How to use Android as a modem - several ways

Many people do not know that the phone can be used for more than just making calls. At the same time, we are not talking about the multifunctionality of a smartphone, but about how to use the phone as a modem. If for some reason your computer, laptop or tablet is unable to

MTS Internet tariffs for modem

The MTS USB modem is a great way to connect your laptop, computer or any other device to the 3G/4G mobile Internet. The reason for the popularity of USB modems is very simple - absolutely no wires are needed to connect the modem. You just inserted

MTS Internet tariffs for modem

Despite all the different methods of connecting to the Internet, there are still certain problems that lie in more mobile communications. The fact is that most users, especially teenagers, lead an active lifestyle and

How to find out your phone number on Beeline

If you just got a new number, you probably haven’t memorized it yet. Or, for example, you could simply forget it. All this is not scary, because if necessary, you can easily determine your Beeline phone number. Finding out your number is not about