Section of the main body aspects information. The semiotic aspect of information. personal systems of information transmission, including information networks, a large number of codes have become widespread. Consider their generalized classification

Predetermines the need to use quantitative methods for describing quality.

Development of new information systems. They allow in certain aspects to automate the process of management and control. Simultaneously with the development of powerful information systems using modern computing and telecommunication technologies, the content of information flows involved in the control procedure is changing. Due to the shift of current control from top to bottom, information flows from consumer to producer become more direct and do not affect the highest echelons of management. At the same time, a decrease in the number of monitored indicators with a simultaneous increase in the number of measurements and an increase in the effectiveness of each control procedure is becoming a general trend in control in all advanced organizations.

The pragmatic (consumer) aspect of information support involves the analysis of the usefulness of information. This analysis is carried out in relation to a specific object and time period. It includes an assessment of the information support of the subject with the necessary information, i.e., practical use in the management process of the reliability of information, i.e., the provision of all data necessary to control the frequency or intensity of use of the completeness of the use of the timeliness of the receipt of information fitness for variant processing of the reliability and reliability of information for tasks of a specific class of usability.

Naturally, the simplest conclusion suggests itself that such a separation is neither methodologically nor organizationally justified. But many researchers understood that there is a problem here, production accounting is somehow separated from the calculation. However, all previous experience shows that production accounting is the basis for reliable costing. And then compromise solutions and conclusions began to appear, methods of accounting for production costs and calculation methods are closely interconnected and make up one whole, these methods are two separate, but interrelated and interdependent stages of production accounting, cost accounting and calculation - a single process consisting of two stages. These approaches did not bring clarity to the solution of the issue, and often confused it even more. If the cost accounting and calculation method is one whole, then to what extent are the interrelated elements of independence, why two separate stages represent a single process, what really is - one or two stages These and other questions remain unanswered, but even having found comprehensive answers, we will not get approaches to solving the problem of strengthening the information aspects of cost accounting and calculation in the interests of operational cost management during production.

Feedback is extremely important for the control system, with the help of which contact with the controlled system is maintained. Information about the processes occurring in the controlled system is used as a feedback tool. Without the availability of information, the management process itself loses its meaning. Information coming from control objects must be operational, otherwise it can become useless, therefore an effective information system is the most important element of the control system. Meanwhile, control theory is not sufficiently focused on the study of informatics as the most important component of the control process. The issue of creating information science has matured, the task of which would include the theoretical and linguistic foundations of informatics, information processing and information technology, the development and operation of information systems and networks. Informatics should focus not on the technical aspect (the study of programming languages, technical means of automation, etc.), but on the humanitarian, on the study of data structure, information flows, arrays, systems, processes, information products, its composition, transformation, consumer requests and ways to satisfy them, etc. The solution of this problem will give an impetus for the further development of the science of management.

This paper does not cover all aspects of organizational design. So, in connection with the separation and independent development of the technical support of management processes in terms of automated processing, transmission, storage, reproduction of information, the issues of designing technical support for management activities are not considered here. However, when designing information support for control systems, it is necessary to take into account the use of technical means. A similar picture with regard to the design of workplaces in the management system and the development of rational forms of documents. Due to the fact that at present there are enough, a large number of design and technical solutions for the rational organization of workplaces in the management system, for the formation of a rational system of documentation support for management activities.

Control over the observance of legislation is the main thing in tax practice, in administration, and this constitutes a specificity, something exceptional, which is inherent in the management of tax relations in society. Therefore, tax administration is specific. This is not just the management of the tax system itself, some area of ​​work within it, or the management of the activities of the team of tax authorities. Mainly, this is the management of taxation processes when introducing taxes or legislative changes in their action. The appearance of such a phrase in the circle of specialists is not accidental after the adoption of the Tax Code, especially its second part on specific taxes, when it became necessary to strengthen control over compliance with its provisions, to expand information and explanatory work. The presence of approved standards strengthens administration in all aspects of their implementation.

It is also obvious that the budgeting process focuses on the work of the entire power company management system, requires a progressive regulatory framework and constant monitoring of many aspects of both the internal and external environment, a well-oiled automated information system capable of promptly making changes to associated budgets.

The specialist must master the art of problem solving in anti-crisis management processes and the practical methodology of effective management in the face of risk, crisis and uncertainty. He should also have special training in the field of understanding and taking into account the specifics of the enterprise in the regional and sectoral infrastructure, the functional specifics of financial management, personnel, technology, information flows, etc. Already at this stage of the general sequence, a group of specialists has the opportunity to face theoretical aspects

Information is the most important commodity Who owns the information, owns the situation. In a competitive environment, the survivor is the one who knows how to get timely and in the right amount of information about the market situation, obtain data for analyzing processes and forecasting trends, on new equipment and technology, while at the same time retaining information on the basis of which one can get ahead, provide the next stage of development of the company. Information is considered the main factor in the development of modern society, it permeates all aspects of management, determines economic results, therefore this society is called information society.

In this regard, in various applied areas of information processing and management, information environments of computing systems should reflect intellectual activity and be able to cooperate with people in a real-world environment. Since an intellectual system is understood as a set of technical means and software combined by information processes, operating autonomously or in interconnection with a person (a group of people), capable of synthesizing a goal on the basis of information and knowledge, given motivation, to develop decisions about action and find rational ways to achieve a goal, then, in the technological aspect, the computing parts of intelligent systems must be able to flexibly process information about the real world, as a person does, since many of the tasks of this world are poorly defined and difficult to represent in the form of an algorithm. In general, this circumstance can be called an algorithmic crisis.

Informatization is such a multifaceted and dynamic process that a number of its aspects are still insufficiently studied or require adaptation to modern conditions. Many issues, especially in the regional context, require detailed elaboration and are just beginning to undergo deeper study. Among such issues are the peculiarities of the formation of informatization during the period of economic reform, the problem of effective management of informatization at the level of the constituent entity of the Federation, the definition of the essence and role of large-scale implementation of information technologies in the public administration system at all levels, as well as in local government bodies. We need convenient methods for calculating the achieved level of regional informatization and the relationship between the state of informatization and indicators of regional development.

The set of processes understood as a purposeful change in the properties of objects over time is wide enough and can be classified according to a number of features. One of them is the type of objects A, the properties of which are subject to change in the process R. On this basis, a wide class of so-called information processes can be distinguished, the objects of which are various types of information. In the cybernetic aspect, this class includes planning and management processes. Their characteristic feature in terms of

At present, the requirements for optimal organizational structures are becoming more and more complex and complex, which causes the emergence of more and more advanced tools for multidimensional computer-aided design and modeling of organizations, allowing you to create projects of organizations, including administrative links, and horizontal processes, and an information system, and a structure of goals. and tasks, and production and technological infrastructure, and socio-psychological aspects of the organization, and financial and economic indicators of the organization and its management.

The purpose of the chapter is to study the theoretical and methodological aspects of information support of the logistics process, acquaintance with the practice and methods of organizing and managing information flows in logistics systems, the basics of the functioning of logistics information systems, modern information and communication technologies in logistics.

The material in this section allows you to interconnect the accounting (information) aspects of the management process and the actual decision-making on both tactical and strategic issues. Thus, it is possible to translate passive knowledge into active knowledge when it is necessary

The informational and organizational part of the control system determines its structure, the links between the control body and the control object, the direction and composition of information flows, as well as the list of tasks solved in the system. This part of the system determines the composition of both the Mathematical and the technical aspects of the system. The information part of automated control systems is the most complex and dynamic component of a control system. Information is that product, that raw material, over which operations of transformation, transfer, re-processing are performed in the course of the control process. Other elements. management processes - material, energy, etc. - have an extremely low specific weight and recede into the background.

Information technology for the integration of all processes in the life cycle of ALS products covers, on the one hand, all stages

Informational aspects of design... In the process of territorial planning, the flow of information at all stages of project development is of particular importance. It is difficult to find information in its huge, continuously growing streams. It is unclear exactly what information might be helpful. The units of information are wittily compared by specialists with the Central Asian method of measuring distances - chakras (migrations), the value of which cannot be determined in kilometers, but depends on the nature of the terrain, the availability of water, etc. can not always be measured unambiguously and often lead to wrong decisions. In addition, the information must necessarily reach the level of decision-makers. Movements of information at all stages of design are crisscrossing character, wherein its losses and distortions occur... Without considering here subjective factors (lack of qualifications, experience, etc.), we note significant objective factors of loss and distortion of information: too much information (inability or inability to select the required information); unknown or unavailable sources of information; gaps in background information; lack of understanding by specialists of related disciplines of each other and the goals of work; lack of skill and ability to systematically think; lack of orientation of graphic and textual interpretation of information to the consumer.

It is important to emphasize the following general features characteristic of the use of information in the process of territorial planning: the breadth of contacts with other branches of knowledge and the multiplicity of objects with which the designer deals; increasing volumes of various information characteristics of objects and connections between them when enumerating solution options; the kaleidoscopic nature of the problematics with the frequent change of design objects generally accepted in design organizations.

The situation in which the need to process the increasing volumes of information will become increasingly aggravated is determined by the growth of arrays of scientific and technical information in all areas related or related to the design of settlement and cities. The development of the most advanced methods, especially mathematical modeling, thematic mapping, questionnaires, will require the involvement and thorough development of new vast arrays of initial information, which will increase many times the information flows and complicate the task of processing them in the design process.

With the growth of the total volume of information, the paradoxical lack of it on the issues of greatest interest increases. More acutely than in many other engineering industries, there is a sense that vast, important information does not reach the decision-making level. If earlier, with a relatively limited amount of information, one could hope to exhaust more or less important sources, now a territorial planner often does not see ways of mastering all essential information and ceases to strive for this. This creates a dangerous practice of superficial acquaintance with easily accessible, and often random, materials and constructing forecasts and design decisions based on intuitive ideas.

The design results (form and content of the presentation of the material) should be focused on multiplicity and diversity of consumers: specially differentiated coverage of issues in the text, including headings and clear reference apparatus; various forms of interpretation of text and graphic materials - in a reduced and expanded volume in the form of schematic structural diagrams and layouts and specially developed detailed drawings for this purpose, short summaries of the type of preprints sent to interested organizations, and materials of a popular nature, addressed to the general consumer and promoting the main ideas of the project; maximum use of oral communications (reports, direct communication) and the work of authors in various commissions for the selection of sites for the construction of industrial enterprises, the implementation of architectural supervision, etc. the scientist himself ").

In the process of territorial planning, it is necessary to organically interweave traditional methods with new ones, especially with economic and mathematical modeling, questionnaires, systematized expert assessments.

Mathematical methods a potentially huge place belongs to territorial planning. The application of these methods is stimulated by: 1) the use of modeling in a broad sense as the main way of thinking; 2) the need for a wide enumeration of alternative solutions and taking into account many interrelated and often contradictory factors; 3) the accumulated experience in the application of quantitative methods due to the traditional and widespread use of technical and economic calculations. Significant difficulties are associated with the complexity of the projected system, insufficient development of adequate methods of mathematical interpretation of factors and characteristics of city development.

When setting optimization planning problems, it became obvious that the use of mathematical methods should be preceded by the development of the main set of problems by traditional methods and the subsequent selection of factors and alternatives in relation to which it is advisable to use the mathematical apparatus. When comparing planning solutions, it is advisable to limit ourselves to a relatively small number of really competitive options. It is much more important to expand the range of characteristics and factors compared for each of the options. The need to set tasks in relation to the taxonomic level of planning with a large number of possible models and modifications was clearly revealed.

In territorial planning, when not only a general search for patterns is important, but also a specific design solution, the imperfection of existing models, initial data and results obtained is especially acute. Here it is appropriate to recall P. Hagget's remark about attempts to apply mathematical methods in geography. According to him, many of these attempts give the impression of mathematical extravagance, and most of the models are "primitive, allow many exceptions, and any of them is easier to reject than defend."

Over the past time, the situation has not fundamentally changed. What's the matter? Why does the use of electronic computers and very sophisticated methods not always increase the reliability of urban planning decisions, and often give negative results? The objective reasons for this in relation to the broader field of social forecasting were convincingly analyzed by G. Kh. Shakhnazarov (1983). He drew attention to the fact that any new direction in science goes through three stages: an outbreak of public interests, generous investments and subsidies, an influx of personnel and exorbitant hopes; disappointment, loss of popularity among the public and enthusiasm among specialists, poor ration, vegetation; gradual restoration of prestige, balancing moderate aspirations and modest results, funding on merit.

As the scale of the use of mathematical modeling expands, the zone of the unknown, the unclear, the unknown is by no means diminishing. Here it is pertinent to recall the following statement by V. I. Vernadsky: “... The area beyond the boundaries of mathematics and mechanical models does not diminish in the course of the secular course of scientific knowledge, but rather increases. In general, even now, mathematical formulas and mechanical models play no greater role than before, if only we pay attention not to individual areas of knowledge, but to the entire science as a whole. Sisyphus is working: nature is more complex than the infinite variety of symbols and models created by our consciousness ”(Vernadsky, 1977). This should not be understood as an understatement of the role of mathematical modeling: in the age of computerization, this would be ridiculous. But it is important not to fetishize this role, to strive to reveal and understand (including with the help of a mathematical apparatus) the essence of the phenomenon, not to substitute “playing in the model” for a meaningful analysis of the trends and patterns under study. It is necessary to clearly assess the nature, volume and adequacy of the data entered into the calculations on a computer, to understand how they will "work".

Any specialist knows that the excessive complication of the procedures for their processing beyond a certain limit does not contribute to finding the correct solution and only confuses the situation under study. In this connection, the statements of S. Bir are not uninteresting. "You can endlessly continue to search for data and organize them, all this serves as great entertainment," S. Bier emphasizes, "but we have to ask the question: why?" He formulates his thought in an almost paradoxical way: “Data is a malignant tumor, the newest form of environmental pollution. As long as we think in terms of data processing, the problem of using information and knowledge to organize the regulation of society is not solved, and will not be solved. It is "technically" easier to process data ... It is clear that data is the top grossing commodity ... But let me repeat: data alone is worthless. " Before using data processing procedures, you need to understand the essence of the studied... If there is a lot of data and they go beyond the limits of their perception, says S. Beer, then most of it turns out to be completely useless and must be filtered out.

For the qualitative formation of the array of initial information, the participation of specialists is necessary, highly qualified and able to understand the meaning, nature and scope of the input indicators... It is especially difficult to take into account the interaction and mutual influence of all factors and indicators in the process of solving the problem. Trial omissions of the problem make it necessary to clarify, refine and supplement the initial information, which requires preparation and solving the economic and mathematical problem in parallel with the development of basic solutions as an integral part of the work. At all stages of design, it is necessary to maintain control over the modeling process: clearly assess the degree of conventionality of the input initial information; to competently comprehend intermediate and final results; widely use information obtained on the basis of project experience and traditional calculation methods in all cases when it is difficult or impractical to obtain it in a rigorous mathematical way. Mathematical modeling work cannot be outsourced; requires constant creative contact and close cooperation of all groups of specialists participating in it.

Regardless of the direct results of solving certain mathematical problems, their formulation in the design process is of great scientific and practical importance, it makes it possible to better identify the structure, relationships and parameters of phenomena, thereby contributing to a deeper and more perfect development of planning projects. Already now, the development of mathematical modeling in the design of settlement and cities is constrained not so much by the lack of methods for formalizing the initial information and satisfactory models, but by the insufficient conceptual development of a number of basic problems.

Along with optimization models that take into account a large number of specific factors and parameters, abstract theoretical models can acquire great importance for the design of the human environment. The high degree of abstraction inherent in mathematical models helps to clarify organic connections and patterns of distribution of populated areas. The accumulated experience of constructing and testing abstract models indicates the great importance of correction factors and modifications, depending on regional characteristics. The study of these features, apparently, should also be given a general theoretical character, which will make it possible to approach the models that adequately characterize the patterns studied for a given territory. The search for a general theory of the organization of space in the future, perhaps, will yield more important conclusions than operating with specific data, the conventionality and limited time frame of which is inevitable.

It is important to warn against ideas about the possibilities of a simplified solution to the problems of territorial planning. Thus, the aforementioned "new urban planning thinking of the twentieth century." (Le Corbusier and others), which was formed in the 20s and 40s under the influence of gigantic political and social changes, sought a way out of the most acute cataclysms that shook cities, in the life-building potential of architecture, mistakenly believing that the main problems of human life can be solved urban planning. Under the strange slogan "Revolution or architecture!" looking for ways to replace social transformations with architectural innovations. It was believed that a city planner can develop and "prescribe" to cities such new planning and volumetric solutions that will definitely be effective, real, and optimal. Well-designed functional zones, huge complexes of standard residential and public buildings devoid of unnecessary decorations promised a clear, logical perspective for the development of cities.

Something similar happened in other sciences. It seemed to geographers and economists, for example, that the constructions of V. Kristallar, A. Lesch, G. Zipf made it possible to reveal the fundamental laws of settlement. The "quantitative revolution" in geography opened up new horizons, it seemed that models and programs were about to be created, the use of which on a computer would allow obtaining miraculous results that ensure accurate forecasting and purposeful development of cities.

These hopes were not destined to come true. Life turned out to be more complicated, richer, multifaceted. New complex problems arise that need to be addressed. People do not want to live in faceless cities built according to a template. Architectural innovations do not solve social problems. The sources of urban growth are not disclosed in simplistic diagrams. Forecasts cannot be replaced by sophisticated calculation procedures that are unable to adequately reflect the richness of factors affecting urban development. Fantastic projects of cities of the future, which were so fashionable until quite recently, increasingly seem to be mirages, distant from the real trajectories of urban development.

Organization of design... The geographer participating in the development of the project becomes a member of the team of authors, including representatives of many specialties. It is extremely important that this is a team of like-minded people, each of whom, on the basis of their special knowledge and skill, develops their own part of the problem, but together they strive to find the best solution to the problem as a whole. At the same time, it is necessary that the specialists participating in the development of the project “hear” and understand each other, so that everything essential in the proposals of each specialist reaches the level of decision-making, is carefully discussed and accepted or rejected only after a comprehensive analysis of all options for a comprehensive solution. This analysis should take place in a democratic environment: any disregard on the part of the project manager or the approving authority for the opinion of a specialist, authoritarianism in the discussion and decision-making can result in serious losses in the implementation of the project. With development publicity and strengthening the role of the public in substantiating, discussing and evaluating urban planning decisions, the participants in the design process face a very difficult task - to identify and take into account literally grains of public opinion on the issues being developed, which requires a lot of organizational effort and delicacy... It is important not only to pay tribute to fashion and not only to fulfill the requirement of maximum democracy in making decisions concerning the daily life of millions of people - residents of cities and residential areas for which projects are being developed, but also to ensure an objectively higher level of decisions. The way to this is a detailed explanation of all sides and arguments taken into account in a particular design decision; wide acquaintance with them to the public using the mass media; thoughtful organization of public discussions with a competent statement of the goals and content of projects; organization of sociological surveys with clearly and correctly formulated questions, allowing you to get answers that are valuable for the design.

The territorial planning team includes: an architect-urban planner (project manager), an engineer-economist (economist-geographer), engineers-specialists in assessing natural conditions (physical-geographer, geologist, climatologist, hydrologist, etc.) , specialists in engineering support (transport, water supply and sewerage, power supply, landscaping, engineering preparation of the territory, etc.), ecologist (geoecologist). The range of tasks of the economist-geographer includes: analysis of the current state of the city; substantiation of the prospects for its development (assessment of the city-forming potential and calculation of the population); substantiation of the design organization of the city (calculation of the volume of housing and cultural and domestic construction, analysis and selection, together with other specialists, of options for the territorial formation of the city and the development of its planning structure); determination of the required capital investments (together with specialists designing engineering systems). Meeting these challenges is a critical part of the design process. An ecologist (geoecologist) provides an environmental justification for any territorial planning projects: analysis and mapping of component and complex environmental pollution, including the zone of noise discomfort and radioactive contamination, participates in the development of measures for its stabilization, etc.

Ch. 3. General layout of the territory

General Provisions

Under general scheme planning of the territory of Ukraine , as already indicated in Sec. 1.3, urban planning documentation is understood that defines conceptual solutions for the planning and use of the territory of Ukraine. In the General Scheme Provides for the rational use of the territory of Ukraine, the creation and maintenance of a full-fledged living environment, environmental protection, protection of public health, protection of historical and cultural monuments, the definition of state priorities for the development of settlement systems, industrial, social and engineering transport infrastructure. The general layout of the territory is developed on the basis of the law of Ukraine "On planning and development of territories" (2000), other legal and regulatory acts, methodological and instructional materials.

In the former USSR, the "General Scheme of Settlement on the Territory of the SSR" was developed, created in the 70s and was the first developed long-term concept for the development of a system of populated areas on the scale of the Soviet Union. At the same time, it should be noted that before that, mainly in the 60s, almost the entire territory of the USSR was covered by a network of regional planning for the republics, territories and regions. The Council for the Study of Productive Forces (COPS) under the USSR State Planning Committee developed a General Scheme for the development and deployment of the USSR's productive forces. - On this basis, the Central Research and Design Institute for Urban Development (TsNIIPgradostroitelstvo) developed the first edition of the General Scheme of Settlement for the USSR.

To the main scientific concepts on which the development of general and regional settlement schemes on the territory of the USSR and other union republics was based, include the concepts of the Unified Settlement System (ESR), Group Systems of Settlement Places (GSNM), the Support Frame, and settlement, etc.

Basic Provisions the concept of the Unified Settlement System consisted in the fact that in the conditions of centralized planning, the state can form a settlement system in which urban and rural settlements do not differ significantly in terms of living conditions, living standards and services; equal living conditions are provided in cities of various sizes; the population is located on the territory most rationally... The concept of the ESR was largely of a normative nature, offering ways for the planned development of the system of settlements based on the hierarchy of settlement systems and their interface with the main units of administrative-territorial division and socio-economic zoning of the USSR. It was assumed that the population was evenly distributed over the territory of the country and that the growth of large cities was limited with the development of small and medium-sized ones. At the same time, one of the most important features of urbanization, namely, the focusing of the urban population in the most advantageous points and areas, was not sufficiently taken into account. It should be noted that the policy of limiting the growth of large cities was considered in the documents of the Communist Party and the government of the USSR as a kind of political and economic doctrine, which was reflected in all planning, urban planning and scientific developments of that time. The policy of limiting the growth of large cities (the main centers of urbanization) could actually lead to curbing urbanization in the country and hinder the most effective development and diffusion of innovations. However, it should be borne in mind that the above policy was not implemented in purely quantitative terms, that is, in terms of the population of cities of different population sizes.

Methodologically, the concept of the ECP proceeded to a certain extent from the theory of central places, the main provisions of which were initially developed in the works of V. Kristalller, and later A. Lesch. It should be noted that the work of these authors was highly appreciated in geography in the USSR and Russia. As noted by Yu.G. Saushkin, “the merits of V. Chris-taller and A. Lesch are that they made an attempt to discover the law of mutual spatial distribution of settlements, to see a calculable order in the seeming chaos of the placement of cities and villages and, having learned an objective law, to apply it when designing settlements on newly developed territories ”(Saushkin, 1973).

It is essential to confirm that, with all the vulnerable sides of the concept of the Unified Settlement System, it was an important attempt to comprehensively consider the entire system of settlements in a huge country with different regional characteristics and in this sense found a versatile application in the development of the General Settlement Scheme on the territory of the USSR. ... The concept of the Unified Settlement System is most fully described in the works of B.S. Khoreva (Khorev, 1981, etc.),

Another scientific concept applied in the development of the General Scheme of Settlement - the concept of group systems of settlements (GSNM). These latter were determined by the authors of the General Scheme of Settlement as a system of closely interconnected urban and rural settlements of various sizes and national economic profiles, united by developed territorial production ties, a common engineering infrastructure, a single network of public centers for social and cultural services and recreation sites.

In this regard, the question arose about the relationship between the concepts of GSNM and urban agglomeration. In the Soviet and Russian literature on population geography, the concept of "urban agglomeration" is defined as a compact spatial grouping of predominantly urban settlements, united by diverse connections into a complex multicomponent dynamic system representing an integral socio-economic formation. GSNM is in this case a planned, managed urban agglomeration. It is noteworthy that the idea of ​​a Unified System of Settlement, strictly speaking, does not contradict the concept of the GSNM, although the latter did not provide for the continuous territorial coverage of the entire country by group forms of settlement. It should be noted here that the scientific controversy over the theoretical foundations of the development of the (urban) settlement system in the USSR and Ukraine since the beginning of the 70s was largely ideologized and reflected, in addition, the struggle of scientific schools and departments, which is clearly visible in numerous publications of the specified period. However, an unbiased examination of these concepts shows that, having arisen and developing relatively independently, they, in fact, integrate various aspects of the systemic approach to settlement. The concept of GSNM had a distinct urban planning character and proceeded from the priority of cycles of spatial and temporal accessibility of systems of different levels for the population, as a rule, gravitating towards urban agglomerations. The idea of ​​forming a Unified System of Settlement of the Country is at the heart of the idea also laid down the thesis about the need to transform large existing agglomerations, their reconstruction and development as the pillars of scientific and technological progress... At the same time, the most important direction of the planned development of the ESR was the allocation of a network of support centers for settlement and their top level - cities and urban agglomerations. In this sense, the idea of ​​the ECP in the form it was presented in the later publications of the authors of the General Scheme of Settlement on the Territory of the USSR does not contradict the concept of the basic settlement framework. Moreover, this last concept was later used for the main theoretical constructions in the framework of the development of the General Scheme of Settlement in the USSR and the General Scheme of Settlement in the Territory of the Russian Federation.

All the concepts of interrelated systemic settlement in the USSR proceeded from the fact that the settlement system in general and urban settlement in particular should be improved and developed with the help of planned and planning measures. However, it is necessary to note other approaches according to which the development of settlement is subject to the action of laws that are not subject to man. . Such approaches are based on the fact that the settlement system has a high degree of self-development and its management should be reduced to capturing the laws of system development and predicting back reactions to managerial actions.

Raster editor. Computing network. Network topology. The current drive. Command. Information system. Video memory. Basic hardware configuration. Programming interface. Protocol. Service software. Graphics editor. Data protection. Driver. File Allocation Table. Vector editor. Mouse. Relational database. Monitor. Translator. Control device. Hardware and software interface.

"The concept of economic informatics" - Cumulative costs. The method of economic informatics. Share of IT expenses. Basic economic models. The subject of studying economic informatics. Economic informatics and information technology. Disappointment with IT implementation. Share. Information processes. Share in the education of economists. Place of IT business.

"Science informatics" - Basic concepts and definitions of informatics. Computer system interfaces. Cybernetics. The subject and tasks of informatics. Discipline "Informatics". Properties of information. The dynamic nature of information. Reliability of information. Engineering Science. The origins and prerequisites of informatics. Automation. Informatics tasks. Rating system. Availability of information. Interface. Sourse of information. Information about the surrounding world.

"Economic Informatics" - System. Properties of data, information and knowledge. Computer science. Syntactic measure of information. The structure of analytical information. Scheme of the functioning of the IS. Economic information as a strategic resource. The main components of the IS. The structure of economic informatics. The emergence of computers. The method of economic informatics. Data, information and knowledge, measurement and application. Measures of information. Economic informatics and information systems.

"Work program in economic informatics" - A set of profile courses. Information and information processes. Portfolio. Diagnostic research. Creative project. Composition. Questionnaire research. Formation of a rational consumer budget for the family. Algorithmization and programming. Algorithmization basics. Control system. Educational and methodical kit. Current diagnostics. Winner of competition. Categorical apparatus. Form of certification.

"Entertaining Informatics" - Block diagrams of proverbs. Cuckoo. Miser pays twice. Measure seven times. Winchester. Solve puzzles. Window. Strike while the iron is hot. Solve the crossword puzzle. An hour of entertaining informatics. PC elements. A business. The name of the information process. Types of information. Insufficient salting. Try and read it. Specified location. Everyone is looking for terms. The clever will not go uphill. Proverbs with computer stuffing. Recognize the proverb. After the rain.

According to the theory of socionics, everything that exists in natureinformation can be divided into eight aspects... Each of its types will correspond to one of sources ; they will also have their own characteristic properties. Thanks to these features, you can easily delineate the boundaries between all aspects.

As we said, information comes from four types of sources: objects, events, object structures, and event structures. They correspond to such signs as "sensing", "intuition", "ethics" and "logic". Each of them underlies a pair of aspects: for convenience they are called "white" and "black".

To form stable associations between aspects and their spheres, each type of information is assigned its own pair of closely related terms. So, BS is the sensations and states of objects, ES is the influence and potential of objects, BI is changes and the probability of events, CHI is ideas and variants of events, BE is assessments and attitudes, CH is reactions and behavior, BL is causes and patterns, and CHL - consequences and technologies.

To better understand why these concepts are used to denote aspects, it is necessary to understand the very properties of information. So, in socionics, three pairs are considered:introversion / extroversion, rationality / irrationality and dynamic / static... Let's consider them in more detail:

Introversion / extroversion

The first division between aspects arises from differences in the nature of the emergence of information. So, tointrovertedincludes aspects, information on which arises along with the source of information itself (therefore, they seem to be closed on themselves). Whereas information onextrovertedaspects arise already as a result of the interaction of these sources (that is, they are always expressed outside). For example, BS is information about the qualities of objects that we feel (for example, taste), while ER is information about the ability of an object to influence these BS-qualities (for example, it manifests itself when we say that mustard can affect the spiciness of a dish, but sweet ketchup is not).

Rationality / irrationality

Another division between aspects takes place on the border of primary (sensing and intuition) and secondary (ethics and logic) signs of information: it determines through which mental function our consciousness processes information. So, forirrationalaspects this feeling, but forrational- comprehension. For example, we feel the course of events, we feel what should and should not happen to us (BI), while how it works and why events happen to us, we already understand as a result of comprehending this information (BL).

Dynamic / static

The last pair of properties describes how the source of information will manifest itself: through dynamics or through statics. So, in the first case, it will be information about some concrete properties that are constantly changing over time, while in the second - about abstract, stable over long periods of time. For example, interacting with other people, through actions we express our attitude towards them. In this case, actions (BE) are something changeable, they exist only at the moment they are committed and may be different in different situations, while the attitude (BE) to a person is more stable, it may not change over the years and at the same time manifest itself as something different.

It should be noted that the properties of information are interrelated. For example, if an aspect is dynamic and introverted, it is bound to be irrational as well. Let's illustrate how aspects and their properties are related:

Now, based on the information already known, we will describe what types of information relate to each aspect:

  1. White sensing: sensations, tastes, smells, well-being, tactile sensations;
  2. Black sensing: power, influence, abilities, authority, status, capital and money, resources, strength, endurance.
  3. White intuition: trends, changes and the likelihood of events.
  4. Black intuition: ideas, options for events
  5. White logic: causes of phenomena, patterns and structure of something.
  6. Black logic: Implications of Phenomena, Technologies and Skills.
  7. White ethics: relationships between people (friend / foe, love / hate) and the assessment of something in principle (tasty / tasteless, pleasant / unpleasant).
  8. Black ethics: reactions to objects and events (laughter, crying, anger) and behaviors (giving gifts, greeting when meeting)

You can read more about the aspects in one of the

Today we continue the conversation about aspects and functions, which we opened a week ago taabat .
I will start with a short introduction to combine the already known material and concepts that I propose to get acquainted with in this post.

Socionics studies information metabolism, or methods of information processing in the psyche (hence the word "TIM", which is usually written in lowercase letters - "tim" is an abbreviation for "type of information metabolism").

In biology, the term "metabolism" means metabolism, their assimilation and processing; principle information metabolism was formulated by the Polish psychologist and psychiatrist A. Kempinski.

So, informational metabolism in socionics means methods of information processing in the human psyche and the peculiarities of information exchange between people.
The way in which a person processes information is described using various models socionic types (there are several such models; among them, model A is deservedly very popular - due to the convenience and completeness of the type description);
how people exchange information, what in this exchange helps mutual understanding and what can hinder it, is discussed in a fairly voluminous section on intertype relationship(this section includes interactions between types, the concept of a socion consisting of quadras; other small groups are also considered).

Information flow described by four concepts: matter, energy, space, time.
They correspond to four informational macro-aspects: logic, ethics, sensing, intuition.
These four aspects, taking into account introversion and extraversion, give 8 information aspects(acquaintance with which took place).
In diagrams where aspects are displayed as icons, the introversion of the aspect is indicated in white, the extroversion in black.

Black Logic (CL) - business logic - work, technology, fact, expediency
White Logic (BL) - structural logic - system, law, order, structure

Black Ethics (CHE) - ethics of emotions - emotions, mood, emotional states
White Ethics (BE) - ethics of relationships - relationships, humanism, morality, ethical feelings and norms

Black Sensing (CHS) - volitional sensing - will, power, force, action, pressure, territory, form
White Sensory (BS) - sensory sensation - comfort, well-being, health, convenience, harmony of space

Black Intuition (CHI) - intuition of possibilities - opportunity, search, potential, ability
White Intuition (BI) - intuition of time - sense of time, integrity, forecast, state, poetry

Introversion and extraversion are not signs of sociability, contact, social activity; they mean that attention in the aspect can be characterized as introverted (with a focus on the inner space, on its attitude to the outside; motivation comes from within) or as extraverted (focus of attention on the external world, its objects, situations, while the internal is secondary; the activity is motivated outside).
That is, introversion and extroversion are, respectively, more perceiving, mastering the existing or more expansive, mastering the new character of the aspect.

Irrationality and rationality is determined by the aspect type:
logic and ethics give rationality,
sensing and intuition - irrationality.

So, the information flow is divided into 8 information aspects.
To find out what all this has to do with the operation and characteristics of types, let's move on to the topic of functions.

Aspects(or blocks of information of a certain content) are perceived and processed by the system functions.
Function is a tool of the psyche that perceives, processes and produces information of one or another informational aspect.
There are 8 informational aspects, and 8 functions (by the number of aspects).
Incoming information_aspect in the psyche gets to the receiver - information_metabolism_function.

The distribution of aspects by function depends on the type.
Any of the types perceives, processes and reproduces all 8 aspects- but with varying degrees of quality and completeness of processing: this happens because the functions have different capabilities, are not the same in sensitivity and ability to process information.
Aspects are categorized by function individually for each of the 16 types. Such a distribution can be considered with the help Model A, which displays the work of the full set of functions; Therefore, it is so convenient for studying the processes of informational metabolism of one type or another, and for clarifying the peculiarities of the interaction of types with each other.
This model can be described as a structural diagram, where each function has its own role, its interconnections and its _possibilities_ ("degrees of freedom") - to what extent it can process the incoming information corresponding to it.

A separate post should be devoted to Model A, but now let's get acquainted with a list of functions, their capabilities:

1st function- software, intelligence function, basic, expert
The semantic function that determines the mental type and its basic, essential tasks.
A person receives the most complete information about the world thanks to this function; in her, he is confident as in something fundamental, since he perceives the world through her prism. This is his world, in which he orientates himself, in the language of which he thinks, perceives and describes reality.
2nd function- creative, implementation, productive
It actively contributes to the implementation of the 1st (software) function, makes a pair with it, therefore the 2nd (creative) function is also called the function of the program implementation. Determines the creative potential of a person, from it he gives out a “product” in the most natural way for his type, is always ready to provide it; being in demand is important to him, so as not to “stand by” idle. Active and resourceful function.
1-2 functions - the most powerful and actively used block, characterized by confidence in their knowledge and actions; the level of the greatest awareness in the perception of information and meaningfulness in its processing. Strong functions are so natural in their work that a person can assume them as basic for “all-normal-people” (if he proceeds from the point of view “normal is when like me”), or at least for many people. These functions determine the values ​​of the type and they are reflected in its name.

3rd function- role-playing, normative, adaptive, trainee
A person is interested in information on this function, tries to develop it. He strives to play it as a kind of role, and as best as possible, because it believes that society evaluates people according to criteria and features that correspond to the aspect that has fallen into this function.
4th function- painful, mobilization, KNS (channel of least resistance), experience function
The location of the problem: this is the weakest of the functions of the upper part of model A; a person tries to avoid situations related to the information corresponding to this function, and his own manifestations on it require a lot of stress and often, despite the efforts made, are inadequate.
3-4 functions - a block of uncertainty, many doubts and experiences are associated with it (since the functions of this block are included in the perceived part of model A). In terms of these functions, it is in no way possible to be harmonious and natural, but I really want to succeed in this and make up for my shortcomings and imperfections.

In model A, functions 1 to 4 form a Mental ring - a person uses them consciously.
Functions 5 to 8 form a Vital ring - the tasks of these functions are performed "automatically", practically do not require the participation of consciousness.
Aspects located on the functions of the Vital Ring "mirror" the types of aspects processed by the functions of the Mental Ring, but are opposite to them on the basis of introversion / extraversion: the 1st (basic) is associated with the 7th (observational), the 2nd (creative) is associated with the 8th (demonstrative), the 3rd (normative) is associated with the 5th (suggestive), the 4th (painful) is associated with the 6th (activation):

1 - 2
4 - 3
6 - 5
7 - 8

5th function- suggestive, suggestible
Here there is a request for information, an expectation of help, and if actions, advice, recommendations come in response from the outside, this has a calming effect on a person. Information on this function is received uncritically.
6th function- activation, reference
Information on this function gives strength, activates, prompts to action.
5-6 functions - a block of needs for support, help, care; but these needs are difficult to satisfy because they are already part of the group of unconscious or very poorly realized functions (lower half of model A, vital ring).

7th function- ignoring, observant, controlling, restrictive
It turns on automatically in response to an excess of information on its aspect, to a threat or pressure; according to this function, a person evaluates the actions of others in terms of errors, evaluates, controls and limits.
8th function- background, demo, instrumental
Acts confidently, demonstrates competence in the background, without wasting words or explaining his actions.
7-8 functions - a block of confident actions, however, performed automatically (in contrast to the first two functions) - because the lower half of model A is practically not realized.

The topic of functions clarifies the position of socionics that a person, in interaction with the flow of information, most easily processes and produces that part of it (in terms of socionics - an aspect, or aspects), for interaction with which you can use the strengths of your perception and thinking (strong functions of the type ); and there is a piece of information (other aspects) that is perceived with difficulty and is not fully used (as much as possible for other types - since the functions that handle these information_aspects are not so strong).
In the above list strength of functions decreases from 1st to 4th function and again increases from 5th to 8th.

To denote the strength of functions, the concept is used dimensions(or dimensions) of functions.
Multidimensional functions are strong (1st, 2nd, 7th and 8th), low-dimensional - weak (3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th).
The one-dimensional function (4 and 5) when processing information comes only from personal experience.
The two-dimensional (3 and 6) function operates with both personal experience and norms.
The three-dimensional function (2 and 7) uses experience, norms, and is able to take into account the requirements of a particular situation.
The four-dimensionality of the function (1 and 8) gives it - in addition to experience, norms and specifics - also a global view, a deep understanding of the type of information it processes, the ability to embed it in a wider context, to act as if it were her element and she lives in it ; often the consciousness of this function is described as cosmic, implying the breadth of coverage of the corresponding type of information.

By defining and trying on your own team, you can analyze your relationship with the information flow in different situations and track the distribution of your attention in it; and here the name of the type should not confuse us, because if we look from the point of view of socionics, the type of information that a person will be affected by, which he will pay attention to, which he will be inclined to speak about, will not necessarily correspond to the information of his strong functions :

The 1st function is basic, the strongest, it reads information from reality to the fullest extent - but a person usually little or almost does not spread about it, or mentions it in passing, because for him it is natural and difficult to verbalize - he is too lazy to translate it into words (“yes what is there to talk about, and so everything is clear ”);
2nd function - creative, the channel of implementation - serves to implement the 1st function; she is active, productive and most willingly manifests herself and enters into feedback with the world.

the other two functions - normative (3rd in model A) and painful (4th in model A) - are weak:
information on the third, normative function is associated with uncertainty (this is weakness), is consumed from the outside as a reference point - that is, a person pays attention to this information and highlights it as important for himself in order to fit into society (norms and rules "as is to act "," how people do "), looks for clues on it, is able to mark it as attracting attention, demonstrates his skills on it, because he believes that it is important for social adaptation, that society accepts or rejects people according to their skills in the sphere of the information aspect that got into the type on the 3rd function; the difference from the 2nd creative function is insufficient confidence in the sphere of the 3rd function, which a person hides while working in public, and the inability to use it for a long time.
information on the 4th, painful function (another name is the "channel of least resistance") can be responded either in an underlined-restrained form, or compensatory-"exponentially"; she does not pass by the consciousness, it is just very difficult for a person to work with her and to talk about her unnecessarily, he avoids to the last; normally it is a silent function, because of which it can be confused with the not too talkative 1st (!) - however, overloading this function causes inadequate manifestations, or creates an explosive, conflict situation, or even avoiding the source that provokes the overload are excessive reactions that the 1st function will not give as a place of confidence.
