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Because Since the iPhone does not have a separate notification indicator, as is implemented by other smartphone manufacturers, Apple developers suggested using the built-in LED flash for these purposes.

Starting from the 4th generation, the flash on a smartphone can be used not only in flashlight mode or photo / video shooting. It also serves as an additional warning signal for incoming calls, SMS messages, etc.

It is worth noting that the inclusion of this option will lead to increased battery drain. But if you use the flash instead of vibro and melody, and not all together, the battery, on the contrary, will last longer.

Initially, this option was planned as an aid to people with hearing impairment. But LED notifications can also come in handy if you are in a noisy environment and the phone is on the table. In this case, vibro will not help, but you can easily notice a flashing flash on your iPhone.

Settings to enable blinking flash on iPhone

To set the flash, follow the steps:

1 Go to the “Settings” menu.

2 Next “General” item.

3 Next item “Universal access”.

4 Next item “Flash alerts”.

5 Activate the slider.

After turning on the flash, do not forget to put your iPhone face down, otherwise you will not see anything.

Video instruction

Apple is renowned for its attention to disabled users. In the settings of the iPhone there is a whole section called " Universal access", Where there are functions that help adapt the process of operating the gadget to the needs of such people. One of these features is LED flash on call, designed to notify hearing-impaired users of incoming calls or SMS messages.

It is absolutely true that IPhone LED Flash  found a lot of fans among ordinary owners of "apple" devices. It’s difficult to hear the built-in polyphonic melody or feel the vibration while in a public place, but the flash that blinks when you call is dazzlingly bright, you definitely won’t miss it. How to activate this useful feature on the iPhone?

How on iPhone to turn on the flash when they call?

You can set a flash when calling on iPhones of any modification older than 4th. To owners iPhone 3GS  this function is not available by default due to the lack of the required LED. People who needed a light alert due to health problems could purchase a branded flash accessory called the third iPhone iflash. Finding such an accessory on sale is as difficult as finding it yourself iPhone 3GS.

Putting a flash when calling an iPhone 4th or any later modification, on the contrary, is very simple - this is done in 3 steps:

Step 1. Go to " Settings"And proceed to the section" The main».

Step 2. Find the subsection " Universal access"- you need him.

Step 3. Scroll down to block " Hearing", Find the toggle switch" LED flash for alerts"And switch it to the active position.

Now iPhone will notify you by flickering not only of an incoming call, but also of an incoming SMS message. In addition, the flash will fire at the same time as the alarm melody.

The iPhone blinks only while in lock mode. If the device is unlocked, most likely, the owner uses it and the call will not be missed.


Many users of "apple" gadgets, alas, refuse LED flash when making a call, despite the fact that they find this feature extremely useful. They are guided by considerations of saving power, believing that an activated LED will drain the battery many times faster. This is actually a fallacy: of course, An LED flash consumes energy, but not as intense as, say, a 3G connection or Wi-Fi. Therefore, a user who wants to achieve a long battery life of the iPhone should use other methods that are more effective than refusing a flash when making a call.

Mobile applications: Flash On Call, Flash on call, Flash notification alerts and other programs for Android devices that use the gadget's camera flash as an indicator of notification of calls and messages.

Now, being in a dark or noisy place where you cannot hear the melody or feel the vibration will not be an obstacle to receiving a call or SMS.

Blinking when calling a flashlight on an Android phone will first of all seem useful to owners of devices with a missing built-in notification indicator, although it may also be of interest to other owners. In addition, you can adjust the speed and choose a convenient mode for each user.

Flash notification alerts for Android OS occurs constantly as soon as an incoming call or SMS arrives. You can set the flash blinking during a call in the settings where the frequency, duration, applications for which the blinking is triggered, are regulated.

Flash on Call download application


  • ease of setup and use;
  • indication during a call or message;
  • choice of modes to start work;
  • adjustment of speed and duration of on / off indication;
  • activation of the led-flashlight when notifications from other applications.

The flashlight will flash when calling on a device running the Android system as many times as the user sets in the settings.

All mobile programs use the camera flash from the back of the device to notify the owner of incoming calls and SMS. For greater convenience, in the options you can choose the preferred sound mode. Applications can give light notifications in the normal mode of the smartphone, along with the melody and vibration included on it, as well as when it is completely silent.

In the settings, you can also set the duration of the flash blinking and adjust the frequency with which these notifications will be given. The latter function is very convenient, for example, the user can set 5 notifications for incoming SMS and 10 for a call. In this case, when you see a blinking on the back panel, you will immediately see what exactly this notification indicates - someone is trying to reach you or a message just arrived on the gadget.

After downloading several utilities on your phone so that it starts blinking on call and SMS, you need to understand the possibility of a conflict of several applications. Therefore, we recommend that you use only one program to flash flashlights on a single smartphone or tablet when making a call.

In addition, light notifications can also be configured to indicate messages coming from other programs on the smartphone. Situations are different, and this function may well help to notify of an important meeting or other significant event among calendar entries.

Download a flasher for a call in the form of flashing flashlights is recommended for fans of noisy places where it is almost impossible to hear a melody or feel the vibration.

Very convenient is the fact that you can turn on and off all alerts with one click. It should be borne in mind that since Blinking On Call is completely free to use, when working with the application you still have to deal with advertisements. But for a convenient indication, they will not become an obstacle at all.

The 4 best mobile apps with high ratings and millions of downloads were selected:

This is the best flash-flasher on your phone with many other interesting features. Rating: 4.7 points. The downloads are about 10 million.

An old but proven EASY version of the flashlight blinking when making a call. Rating 4.8. The downloads are about 5 million.

Modern users are considering how to improve their mobile devices. Today, the flash is used not only for the camera, but also in some other areas. For example, it indicates updates, messages, calls, and alerts. A similar application is available on most mobile devices. Next, we will talk about how to turn on the flash on an iPhone when making a call. What information should the user be familiar with? What will he need to do to solve the problem?

Short description

Understanding everything is not as difficult as it might seem. Everyone can make the iPhone blink when making a call. It is noted that this function has a level of difficulty "for beginners." Especially when it comes to the latest versions of iOS.

If the explored feature is turned on, then when you call the iPhone will blink. More precisely, the flash on the device will turn on and off. The feature is useful in the dark when the sound is turned off on the iPhone.

Features of work

The flash on the "apple" products has a number of its own characteristics. More precisely, it will not always work. Even when the option is on, there are situations when the device has no light.

Before you turn on the flash on an iPhone when making a call, you need to remember that this type of alert only works when the screen is locked. If the iPhone has a screen on, there will be no light. A similar system was developed in order to save smartphone energy.

The function has no more significant features. Usually, a flash is put on a call either for fun or by people with disabilities. In any case, using a flashlight on an iPhone sometimes really helps not to miss calls.

Enable / disable flash

Now a little more about the inclusion of the studied features. As already mentioned, almost every beginner is able to cope with the task. Just follow the small instructions.

How to turn on the flash on iPhone when making a call? Just like turning it off. Just a few simple steps - and the job is done.

The owner of the apple product must follow these steps:

  1. Turn on the device. It is recommended that you exit all previously running applications. This technique will help to avoid errors and brakes when working with the operating system.
  2. Open Settings.
  3. Go to "General" - "Universal Access".
  4. In the list that appears, click on "Hearing."
  5. Turn the flash switch to the on position. You can use this option both in silent mode (a separate switch is reserved for this) and during any calls.

You can close the gadget settings. Actions taken include flash on iPhone when making a call. Now, when the person will be called, the flashlight on the iPhone will begin to flash. The option is disabled in the same way. There is nothing special in the process. The action algorithm is relevant for all iOS.


Now it’s clear how to turn on the flash on an iPhone when making a call. In fact, this opportunity is required by a small number of people. But as a notification system, especially if a person is constantly on silent mode, the flashlight works fine.

You may notice that making a flash work when you make a call is not so difficult. As already mentioned, the function is not activated when the screen is on. And to force her to work under such circumstances will not work. Only when the screen is locked (disabled), when the Home button is not lit, the flashlight will blink during incoming calls. Owners of apple products do not complain about problems with activation opportunities. It works without failures and malfunctions! In general, a flash during a call is an extremely convenient feature.

Apple products always have extra features for people with disabilities. And the iPhone is no exception. In his settings, in the "Universal Access" section, there are a lot of functions that are designed to help such users.

Among other things, the option to turn on the flash when calling on the iPhone is available in the settings. This feature is intended for users with hearing impairments. However, it can help everyone else. For example, this feature may be useful to users who work in noisy environments and because of this miss incoming calls.

If you have a similar problem, then this article should help you, here you will learn how to turn on the flash when calling an iPhone.

Step number 1. Open the iPhone settings and go to the "General" section.If you want to turn on the flash on an iPhone, then the first thing you need to do is go to the settings and go to the "General" section.

Step No. 2. Go to the "Universal Access" section and turn on the LED flash for warnings.After you have entered the “General” section, open the “Universal Access” subsection and put the “LED-flash for warnings” switch in the “On” position. This function will be located in the “Hearing” settings block.

That's all. Now with an incoming call, your iPhone will not only play the melody and vibrate, but also turn on the flash. It should be noted that the flash indication only works when the iPhone is locked. If the device’s screen is working, the flash will not flash, although this is not necessary in this situation.

How to make a flash when calling on other smartphones

By the way, you can implement a warning about an incoming call using a flash not only on an iPhone. For example, on an Android smartphone, this can be done using the Flash Alerts 2 application. This application is completely free, and you can download it from.

When you launch Flash Alerts 2 for the first time, it will test the flash on your smartphone and ask you to confirm that it works. If the flash works, then you can configure various alerts. For example, in order to set the flash to turn on for an incoming call, you need to activate the “Incoming Call” function.

Also, using the Flash Alerts 2 application, you can configure the flash to turn on when an incoming SMS message or notification from other applications.
