Turbo mode in chrome plug. Google Chrome turbo mode and save traffic. Turn on turbo mode in Opera

How to enable turbo mode in the browser if the Internet speed does not allow you to quickly download content, but there is no time to wait? In the settings of any browser, you can find options due to which even at low speed you can load the page, saving traffic on the size of images and animations.

We will not study all browsers, but focus on the most popular: Opera, Chrome and Yandex.Browser. For convenience, let's see how the turbo is turned on in the mobile and desktop versions of browsers.

How does turbo mode work?

  In turbo mode there is no magic, and it does not increase the speed of the Internet. But the page loading speed is noticeably and positively affected. When turbo mode is on, the contents of the open page are sent to the server of the company that owns the browser. Important: turbo mode does not work on pages that are protected by the HTTPS protocol, because they open immediately in the browser.

All media content is compressed, banners, pop-ups and other animations are cut out, after which the page is returned to the user and opened in the browser in an optimized way. It helps .

Another plus of the turbo mode is the ability to access sites blocked in the country without a proxy and. This does not always work, but if the server to which the page is sent for optimization is located outside the Russian Federation, then geoblocking will not help.


  On older versions of the browser, the turbo mode switch was located in the main menu. After the next update, the button disappeared, so now you have to perform additional actions to enable the traffic saving mode.
  1. Open opera settings   (Alt + P).
  2. Select tab "Browser".
  3. Mark item "Show advanced settings".
  4. Scroll to the end of the Browser section and check the box. “Enable Opera Turbo”.

There is an alternative option - installing the Turbo Button extension, after which the turbo mode control button will appear near the address bar. The convenience of the extension is that the state of the mode can be controlled by the keyboard shortcut Alt + T.

In the mobile browser, the option has not yet been hidden. Click on the red “O” to bring up the main menu, go to the settings and in the “Traffic Saving” section turn on the turbo mode and follow the statistics of its operation.


  In the desktop version of Chrome, there is no special function that would include saving traffic (an analogue of Turbo mode in Opera). To add this feature, you must install the extension.
  1. Reveal chrome main menu.
  2. Select "Additional tools"   and go to "Extensions".
  3. Call up the additional menu and open chrome Web Store.
  4. Find and install “Traffic Saving” extension   from a Google developer.

The traffic saving mode will be turned on automatically when the Internet speed decreases. To deactivate the function, click on the extension icon and uncheck the box. Here you will see statistics on consumption and traffic savings.

In the mobile version, unlike the desktop version, the saving function was added to the settings initially. To make sure it works:

  1. Open browser main menu.
  2. Go to settings.
  3. Find item "Saving traffic."

Inside you will find a switch and performance statistics. It is recommended that you enable traffic saving on your phone, because situations when Internet speeds are not enough happen much more often, especially when using mobile data.

Yandex browser

  To enable turbo mode in Yandex.Browser on a computer, open the main menu, go to settings, go to the “Turbo” section and set the value to “Automatic” or “Always On”. Check the boxes “Notify me of speed changes” and “Compress video”. If you want to turn on / off the turbo manually, then you don’t even have to go to the settings.

The mobile browser also has the ability to enable and configure the operation of the turbo mode.

  1. Call main menu.
  2. Open settings.
  3. Go to the section "Turbo mode."
  4. Select operating procedure: Automatically turn on and off or a constant state of activity.
  5. Mark item "Compress video"to save more traffic.

When automatic switching is selected, the mode turns on when the speed drops below 128 Kb / s and turns off when the speed reaches 512 Kb / s. The fact that the turbo is working is signaled by the rocket icon in the address bar.

More on the site:

How to enable turbo mode in a browser (Chrome, Yandex, Opera)   updated: April 3, 2018 by: Sergey

The Turbo mode, which many browsers are famous for - a special browser mode in which the information you receive is compressed, so the page size decreases, and the download speed increases accordingly. Today we’ll look at how to enable Turbo mode in Google Chrome.

It should be noted right away that, for example, unlike the Opera browser, in Google Chrome, by default, there is no option to compress information. However, the company itself has implemented a special tool that allows you to carry out this task. It is about him that we will speak.

1.   In order to increase the page loading speed, we need to install a special add-on from Google from the browser. You can download the add-on either directly from the link at the end of the article or manually find it in the Google store.

To do this, click on the menu button in the upper right area of \u200b\u200bthe browser, and then in the list that appears, go to Additional Tools - Extensions .

2.   Scroll to the very end of the page that opens and click on the link "More extensions" .

3.   You will be redirected to the Google extension store. In the left pane of the window there is a search bar in which you will need to enter the name of the desired extension:

4.   In block "Extensions"   the very first on the list and the addition we are looking for will appear, which is called “Saving traffic” . Open it.

5.   Now we proceed directly to installing the add-on. To do this, just click on the button in the upper right corner "Install" , and then agree to install the extension in the browser.

6.   The extension is installed in your browser, as indicated by the icon that appears in the upper right corner of the browser. By default, the extension is disabled, and to activate it, you need to click on the icon with the left mouse button.

7.   A small extension menu will be displayed on the screen, in which you can enable or disable the extension by adding or removing a checkmark, as well as track work statistics, which will clearly demonstrate the amount of saved and spent traffic.

This method of activating the "Turbo" mode is presented by Google itself, which means that it guarantees the security of your information. With this addition, you will not only experience a significant increase in page loading speed, but also save Internet traffic, which is especially important for Internet users with a set limit.

Half of the world's population uses the Internet every day and often faces a long load of site pages. To smooth out this inconvenience and reduce the loading time of a web page in a browser, you can turn on the turbo mode. This is made possible by reducing the amount of information downloaded. The image quality decreases, the automatic downloading of video and audio files stops. Let's see how to enable turbo mode in browsers, for example, in Opera?

Turn on turbo mode in Opera

Depending on the browser version, some interface elements may differ from the description in the article, but finding them is intuitively simple.

If you want to get the image in its original quality, click on the picture and select "Reload Image in Original Quality" from the menu.

Important! If you have fast unlimited Internet, it is recommended not to use this browser function, as You won’t get a significant reduction in page loading time, and a number of browser functions may not be available.

The inclusion of turbo in Yandex.Browser

Yandex.Browser is another browser where you can enable turbo mode without installing additional plug-ins and add-ons. Automatic mode turns on at a speed of 128 kbps and turns off at 512 kbps.

Let's analyze the inclusion of the turbo function in Yandex.Browser:

Important! It is worth noting that video compression is possible in this program, which saves traffic by 70 percent.

Save traffic for Google Chrome

In Google Chrome, the turbo mode function was not initially built-in, so you first need to install the appropriate extension called "Traffic Saving."

To install and activate the plugin:

FasTun Tool Add-on for Mozilla Firefox

As a solution for Mozilla Firefox, you can consider the addition of "fasTun Tool".

To install add-ons:

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The Turbo mode is a useful feature of the Yandex, Opera, Chrome browsers, which allows you to speed up the loading of site pages with a slow Internet connection. Let us consider in more detail how the Turbo mode works in different browsers, in which cases it really helps and what else the option gives, in addition to increasing the speed of loading sites.

What is the Turbo mode for?

The developers of Opera browser came up with Turbo mode in 2009. Then the Internet was still slow for many (telephone modems) and tariffs assumed payment for each megabyte of received or sent information, and the mode allowed real savings. Now most people have unlimited access to the network, but speeding up the download is still relevant on mobile connections, WiFi in public places.

The principle of operation of the Turbo mode is the same for Opera and Yandex Browser. With the option disabled, the user downloads the site directly to his computer, and with the Turbo mode activated, the data is first downloaded to the Opera Software server and from there the page opens in the browser tab. On the Opera Software server, multimedia — pictures, videos, animations — are compressed and, when connected slowly, sites run on the user's computer faster — less information is downloaded. The quality of the video and other things is noticeably deteriorating, but watching a video, animation or picture will turn out even on a slow (2G) mobile Internet.

Due to the fact that the Internet browser does not connect directly to the site, but through the Opera Software server, in the “Turbo” mode you can visit sites blocked by Roskomnadzor or your Internet provider. Access to prohibited resources is blocked at the provider level - Internet providers prevent their subscribers from accessing pages with specific addresses. In the "Turbo" mode, the connection goes directly to the Opera or Google servers, if you use Chrome, because the provider does not record and cannot block access to prohibited sites.

When you go with the turbo mode of the browser turned on to the site that determines your IP address, your location or provider, for example, to our main page, you will see that the data is incorrect. To be more precise, our service determines the IP address of the server, which ensures the operation of the turbo mode and on the basis of it determines the provider and your location.

Turbo in Chrome: a traffic-saving plugin

Chrome does not have a “Turbo” built-in mode, and before you enable accelerated site loading, you will have to download and install the official add-on from the Google virtual storefront.

  • Go to Chrome Webstore;
  • Enter in the search “traffic saving”;
  • Find the extension of the same name from the Google developer;
  • Add the extension to the browser;
  • Close and restart the browser.

The extension icon appears in the upper right corner of the window. To activate the economy mode (“Turbo”), you need to click on the icon and put a check mark on the only item “Traffic saving”. For compression, this mode works fine - on certain sites it “cuts” up to 70% of excess multimedia - advertising banners, animations, etc. - but it’s not very suitable as a means of accessing blocked sites. We immediately located the location of the device under test and did not find the “Turbo” mode turned on in Chrome.

Opera Turbo for faster networking

Opera Turbo worked and works for users of the original “opera” product and under a server rental agreement for users of the Yandex Browser.

To activate the "Turbo" mode in the browser, open the menu (upper left corner) and check the box "Opera Turbo".

In terms of traffic filtering and compression, the pioneer shows better results than the Google product. Servers compress pictures, scripts, and even video, although the developer still recommends setting the quality of online video to a minimum quality on a slow connection page. It will turn out to visit the sites prohibited in Russia, although the vaunted Opera Turbo did not hide the tested computer from our watchful eye, the enabled page loading acceleration mode was not detected.

Turbo mode in Yandex browser

In the Yandex Browser, the Turbo mode is organized using technology similar to the above solutions. For compression, the same servers are used as in Opera. The Turbo mode in Yandex Browser is activated by default in automatic mode - compression occurs only with a slow connection.

In the settings you can enable "Turbo" for all sites. Clicking on the rocket icon in the address bar allows you to activate it for a separate page (if it is always turned off) or to allow the site to load in a tab without acceleration (if it is always turned on).

If necessary, individual blocked elements are activated by click - click "Unlock contents" and watch compressed video online through a narrow channel at a megabyte rate. In the drop-down menu that can be opened by clicking on the rocket in the address bar, there is an item "Unlock all", which activates all the blocked elements.

In the speed of loading pages via the mobile Internet (Huawei’s 3G modem, LifeCell’s mobile operator, coverage is terrible) Yandex Browser outperformed its competitors. With the interactive elements disabled, the pages of social networks, portals, services loaded almost instantly.

In the “Turbo” mode, it was possible to bypass the blocking of certain blocked sites, but you can’t deceive us. The service calculated the location of the computer the first time, and did not notice the Turbo mode.

Yandex Browser beat everyone on the slow Internet speed in Turbo mode, Opera showed a class in providing access to blocked sites, even though the site didn’t see Opera Turbo, and Chrome with its add-on “Save traffic” did a good job of reducing the load weight pages. Other nearby competitors - Firefox and Vivaldi - did not find anything similar, except for third-party applications. Is the enhanced "anti-spyware" "Protection against tracking" in Firefox works in a similar way, but only in the "Incognito" mode, so it's too early to call it a full-fledged analogue.

Turbo mode is a necessary thing, only each browser has an option that works differently and you need to choose a browser according to your needs: speed up (Yandex), save (Google Chrome) or go to blocked sites (Opera).

In the late 2000s, Opera developers came up with and implemented the Turbo feature in their browser. This feature allowed users of the global Internet to be always in touch, even with poor signal quality. At the moment, this function is not as relevant as before, but sometimes it would be very helpful. Unfortunately, the developers from the Mozilla Corporation team do not want to follow their direct competitors from Google Chrome and Opera and did not begin to introduce the Turbo mode in their search engine. Turbo mode is absent as such, there are only tools that simulate the functionality of a useful mode to save Internet traffic. Although, according to rumors, in the near foreseeable future, a new ultra-fast Internet browser Firefox Rocket, which is already available to residents of Indonesia, is preparing to be published.

Therefore, this article will not focus on how to enable turbo mode in Mozilla, but how to save Internet traffic using your favorite browser without changing your preferences.

  1. Option.
  2. You can try the following:

Open the hidden menu of the Mozilla Firefox browser by typing “about: config” in the search bar, taking all the risks in case of changing factory settings.

Among the many parameters, you need to find “network.prefetch-next” and double-click the left mouse button to change it from “true” to “false”. This feature will be disabled, and the technology of preloading web content will not waste precious traffic.

  1. Option to use additional extensions.

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