The best speech synthesizer. What are speech synthesizers? The best speech synthesizers. Text-to-speech - speech synthesizer online

Speech synthesizers installed on computers or mobile devices no longer seem as unusual programs as before. Thanks to modern technology, an ordinary desktop PC can reproduce a human voice.

How do speech synthesizers work? Where do they apply? What is the best speech synthesizer? The answers to these and other questions are presented in this article.

General concept

Speech synthesizers are special programs consisting of a number of modules that provide the ability to translate typed texts into sentences voiced by a human voice. Do not think that the entire database of words and phrases is recorded by real people in professional studios. Performing such a task is physically impossible. A library with so many phrases cannot be installed on any modern computer, not to mention mobile phones. For this, the developers have created Text-to-Speech technology.

Scope of application

Speech synthesizers are used when learning foreign languages, listening to texts on book pages, creating vocal parts, issuing search queries in the form of voiced phrases, etc.

What kind of programs exist? Depending on the scope of application, the utilities can be divided into 2 types: ordinary, converting typed text into speech, and special vocal modules used in music applications.

Advantages and disadvantages

At the moment, the computer synthesizes human speech only approximately. In the simplest programs, you can observe problems with sound and the correct setting of stresses in various words. Speech synthesizers installed on mobile devices consume a lot of energy. Often, unauthorized loading of additional modules can be noted.

The benefits include ease of perception. It’s much easier for many users to absorb audio information than any other.

The best speech synthesizers with Russian voices

The RHVoice program was created by Olga Yakovleva. The standard version of the application includes 3 votes. The settings are very simple. The program can be used both as a stand-alone application compatible with SAPI5 and as an additional screen module.

The Acapela speech synthesizer differs from its analogs in its perfect sound for text. The application supports more than 30 languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Only 1 female voice is available in the free version.

Vocalizer is often used in call centers. The user can adjust the emphasis, volume and reading speed. If necessary, additional dictionaries are downloaded. The application has 1 female voice. The speech engine is automatically integrated into programs for reading books in electronic format.

ESpeak Utility supports over 50 languages. The disadvantage of the program can be considered the preservation of sound files only in the WAV format, which requires a lot of space on the hard drive.

Festival application is a powerful speech synthesis utility that supports even Finnish and Hindi.

Program installation

How to use this type of application? First you need to install the program. In computer operating systems, a standard installer is used, in which the user only needs to select the language module supported by the utility. The installer for mobile devices can be downloaded from the official website, Google Play, as well as the App Store. The application is installed automatically.

The first launch of the program

At this point, the user only needs to set the default language. Sometimes you need to note the sound quality. The standard option implies a sampling frequency of 4410 Hz, a depth of 16 bits and a bit rate of 128 kbit / s. On mobile OSs, performance may be lower. A specific voice is used as the basis.

Filters and equalizers help achieve the desired sound. The user has three options for translating text. He can type sentences on the keyboard, turn on the sound of an existing file, or install an extension in the browser that converts content on web pages to speech. It is enough to note the necessary option, voice timbre and the language in which the text will be pronounced. To enable the playback process, click on the "Start" button.

Work with complex programs

In music applications, settings are much more complicated. In the speech module of the FL Studio program, the user can select several types of voices, as well as indicate the tonality and speed of playback. Accentuation in front of syllables is carried out using the symbol "_". With the help of such a speech synthesizer, you can create only a robotic voice.

Vocaloid is a professional type application. In addition to the usual parameters, the user can choose articulation and glissando. The utility has a base with vocals of professionals. If you wish, you can customize whole sentences to the notes. A library with vocals alone occupies more than 4 GB in compressed form.

Google Speech Synthesizer: What Program Is It?

In May 2014, the company provided users with the opportunity to try out a new free product. What is Google Speech Synthesizer on Android? This is a program that reads text on the screen of a mobile device or tablet. Now there is no need to install third-party utilities that require a license. Google Speech Synthesizer is used when reading e-books, listening to the correct pronunciation of words, launching the TalkBack application.

The new version of Google Speech Synthesizer 3.1 has received support for English, Italian, Spanish, Korean, German, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and French. Where to find voice packs? They are downloaded from the application itself.

Product Advantages and Disadvantages from Google

The peculiarities of the Russian-speaking female voice is a clear, loud sound and smooth intonation. Playback speed can be adjusted in the program settings. Users using TalkBack and the Russian language localization of the Android OS should be careful when switching to the speech synthesizer if previously a different voice was set in the application by default. There may be problems with maintaining control of the mobile device by ear. Almost all voices, except Russian, are unable to process sentences in Cyrillic.

Among the minuses can be noted a delay in the reaction to reading texts consisting of phrases in different languages. Russian voice is distinguished by metallic notes of timbre. You can hear rattling sound at low frequencies. The advantages include the stability of the application and the acceptable quality of reading English words.

Google Speech Synthesizer: How to use the program

In order for the utility to work as it should, you need to update it to the latest version. To activate the process of scoring text, you need to open the settings. In the "language and input" section, select the checkbox for "speech synthesis". Here you should note the line "system default". Do not forget that voice packages in the program itself also need updating.

Problems with the utility

If necessary, the user can disable the application. In the simplest utilities, the stop button is located in the program itself. Deactivation of the extension installed in the browser is done by disabling the add-on or completely removing the plugin. When working with the program on a mobile phone, problems can also occur. The fact is that the speech synthesizer automatically includes the loading of language modules that the user does not need.

This process takes a lot of time and significantly consumes traffic. How to disable Google Speech Synthesizer on a mobile device and get rid of this problem? First you need to open the application settings. Then you need to select the section "language and voice input". Next, note the last line.

After choosing a voice search, click on the cross next to the item “speech recognition offline”. Then it is recommended to remove the application cache. Next, you need to restart your mobile phone. To completely disable the utility, you need to open the “applications” section in the settings, select a speech synthesizer in the list and click on the “stop” button.

Uninstall a program

It happens that the user does not use Google Speech Synthesizer at all. Can I remove the utility from a mobile device? To do this, open Google Play. Then you should select a speech synthesizer from the list of installed programs and click on the “delete” button.


For ordinary users and people with disabilities, applications with a simple interface are suitable. It can be either RHVoice or Google Speech Synthesizer. The Russian voice will voice the text displayed on the screen. A larger ordinary user is not required.

Musicians are advised to give preference to the professional Vocaloid program. The application has additional voice libraries and many different options. The program will allow you to get a natural sounding voice. After all, it is so important for musicians that computer synthesis is not felt by ear.

Sometimes we need to voice the printed text in a voice. Most often, such programs are used by those who teach foreign languages \u200b\u200bto determine the correct intonation and stress, also for reading books, and just for fun and making friends. To use voice acting, there is no need to download programs to your computer, because there are enough of them in the online version (as opposed to). This article will discuss the best synthesizers of human speech that you can use online. - a free service for translating text and its synthesis

Google translator is one of the most popular and best services, which provides a range of different services. For example, a well-known translator has the function of scoring the text entered, and in all supported languages. The quality of voice acting in places is poor, but generally acceptable. If you translate printed text into speech to learn a language, then the Google Translate synthesizer is perfect for you. The most important thing in this service is that it is simple and accessible to every user on the Internet.

How to synthesize text in

To use the service from Google:

  1. Go to;
  2. Select the desired language by clicking the "Define Language" button;
  3. Then enter the text in the window where you selected the language;
  4. Now click on the gramophone icon at the bottom of the window, and you can hear the text playing in a female voice.

Its disadvantage is the inability to download the reproduced speech synthesis in a file to your computer. There are also no voice settings or artist choices.

Acapela - free voice acting program

Acapela is the most popular and one of the best speech synthesizers that allows you to work online. The service supports more than 30 languages, as well as a large number of artists to choose from, both male and female. For English, there are already 20 voices to choose from - female, male, teenager, child, rude male, soft female, etc. The program is easy to configure and easy to use. A program for offline use is available on the site. You have the opportunity to try the demo version of the speech synthesizer by clicking on the corresponding item in the menu bar.

How to use Acapela

To configure online speech synthesis, use the block on the left side on the page

So how does it work:

  1. In the first line, select the language of the spoken text.
  2. The second line is not needed if you select Russian, because as an option there is only one - Alyona.
  3. In the third line, enter your text to be voiced. You can enter up to 300 characters.
  4. Next, agree with the rules of the service by checking the box “i agree with terms & conditions”.
  5. And click on the “Please accept terms & conditions” button below.

Voice acting through this service is of average quality. Intonations in almost all words are correct. The product is available on all platforms. - an online service for voicing text online service is a simple and affordable synthesizer for reproducing printed text. The site was developed for mobile devices, therefore, having entered it through a web browser, we will have an easy and fast tool for synthesizing text. In this regard, the site has some limitations in operation. For example, if you need to "read" the downloaded text, then the file size should not exceed 100 kb. You can print the text and immediately voice it.

For this you need:

Vocalizer - voice synthesizer for online text playback

Another among the best speech synthesizers for dubbing an online test created by foreign developers is Vocalizer. It is available at This is a simple and intuitive service. The menu and interface are completely in English, but it will be very easy to understand. We can use the online service as a demo version. The system offers you 100 different voice options for voice acting and 47 languages.

How to use Vocalizer

Synthesizing speech online with this program is very simple. For this:

  1. In the item "Language / Dialect" select a language;
  2. In "Gender" select a male or female voice voice (male - male, female - female);
  3. Below in the large block, enter the text to be spoken and press the blue button on the side to play.

To date, speech synthesizers, which are used in stationary computer systems or mobile devices, no longer seem unusual. Technology has already stepped far forward and made it possible to reproduce a human voice. Below we will see how it all works, where a speech synthesizer is used, how to choose such a device, and also what potential problems a user may encounter when purchasing such a device. What are speech synthesizers? Where can they be used? Speech synthesizers are special programs that consist of several modules. These programs allow you to translate the text typed on the keyboard into normal human speech in the form of sound. It would be naive to believe that the accompanying libraries contain absolutely all the words or possible phrases that are recorded in the studios by real people. This is impossible simply on a physical level. Libraries of phrases would also be so large that they simply could not be installed even on modern high-capacity hard drives, not to mention mobile devices. In addition, a technology was developed, which was called Text-to-Speech, which means “text to speech” in translation. Speech synthesizers are most prevalent in several areas. One of these areas is independent study of foreign languages, when the user needs to hear the correct pronunciation of the word. Also, speech synthesizers are used to listen to books instead of reading, creating local and speech parts when recording music, to issue search queries in the form of voiced phrases or words. Similar devices can also be used by people with disabilities.

Speech Synthesizers: Types of Programs

All speech synthesizers, depending on the area of \u200b\u200buse, can be divided into two main types: standard programs that are used to directly convert speech to text, and speech or vocal modules that are used in music applications. In order to consider this issue in more detail, we will consider both classes of programs, however, the emphasis will nevertheless be placed on speech synthesizers in their immediate purpose.

Advantages and disadvantages of simple speech applications. As for the advantages and disadvantages of programs of this type, for a start let's look at the disadvantages. First of all, it is worth saying that a computer is still a technical device. At this stage of development, he can very roughly synthesize human speech. Often in the simplest programs there are problems with the accentuation in words, low sound quality. On mobile devices, there is usually increased power consumption. In some cases, there is also unauthorized loading of speech modules. However, there are also enough advantages. Many perceive audio information rather than visual information. So, a clear advantage is the convenience of perception. How to use a speech synthesizer? Let's say a little more about the basic principles of using this type of program. Firstly, a speech synthesizer of any type is installed without any problems. In stationary systems, a standard installer is used, the main task of which will be the choice of supported language modules. For mobile devices, you can download the installation file from the official store or repository such as AppStore or Google Play.

After that, the application will be installed automatically. When you first start, as a rule, you do not need to make any settings other than choosing the default language. However, in some cases, the program may suggest choosing the sound quality. The standard version is widely used with a sampling frequency of 4410 Hz, a depth of 16 bits and a bitrate of 128 kbit / s. On mobile devices, similar indicators are slightly lower. The basis is taken a certain voice. Using a standard pronunciation pattern by using equalizers and filters, you can achieve the sound of just such a timbre. When using it, you can choose several options for translating text: translating text in manual mode, scoring from an existing text file, integration into other applications with the ability to activate the issuance of search results or reading text content on online pages. Here it will be enough to choose the desired option, voice and language in which the text will be pronounced. Many programs have several varieties of voices, both female and male. To activate the playback process, you can use the start button.

If we talk about how to turn off the speech synthesizer, then there may be several options. In the simplest case, you can use the play stop button in the program itself. In the event that the synthesizer is integrated into the browser, deactivation is carried out in the extension settings by completely removing the plugin. With mobile devices, despite the direct shutdown, there may be some problems, which will be discussed later. So, for example, text input and settings are carried out in a more complex way. Consider the FLStudio application. It has its own speech module, in which you can select several types of voices, change the playback speed or tone settings. To emphasize, use the symbol "_" before the syllable. However, such a synthesizer is only suitable for creating robotic voices. Yamaha's Vocaloid package can already be attributed to professional-level software. Here the Text-to-Speech technology is fully implemented.

In addition to the standard parameters in the settings, you can set glissando and articulation. You can also use libraries with vocals by professional performers, compose individual words and whole phrases, customize them to different notes, and much more. It is not at all surprising that with just vocals this software package takes up more than 4 GB in the installation distribution. After unpacking, the volume increases by another two to three times.

In this review, we will focus only on simple applications. Consider the most popular of them. According to most users, RH Voice is the best speech synthesizer. This Russian development was created by Olga Yakovleva. In the standard version of the program, only three voices are available - Elena, Alexander, Irina. Setting up the program is quite simple. The application itself can also be used as a standalone program, compatible with SAPi5, as well as a screen module.

Another interesting application is Acapela. Its main feature is the almost perfect voice acting in more than 30 languages \u200b\u200bof the world. In the simple version of the application, only one voice option is available - Alena. Another powerful application with a female voice is Milena. This program is very often used in call centers. There are many settings for setting the accent, adjusting the volume, reading speed, as well as installing additional dictionaries. The main difference between this program is that the speech engine must be embedded in a program like Cool Reader, Full Screen Caller ID, Moon + Reader Pro. The most powerful utility for speech synthesis and recognition is the Festival program. It is designed for Mac OSX and Linux. This open source application comes. In addition to standard language packs, it has support for Finnish and Hindi. Another voice application is eSpeak. It supports more than 50 languages. The main disadvantage of this program is that it saves files with synthesized speech exclusively in WAV format. This format, as you know, takes up a lot of space. This program is cross-platform and can be used even in mobile systems.

Google Android: Speech Synthesizer Issues

When installing a “native” speech synthesizer from Google, users very often complain that it spontaneously enables the loading of additional language modules. This not only takes a long period of time, but also seriously consumes traffic. Getting rid of this problem on Android systems is very simple. To do this, use the settings menu. Here we go to the language and voice input section. Here you need to select a voice search on the speech recognition parameter in offline mode and click on the cross (mute). It is also recommended that you additionally clean the application cache and reboot the device. In some cases, the application itself may need to turn off the display of notifications.

What is the end result? To summarize, we can say that the simplest programs are suitable for ordinary users. The leader in many ratings is RHVoice. However, for musicians who need to achieve a natural sounding voice, so that there is no difference between live and computer synthesis, it is better to give preference to programs like Vocaloid. For such programs, many additional voice libraries are released today. Settings for these applications have so many capabilities, then primitive applications are not nearby.
