Laptop with pre-installed Windows 8 How to reinstall. Winchestera marking on sections. Creating a custom basic image

How to reinstall Windows 8 on a laptop. Hello admin, my problem is next. A laptop was bought with installed windows 8 For one language (Windows 8 Single Language), which I safely snow and installed Windows 7. For instructions, I used your article. Now I have changed my mind and want to install Windows 8 anew, but that's exactly the version that was pre-installed on the Windows 8 Single Language laptop I do not want to install. I have a licensed disk in the Windows 8 box professional 64-bit Rus (OEM) with a key, I bought it in the store, that is, everything is as expected. But when trying to install this windows version 8 Professional 64-bit RUS (OEM) On the laptop comes out the message "The entered product key does not match any of the Windows images."

The second option to reinstall Windows 8 on a laptop

We install on our laptop Windows 8 other edition, namely, we will use the existing windows disk 8 Professional 64-bit RUS (OEM).

Why, when installing Windows 8, another editor, an error "Entered product key does not match any of the windows" ? Because information about the manufacturer windows laptop 8 Single Language and its key is stored in the UEFI BIOS.

But all the professionals know that there is such a file (EI.cfg) and the product identifier file (PID.TXT) is additional configuration files that can be used during Windows installation process to specify the product and release key!

ATTENTION Friends! Simple words, The Windows 8 installer program when installing first refers to the EI.CFG configuration file (it specified the editorial board installed Windows 8) and the PID.TXT file (it is specified in it by Windows 8 installed). If these files are not, Windows 8 reads information about the system version and its key in the UEFI bio of your laptop, and this key is key from the Windows 8 Single Language (for one language), here is the error and comes out. So here are friends, we will independently create two of these files (EI.cfg) and product identifier (PID.Txt) and specify information about Windows 8 professional 64-bit Rus installed by us (OEM), then place them in the Sources folder Distribution Windows 8, that's all.

How to do it?

1) For example, I have a licensed disk with Windows 8 professional 64-bit RUS (OEM) or its image in ISO format. So it is easiest to create blood flash drive Windows 8.

  • Attention! If you reinstall Windows 8 with the UEFI BIOS, then the Windows 8 boot flash must be a UEFI, how to create it and how to configure to reinstall Windows 8 Bos UEFI itself, read in our article, this method involves creating a boot flash drive using command line . Know that using such a flash drive, you can reinstall Windows 8 and on a laptop with simple bios. So, the USB flash drive, now create two system installation configuration files (EI.CFG) and (PID.TXT) and add them to the "Sources" folder of the Windows 8 distribution.
  • Note: Windows 8, 8.1 can be installed using a simple image of ISO.But then it is necessary to add the aforementioned files (EI.cfg) and (PID.TXT), sometimes it will even be enough to add only one PID.TXT key to the Sources folder with a Windows key. How can you add files to installation disk or image of Windows. 8, 8.1 you can learn from our article

Reasons that stimulate reinstall or change operating system, quite a lot and some of them are easily solved, and others will have to be a little tinted. So, if you want to install just Windows different from the pre-installed version or you have no factory system at all, there should be no problems. Also, not a rarity situation, when users cannot install the system of the same version as pre-installed, as it turns out an error about the impossibility of activation. Immediately I will say that all situations are solved, so go to the section containing instructions in your case.

Previously, in any case, you should save the important data data on an overhead media that will not be to formatting, in order to save the information.

Reinstall Windows 8 from the system

There is an easy way to reinstall Windows 8 on a laptop, but it presents one limit in it, namely it is necessary that the system be launched. The option is suitable for users who reinstall Windows are not forced, due to the fact that it does not load, but from other reasons.

To perform reinstallation you need:

  • Open the "Wonder-Panel" menu;
  • Click on the "Parameters" icon;
  • Next, you will see the "Changing Computer Settings" button, click on it;

  • Now click on "Update and Recovery";
  • On the left menu, click "Restore";
  • The item you need is called "Deleting all data and reinstalling Windows."

Then, following the instructions, you can easily install a clean system. Almost everything will be performed automatically.

For many users, an uncomplicated method is suitable for a laptop manufacturer, which allows you to restore the system to the state in which it was at the time of the computer and this does not require the launch of the system, the installation is possible from the BIOS.

Resetting system to factory settings

The easiest way to reinstall Windows 8 on a laptop is fragile - this is used to take advantage. Initially, the manufacturer contributes to hDD hidden section intended for reinstallation, reset or windows restoration. Thanks to this, you can easily replace the OS without additional tools.

The main difficulty in this paragraph is the absence of generally accepted norms on the recovery procedure. Due to this problem, each manufacturer has its hot keys that allow access to the desired section. Briefly consider for popular laptop stamps:

  • Samsung - when loading a laptop, you should press F4;
  • ASUS - First of all in BIOS or UEFI you need to turn off fast loading. There is a parameter on the "BOOT" page, change the "Boot Booster" option to the Disabled position. Then, when started, press F9;
  • Hp - hot key F Pressing it you can get into the recovery menu;
  • Acer - Alt should be clamping and constantly press F10 at the time of the computer. You also need to enter a password, standard 000000;
  • TOSHIBA - Hold the number 0, not in the right keyboard block.

After performing these actions, automatic recovery will begin or you will transfer to the corresponding menu. Follow the recovery instructions and you will receive a clean pre-installed Windows. Immediately after the first launch of the system, the installation of programs that came with the system will automatically begin.

This method is not suitable for those who have already reinstalled Windows, since this hidden partition that allows you to restore the system has been removed. In this case, you will have to either search for the desired section, quite often it is sold by a laptop manufacturer, or simply use the OS distribution.

Reinstall Windows 8 system using installation media

Installing the Windows 8 operating system is not difficult. All you need, get a disk or flash drive with the distribution we need. Ideally, of course, just buy it or download from torrents. For the last option, you will still need to write the loaded system to the carrier. Be vigilant so that Windows originally contained viruses, for this download from proven services.

Usually downloading the system from the Internet, it appears in one - this is an image, write to the carrier you need a unpacked version. To work with this format use Ultraiso utility is very comfortable.

In the case of a flash drive, you will need another program (can also use the previous one), which will help to make a flash drive, called WinSetupFromusB, or you can use another application.

After creating the installation media, you need at the time of loading the system, usually when the BIOS window is displayed, click F9. This will cause a window that allows you to set the device from which Windows installation will be installed. In it, select the desired equipment (drive or flash drive). Next, click on the Windows Install menu, then following instructions to install the system.

One complexity may occur, since the Windows key has been sewn in UEFI or BIOS, then there is a conflict. Only if you install the system of the same version, but another configuration. Usually pre-installed Windows 8 Single Language and if you put the 8-ka maximum, then an activation error will occur. Since the key is used in the system, which is not suitable for the version being installed. The solution will be adding EI.cfg and PID.TXT files to the Source folder on the installation media. EI.CFG is a Windows Editorial File, and PID.TXT - contains the key to the system. Fill in the files with the appropriate data and place in the Source directory.

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Software from Microsoft Corporation is most widely distributed in our country. So it will be difficult to find a person who has not heard of Microsoft and the Windows operating system. Many people know that Recently, Microsoft officially stopped supporting the operating system (hereinafter referred to as OS) Windows XP, so now for users personal computers (PC) There are two main options for the quality OS from Microsoft: Windows 7 and Windows 8 (8.1). There is another Vista OS, but it is considered less successful, although at careful work perfectly copes with the tasks set.

What tells the article

This article is intended to help users deal with how to reinstall "Windows 8" on a laptop, as this version of the OS is the latest development from Microsoft and many want to experience it. To begin with, a brief introduction to both versions "Windows" and options will be held Installation of systems on a laptop. Both systems work well both on stationary PCs and on laptops. But it will be about the intricacies of reinstallation on laptops, as they are now gaining great popularity and distribution. If for some reason Windows 8 you do not I liked it, and you want to replace it, then the article will also be told how to reinstall Windows 8 on Windows 7 on a laptop.

About Windows 7 System

Windows 7 came out in 2009 and at the moment is the most used system. According to the studies of 55% of all operating systems installed on PC and laptops, it is the seventh "windows". Each new version of OS from Microsoft is distinguished by small innovations and improvements, but in general the interface design remains recognizable. Compared to Vista, problems of compatibility and support for applications have been fixed. It is worth noting that this version of the OS has six editions for different specific uses:

All edits, except Starter, are developed in 32-bit and 64-bit versions. For 32-bit version limit random access memory limited 4 gigabytes, and the 64-bit version supports up to 192 GB of RAM. This system is equally well suited for all computers and laptops.

About Windows 8 system

WINDOVS 8 and its update "Windows 8.1" is a relatively young version of OS from Microsoft. She came out in 2012 and distribution is about 12% of all used OS. The main innovation of the system is Metro: it appears immediately after starting the system and looks like a set of a variety of tiles with applications, folders or files. Metro can act as desktop, but also has an icon leading to the classic desktop. This OS is designed for sensory control, so it is better to install Windows 8 on a laptop or computer with touch screenBut the usual use of the OS is not excluded.

Among the new products also attract attention:

  • Account "Microsoft" and the ability to synchronize parameters.
  • Score windows Applications Store.
  • The ability to make restoration and reset.
  • Many other updates and new features.

Willov 8 also has editions, four of them:

  • Windows 8 (Core).
  • Professional or Windows 8 Pro.
  • Corporate or Windows 8 Enterprise.
  • Windows 8 RT.

Windows 8 collided with criticism of a new management method, but many quickly used to the changed interface. It is very convenient due to an expanded circle of opportunities, but not everyone is easy to redeem. Therefore, the system has both fans and opponents. But you need to make an opinion about it personally. Therefore, it came to figure out that 8 on the laptop.

How to put "windows 8" on a clean computer?

The easiest option to install the system is to put it on a computer with a clean memory. In this case, you just need to purchase a licensed key with the key. And if there is no drive in the laptop, you will need to additionally create a loading flash drive with a system image. For this there are many programs, for example, WinsetupFromusB and others. When you have a media with a system on your hands, you need to attach it to a laptop and run your car. Loading "Windows 8" on the laptop will start automatically. During the installation process, you will need to select the necessary parameters, enter and specify the disc partition to which the system will be downloaded. The hard disk during the installation process will need to format and divide into several partitions - the future disk C and Disk D. For the C disc, it is enough to highlight 80 GB and OS placed there. You can leave the remaining amount of memory as one partition or split into several. It may be needed if you want to put another system on the same laptop. After selecting the disk, the direct installation of the system begins. Immediately after that, the computer proposes to conduct personalization, enter account "Microsoft", if so is, or create it and configure it. When the Metro start screen appears before you, everything is ready - Windows 8 is installed. If you do not know how to create bootable flash drives, below will be provided general information about this question.

How to replace another system on "windows 8"?

We will deal with how to reinstall Windows 8 on a laptop if there is another system there. First you need to go to the official site "Microsoft" and register either in your account. There should be checked if the current system update is provided to Windows 8 on your model laptop. Then you can purchase it directly on the site and run the downloaded file. If such an update is not available, you will have to use another method. Before performing all operations, it is important to save all the necessary data, since it is likely that the hard drive will have to be completely cleaned. When you transfer all the necessary information to an external medium (for example, an external hard disk or flash drive), you can turn off the laptop and connect the media with the system. Reinstalling Windows 8 on the laptop will not be more difficult than pure installation. In the process of loading, after selecting the language and instructions of your country of accommodation, you will again find yourself in the section Settings window hard disk (hereinafter also HARD). If you don't need an old system, you can safely choose a C disk and format it, and then upload a new system there. If you want to save your former system, you will have to work with the remaining place on hard. All information that does not relate to the system is usually on Disk D, and it is he who takes all the sidelines, except the section with the system.

What to do with the hard disk partitions?

To set the second system, you need to format the D disc. For this, all the necessary data has been saved. And also divide it to another disk for the system on 80 GB and the remaining place for an empty disk. Select the disk allocated for the system and reinstalling Windows 8 continues. Subsequent actions will be similar to the usual installation of Windows and do not take much time. If you put "Windows 8" as a second system, then the launch of the laptop will be highlighted a small period of time to select the desired system using the arrows, otherwise the version will be loaded to the first in the list.

How to reinstall "Windows 8" on a laptop if the system has been pre-installed?

It happens that you bought a laptop with a pre-installed Windows 8 system, but for some reason they removed it, or it was damaged, or the hard disk itself was injured. In any case, if it is no longer possible, and buy a new license when the old one is paid, I do not want to have a way out. The specificity is that new laptops are now sold without a licensed key from the system, it used to be glued to the opposite side of the computer, now there is only a sticker with by the name of Windows 8. The key itself is sewn into the BIOS and activates the system automatically. Put any downloaded image "Windows 8" from the Internet - no way out. The system is not activated. To solve this problem, you need to know exactly what version "Windows" was pre-installed. Most often it is Windows 8 Core Single Language. There is also a Core Country Specific, but we have more common.

8 on a laptop, if you do not know exactly what system was it originally? Download both original images, create a bootable flash drive with them and try to install on your laptop. "Right" version will interact with the key, will be established and activated. After all the settings and running the system will offer you download free upgrade before Windows 8.1 in the "store". If you want to immediately put on the laptop "Windows 8.1", then the following information for you.

How to reinstall "windows 8" so that you do not have to download update to 8.1?

The visible complexity of such a task is that the key voluntarily activates only pre-installed version. If you put on a laptop any other version of Windows 8 or 8.1 - the key is not suitable. Search and install the first version, and then its update to version 8.1 takes a lot of time. Then to reinstall "Windows 8" on a laptop and while saving time? Need to find version 8.1, but the same edition as yours pre-installed system. Again, we most likely will be Windows 8.1 Single Language. When installing this version, the key will not automatically connect, so you will need to enter it yourself.

Where to take the key to install and activate?

Know license key Immediately not necessarily. You can find the installation key on the Internet that will skip the system load further, but the system does not activate. Then it will be possible to get the key from the bios, for example, using the PKEYUI utility. To do this, you need to download it, install and run, putting a check mark near the MSDM field. If, after starting the utility, this field did not appear, it means that the key in the firmware is either missing or not read. Then you will have to contact a professional. When the key appears below, you need to copy or rewrite it, and then go to the system settings in the control panel and enter the key instead that was used to install. If the system is activated, it means that the Windows 8 reinstall has been successfully.

How to create a bootable flash drive?

There are many programs designed to record images of operating systems on external media. Most often for such purposes, flash drives and discs are used. It may also be an external hard disk, but it is mainly used by professionals, as not one and not two systems are loaded on such a bulk carrier, but also other useful programs.

So, to create a flash drive with the operating system, you will need:

  • Download and install one of the programs that record the OS image onto the media.
  • Clean, formatted flash drive.
  • Required system image with extension.iso.

Usually all recording settings are set by default, and you just need to specify in the appropriate flash drive fields and the location of the image itself. If problems arise with this, usually on the site from which you download the program, there is a brief guide.

Replacement "Windows 8" on "Window 7" on a laptop

If you didn't like the "Windows 8" system, or the use of "Windows 7" turned out to be simply more convenient, you can replace Windows 8 on Windows 7. If you set the system yourself, it will be easy to replace it. It is enough to repeat the same actions as when installing "Windows 8": Buy a licensed disk or create a bootable flash drive with the Windows 7 system, save all the necessary data to a separate media and start the download. In this case, reinstalling Windows 8 on a laptop will be held without problems. If the system was pre-installed, then before boot windows 7 will need to delete separately windows system 8. Otherwise, an error and failure may occur during the replacement process.

A few words finally

No matter what system you decide to use constantly, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the seventh, and with the eighth "windows". Especially since now you know how to reinstall Windows 8 on a laptop in various situations, and warned about possible difficulties. The better you will recognize your computer, the easier it will be more pleasant to work with it. Well, of course, do not forget about the pleasure of successfully completed work and pride for how they coped on their own.

A few years ago, the manufacturer installed Windows 8 on most computers and laptops, but users accepted this version of the operating system ambiguously. Many have left her unhappy. If you want to reinstall Windows 8 to the previous one, seventh, then follow the instructions in this article and you will succeed.

Before starting the installation, we recommend saving on a flash drive or transfer to another hard disk section important filesBecause they can be erased during the process if you specify it. Next, it remains only to prepare the drive and follow the instructions in the installer.

Step 1: Prepare the drive

Most often licensed copies of Windows 7 apply to disks, but sometimes found on flash drives. In this case, no operations are required, you can immediately move to the next step. If you have an image of the operating system and you want to write it on a flash drive for further installation, then we recommend using special programs. Read more about this in our articles.

Step 2: Configure BIOS or UEFI

Computers and laptops in which a copy of Windows 8 has been installed from the factory, most often have a UEFI interface instead of an old bios. When using a flash drive, you must run a number of settings, which will allow you to start the loading flash drive without problems. You can read on the installation of Windows 7 on a laptop with UEFI in our article, in addition to this, the instructions are suitable for computers.

BIOS owners will have to perform some other actions. To begin with, you need to define the version of the interface, and only then select the required parameters in the menu. Also read this in our article.

Step 3: Install Windows 7

Preparatory work and configuration of all parameters is complete, it remains only to insert a disk or flash drive and proceed to reinstall. The process is not something heavy, just follow the instructions:

After completing all actions, it remains only to expect the installation. During the entire process, a computer will be rebooting several times. Next, configure the desktop and the creation of shortcuts.

Step 4: Download drivers and programs

Comfortable using windows And any other operating system is possible only when there are all the necessary drivers and programs. To start, take care to prepare in advance network Drivers or a special offline program on their installation.

The article will go to reinstall Windows 8, which were bought complete with OS. Earlier, the serial key was indicated on the bottom cover of the laptop housing. Key OT new version Specifying a specific device in the BIOS.

From this flows:

  • Reinstalling OS other versions is impossible. I.e new system will be the same version as old;
  • The possibility of obtaining appears automatic updates system versions;
  • The activation process of the operating system occurs online, that is, when reinstalling, the network connection must be connected.

It turns out, there are two options for reinstalling Windows 8: to a version identical to the pre-installed, and reinstalling on the other version, which will be discussed on.

Important: On the hard disk of laptops with pre-installed OS there is a special hidden section with system files. It allows you to quickly return the condition of the device in which it comes from the conveyor. If this section is damaged or deleted, you will have to use the second way.

Reinstalling earlier versions of OS

If it happened that the laptop does not work correctly and it is necessary to reinstall the operating system, then you will need to buy a disc with her or free download image on the official Microsoft website and create an installation flash drive.

Important: Observe the conformity of versions. The version of the new OS should be identical to the previous one. Otherwise, the reinstallation process will be more complicated.

Step 1. Correction of BIOS settings

With the finished installation carrier, you can proceed to the installation process.

To begin with, you will need to correctly adjust bIOS settings. To open it, you need to turn on the laptop and, before starting the OS load, press F2. It will require you to go to the section "Security". Row "Secure Boot", which needs to be set.

No other settings need to be made. You only need to make sure that in the "Boot Mode" line (section "System Configuration") matters.

Step 2. Installing OS from Media

One nuance: if there was a Windows 7 or another OS on a laptop, then installing Windows 8 The laptop will require reformatting the file system in GPT.

For this, in the installation manager (Stage "Where Do you want to install Windows?") You need to delete all logical partitions of the disk brutally and install the system into unrelated space.

With the proper execution of all actions, it is not necessary to even enter the product serial key. The successful completion of the installation indicates an inscription with the version of the OS in the lower right corner of the screen.

Step 3. Activation OS

Now it's a small activation. First of all, you will need to install the network card driver configure the connection to the network. Then the "Computer Properties" window will then be required, more precisely reference in the lower part of it, "more about activation of Windows».

In the window that opens, click "Activate".

After a small expectation, there will be a result:

Actually, this process of reinstallation is completed, the system is activated and ready to work.

Reinstall on another version of Windows 8

When reinstalling Windows 8 other modification there is a chance to get such a "surprise":

Why is this happening? Because the variety of pre-installed OS in the key to it is rigidly fixed in the BIOS of the device.

The installation program first reads information about the software version and the key that is stored on the installation media. If they are not specified, then information about the modification and the key is read from the BIOS.

The process is given on the example of reinstalling from Windows 8 Single Language to another version, if more precisely, then Windows 8 professional 64-bit RUS (OEM).

On the installation media, this data is stored in the EI.cfg files, which contains information about the software version and PID.TXT, in which the key is recorded. Non-futured adjustments will make the installation process possible. This will require the Windows 8 boot flash drive.

– //Editorial OS.maybe be Core or Professional//

- //Distribution method //

The second PID.TXT file is even easier to create. Filling form such:


Where canes are the Windows 8 modification key, which will be installed. You need to save it simply in the "TXT" format.

Ready files You must put on the boot flash drive, in the "Sources" folder.
