Where to get the account number for sbis. Connection examples for multiple organizations. How to see the digital signature parameters

VLSI account is a personal account. This is where user data is stored in the VLSI system.

Reporting via the Internet allows the online version or the PC version. For the data exchange between VLSI and your accounting system to be correct, one account must correspond to one database in the PC version.

VLSI account features

You can connect several tariffs to one account - their capabilities add up. To send statements and exchange documents, use two tariffs: “Electronic Document Management” and one of the tariffs of the “Electronic Reporting” line.

One account can be used for several organizations, you do not need to create different ones. Please note that in different tariffs the maximum number of companies is different. The “Easy” and “Basic” tariffs allow accounting for one company, while “Corporate” supports from 5 to 100 organizations, inclusive. We have already told you how to do it in VLSI.

Basic features of VLSI

  • Acceptance of electronic documents from counterparties;
  • creation and printing of primary documents;
  • reconciliation of VAT (sales books) with all counterparties;
  • creation and printing of reports to the Federal Tax Service, PFR, FSS, Rosstat;
  • catalog of all companies in the Russian Federation, ratings by region, revenue, type of activity;
  • basic information about companies (details, address, director);
  • mobile application for iOS and Android;
  • 1 GB in a secure cloud storage VLSI Disk.

The functionality of the free version is limited - only standard features are available. To expand the functions, connect the VLSI tariff that is convenient for you. You can choose yourself or consult with our manager.

VLSI account

  • Sending zero reporting for one company;
  • ES on the carrier (token is not included in the price, it is possible to write to the client’s carrier);
  • rating catalog of Russian companies, their basic data;
  • placing information about personal companies in the general list;
  • messaging and video calls;
  • sending documents by EDI (the tariff includes 50 packages of documents approved by the recipients);
  • 2 GB in a secure cloud VLSI.

The service is required when connecting any tariff. The cost of 500 rubles.

Help is needed? Contact us, we will be happy to help you!

   The first step to getting started in the system is to register a VLSI Account.
What is a VLSI account?

Account (account) - information space, personal account, place of storage of information on the sbis.ru Internet resource. An account can be paid or free (within certain promotions). In one account, you can store and process information for several users (organizations or individual entrepreneurs).

What is an account for?

The account provides the user with the following features:

  • zero reporting for 1 company;
  • electronic signature (without carrier);
  • access to the catalog of all companies in the Russian Federation (basic data and ratings);
  • publication in the catalog of information about their companies;
  • messaging and video calls;
  • exchange of documents with counterparties (the tariff includes sending 50 packages per quarter);
  • 2 GB in secure cloud storage on VLSI Disk.
   An account is required to connect VLSI tariffs. Within one account, it is possible to connect an unlimited number of contractors (organizations and individual entrepreneurs).

In order to create an account, the user must go through the registration procedure. After registration, access is made by login and password or by certificate.

Who is the user?

A user is an individual, an employee of a client who is authorized on the sbis.ru portal and works in his personal account. The user has his username and password or is identified by an electronic signature certificate. You can register several users on one account and differentiate their access rights. The user does not associate (does not associate) with a specific client (organization or individual entrepreneur), he gets access to the entire account as a whole and can work with documents and reports of any of the organizations of this account, if it is not prohibited by rights. Thus, for example, one accountant can maintain several organizations / individuals in one account.

How to differentiate user account rights?

When creating an account, a user with maximum rights (administrator) is always created. This user can make other users of this account and determine their access rights. Thus, the system of differentiation of rights makes it easy to customize the system to the needs of a particular user.

Instructions for working with the SBiS ++ program

for clients - Accounting

Revision: 01/11/2014.

Latest version of this file   available on our website: http: // assistentbuh .ru - Technical Support - Download - Documents



Connection of new subscribers

Connection of a new company

Create an application for a new digital signature

EDS Replacement

Procedure for replacing a previously issued EDS

License renewal

How to update license information

Personal Areaonline.sbis.ru

How to register in your account on online. sbis. ru

How to log in to your account on online. sbis. ru

Connecting a new subscriber in your account

Create an application for a new digital signature

How to form a container for digital signature

How to install a certificate in a container

How to connect / change the direction of change

Installation, reinstallation, transfer of the SBiS program

How to enter the cryptoPRO license serial number

How to install (connect) EDS to a taxpayer

SBiS updates

How to update the SBC program from the update distribution

EDS, crypto-pro

How to see the digital signature parameters

How to backup EDS

How to install (connect) EDS to a taxpayer

Create an application for a new digital signature

How to install CryptoPro


How to install / update CheckXML and CheckXML-UFA

Where to contact in case of questions and problems

1. (3, - technical support - Accounting "

2. sbis 54.ru - you can send a request for technical support - Accounting »

3. forum .sbis .ru - forum of the SBC program, administered by the developer

4. (3 federal technical support from the developer of the Security and Safety System (Yaroslavl)

How to enter the cryptoPro license serial number

2. In the left window, open the "License Management" item and right-click on CryptoPro CSP - All Tasks - Enter the serial number

3. Enter the serial number. The user and organization can be omitted.

Where to see the validity period of the CryptoPRO license

1. Go to the Start menu and run the CryptoPro PKI program

2. In the left window, open the "Manage licenses" item and look at the number:

How to backup EDS

2. Go to the Tools tab and click Copy container.

3. Click Browse and select the key (container) that you want to copy, then go to the next window (Next button). You may not be able to understand from the name of the key which company it belongs to, in this case, first determine which container you need using the How to view EDS parameters.

4. Enter a name for the key copy (in Latin letters) and go to the next window where you need to select the medium on which the key copy will be created:

5. After that, you will be prompted to enter a password - you do not need to enter a password, just click OK.

6. After that, you will return to the main CryptoPRO window, which means that the copying procedure is completed.

7. Make sure that the copy has been successfully created (see the instructions How to view the digital signature parameters).

How to see the digital signature parameters

1. Go to the Start menu and open the CryptoPRO CSP program

3. Click Browse, select the container of interest from the list, and then go to Next:

4. The basic information about the certificate is recorded in the Subject field (in a more convenient form it can be viewed by clicking Properties - Composition - Subject)

How to see which EDS are present in the computer

1. Go to the Start menu and open the CryptoPRO CSP program

2. Go to the Service tab, click View certificates in the container.

1. Click Browse, after which you will be presented with a list of all EDS detected on your computer.

How to install / update CheckXML and CheckXML -UFA

1. Download the CheckXML distribution

a. Go to http: //ereport.sbis.ru   go to the section Support / download   (on the right side of the site), we look at the bottom of the page distribution and download.

2. Install the distribution

a. We launch the downloaded file. During installation, a path will be suggested where to install the program - remember it.

b. You may need administrator rights to install - ask your admin.

3. Register in the SBiS path to the installed program

a. Open SBiS, go to the menu Service / Task Configuration   - bookmark PFR parameters.

b. We see the field " Verification program location", On the right, click the ellipsis button and select the directory where CheckXML was installed. Save.

4. Everything, CheckXML is installed, you can check reporting.


1. If you have VLSI installed on the server, all these actions must also be carried out on the server.

2. You can view the installed version of CheckXML in the CheckXML verification protocol, in the first line (go to the FIU section, select a report, click Check).

How to update license information

1. Go to the Counterparties / Taxpayers menu and open your company (if you have an authorized accounting rate, then Counterparties / Senders).

2. In the window with the company parameters, click on the “Taxpayer Creation Wizard” button at the bottom left.

3. Complete the wizard to the end, in the second step by ticking “Update license information”. If at some step the program asks you to replenish something - replenish it.

4. Upon completion of the wizard, be sure to make sure that the program has changed what you updated the license information for.

How to download and run Ammy Admin (remote assistance)

1. Go to the sbis 54.ru website (the Technical Support Assistant - Accounting section will open)

2. Go to the Download section, find AmmyAdminv 3   and download it to your computer (for example, by right-clicking on it and selecting Save As). It’s better to download the program to the desktop so that you can always find it quickly.

3. Locate the downloaded file on the computer and run it.

Attention!   - when downloading or at startup, a warning window from the antivirus may appear, in which case you need to allow the antivirus to download or run this file.

How to install (connect) EDS to a taxpayer

1. If your digital signature is recorded on a USB flash drive, insert it into the computer. If the digital signature is in the computer (Registry), then nothing needs to be inserted.

2. Open the taxpayer card (menu Counterparties - Taxpayers - Company), go to the tab Responsible persons and open the line with the head (click on it 2 times).

Note . You may already have any previously installed certificate. If this is a certificate for electronic reporting, then it is better to delete it (usingDelete), but if for the FSRAR - then leave it.

3. Click on the tabular section and click the Insert button. This launches the Certificate Installation Wizard, which must be completed.

We select the certificate we want to install. The list will contain all the keys that could be found on the computer. You can select the key you need either by the end date, or by name, or by name of the container.

After selecting a key, information about the installed certificate will appear. Finish the master.

How to log in to your account on online. sbis. ru

You have several ways to access your personal account.

1. You can enter your personal account from the SBiS program - click on the SBiS Online banner, after which the browser will open and you will automatically be taken to your personal cabinet.

2. Also, you can go to your personal account at the address http: // online .sbis .ru and enter by certificate:

a. If at the same time the browser prompts you to install the crypto plugin, you must agree and install

b. Upon entering the certificate, you will be asked to select the digital signature that you use to enter. Select a valid manager signature.

3. If you do not have a certificate or an installed SBiS program, then you can enter your personal account (online .sbis .ru) by login and password.

c. To do this, you must first go through a simple registration procedure - on the main page, click Connect, fill in the fields and confirm the registration by clicking on the link in the letter asking for confirmation of registration.

Transfer SBiS from one computer to another

The procedure for transferring the SBiS ++ program from one computer to another.

1. Prepare EDS keys.   Make sure you have a copy of the EDS keys on removable media. If the keys are in the registry (that is, you do not use a USB flash drive when working with the program), then copy the keys from the registry to the USB flash drive (see instructions for copying keys).

¾ Change the legal address in the company card (Counterparties - Taxpayers - YourCompany - General tab - Legal Address)

¾ Update PPC, FSS reporting code, PFR registration number in company card

¾ Check which government agencies are listed on the tab of the State Inspectorate. If there are no necessary ones, then add them (in the tabular section, right-click - Edit - Create a record). If there are any extra ones, delete them by selecting with the mouse and pressing Delete on the keyboard.

¾ If you have moved under the jurisdiction of another UPFR, do not forget to renew the agreement on EDI with them.

If the company name has changed:

¾ Change the name and full name in the company card (Counterparties - Taxpayers - YourCompany - General tab)

¾ Install a new electronic signature according to the instructions “How to install (connect) an electronic digital signature to a taxpayer”

If the name of the head has changed:

¾ Add a manager with a new surname to the directory of employees (Counterparties - Employees)

¾ Install a new electronic signature according to the instructions “How to install (connect) an electronic digital signature to a taxpayer”

Step 7

Check for correctness.

Run the system check protocol (Tools - System check protocol). He must show that there are no errors.

Step 8

Back up EDS

How to sign EDI documents

1. Log in to your personal account on the online .sbis .ru website (how to do this, see the relevant instructions)

2. Go to the Documents section.

3. Select the desired document. You can immediately approve / reject it, or first see the content (to do this, click on it).

4. In the detailed view, you can sign, reject, save or print the document:

5. Attention !!! If the “Print” button is not active, then you can print the document either by opening it in Word / Excel, or in the following way:

a. Hover over the gray box and a printer icon will appear on the right. If you click on the printer, the document will be saved as a pdf file (Adobe Acrobat Reader), from which it can be printed.

How to install CryptoPro

1. Go to the cryptopro .ru website, go to the Downloads section:

2. Log in to the site as user “123”, password “123”

3. Scroll down the page and go to download CryptoPro CSP R 3

4. Download and run the distribution. Follow the default settings until the end of the installation.

5. Attention! During installation, the program will ask you to enter the serial number. You can not enter it, the program will work for free for 3 months. During this period, you need to contact the manager, get the serial number and enter it.

Adding a new company to the SBiS program

The instruction describes the procedure for adding a taxpayer to the SBiS program, provided that you already have a formed digital signature.

For licenses: Basic, Light, Corporate.

When adding a company, you will need to enter the following data into the program, we recommend preparing them in advance:

o TIN, KPP, PSRN, legal address

o Registration numbers of PFR, FSS, FSS subordination code


o Passport data of the head, his place of birth, registration, SNILS

o Accountant passport details, his place of birth, registration

Getting started!

If the digital signature for your new company is recorded on a USB flash drive, then insert it into the computer.

Open the taxpayer directory in the SSC (counterparties - taxpayers) and click Add. The wizard for creating a taxpayer will be launched, which must be courageously passed to the end:

When you click Get Certificate, the Add Certificate Wizard starts:

Select the required certificate:

Information about the downloaded certificate is displayed, after which we finish working with the wizard:

You are back in the taxpayer creation wizard:

After that, the program asks a little more about the taxation system, what taxes you pay, whether you are a small business, etc. You need to get to the end of this survey, after which the company will be finally added to the program.

How to register in your account on online. sbis. ru

Go to the website http: // online .sbis .ru (we recommend using the Google Chrome browser)

Click “Connect”:

If you are not sure if you have an electronic signature, then select "NO" in the next step.

After clicking the “Register” button, a confirmation email will be sent to you.

How to install a certificate in a container

If during the formation of the application you inserted a USB flash drive and recorded the container on a USB flash drive, then insert it into the computer.

1. Go to your personal account on the site online .sbis .ru

2. Go to the Electronic Signatures section:

3. Click on the previously generated application (it will have the status “Certificate is ready. Download it to the key carrier of the electronic signature”):

First click on it, and then on OK:

If the operation was successful, then the process of generating the digital signature is completed. Now you can proceed with the actions for which you formed a new signature.

How to form a container for digital signature

1. Go to your personal account, go to the section Electronic signatures. Your application now looks like this:

2. Click on it and follow the on-screen instructions.

Select the media on which the key will be written (USB flash drive or registry):

The key generation process starts:

We move the mouse within this window until the green slider reaches the end.

After that, you will be prompted to enter a password - do not enter anything, just click OK:

Everything, the container is formed.

Connection of a new company


Step 1

Send a completed registration card for each connected company

Download from our website: http: // assistentbuh .ru section Technical Support - Download - Documents - Registration card

Step 2

Pay the bill

The manager will send the invoice as soon as it receives a registration card from you.

The invoice will be sent within 4 hours from the receipt of the regcard.

Step 3

Apply for an electronic signature ***

If you paid for the work of an engineer to add a company, call and the engineer will help you do everything.

If you do it yourself:

¾ Register on the site online .sbis .ru (only for new customers, according to the instructions “How to register in your personal account”, page 28)

¾ Make a request for an electronic digital signature according to the instructions “Create an application for a new electronic digital signature”, page 14

*** An application can be filled out without waiting for payment, i.e. immediately after receiving the invoice

Step 4

Tell the manager that you have applied for an electronic digital signature

You can either write a letter to the manager or call.

Step 5

Form a container and come to our office.

Wait until the manager checks the applications and invites you to our office.

Form a container for EDS according to the instruction “How to Form a Container for EDS”, page 30

After forming the container - come!

Where to come: 7, Dimitrova ave., Of. 310, right entrance with columns

To have with you:

¾ Passport

¾ Seal or power of attorney

Step 6

Add a company to SBiS

If you paid for the work of an engineer to add a company, call and say that you have returned from our office and are ready to start the installation. The engineer will call you back and do everything.

If you do it yourself:

¾ Install the EDS certificate in the container (instruction “How to Install the Certificate in the Container”, page 29).

¾ Add the company to the VSS according to the instructions “Adding a new company to the VSS program”, page 20

Step 7

Check the installation

Open SBiS, open the card of your company (menu Counterparties - Taxpayers - YourCompany). On the tab of the State Inspectorate must be present all UPFR and IFTS, in which you surrender.   FSS should not be there, it is by default always available for everyone.

Send any report to the test tax (select “Test tax” in the report) or send an email with the subject “test” to your real tax (they will not be upset).

Step 8

Conclude an electronic document management agreement with the FIU

Download the application and agreement form from our website (www .assistentbuh .ru - Technical Support - Download - Documents) and take it to your UPFR.

When you pick up the signed agreement, enter its date and number in the SBiS program (Counterparties - taxpayers - Your Company - tab of the State Inspectorate - double-click on the department and enter the date / number)

Recent changes to this file

Version 01/01/2001

· In the instructions for adding the direction of change added a way to add through the program

· Completely redone instructions for adding a new subscriber

· Completely redone instructions on the procedure for replacing a previously issued EDS

· From the instructions “Create an application for electronic signature” removed the steps for forming the container and beyond.

· In the instruction “We create an application for electronic signature” the requirements for document scans in the application are specified

Full price \u003d Account + 1 year license + Certificates + Engineer departure

Corporate - the best rate for three organizations and more

At the Corporate rate, the program is installed on 1 PC, all reporting directions are immediately included: Federal Tax Service, PFR, ROSSTAT and FSS without restrictions.

The tariff includes: reconciliation of calculations with the budget; Correspondence with PF and IFTS. The main subscriber can submit reports for himself and for additional subscribers, but it is better to buy his certificate for each organization so that each subscriber passes for itself.

Connects 4 organizations in Moscow. Corporate tariff for 5 subscribers:

500 rub account
  16,000 rub. 1 year license
  2000 rub. Departure of the installation engineer for the main subscriber
  1500 rub. work of an installation engineer for 3 additional subscribers (500x3)
  2100 rub. for 3 certificates for additional subscribers (700x3)

Total total cost \u003d 22100 rubles.

The license for SBC is issued for the main subscriber, and he pays for its cost. Additional subscribers pay only for their certificates.

Next year renewal

After a year, at the end of the service, it is necessary to renew the account and license. The SBS user can independently renew the certificate, so the visit of the installation engineer is not mandatory.

Corporate license for 5 subscribers is renewed:

16,000 rub. 1 year license
  2100 rub. for 3 certificates for additional subscribers (700 rubles per certificate)

Total total cost \u003d 18,100 rubles.

For two organizations, select the Basic or Light rate.

Two organizations can be connected with a single tariff each. For example, the first organization with the Easy tariff, and the second with the Basic one. You can combine both organizations on one account, or each organization to buy their own account.

For example, let's calculate the IP with Basic and LLC on the USN with Easy in one account.

500 rub account
  3500 rub. IP license (base rate)
  3500 rub. license for USN (Easy tariff)
  2500 rub. installation engineer visit (2000 rubles. First subscriber + 500 rubles additional)

Total total cost \u003d 10 thousand rubles.

Add another organization

Suppose you are connected to the system and decide to add another organization. To save, add the subscriber to a valid account. The new license will be limited by the duration of the account. It’s convenient to renew at the same time.

Let it used to be Basic for STS. An individual entrepreneur (IP) is added

Calculation of the cost of the tariff Easy for SP:
  1500 rub. 1 year license + 2000 rubles. installation engineer visit

Total total cost \u003d 3500 rubles.

In the article, we tried to convey the calculation algorithm, and prices may change over time.

According to the order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated December 6, 2011 No. MMV-7-3 / 909 @ “On Amending the Annexes to the Order of the Federal Tax Service of 11/17/2010 No. MMV-7-3 / 611 @” the electronic reporting format for form 2-personal income tax.

To create a set of certificates, go to the registry of the Federal Tax Service and follow these steps:

  1. Click “New Report, 2-NDFL” and select “Information on Personal Income” (2-NDFL directory). This will launch the Information Set Generation Wizard.
  2. At the first step, indicate the organization for which you are forming a set of certificates, and the tax office to which it will be submitted.
    • Here you can change the OKATO code (by default, the code that is indicated on the organization’s card is substituted). This is relevant for individual entrepreneurs whose OKATO code at the place of registration of the IP differs from the code at the place of business.
    • If together with a set of certificates 2-NDFL it is necessary to send a register of submitted certificates to the tax office, set the “Generate accompanying register” flag and indicate its number.

Attention!   When a kit with certificates is sent for signature, a letter will be automatically generated to the tax office with the attached registry file.
  Click "Next."

    • Using the “Add Employee” button, select the employee for whom you want to generate income information. In order to generate a certificate for a third-party individual performing periodic work in your organization under a civil law contract (for example, under a contract of employment), click "Add Private Person".
         The “2-NDFL” form opens, in which data on the organization and on the selected employee will be substituted.

Help filling out features

When filling out the certificate, pay attention to the following points:

  1. In the title of Section 3, “ Taxable income at _%»The tax rate for which the section is to be filled out is indicated (this is 9%, 13%, 15%, 30%, 35% or the rate specified in the relevant double taxation avoidance agreement). The section itself contains information on the income received by employees / private individuals for the months of the tax period.

Attention!   If the organization during the tax period paid the employee income taxed at different rates, then in the heading of the section you must tick off all the necessary rates and click "Apply." In this case, sections 3 to 5 are filled in for each of the tax rates.

  • « Status". If the employee or private person is a non-resident, then this should be reflected in the certificate (status equal to 2).

  1. To fill in the mandatory and optional deductions and income of an individual, click the “ Edit income, standard and property tax deductions».
  1. When resending not accepted kit, old reference numbers are retained, but a new fill date is indicated.

Additional features of SBC ++ Tensor

  1. When presenting information on the income of individuals, one of the requirements of the tax inspectorate is the obligatory sorting of individuals alphabetically in a file with certificates. But sometimes it happens that the numbering of references in the file gets confused and needs to be corrected. For this, operation “ Renumber Help».
       As a result of this operation, renumbering is performed both within the registry of certificates and within the certificates themselves.
       It should be noted that:
    • You can renumber only references in an unclosed and unsent set.
    • When resubmitting an unaccepted set of reference numbers to change is not allowed.
  2. Most tax inspections require a set of certificates along with certificate register. With the reporting for 2011, it has undergone changes. A printed version of the registry (in accordance with Appendix No. 1 of the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated September 16, 2011 No. MMV-7-3 / 576) is formed in when you click "Print Registry"
  3. For the convenience of checking the filling in of certificates you can use pivot table   (a report in which the total amounts for the 2-NDFL file are displayed).
  1. If necessary, you can Move Help   from one set to another. For this:
    • Make sure both kits are open for editing.
    • Go to the kits you want to transfer information to, on the Employees List tab, click Transfer Information
    • Select the desired kit, use Space to highlight the information you want to transfer.
    • Click Move

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