World of tanks recommended system requirements. We are assembling the computer configuration for world of tanks. World of Tanks system requirements are divided into

Here you will find out information on the system requirements of the online game World Of Tanks for a personal computer. Get brief and to-the-point information on World of Tanks and the requirements for PC, operating system (OS), processor (CPU), amount of RAM (RAM), video card (GPU) and free hard drive space ( HDD / SSD), sufficient to run World Of Tanks!

Sometimes it is very important to know in advance the requirements for a computer to comfortably run the online game World Of Tanks, which is why we publish both the minimum and recommended system requirements for World Of Tanks.

Knowing the system requirements, you can move on to the next stage, Download World Of Tanks and start playing!

Remember, usually all the requirements are conditional, it is best to roughly evaluate the characteristics of the computer, compare with the system requirements of the World Of Tanks game, and if the characteristics approximately meet the minimum requirements, download and run the game! If you want to evaluate the game at maximum graphics settings, but your PC or laptop can’t handle it, then you can try playing World of Tanks without downloading the game itself and a long installation, and you can play at the highest graphics settings, this has become possible thanks to the advent of cloud gaming platform with payment for playing time!

Minimum system requirements for World of Tanks:

As you can understand, these requirements are suitable for playing World Of Tanks at minimum settings; if the computer’s characteristics are below this level, then playing World Of Tanks can be very difficult even at minimum graphics settings. If the computer meets or exceeds these system requirements, then a comfortable game is ahead with a sufficient level of FPS (frames per second), perhaps even at medium graphics settings.

  • : Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.
  • Minimum screen resolution: 1024 × 768 pixels.
  • : with two or more physical cores, supporting SSE2 technology.
  • : 1.5 GB for Windows XP, 2 GB for Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.
  • Video card (GPU): GeForce 6800 / ATI HD 2400 XT with 256 MB memory, DirectX 9.0c.
  • Audio card: DirectX 9.0c compatible.
  • : ~25 GB.
  • Internet connection speed: 256 Kbps.

If the recommended requirements are met, players can enjoy a comfortable game at maximum graphics settings and an acceptable level of FPS (frames per second), usually if the PC characteristics are approximately equal to the recommended requirements of World Of Tanks, then there is no need to make compromises between graphics and FPS. If your computer’s specifications are higher than these requirements, then download the game right away!

  • Operating system (OS/OS): Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 - 64-bit.
  • Central processing unit (CPU / CPU): Intel Core i5-3330.
  • Random access memory (RAM / RAM): 4 GB (or more).
  • Video card (GPU): GeForce GTX660 (2 GB) / Radeon HD 7850 2 GB, DirectX 9.0c.
  • Audio card: DirectX 9.0c compatible.
  • Free hard disk space: ~36 GB.
  • Internet connection speed: 1024 Kbps or higher (for voice chat).

Find out how much the World Of Tanks game weighs before installation, how much space the game will take up on your hard drive.

general information





"World War"

Fortified areas

general information

What genre does the game belong to?

World of Tanks is a diverse game that intertwines several genres. First of all, this is a multiplayer tank action game. In addition, the game contains elements of such genres as shooter, simulator, RPG and even strategy with an emphasis on economics and diplomacy.

What are the system requirements of the game?

Minimum System Requirements

  • Operating system: Windows 7/8/10.
  • Processor (CPU): with two or more physical cores, supporting SSE2 technology.
  • Random access memory (RAM): 2 GB.
  • Video adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 8600, ATIRadeon HD 4550.
  • Internet connection speed: 256 Kbps.
  • Processor (CPU): Intel Core i5 (Desktop).
  • Random access memory (RAM): 4 GB (or more).
  • Video adapter: GeForce GTX660 (2 GB) / Radeon HD 7850 (2 GB).
  • Free hard disk space: ~40 GB.

System requirements for playing on Ultra settings

  • Operating system: Windows 7/8/10 - 64-bit.
  • Processor (CPU): Intel Core i5-7400 / AMD Ryzen 5 1500 X.
  • Random access memory (RAM): 8 GB (or more).
  • Video adapter: GeForce GTX 1050ti (4 GB) / Radeon RX 570 (4 GB).
  • Free hard disk space: ~61.5 GB.
  • Internet connection speed: 1024 Kbps or higher (for voice chat).

What operating systems are supported?

World of Tanks supports operating systems of the MS Windows family.

How to download and update the game?

The main tool for installing and updating the game is. Detailed information about installing the game can be found.


What is the current number of tanks in the game?

Currently, the World of Tanks game features more than 500 combat vehicles from the USSR, Germany, USA, France, Great Britain, China, Japan, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Italy and Poland.

What types of armored vehicles are presented in the game?

The game features tanks and other armored units from the USSR, Germany, USA, France, Great Britain, China, Japan, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Italy and Poland, produced and designed from the 30s to the 50s of the XX century. Players have at their disposal light, medium and heavy tanks, as well as anti-tank (tank destroyer) and self-propelled artillery (self-propelled guns). In addition to production cars, the game also includes prototypes, such as the German VK.

What role do tank destroyers and self-propelled guns play on the battlefield?

As in real battles of World War II, in World of Tanks the role of these devices is difficult to overestimate. Anti-tank self-propelled guns are an ideal means of defense. Their powerful guns allow them to hit enemy units from long range, and their thick frontal armor guarantees a high level of frontal protection. On the other hand, their lack of mobility and weak rear and side armor make them vulnerable in close combat.

Self-propelled guns have a slightly different role. They work in close cooperation with light tanks, which, using reconnaissance, “highlight” enemy units for self-propelled howitzers. The extremely powerful cannons of self-propelled guns, if hit well, can severely damage a tank and stun its crew. However, howitzers are also very vulnerable in close combat.

What is the role of light tanks in the game?

First of all, light tanks are excellent reconnaissance units, capable of quickly finding and neutralizing enemy artillery. Secondly, their mobility and large viewing radius make it possible to quickly find enemy equipment and transmit its coordinates to allied howitzers. Thirdly, they are most effective in close combat against enemy light tanks and, therefore, can defeat them on their own territory. The development of a line of light tanks, despite their meager armor and low-powered guns, makes sense. Moreover, upgrading a good light tank will take much less time than developing a medium or heavy tank.

What is the role of medium tanks?

Medium tanks are designed for maneuverable combat. Rapid flank breakthroughs and attacks from the rear, destruction of enemy artillery, hunting for single heavy tanks - these are just some of the tasks assigned to the ST in the game.

What role do heavy tanks play on the battlefield?

Heavy tanks are the main striking force of the team. They are equipped with powerful cannons and have strong armor. The fist of heavy tanks is the best means to crush the enemy’s defenses or hold back the onslaught of his forces.


How realistic is World of Tanks?

The game maintains a balance between realism and convenient gameplay. World of Tanks is not a hardcore simulator: players will not have to waste time learning a complex control system. Instead, the difficulty of the game is based on the players' ability to use tactical thinking.

How does the gaming technology correspond to historical prototypes?

The vehicles presented in the game are as similar as possible to their historical prototypes in appearance and comparable in tactical and technical characteristics. This means that their speed, maneuverability, cross-country ability, turret traverse speed and rate of fire are the same as those of real tanks and self-propelled guns in testing conditions. In addition, elements such as the location of modules and crew members, the number of shells in the ammunition load, etc., correspond to historical prototypes.

To what extent does the behavior of the equipment in the game correspond to the real one?

The developers have made every effort to make the behavior of game models as reliable as possible. When shooting on the move, the probability of a hit is reduced, the terrain and soil affect the dynamics of the vehicle, and different types of projectiles have different flight speeds. After the introduction of new physics in update 0.8.0, it became possible to fall off a cliff or push an enemy, drown, and fast tanks skid when turning. A shell hit not only causes damage to the vehicle, but can also concuss a crew member, set the tank on fire, or damage one or another module.

How long does one battle last on average?

In modes « Standard fight » And « Meeting engagement » Each battle takes from 5 to 15 minutes. If, after 15 minutes, armored vehicles from each side remain on the battlefield and none of the bases are captured, a draw is declared.

In mode « Storm » The battle takes up to 10 minutes. If, after 10 minutes, the attacking team has failed to break the resistance of the defenders or capture their base, the victory of the defending team is declared.

Do newbies have the opportunity to practice before entering the “adult world”? Is the training mode available and can it be enabled offline?

For beginners, in-game training and a “sandbox” mode are available, in which for the first 10 battles only level 1 vehicles are present, then the threshold increases: vehicles of levels 1-2. This will help new recruits get comfortable with the technology, control system and gameplay. Training modes are available online.

What type is the main one in the game? How difficult is it to manage?

The main view in the game is from a third person, with four modes of distance from the tank and the ability to freely move the camera around the vehicle. In addition, there is a first-person view, which includes the so-called. “sniper mode” for tanks, as well as “howitzer” mode for long-range artillery, in which the map is viewed from a bird’s eye view, also with the ability to zoom in/out of the camera from the ground surface. The game uses standard controls: WSAD keys plus mouse control. In addition, players can use cruise control to move both forward and backward. To do this, use the R and F keys, respectively.

Does the game have auto-targeting?

The game features auto-targeting, which allows you to shoot at a moving enemy. To enable auto-targeting, you need to aim at the enemy tank and press the right mouse button.

Is there disguise in the game?

There is camouflage. At the moment, there is a coefficient that determines how close you need to get to a hidden tank for it to become noticeable. Bushes and especially walls are the best way to hide from the enemy. A camouflaged tank can “give away” itself by starting to move or opening fire—its silhouette becomes visible. In addition, the game has introduced a special camouflage for tanks, which also adds a small percentage to stealth.

Is there a division by nation in battle?

Each time before the start of a battle, the game distributes combat vehicles among two teams, trying to maintain optimal balance and balance of forces. In this case, the nationality of the equipment is not taken into account: teams can be mixed.

Are there machine guns in the game?

Machine guns are present on tanks, but their use is not expected, since even the most powerful machine gun is not able to harm a well-armored tank.

What types of projectiles are available in the game?

Depending on the installed gun and the shells used on it, players can buy high-explosive fragmentation, cumulative, sub-caliber and armor-piercing shells for their vehicles.

Will the "free camera" mode be available after the tank is destroyed?

The game has a “tracking camera” mode, in which the player whose tank was shot down can monitor the allies remaining in the battle. To switch between allies after your tank is destroyed, press the right mouse button.


What is the typical size of a battle map and why were these particular sizes chosen?

Currently, the average size of maps is 1 square kilometer for rural areas and slightly less for urban maps. Such sizes are optimal for providing interesting gameplay, since, on the one hand, players can stick together on the battlefield, and on the other, tanks need a relatively large space for normal maneuvering, ambushes and flanking maneuvers.

The size of the map also depends on the number of elements placed on it, and a simple rule applies here: the fewer objects on the map, the larger the size it can be. Therefore, desert maps, for example, can reach 25 square kilometers in size.

In addition to this, the game has larger maps for 30 vs 30 battles in the “General Battle” mode.

Are there destructible elements on the maps?

There are destructible objects on the maps. The plans include the destructibility of the maximum number of objects on the map, and this will have its pros and cons. For example, the player will be able to make a hole in the wall and use it as an embrasure to shoot at the enemy. On the other hand, seemingly reliable protection may turn out to be extremely vulnerable.

Will players be able to play at different times of the year, time of day, and in different weather conditions?

It is planned to introduce different seasons, but they will be visible on different maps. As for the time of day, there will be different levels of illumination and, accordingly, different levels of visibility. Battles boo They will take place both under a clear sky and in rain or fog, when the battle is actually by touch.

The names of some maps coincide with the locations of legendary battles. Are they identical to the historical area?

Making a game card identical to its prototype is very difficult, since when creating a card it is necessary to achieve optimal game balance, which in real life was out of the question. Nevertheless, the maps are visually similar to the originals, and photographs and drawings of real-life areas are actively used in their creation.


What is a “leveling tree”?

All World of Tanks vehicles belong to one of 11 nations: USSR, Germany, USA, France, Great Britain, China, Japan, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Italy and Poland. When playing as a tank of one of the nations, the player must go through a development path built in the form of a “tree” with several branches and development lines.

How do you upgrade to tanks of the next level?

Each tank has its own “Development” section. By participating in battles and earning experience and credits, the player can research more advanced elements of the tank (guns, chassis, radios, turrets, engines) and install them on the tank. As soon as the player has researched a module that is installed on a tank of the next level, this tank becomes available for research for experience and subsequent purchase for credits.

If during leveling you decide that you have chosen the wrong development path, you can switch to another one by moving a few levels back to the intersection of the branches of the leveling tree.

Do tanks have crews?

Each car has its own crew. Each crew member occupies a specific place and has their own qualities that affect the corresponding characteristics of the tank. The number of crew members in the tank corresponds to the real historical one.

Tankers develop their abilities relatively quickly. This means that while leveling up the tree, it will be possible to fully develop several crews specialized for specific tanks.

Why do you need additional crew skills and abilities?

After leveling up the crew to 100%, its development does not stop. The player becomes able to develop specific skills and abilities that will make tankers even more qualified and skilled. For example, developing the camouflage skill will make the tank less noticeable, and learning the Sniper skill by the gunner will increase the likelihood of critical damage to enemy modules and tankers. Skills can be both general, available to all crew members, and specific for each specialty. Some tanks have crew members who combine two specialties. In this case, they have access to skills for both specialties.

Additional skills begin to take effect only after learning up to 100%, and skills affect the characteristics of the tanker from the very beginning of learning.

Can you store more than one armored unit in your garage?

By default, each player can keep up to 12 machines, regardless of the nationality of the equipment. For an additional fee, you can increase the number of slots for tanks in the hangar, thus expanding your personal fleet of armored vehicles.

How does the financial system of World of Tanks work?

The game contains credits, which the player earns by participating in battles, as well as in-game gold, which can be purchased for real money. Having gold will give the player the opportunity to purchase certain bonuses, but will not provide him with a decisive advantage in battles.

"World War"

Are there clans in the game?

Yes, for a certain number of credits, any player can create their own clan. Each clan can consist of up to 100 people.

What types of clan battles are there?

The game features inter-clan tournaments. However, perhaps the most exciting part of the game for clans is the “World War” on the Global Map, where battles for territories take place.

How are clan wars organized?

In clan mode, the game is played on a Global Map, divided into many provinces similar to the historical lands that existed during the Second World War. When entering the Global Map, each clan will have to capture one of the coastal (starting) provinces. A free province will go to the clan without a fight, while territory occupied by another clan will have to be fought for.

Will occupied territories supply clans with resources?

Provinces are divided into several categories - from ordinary to key ("capitals"). Depending on the type, the captured province supplies the clan with a certain amount of resources (currently in-game gold). Key provinces bring in much more income.

How are battles for provinces organized?

Each clan has a certain number of “chips” (equal to the number of members in the clan). By placing chips on provinces on the Global Map, the clan indicates its claims to it. If at the same time another clan places its own chip or several on the selected province, or this province is already occupied by another clan, the two clans must fight in battle for it.

Fortified areas

What is a Fortified Area?

“Fortified Areas” is a new game mode for clan players. It is available in the game client and is in no way connected with battles on the Global Map. The Stronghold refers to the property of the clan, which consists of a virtual military base, directions leading to it and additional buildings. A fortified area can be created free of charge by the clan commander at will.

How many people must be in a clan to create a Stronghold?

Currently, to create a Stronghold there are no restrictions on the number of players in the clan.

What is a Fortified Area in the game?

The fortified area is a virtual clan base in the game client. By developing their Fortified Area, the clan can build buildings to gain access to a variety of bonuses that can be activated for a certain time. For example, increased income based on the results of any battles or accelerated pumping of crews. It all depends on the development strategy of the Fortified Area. The current version of the mode is just the beginning of the work. Many innovations are planned for the near future. For example, upon reaching a certain level of a Fortified Area, players will be able to attack enemy Fortified Areas and defend their own. At the same time, unique opportunities will appear in battles, such as aerial reconnaissance, artillery shelling, the creation of minefields and much more.

Why should you start playing in the “Fortified Areas” mode?

First of all, for the sake of bonuses, which are conventionally called reserves. These bonuses apply to all clan members in all battles without exception, whether random or battles on the Global Map.

Bonuses can be very diverse: to combat experience, to credits, to crew experience, and so on.

"Fortified Areas" is a free mode that does not require spending in-game gold. It makes it possible to receive bonuses, almost similar to those provided by a premium account, without investing real money..

How "Fortified areas" are different from the Global Map?

The number of provinces on the Global Map is limited. Moreover, any clan can create its own Fortified Area and receive bonuses from it.

When playing on the Global Map, you must adhere to the battle schedule. You can go into battle for industrial resources in the “Fortified Areas” mode at any time when the team has assembled.

To land on the Global Map, you need to successfully complete the landing tournament. A weak clan cannot always do this or not the first time. In battles of the “Fortified Areas” mode, no matter the outcome of the battle, you will receive an industrial resource and will be able to use it to develop the Fortified Area or prepare reserves.

Will I be able to play in Fortified Areas mode if I'm already playing on the Global Map?

If you play on the Global Map, nothing prevents you from fighting for industrial resources in the “Fortified Areas” mode during the break between battles for provinces.

A lot of time passes between battles on the Global Map. Spend this time fighting for industrial resources! This will allow you not only to increase the number of battles, but also to receive more bonuses.

Not all clan fighters can participate in battles on the Global Map. Those who are not participating in provincial battles today can go on forays and earn bonuses for the entire clan.

Fortified area is"Farm Frenzy"?

No, unlike browser games, industrial resources for the development of the Fortified Area can only be earned in battles. And the effect of all bonuses from the Fortified Area is associated only with battles. Industrial resources cannot be exchanged for any property. It is spent only on the construction of buildings and the preparation of reserves (bonuses).

You can also visit our tank.

Currently, the online gaming market is constantly evolving and it is not always possible to keep up with some information on any game. And therefore, Internet users who like to play online games, before installing a new game, are obliged to pay attention to the system requirements of the game, while checking them with the computer data. To understand whether you can download a new game and enjoy it or whether you shouldn’t do it.

The same conditions apply to the game World of Tanks, because only on a good computer can you enjoy a successful game, as well as get aesthetic pleasure from it

So before you download and start playing World of Tanks, you need to figure out whether the computer can handle this game and what settings are needed for this. If we focus on the demands of the operating system, the game works great with any version of the Windows system; of course, each version has its own nuances.

System requirements for installing the game have 3 categories:

1. Minimum system requirements for World of Tanks - installed on a weak computer, you will need to play using the lowest graphics settings.
2. Average system requirements - installed on a not very old computer.
3. Maximum system requirements - installed on the latest advanced computer.

For the game to load and work, you need to have a computer with approximately the following parameters:

1. Any version of the Windows operating system;
2. The processor must be AMD or Intel with a clock frequency of 2.2 GHz.2;
3. The audio card can be any, the main thing is that it is compatible with DirectX 9.0c;
4. The video adapter must be NVidia, ATI 256 Mb memory, supporting DirectX 9.0c;
5. 1.5-2.0 Gb RAM for Windows XP and Windows 7;
6. Free space on HD must be 3.5 Gb;
7. Availability of Internet connection.

Although the creators of the game did not state very high and minimal system requirements, the player will not be able to get pleasure from the excellent graphics and depiction of all the details of the game.

Because the game has very low graphics settings, you will need to disable all effects and also set anti-aliasing to the very minimum. And in this game, it is the graphics that are the main and main consumer of all computer sources. So before installing a game on your computer, you should thoroughly study all the characteristics of your computer, and only then proceed to the installation itself.

Which is played by a huge mass of people of completely different ages.

There are currently more than 60 million people. Every year the game attracts more and more fans of tank battles. And no wonder! She's so realistic that it's a pleasure to play.

Includes countless game cards, a variety of tactical variations, a huge amount of equipment from different countries, incredible dynamic gameplay.

Of course, such features cannot but attract a huge number of people. Fast and short fifteen minute battles will not make you bored.

Beginning of the game

So, let's talk about the game itself, what you need to start playing it.

Registration and download

First you need to go to the official World of Tanks website, then their client, which will weigh about 25 GB. Next, after downloading the client, the game is updated to the latest version. Then, to log into your account, you will need to enter your E-mail address And password. You will play on a basic account, but if you wish and have the funds, you can purchase premium account for a day, 3 days, a month, six months or a year. A premium account will allow you to earn more game silver and experience.


And now, you are in your hangar, where your first level tanks are already located. There are ten levels in total. As a rule, tanks of the first level are most often equipment of World War I. With higher levels, tanks become more modern. In order to buy a tank next level, you will need a gaming silver And experience, acquired in battles. Thanks to them, you will be able to research and then buy combat modules of equipment, such as a turret, a cannon, a caterpillar, an engine, a radio station, as well as the tank itself.

Types of projectiles

We also buy shells of various types: cumulative, armor-piercing, high explosive, sabot.


World of Tanks makes it possible to play on tanks of different countries. These include:

  • Germany
  • France
  • Sweden
  • Japan
  • China
  • Great Britain
  • Czech

Types of tanks

You can choose and buy a tank of absolutely any type:

  • Heavy tank(indicated by a diamond with two stripes)
  • Medium tank(indicated by a diamond with one stripe)
  • Light tank(indicated by a solid diamond)
  • self-propelled guns(self-propelled artillery; indicated by a square)
  • Tank destroyer(anti-tank artillery unit; indicated by a triangle)

You can pump yourself tankers, i.e. improve their skills and experience in order to more effectively fight on a tank in the future.


Also, for a certain price, the equipment comes with additional gadgets that improve the combat capabilities of the tank:

  • camouflage net
  • manual fire extinguisher
  • repair kit
  • first aid kit for crew members
  • large caliber gun rammer
  • vertical stabilizer
  • reinforced aiming drives
  • coated optics, etc.

Tank painting provides additional camouflage properties, improving the stealth of the tank.


Playing and controlling the tank is not difficult at all. If this is your first time playing World of Tanks, then immediately after logging into your account you will be asked to complete combat training, where you will learn how to drive a tank, use sniper mode sight and destroy enemy equipment. You can also learn more about management in the section "Settings".

After the first battle, you will understand how to play a tank. Tank battle is 15 minute battle 30 units technology for 15 players in every team. It can be of several types: standard fight(destroy all enemy equipment or capture the enemy base), defense(prevent the enemy from capturing his base or destroying all enemy equipment), attack(destroy your enemy’s equipment or capture the enemy’s base).

When an enemy tank is detected, its marker appears on the mini-map and becomes visible to all allied players. Before the battle, you can choose one of the types of projectiles. Each type has its own damage and penetration. If any module is damaged, you can use repair kit, if a crew member is injured - first aid kit, if the engine catches fire - manual fire extinguisher. You can play like alone, and as part of platoon, while completing a number of tasks for an additional reward.

Purpose of the game

The goal of the game is to destroying the enemy team And capture of the base enemy.

Rules of the game

There are practically no rules in the game. Main requirements: don't shoot your own people, don't be idle, don't insult players. The presence of at least one of these points gives the administration the legal right to block your account for a certain time. Also, if you decide to leave the battle before your tank is destroyed, this action will be considered a betrayal and after the end of the battle you will not be awarded silver and experience.

That, in fact, is all that could be said about this game. on the website, download the client, load an account and plunge into exciting tank battles. Play and win!

release date

World of Tanks system requirements is a description of the approximate characteristics that a computer must meet in order for it to be able to run any particular software.

These characteristics can describe the requirements for both hardware (processor type and frequency, amount of RAM, hard drive size) and software environment (operating system, availability of installed system components and services, etc.). Typically, such requirements are drawn up by the software manufacturer or author.

Play for free at official website !

In order for you to play World of Tanks, your computer must meet certain requirements. There are minimum and recommended system requirements.

World of Tanks minimum system requirements

The minimum system requirements for World of Tanks most often indicate the PC configuration on which the game can be run without problems with minimal graphics settings.

The recommended World of Tanks system requirements show on which computer you can run the game at maximum graphics settings and still play without stuttering and with a high number of frames per second (FPS).

For comfortable and productive work or play, you need a computer that meets the recommended requirements. Although there are cases that, despite meeting all the system requirements, the program does not work or works with “buggy” errors.

System and technical requirements may change from time to time, and therefore this document may be modified and/or supplemented.
