and control which information is public and which is private.

9) Skype homepage

The Skype Home tab allows you to go to the Skype home page. This is the first thing you see when entering Skype, it is also presented in the figure with interactive buttons. Here you can see the status of updates; news and quickly go to the contacts with which you communicate most often.

The Contacts tab contains a list of Skype contacts. You can click on a contact’s name to open a panel with which you can call him, view a profile, see message history, etc. For even faster access to some functions, you can right-click on the contact name and open a pop-up menu.

11) Latest

The Recent tab contains a list of the most recent calls. You can right-click on the name of a contact or group to get quick access to a number of options.

How to set up Skype

Now that you have installed Skype, it's time to set up privacy, notifications, etc.

To change security settings:

Skype is a social network. This means that theoretically you can receive calls, videos and messages from strangers, if you do not prohibit this in the security settings. Fortunately, Skype makes it easy to keep your information safe and protect you from unwanted calls.

1) Call settings

Allows you to control from whom to receive calls on Skype. If you do not want to receive calls from strangers, select only from my contacts.

2) Video settings

Allows you to control from whom to receive video and screen images in Skype. If you don’t want to accept videos from strangers, select only people from my contact list.

3) Message settings

Allows you to control from whom to receive messages on Skype. If you do not want to receive messages from strangers, select only from my contacts.

4) History

Here you can control whether or not to store message history.

5) Web Settings

These settings allow you to manage Skype security on the Internet. You should always have the Allow cookies box in the Skype browser checked, otherwise some functions will not work.

You can uncheck other items, for example, show my status on the network.

To set up alerts:

Alerts are notifications in which Skype informs about any events or actions, for example, when someone appears online or wants to add you to your contact list. Most alerts are displayed at the top of the screen, so you can always understand what is happening on Skype, even if its window is closed.

Some alerts appear with a beep. To turn it off / on, go to the Sounds tab in the same window.

To change your profile:

To learn more about who can see the information on your profile, visit the Skype account settings page.

We hope you enjoyed our tutorial on registering with Skype, and you managed to install and configure Skype on your computer. If you have questions, leave them in the comments.

If you need to register on Skype again or replace the old with a new one, this information is for you!

What is needed for a new registration?

Before re-registering a new user in Skype, there are several important points to be made clear:

  • Registration should be carried out each time to a new email account (for this you need to create Skype again).
  • The login used the previous time will remain with the previously created account, so using it a second time will not work.
  • The email address (as, indeed, all other data entered during registration) must be entered (typed) in the appropriate fields of the registration form, and not copied.
  • You need to create a new account on a real email account, the password from which you know (you remember it).
  • Registration in the system is always free.
  • Download the program in advance from in Russian, if it is not already installed on your computer (after that, do not forget to install it).

What to do for re-registration?

The following instructions are for those who already have a Skype account (), but for some reason need to complete registration for the second time under a different login (nickname, nickname):

  1. Complete the exit from the messenger. To do this, just click on the red X in the upper right corner of the program window. Do the following: find the blue Skype icon on the bottom right (in the tray), right-click on it and select "Exit" in the menu that appears.
  2. If a user already registered in the system has opened the program, you can, by clicking on the Skype menu, select the Exit command.
  3. If the program is not running, run it; if it is running, proceed to the next step.
  4. Click Create New Account.
  5. Enter all required (marked with an asterisk) registration data, read (if you haven’t already read) the terms of cooperation (rules and agreement on confidentiality, as well as on the use of cookies).
  6. Click the button at the bottom of the “I Agree” page to complete the registration.

How to switch between accounts?

It’s possible to use two (or more) instant messengers at once only when the user can install the program on his computer (or another device that supports the work of this program). To switch to another account, a “switch” is required:

  1. Go to Skype.
  2. Click on the main menu - “Skype”.
  3. Select the most recent “Properties” item.
  4. Find the field called “Object” and make changes to it: add “/ secondary” at the end.
  5. Click OK.

Re-registering through the site

To re-register and enter the program:

  1. Go to in a browser.
  2. Click on “New Account”.
  3. Fill in the fields in the registration form that appears.
  4. Create and enter a new username and password.
  5. Enter captcha (numeric or alphabetic code from the image), which is protection against bots.
  6. Click the "I agree (agree), further" button to confirm that I agree to abide by the rules for using the service and proceed to the end of registration.
  7. Go to your email inbox and follow the link that is in the letter from the administration (team) of Skype.

As you can see, re-registering with Skype is not so difficult. You can use several accounts, switching from one to another.

Now I will show how to quickly register on Skype on a computer or phone. First, we will create a new account, and then learn how to use the Skype program.

How to register with Skype

Skype is a program for communicating over the Internet from Microsoft. Through it, you can call and chat for free, as well as communicate via video. But in order for all this to be possible, first you need to register a new user.

Right now I’ll show by example how to register for free on Skype on a computer and laptop. I will do this through the official website in Russian.

On a phone or tablet, registering with Skype goes exactly the same, starting with the third step. First you need to install the application, open it and click "Create Account".

one . We open the official website

2. In the upper right corner, click on "Login" and select "Register" from the list.

3. We print the number of your mobile phone with the operator code. Example: 9001112233

If you want to register on Skype without a phone number, click on the link “Use an existing email address”. A box will appear to enter the electronic mail box where you want to print your address.

Here, the system offers to get a new mail address. But in this case, you still have to verify your account by mobile. Therefore, if you want to register without a phone, and you do not have personal mail, first create it on another site. And then indicate this address during registration.

four . Create a password of eight or more characters: it must consist of numbers and English letters. Password example: 45826967s

If the password does not pass, make a more complex option, which includes both capital and small letters. For example, 45826967RNs

Be sure to write down the password. Without it, then you will not be able to enter skype!

6. Now you need to enter the numeric code that will come to your mobile or email address, and click "Next."

A message arrives on the phone from an unknown number with a registration code:

And if you indicated an e-mail instead of a number, then a letter will come from the technical support service.

The letter will contain a code for registration.

Do not try to use the code that I showed in the pictures. You will have it different.

7. We print characters from the picture. The size of the letters does not matter.

8 . Skype will open online. Click "Get Started", after which the system will start.

If a window pops up asking you to show notifications, click "Allow".

That's all - registration is completed! Now you are on Skype and you can already start communication.

How to use Skype: instructions for beginners

Skype is of three types:

  • Browser (skype online)
  • As a standalone computer program
  • As an application for a phone or tablet

This is the same program, only in different versions. And you can use at least all of them at once.

For example, put a computer version on a laptop, and an application on a smartphone. And on someone else's computer use browser Skype.

Browser (skype online) is a version without download. It just works from a browser: from Google Chrome, Yandex, Mozilla Firefox or any other program for the Internet.

Program for computer  - This is such a skype that you must first download and install on your PC. This is convenient if you intend to use Skype regularly. The program will hang in the computer’s memory and as soon as someone wants to contact you, it will open immediately.

Application for phone or tablet  - This is the same program, but only for mobile. It will also hang in the device’s memory and as soon as someone calls or writes to you, it is immediately activated.

How to log in to your Skype

To enter your skype, you must first run the program. After that, the account will either open automatically, or the login window will start, where you will need to enter your data. You indicated them during registration: phone number or email, password.

How to open a program on a computer. To start the computer version, open the Skype icon on the Desktop (screen).

If there is no icon, look for it in Start - All Programs.

Typically, the program itself starts when you turn on the computer, and is always on the taskbar and in the tray.

How to open the application. To launch the application, click on the Skype icon on the screen of your smartphone or tablet.

How to open skype online. To access browser Skype, go to

How to find a person

You can find a person in the system by e-mail address, phone number or login. You can also search by name and surname for which the user registered in Skype. This is done through the search bar.

In a computer program:

In the application:

In browser skype:

How to add a contact

Contacts are a kind of telephone directory. Add a person there, and he is fixed in your account. Thus, you can enter on Skype a friend, relative, colleague.

To add a new contact, you first need to find a person in Skype. To do this, type in the search its name or login in the system, mail address or phone.

Then select the user and click on "Add to Contact List". A request box will appear. Instead of the standard text, it is advisable to print in it who you are.

Immediately after sending the person will be added to your contact list. But next to his icon will be a small icon with a question mark. This means that the user has not yet approved the request. When he receives it and accepts it, the question mark changes to something else.

How to communicate

Skype communication is possible in three ways:

  1. Call
  2. Video call
  3. Correspondence

A call is a bit of a phone conversation. You hear the interlocutor, and he hears you. This will require a microphone, headphones or speakers, as well as a fairly fast Internet connection. Modern laptops, tablets and smartphones usually have both a microphone and speakers.

To call, click on the subscriber in the contact list and click on the button with the image of the handset.

A video call is voice communication + video broadcasting. You not only hear the interlocutor, but you see him. And he, in turn, sees you. But for this you must have a special camera. It is called a webcam and is built into every modern laptop, tablet or smartphone. For a personal computer, you can buy it separately.

To make a video call, click on the caller and click on the button with the image of the camera.

For video communication, the Internet should be fast and preferably unlimited.

Correspondence is a text messaging (chat). You write what you want to say and get an answer. In the chat you can send not only a message, but also a file: photo, video, document.

For correspondence use the bottom window. Just click on the user in the contact list first.

Before starting communication, pay attention to the icon next to the user’s icon. If it is green with a checkmark inside, then the person is now on Skype and will be able to answer. And if the icon is yellow, red or empty (white), it means that the subscriber is busy or not online.

How to find out your username

Login (nickname) - this is your Skype address, a personal number in the system. It consists of English letters without spaces, may include numbers and signs. Examples of addresses: ivan.petrov, live: petrov_19, petrucho333

Where to see login. To find out the login in the program on the computer, click on your name in the upper left corner. Under “Accounts” your address will be written.

To find the login in the mobile application, you need to click on your icon at the top of Skype.

In the item “Profile” the name in Skype will be written.

Also, your Skype number can be easily found through the browser version. To do this, go to under your data and click on the name in the upper left corner. A page will open where the login will be written.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Skype Calls Free?

Yes, and calls, and video calls, and chat conversations, and file transfers - all this is free. Only Internet is consumed.

Can I call on Skype to regular phones?

Yes, through Skype you can call regular numbers - landline and mobile. But it’s already paid. To find out about tariffs, as well as deposit money into an account, click here.

Is it possible to recreate skype if it is already registered?

Yes, you can re-register with Skype and create another account. But for this, during registration, you will need to use other data: a different phone number or email.

Can I register without a phone number and without email?

Previously, according to the old registration form, it was possible to create an account by specifying a fictitious e-mail. But now mail confirmation is required. Therefore, now, in 2018, you need to indicate your personal data: a real phone or mail address.

How to log out of skype?

To exit the program on the computer, click on the Skype button in the upper left corner and select "Logout of the account." If there is no button, click on the three horizontal lines at the top left ().

In the mobile application, click on your icon, then go down to the bottom and select “Exit”.

In a browser skype, click on your name and select "Logout" at the bottom.

What to do if you forgot your password?

Password can be changed. To do this, go to, enter the phone number, email or Skype login and click "Next". Then click on the “Forgot your password?” Link and follow the instructions.

How to contact support?

In order to contact technical support, open the "Help" section and select "Contact Us" at the bottom of the page.

I did not find the answer to my question

Any software uses login credentials to identify the user within the system. A person uses virtual “passport data” for authorization, the ability to use standard functionality. Today we’ll talk about what is skype registration, consider the characteristic features of the procedure.

What is a Skype account?

In the process of narration, we will consider the features of creating an account on different devices and platforms. However, to begin with, let's answer the soaring question: what is a Skype account?

Account  - a set of personal information by which the system identifies the user, synchronizes and provides the required data. To simplify the understanding of the ephemeral object will help the analogy with a passport, which also has a unique code and information about the citizen of the country in question.

The differences between the two objects are in the real and virtual layers of being.

Skype registration

If you are determined to become part of the project, you will have to create a new account taking into account the requirements prescribed by the system. Below we will talk about all the available methods on a computer and mobile phone.

Skype registrations on a computer

You can register in three ways - using your phone, email and using the online service.

Register by phone

In order to register on Skype on a computer using your phone, you must:

This completes the procedure for registering with Skype using a phone number. Now, in order to log into Skype, use the phone number as a login.

Register by Email

You can use email as your Skype login. Let's consider how to create an account in Skype with its help:

  1. We launch Skype and select "Create Account".
  2. Click on "Use existing email address."
  3. Enter your email address and come up with a password to log in to Skype.
  4. Indicate your name and wait for "Next".
  5. Check your email - you should receive an email with a verification code. Enter this code in the confirmation field and click "Next."
  6. We indicate the phone number to which the verification code will come. It is necessary to indicate the telephone number for additional account protection, and this item cannot be skipped.

Registration is finished, now to enter Skype use your email address as a login.

If you do not have email, you can quickly create it in any email service. Or, when registering in point 3, select "Get a new email address" - in this case, you can create a new mailbox in the Outlook service.

Browser Registration

The procedure for registering with Skype online is a little different from the standard designed for a personal computer. Passing the stages will take up to five minutes, after which unlimited possibilities open.

Here is a step-by-step instruction on how to implement your plan:

The registration process on Skype on a laptop is not fraught with problems, and the same methods are used as for a regular computer.

Sign up for Skype on your phone

About how to register on Skype on the phone, we will tell you step-by-step instructions, the points of which are presented below:

Check the correctness of entering the phone number in Skype during registration, as the error will lead to the procedure of binding a new numerical sequence. Banal advice - monitor compliance of the entered information with international standards and check with the real number.

Additional registration questions

How to create a new account on Skype, if one is already there

Many are interested in how to create a new account on Skype, if one is already there. To do this, it is enough to register a new Microsoft account by entering a new email address and a new mobile phone number.

In this case, user information will not be synchronized with the old account, but you will receive much more. The separation of personal and professional activities is a good tone both in social networks and in popular instant messengers.

How to register on Skype without Microsoft account

The forums often ask how to register on Skype without the "registration" of Microsoft. We hasten to satisfy the impatience of users - nothing. Rather, a Microsoft account is created with a Skype login, it is not needed directly for registration. This is due to the fact that the account creation system has undergone significant changes. In order to strengthen the protection of the account from hacking and identity theft, Microsoft were forced to sacrifice the usual way to create an account through the desired login. Now account login is either email address or mobile phone number , but old users can also log in with their old Skype login as before. Once created, an account is also assigned technical identifier  in the form of live: ... (this is not a login! Login is an email or phone number) It is used mainly for internal purposes.

Instead of a conclusion

Skype is a popular messenger for sending text and voice messages, files of “dubious” content, the size and quantity of which is not limited by the system. However, their safety is guaranteed, since the software uses a modern data encryption system.
