How to reinstall Windows XP from disk. How to reinstall Windows XP if you don't have a disc drive. Most often there are only two types of bios

Hello dear reader! Today I would like to look at the "fundamental" area of ​​computer knowledge, namely, explain how to install Windows XP on a computer from a disk.

In everyday life, it is generally accepted that those who know how to do this are already definitely at least a little versed in computers. I don’t undertake to judge how true such a statement is, but I have no doubt that this material can be useful to many.

Attention! If you need an original installation disk from Windows XP or any other version, then write to me by mail [email protected] Thus, you will get an image without viruses and 100% non-buggy.

Today we will learn how to reinstall the Windows XP operating system, or, as they often say, "reinstall Windows". I note right away that using this article, you can not only reinstall the OS, but also put it on a new hard drive or a clean partition.

At the end of the article, you can watch a video tutorial.

The quality of the installed system largely depends on the distribution you will be using. I do not recommend using different builds like Zver DVD and similar.

The correct choice would be a distribution with a minimum of changes. Ideally, it's best to use the official version. Depending on which distribution you choose, during the installation process, you may be missing some of the items listed below. This does not in any way affect the performance of the system, their number is reduced specifically in order to simplify and speed up the installation process.

You can make an installation disk yourself, use the preinstalled drivers (integrated), and configure all the parameters so as not to specify them when installing Windows. I will definitely tell you about how this is done in one of my next articles.

After installing this version of Windows, you can install any! If you don't believe me, you can read an article about installing Windows of other versions on the blog:

Before installing Windows XP

Before I start telling you how to install Windows XP on a computer from a disc, first, you need to make sure that you have there is a license key that matches the existing disk... It can usually be found on the surface of the disc, on the box, on the system unit (if you bought a computer with Windows installed), or in a text file called "serial.txt" or "s / n" in the disc itself.

In the latter case, you need to start the disk before reinstalling the OS and rewrite the key on a piece of paper. Another option is possible - the license key may be located where you downloaded the disk image.

Before starting the installation, copy all data from the system drive "C: /" to another partition, for example, "D: /", a portable hard drive, or a USB flash drive.


Before starting the installation, you need to make the computer, after turning on, not to the hard disk, but to the optical drive (into which you have already inserted the Windows XP installation disc).

There are two ways to do this: the first is to force the computer to access the optical disc drive once during installation, and the second is to make the computer always check for the presence of a disc in the drive.

To implement the first method, you need to go to the "Boot menu" boot menu and select "" in it. To do this, after turning on the computer, PRESS the "F8" or "F12" button. You should not just press and hold the button, but repeat the presses.

To implement the second method, you need to go to the "BIOS" - "BIOS Setup". To do this, when booting the computer, press the "F2", "F10" or "Del" key.

In the BIOS, you need to find a setting indicating the boot order of devices, it will be called something like this: "Boot device priority".

This can be represented in the form of several items: the first device to boot "First boot device", the second "Second boot device", the third "Third boot device", etc.

In order to find out which button you need to press to load the BIOS, you need to carefully look at the screen - there will be prompts at the bottom. The button for the first method will be labeled as "Boot menu", and for the second "Setup", "BIOS" or "BIOS Setup".

The first method is more suitable for beginners, as it will not lead to anything bad. Unlike the second, where the user can make a mistake when setting up the BIOS. In addition, after the successful installation of the OS, the settings made in the second method must be returned to their original position, which is not required in the first method.

Starting and installing Windows XP

When the steps above have been completed and, after turning on the power, the computer boots from the disc and the installer disc is inserted into the drive, you can proceed with the installation.

In principle, I have already talked about the nuances of how to install Windows XP on a computer from a disk. But in order for the article to be complete, so to speak, we will bring the installation of Windows to the end.

After restarting or turning on your computer, you will be asked to click " Press any key to boot from CD ..."Which means" Press any key to boot from disk ". Accordingly, after seeing the message, press any button. I usually press Space (hard to miss).

If everything is done correctly, you will soon see the screen shown in the following figure, which indicates that the installation program has begun preparatory procedures.

If the installation is performed on a hard drive that already contains the installed version of Windows XP, then you will be prompted to restore it using the "Recovery Console". Since we firmly decided to reinstall the system, press "Enter".

The next step is to demonstrate the Windows XP license agreement. We, of course, agree with him, so we press "F8".

If the computer already has Windows installed, you will be prompted to restore the system indicating the location of its installation. We refuse, press "Esc".

The next step is to choose where to install the new system. Here the installer will show you a list of your hard drives and partitions on them.

If you reinstall the OS, then you need to select the partition with the letter "C:" (it is assumed that this is where the old OS is installed) and press "Enter".

In the event that the installation takes place on a blank hard disk, then instead of the list of partitions, it will be written "(some) MB". In this case, you first need to create a partition for the system, for this press the "C" key.

On the screen that appears, you need to specify the size of the partition to be created in megabytes. According to modern standards, for comfortable work, the system partition must be 30-50 GB in size, that is, you need to specify a figure from 30,000 to 50,000 at your discretion. If you play modern games on your computer, then you need to create a partition from 50,000 to 100,000 MB.

Upon returning to the previous screen, the letter "C:" will be assigned to the created partition. Select it and continue, press "Enter".

If a reinstallation is performed, that is, you install the system into a partition with an installed OS, then the program, suspecting that you intend to install two copies of Windows into one partition, will warn you that this is not recommended. We press "C" to continue.

After that, we will be warned that during the formatting process, all data on the selected partition will be lost. But we were ready for this, and before reinstalling, we copied all the valuable data from the "C:" drive (after all, we copied it, right?). Select "Format partition in NTFS (Fast)" and press "Enter".

On the question of the system, press the "F" button.

Ahead of us are two screens that do not require user intervention. The first is the progress of the formatting procedure, the second is the process of copying files to the hard drive.

Copying data.

After completing these steps, the computer will restart. He will wait 15 seconds, you can rush him by pressing the "Enter" button.

An important point! After the reboot, you no longer need to boot from the disk, the further installation procedure will continue using the files copied to the hard disk. That is, the sentence "Press any key to boot from CD ..." (if such appears) you ignore. Just don't press anything. The disc remains in the drive.

Further, the appearance has a more pleasant and familiar graphical interface. Dialog boxes will appear from time to time. I note right away that the time until the end of the installation, indicated at the bottom left, is very different from the truth and depends most of all on the performance of the computer, the speed of the hard disk is also important.

The first dialog box will be Regional and Language Options. There is no need to change anything in it, but if you want, you can press one and the second button "Configure ...", and select the necessary parameters at your discretion.

Select the country in which we are and click "Next".

In the next window, you will be asked to introduce yourself. Feel free to write your name or nickname here.

The next step is to enter the license key. It must be prepared in advance, as mentioned above.

A friendly name is necessary if the computer operates on a local network (even a home network of 2-3 PCs). Otherwise, you don't have to bother. It is recommended that you set and write down the administrator password in a safe place for security reasons. However, if you have any doubts due to your forgetfulness, you can leave the field blank.

Choose the current date, time and time zone.

In the next window, leave the default settings, click "Next".

After that, the "Welcome" screen will appear, click "Next".

When checking the Internet connection, click the "Skip" button.

Choose "No, some other time", click "Next".

After that, you will be prompted to specify the users who will work with this computer. A separate account will be created for each. If only you will work, enter your name and click "Next".

If all the steps described in the article were performed correctly and the process was successful, we can congratulate you, now you know how to install Windows XP on a computer from a disc.

The next step is to install drivers for your devices. To find out how this is done, read the article: "". And about the software that will come in handy after reinstalling the OS, you can read the article: "".

See you soon!

PS: I recorded a video tutorial where you will clearly see how to install WIndows XP on a computer from a disk.

Reinstall Windows XP. Let's say you have a question about how to reinstall your Windows XP, you installed it a long time ago, the performance has dropped, some programs do not start, there are many errors, and so on. Where to start, and we will start by copying important settings, folders and documents, from the partition of the hard disk where we will reinstall the operating system. After reinstalling Windows XP, they will all be lost.Friends if you want , then our other article will help you.

Reinstall Windows XP

First, copy from your desktop and from the My Documents folders to a safe place everything that you do not want to lose: photos, music files, any documents. A safe place, such as a disk(D drive :). If you have only one logical drive (C :), then copy these folders to a USB flash drive or burn to a DVD disc, after reinstalling the system, you will need to return everything to its place.Further, the Application Data folder - settings from the programs installed on your computer are stored here.

You can also copy the folders of your Opera and Mozilla Firefox browsers, with all your bookmarks, contacts, classmates. Torrents with your hands, ratings and more.Of course, you have accumulated a lot of links in the Favorites folder, you should copy it too.

Let me remind you in Windows XP all these folders are located in the folder C: \ Documents and Settings ( your_username).For example, if you have Windows XP installed to (drive C :), and your username (by which you log in) isAlex, then our folder will be called C: \ Documents and Settings \ Alex.

If you use Outlook Express as a mail program, then all letters and addresses you receive are storedin a specific folder - C: \ Documents and Settings \ Petya \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Identities \ (a set of letters and numbers) \ Microsoft \ Outlook Express \.

Next, we save your accounts and mailbox settings. From the Outlook Express menu, choose Tools> Accounts. In the window that appears, clickon the Export button, call the file as we want, save it to a USB flash drive or another partition of the hard disk, after reinstalling we need it.We will start Outlook Express again and select import from the menu instead of exportand indicate the file in which you exported your accounts. Outlook Express will work as before reinstalling Windows XP.

Driver Magician will copy the drivers from the system to all your devices: printers, scanners, video card and so on in a special folder. After reinstallation Windows XP, you don't have to look for drivers for all your devices, you will run the device wizard and specify the folder created by Driver Magician and the drivers will be installed automatically.

After launching the utility, you will be taken to its main window. Check all your devices and click (Start),

Driver Magician will ask you where to save the folder with drivers, save it only to a different partition where you will reinstall the system. Of course, the ideal option after reinstalling Windows XP is to download drivers for all devices on your computer on the Internet at the official websites of their manufacturers. Well, we finally got to the reinstallation itself, it is no different from the installation, here is an article from our site

Can I reinstall Windows XP if my computer does not have a CD-ROM drive or the laser system itself is missing? Yes, you can, and not even in one way, but in several ways. For example:

  • reinstall or update the system from under Windows itself, if it has retained at least a minimum of performance - it can load and run exe-files;
  • reinstall Windows XP from the hard drive;
  • reinstall Windows XP from a USB flash drive.

But with all this, you cannot do without the distribution kit of the system that you will be installing. Since you do not have an optical drive for reading discs, search the Internet and download a bootable Windows XP ISO image. In addition to it, you will need any program that can open such images, for example, UltraISO, Daemon Tools, Alcohol 120%, or an archiver like 7Zip.

If you plan to reinstall the system from a USB flash drive, prepare the flash drive itself with a volume of at least 1 Gb and a program for transferring the distribution to it (we will do this using UltraISO). If from a hard drive, you will need any bootable media under Windows (most likely it will also be a USB flash drive with Windows Portable Edition, for example, BartPE, Alcid Live USB, Hiren’s boot USB, etc.).

After you have downloaded the Windows XP ISO image to your computer, open it, select all the files it contains, click the “Extract” button and specify the directory for this (an example shows how this is done in UltraISO). We will refer to this directory in the process of reinstalling the system.

Reinstalling Windows XP in Update Mode

If the Windows installed on you is outdated, because it has not been updated for a long time, or has partially lost its functions due to some failures, updating from the installation disk will help to restore its functionality. This is practically the same as a "clean" reinstall, but with the preservation of user files and programs.

To reinstall the system in update mode, we do not need separate bootable media - just transfer the directory with the distribution files that we extracted from the ISO image to a USB flash drive or hard drive.

  • Download the Windows XP you are about to update.
  • Find the Setup.EXE file in the distribution directory and click on it. A window of the System Installation Wizard will open, where you will need to select the first item from the list of actions.

  • Then select the installation type “Update”.

  • Accept the license agreement.

  • Enter your serial number (if you like). If you don’t want to - put it off for later and just click “Next”.

  • Windows installation will continue automatically. Until the system is fully updated, you will most likely not see any more dialog boxes. The whole process will take about 20 - 40 minutes, and reinstalling from a USB flash drive takes a little longer than from a hard disk due to the difference in data reading speed.

  • At the very final stage of the update, the system will ask for your participation.

  • You will be prompted to turn on the auto-update feature

and activate. If your Windows was previously activated, you will need to do it again after the update. However, if you wish, this can also be postponed for later.

Then click the "Finish" button, log in with your account, and your usual desktop will open in front of you. All user documents will be in the same places, and the installed programs will work.

Reinstall Windows XP from your hard drive

This option will help out when the system that needs to be reinstalled does not boot. Before dulling to the reinstallation operation, we will have to somehow transfer our distribution folder to the hard drive. This can be done, for example, by booting from external media (various Live USB) or by removing and connecting the hard drive to another PC, as well as by booting from a system installed on another partition of the same hard drive (if any).

If you removed the hard drive to copy the distribution kit, before reinstalling Windows XP, connect it to the computer on which it was installed, and perform all further actions on it. It is impossible to install Windows on one PC, and then transfer the hard drive to another, since during installation the system is “tied” to the hardware and can only work on it.

Since the distribution is located in the same location as the system to be reinstalled, there are no special requirements for the capacity of the bootable media. In rare cases, even boot floppies are used for this purpose. And we will show the whole reinstallation process by starting the computer from the “Alkid Live USB” flash drive.

  • Make sure that the partition of the disk with the system being reinstalled appears normally in File Explorer.
  • Open the distribution folder and click on the Setup.exe file - the Windows installation wizard will start. Here you will also need to select the item "Install Windows XP".

  • This time, the "Update" installation type will be unavailable, the only thing left is to select the only one - "New Installation".

  • Next, the wizard will ask you to accept the license agreement and enter the serial number. The agreement will have to be accepted, but it is not necessary to indicate the number.
  • Further actions require the active participation of the user: first of all, you will need to select the system language.

  • Next, the process of preparing for installation will begin. After its completion, the computer will reboot (if it does not happen, restart it manually) and the further installation of Windows XP will proceed as usual. First, you will be greeted by the installer.

  • Next, the distribution files will be copied to the system partition of the hard disk. If you do not want to lose your data, it would be correct to refuse to format the partition - in this case, the old Windows directory will be renamed to Windows.0, which you can then delete manually.

  • Further steps are completely similar to a "clean" installation of Windows XP: you will need to provide user information (name and organization), give a name for the PC, come up with an administrator password, set the date, time, network settings, connect to a workgroup or domain and create an account for the first user ...
  • After installation - as usual, the initial setup of the system with a proposal to perform activation. If we do everything right, we will soon see a completely clean desktop of brand new Windows XP.

Reinstalling the system in this way is almost the same as installing from scratch. The only difference is that the hard disk partition was not formatted in this case, and our user files were saved. We can always find them by searching the disk.

Reinstalling Windows XP from a USB flash drive

Another commonly used method for both reinstallation and full installation of the system. If in previous cases we used ready-made tools - distribution files and bootable media, now we will have to make an installation flash drive ourselves. To do this, we need only three things: the flash drive itself, the Windows XP distribution kit (ISO) and the UltraISO program. With the help of the latter, a bootable flash drive with a single system is correctly, quickly and easily created. So let's get started.

Cooking a USB flash drive

  • Connect the flash drive to your computer, launch UltraISO, open the “File” menu, and then “Open”. Find the Windows XP distribution kit (ISO image) using the Explorer, open it in the program.
  • Expand the “Boot” menu, click on the “Burn hard disk image” item.

  • In the “Write Disk Image” window that opens, in the Disk Drive section, select your USB flash drive. Set the recording method to “USB + HDD” and “Xpress boot”. Then click “Format”.

  • Before formatting, transfer all important data from the flash drive to another place, otherwise it will be permanently deleted.

  • Select the file system “NTFS” or “Fat32”, mark the fast formatting method and click on the “Start” button. After formatting is complete, close this window and go to “Write Disk Image” and click “Write”. After about 15 to 20 minutes, the installation stick will be ready.

Configuring the BIOS

Configuring BIOS Setup for booting from a flash drive is not difficult even for inexperienced PC users: to enter the settings before booting the system, you need to hold down the specially assigned key, then go to the BOOT tab and use the “F5 - F6” or “ + - ”move“ USB-HDD ”or“ USB-Zip ”to the first place - depending on how the flash drive is displayed in the list of devices.

But for the next moment, pay closer attention. If the system on your computer is installed on an IDE disk, leave all other options by default and exit the BIOS (press “F10 ″ and“ Y ”to save the settings). If you have a SATA drive installed, Windows XP may not recognize it because it does not include drivers for this type of device. In this case, you will not be able to reinstall the system correctly without special BIOS settings.

To make Windows XP recognize your hard drive, open the “Advanced” tab and make sure that the “OnChip SATA” setting is “Native IDE” and not “IDE-AHCI”. If your BIOS version does not have this option, check the “IDE Configuration” parameter - it should be “Compatible”. Only after making sure that these settings are correct, proceed to the next step.

Reinstalling the system

The only thing left is to reinstall Windows. Further operations will go exactly as during the initial installation, the main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing a hard disk partition, especially if you plan to format it.

The operator's actions in the process of reinstalling the system from a USB flash drive are completely similar to those that we did when installing from a hard disk. This includes accepting the license agreement, entering the serial number, setting the language, date, time, network connections, administrator password, creating a user account, and activating the system. And if problems arise during this, they are most likely due to the fact that mistakes were made when creating a flash drive.

There are also cases when when trying to install Windows XP on a modern PC equipped with SATA drives of the latest generation, even when changing the BIOS configuration, the system is not installed. The process is interrupted endlessly by blue screens of death with the error code “Stop 0x0000007B INACCESSABLE_BOOT_DEVICE”.

Despite the fact that you did everything correctly - as described in the instructions, you will have to first integrate the SATA controller drivers into the Windows XP distribution. This is done using a dedicated utility. nLite... Also, with its help, you can add an update package, other drivers and other Windows components that you need to the distribution kit. Having such a disk on hand in case of system reinstallation is a very convenient solution.

At one time, the Internet was full of topics and lessons about installing, reinstalling Windows XP. Much has been said about this, but in this article, we want to refresh and remind users "How to independently install or reinstall the Windows XP operating system from a disk or USB drive (Flash drive) on a computer or laptop" and put an end to this, since the time of XP , unfortunately ended.

  • 1 ... We insert the disk with the Windows XP distribution kit into the DVD drive or into the USB port.
  • 2 ... We reboot the computer and go into the BIOS to set the priority of the device for booting. How to enter BIOS, configure priority and why you need it -.
  • 3 ... 1) - We set the priority of the device in the BIOS. 2) - We saved the parameters before exiting. 3) - Restart the computer.

Fig. 1
  • 4 ... As soon as you pressed any key, we see the following window - Install Windows. (Fig. 2)

Fig. 2
  • 5 ... We wait a bit, and the next window - Installing Windows XP Professional. (Fig. 3) Press - ENTER (Enter)

Fig. 3
  • 6 ... We accept the license agreement - by pressing the key on the keyboard F8(Fig. 4)

Fig. 4
  • 7 ... The next step is to partition your hard drive. In our figure (Fig. 5), one unallocated area is just over 10 gigabytes. Of course your sizes will be completely different. This is what the unused hard drive (new) will look like, or from which all partitions have been removed. In general, this is an example of a blank hard drive. If you did not have valuable information on your computer before reinstalling the system, then it would be best for you to delete all partitions that were and create new ones. To delete, select the desired section and press the " D". This is how you delete all the existing partitions. Select, click on D. After deleting all partitions, your hard drive will look like in Figure 5, but with other dimensions, of course, it depends on the size of your hard drive. But once again we warn you! You can delete all partitions of the hard disk when you do not have the necessary and valuable information for you on your computer, and these are photos, documents and other your personal files. If you took care of their safety before rearranging the system and copied them, for example, to a USB flash drive, then you can safely delete the partitions and recreate them, with different parameters.

If you copied your files, for example, to the partition of the D drive, before rearranging the system, and reached this point, then simply do not delete this partition, but delete only the C drive (where you had the old system installed), and then recreate it ... To create a section, select an area (Fig. 5) and press the key on the keyboard “ WITH«.

Fig. 5
  • 8 ... The following window appeared (Fig. 6)

Fig. 6

In the sample picture, we see 10229 megabytes, (10 gigabytes 229 megabytes). You will have different meanings. So, it is best to split the Disk into 2 partitions. (some split into 3), but you don't need a lot of partitions. The best option is 2 partitions: Drive C (where the operating system is directly installed), and Drive D, where you can store your files, install games, and more. In this line we write our values.

In our example, we assigned Disk C - 5000 MB. (Fig. 7)

Fig. 7

If you have a disk, for example, 120 gigabytes and more, safely prescribe 30,000 MB. 30 gigabytes is quite enough for the normal operation of Exiska, by the way, this is not so much. As a rule, when using a computer, Local drive C is quickly clogged with various files from installed programs, updates and other products. Therefore, more is better than less.

Fig. 8
  • 9 ... We have created one (main) section (Fig. 8). Now, we go down to the unmarked area (Fig. 9)

Fig. 9
  • 10 ... It remains to create a second section. This will be our disk D. Do not change the value (Fig. 10), since all the remaining remainder will be used to create the second partition (Disk D). Click on Enter.

Fig. 10
  • 11 ... Now we see that we have created 1 and 2 partitions, hence Disk C and D (Fig. 11)

Fig. 11

Don't worry if you (like in Figure 11) have a D instead of, for example, E or another letter.

Please note that there is an unaligned area of ​​8 MB left - this is the norm. This 8 megabytes of unallocated space is reserved to preserve the ability to convert the disk to a dynamic volume. But you don't need that. We leave everything as it is and move on.

  • 12 ... So we got to the installation process itself. The hard disk was divided into 2 partitions, it remains to format. To do this, select Section 1 (Fig. 11), and click Enter.

Fig. 12
  • 13 ... The installer suggests formatting our section. The best option is to choose a file system NTFS, and the formatting type is normal, but not "Fast" (Fig. 12).
  • 14 ... The process of formatting the partition will begin (Fig. 13)

Fig. 13

After formatting the disk, a list of files will be created that will be copied to the hard disk and immediately after it the process of copying these files will begin. You just have to watch the process. (Fig. 14)

Fig. 14
  • 15 ... Configuration initialization is in progress (Fig. 15)

Fig. 15
Fig. 16
  • 17 ... Windows XP will boot (Figure 17)

Fig. 17

The process of installing the operating system will begin (Fig. 18).

Fig. 18
  • 18 ... Next, the settings window will appear (Fig. 19), where we should select the language and regional standards.

Fig. 19

Usually, if you have an installation CD with Windows XP with a menu in Russian, as in all our pictures (screenshots), then by default the language settings are already configured, and we just click Further.

  • 19 ... Next comes the configuration of the personal data of the computer (Fig. 20)

Fig. 20

You are invited to enter Name.Here you can write the valid name of your computer, come up with any name that your imagination allows.

In line Organization, usually the name of the company is written where the computer is located and to which it belongs. You can write, for example, the name of your city, region, or whatever you come up with, because it is at your home, and not at work.

  • 20 ... The next setting is input Product key(Fig. 21).

Fig. 21

The the key is on the packaging of your licensed disc .

  • 21 ... Next, we write our computer name (which you already wrote) and come up with a password for it (Fig. 22)

Fig. 22
Fig. 23
  • 23 ... The next setting item is Network parameters (Fig. 24). We mark the usual parameters and click Further.

Fig. 24
  • 24 ... We leave the working group unchanged - WORKGROUP(Fig. 25), and click Further.

Fig. 25
  • 25 ... The installation of the system will continue (Fig. 26)

Fig. 26
  • 26 ... After installation, an automatic reboot occurs and then you enter Windows XP (Fig. 27)

Fig. 27
  • 27. Screen display (Fig. 28), click " OK«.

Fig. 28
  • 28 ... Setting the screen resolution (Fig. 29), click " OK«.

Fig. 29
  • 29 ... Continue logging in (Fig. 30)

Fig. 30
  • 30 ... The Windows XP welcome screen will appear (Fig. 31), click “ Further«

Fig. 31
  • 31 ... The correct step is to select the first item - "Protect your computer now by enabling automatic updates" (Fig. 32).

Fig. 32

Of course Microsoft has already ended technical support for Windows XP, but some critical updates are still available. We press " Further«.

Probably every second computer site has an article about how to install Windows XP operating system... I thought that even if my blog is no exception and it will remain on it. Windows XP installation instructions.

You can install Windows on a blank hard drive; over an already installed system; or as a second (third, etc.) operating system. Each of these options has its own characteristics. Today I want to tell you how to completely reinstall the existing operating system, while formatting the system drive.

In general, you can start installing Windows XP in two ways: 1) by booting from the installation disk; 2) directly from the installed system. The first option is preferable, and we will consider it.

A small digression: I did not take the screenshots used in the article myself. I borrowed them from the site I hope the author will not be offended by me for this 🙂

So, to install, we need boot disk with Windows XP operating system. Only such a disk contains a special hidden section with important system files that will allow the computer to boot directly from this CD.

We turn on our computer and first of all we go to the BIOS to configure the boot from the disk. To do this, immediately after switching on, press the key on the keyboard Delete or F2(other keys can also be used, so watch the prompts on the screen carefully).
Once in Bios, you need to find a section with the word Boot and then reorder the boot devices so that the CD-ROM comes first. Depending on the BIOS version, the device from which the computer will boot is either selected from the list, or moved upward using the keys F5 / F6, +/- .
After the changes have been made, we exit the BIOS, saving the settings. Before exiting, you need to insert a disc with Windows XP into the drive so that the computer can boot from it.

If any Windows operating system has already been installed on your computer, after rebooting you will see “” on the screen (it means “Press any key to boot from CD”). Accordingly, you need to press any button on the keyboard. If you delay for more than 10 seconds, the boot of the current operating system installed on the hard disk will start (then you will have to restart the computer).
The Windows XP installer shell will appear on the screen. The OS checks the hardware installed on the computer and starts downloading the installation files.
At the end of this process, a window will appear prompting you to start installing Windows. Click on Enter on keyboard.
Next, we accept the license agreement by clicking F8.
It will then search for previous copies of Windows installed on your computer. If any are found, you will see a screen listing these systems.
It will also be offered here:

1) Restore the found copy of Windows by pressing the R key .

Recovery can help if Windows system files are damaged, deleted or replaced with infected files.
If you select this item, you will have to go through the complete system installation procedure, during which all system files of the old copy will be replaced with new ones from the CD. All your data, settings and installed programs will not disappear anywhere.

2) Install a new copy of Windows by pressing the Esc key .

Because we want to install a new Windows XP, then we press now on the keyboard Esc.

You will not see a window with a list of installed systems if you are installing the system on a new hard drive, as well as if the previous copy of Windows has a different edition or service pack.

Because in my case, the operating system was already installed on the computer, then the hard disk was already allocated to logical disks. Therefore, a window appears listing all the found sections.
If the current partition of the hard disk does not suit you, you can delete the existing partitions by pressing the key D(you can select the desired section using the arrows on the keyboard). After deleting a partition, the area it occupied becomes unallocated, and all data on this logical disk is deleted.

I am satisfied with the existing structure of the hard disk, so I use the arrow on the keyboard to select the partition where the system will be installed. Let it be C: Section2 (SYSTEM)... Then I press Enter.

If the following window appears, just click Enter.
Then select "Format partition in NTFS" and click Enter.
The formatting process starts:
When it finishes copying Windows XP files to the hard drive will start:
After copying is finished, the computer will restart. If after rebooting a screen appears with the inscription “” - do not press anything (just wait 10 seconds). Otherwise, the installation will start over.

Next, Windows will offer to configure the language and region. Click Next.
In the window “Program ownership settings” enter a name (for example: Ivan) and the name of the organization (for example: Nome). Click Next.
The Product Key window appears, prompting you to enter your Windows XP serial number.
Then come up with and enter the name of the computer under which it will be visible on the network (use Latin letters). The administrator password can be left blank.
In the “Time and Date Setting” window, check all the parameters and click “Next”.
You will see the next two windows only if the Windows XP distribution contains a driver for your network card. In the first of them we leave the marker in the “Normal parameters” position, and in the second we agree with the name of the WORKGROUP workgroup and just click “Next”.

Windows will then start installing the network and copying the files. After the installation is complete, the computer will reboot and offer to automatically adjust the screen resolution - click "OK".
The welcome screen will appear - click "Next".
The next window will ask you to enable automatic updates. You can select "Postpone this action" and click "Next".
If the network card driver was installed during installation, then two more windows will appear in front of you. In the first “Test your Internet connection” click “Skip”. And in the second, put the marker in the position “No, some other time” and click “Next”.

The account creation window will appear. In the field “Your account name” enter any name in Latin letters and without spaces. You can also create a second, third, etc. now. users, but for now, one is enough. Click Next.
This completes the installation of Windows XP. After clicking on the “Finish” button, the Desktop will appear.

Do not forget to return the computer boot from the hard disk to BIOS.
