Radio broadcasting in Russian. Radio away from civilization or magic music of short waves

ARMENIA. YEREVAN - "International Radio of Armenia" - - Russian. Editorial (without broadcasting?)
BELARUS. MINSK - Radio station "Belarus" - lt.asp - (Russian. Dyes.) Online.
BULGARIA. SOFIA - "Radio Bulgaria" - x - Rusc. ed. DXPROGR., QSL reports, online.
VATICAN - Radio Vatican - S / index. . - Russian. All about Pope Roman. Online, archive.
GREAT BRITAIN. LONDON - "BBC" - Fault.stm - Russian. Editorial Online, archive.
World Radiochet - (WRN) - acence.php? Stationid \u003d 63 - broadcasting Russian-language radio from around the world according to the program.
VIETNAM. HANOI "Vietnam's voice" - (english. 20.30 (Greenwich time). " Summer 2010.
GERMANY. KOLN - "German Wave" - \u200b\u200b,0,1595,298.00.h TML - Russian. Editorial Lessons of German Yaz. Online.
GREECE. ATHENS - "Radio Filira" ("Friendship") -\u003dR U - Online
EGYPT. CAIRO. - "Radio Cairo" - - (only in Arabic Yaz) online.
ISRAEL. JERUSALEM - "Radio Rapie" -\u003dru - Russian edition. Online broadcasting. And the site - Recent Gear Records.
INDIA. DELHI - "All India Radio" - e1.html - (English) Schedule Russian-speaking gear. (There is no online broadcasting).
IRAN. TEHRAN - "Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran" - and - new site of the Russian radio radio. Online.
SPAIN. MADRID - "Radio EXTERIOR DE Espanya" - - blog. Page in Russian. Russian edition. Audio programs in Russian in recording on the link "Programas".
ITALY. ROME. - Radio "Rai" - Ltilingue / Presentazioni / russo.shtml - Russian. Page. Internet broadcasting.
CANADA. MONTREAL - "RCI" - "International Canadian Radio" - - Russian. Editorial
CHINA. BEIJING - "International Radio of China" - edition. Lessons chinese Language. Online.
International broadcasting in Russian -
Moldova. KISHINEV - "International Radio of Moldova" -\u003d10 - Page of the Russian edition. Only Internet broadcasting. Entries.
MONGOLIA. Ulan Bator - "Voice of Mongolia" - - Programs in recording, online.
MONACO. MONTE CARLO - "Transmirovoy Radio" - - Russian edition. The biggest Christian broadcasting network in the world. "We are talking about God." Online.
UN. - UN Radio, " n / - Broadcasting from the UN headquarters in New York. Russian podcast.
POLAND. Warsaw - "Radio Polonia" - - Russian iz. Online, archive.
RUSSIA. Grozny - "Chechnya is free" and "Caucasus" - block_id \u003d 406 - online.
RUSSIA. MOSCOW - "Voice of Russia" - - "International Russian Radio" - online broadcasting on abroad.
RUSSIA. MOSCOW - "Radio of Russia" - - All-Russian broadcasting.
RUSSIA. MOSCOW - "Mir" - - Interstate TV and Radio Company "Peace". Commonwealth news.
ROMANIA. BUCHAREST - Interradio Romania .-\u003d9 - DX Club, online.
Sowing. KOREA. PYONGYANG - there is no data...
Serbia. BELGRADE - "Voice of Serbia" - - online.
SYRIA. DAMASCUS - Radio Damascus - (on the Arab.). Entries for Russian. :
SLOVAKIA. BRATISLAVA - "International Radio Slovakia" - ore.php? Lang \u003d 5 & Page \u003d SPRAVY & KATID \u003d 24 - Russian edition. Archive DX gear T.Krasopolskaya, transmission in record.
USA. WASHINGTON - Voice of America - - News, podcast, online, lessons English.
- - News, video, online (?)
- - "Community" Voice of America ".
- Meriki - Community in "LiveJournal"
- - "In contact"
USA. (H / s Prague) - "Radio Liberty" - - Russian edition. Online, records, forum.
- Ssian / 949.html - "Radio Azatuqun" - (broadcasting in Armenia) Russian page.
- http://www.azadliq_r us / 952.html - "Radio" Azadlyg "- (eroad on Azerbaijan) Russian p. online.

Recently, one geodesist saw a printout on my desk - "a list of radio stations broadcasting in Russian."

What is it? - he asked. - What for?

What do you mean why? Radio listen. On short waves.

And what can I hear and why - on short?

Yes, anything. Music, news. And on short because they are the most "long-range", as it is repeatedly reflected from the surface of the Earth and from the ionosphere, thereby extending to very long distances. Transfer even a weak radio station operating on short waves can be taken on the other side of the globe ...

Wow! And in our fields constantly a problem - news to learn. Run away from the city, in Taiga - and nothing is heard. You turn around, twist the handle of the receiver - one whistle and the Chinese on the air ...

And what is the receiver?

Yes, here is the usual magnitoline, - he showed. - SV, FM.

Well, on this "soap" you will definitely hear anything. A good shortwave receiver is needed. FROM digital tuningDirect input frequency.

Listen, I would write about it in the magazine! I think many of our colleagues will be interested.

Agreed. Writing.

Shortwave Radio, its history, features of the distribution and passage of radio waves, Hunt for rare and long-range stations is an immense and extremely interesting topic. But the magazine is not rubber. Therefore, I will tell briefly - how and what to listen to away from civilization. And most importantly - on what. I will try to hardly load you the theory, although it is not completely without it. Who wants to learn more - can find information on special sites, addresses.

Listen to the radio on short waves - a fascinating hobby. Part of radio port. There are radio amateurs that themselves build receiving-transmitting radio stations (transceivers) receive callsign, extend on the air, communicate with each other and with the whole world. And there are those who only listen to the ether. Also interesting. They are called radion parudents. A separate branch of "radilation" - Dyng. This is the hunt for rare and long-range stations. Predestly - for "broadcasts" (those that transmit music and news), but not only. For service - too. There is no listening to them, the main thing is not to go on the ether at the same frequency.

The English name "D) occurs from one of the abbreviations used by radio amateurs when transferring messages to Morse. DX is some pretty large distance. The same letters denote a long-distance station. In general, DXists call people engaged in receiving remote radio stations.

But they have little to accept them on your receiver - you need to get confirmation from the radio station that you really listened! To do this, you need to send a radio station special manner compiled report on reception (by usual or e-mail), which indicates the time, frequency, place of reception, the signal strength and the level of interference by the SINPO special scale, the overall assessment of hearing, equipment and antenna, with which the reception was made. And most importantly - a summary of the transfer. Or at least a pair of accurate phrases that sounded on the air. In response, the station sends a radio professional confirmation - a QSL card, or, simply speaking, "CueEeck". Such cards are the subject of the pride of Diexists. They are collecting, they boast them in front of each other. A special luck is to get a card from a low-power radio station of some island, the god of a forgotten state that goes on the air from the case. For this, Diexists build complex antennas, convert with their receivers. They lead "log" - a special magazine in which the time is recorded, frequency, heard on the SINPO scale ...

Oh, I did not lag at the roof and did not open my log. All internet Yes Internet ...

Sorry, carried away. It is unlikely that the geodesist in the fields have time to deal with all this nonsense. He just needs to listen to the radio. Find out what is happening in the world. So, he will listen to ordinary, usually powerful, "broadcasts", which is easy to catch, especially outside the city. It is only necessary to know the time when the station goes on the air, and its frequency.

What do we see on the scale of a simple analog receiver? This is the one with the arrow, which crawls there and here. Well, let's say "VEF". (Good, by the way, the receiver, earlier on it, Diexing was engaged, Already the fur coat wrapped.) Meters: 16, 25, 31, 49 ... This is the wavelength. And some other numbers. This is the frequency. Only very rude. In order to accurately tune in to the desired station, it is not necessary to know a little at what length of the wave it works, because dozens of stations fit on the same 31 meter. Randomly catch her, of course, you can, most of the way it makes it - the handle twisted and caught. But if you know exactly the frequency, it will be easier and faster.

To do this, you need a receiver with direct input of frequency. They are also called "digital". But it is too illiterate. Because it catches your "balalaika" anyway an analog signal, simply the frequency it is displayed on the display in the form of numbers. This is kilohertsy. Or megahertz. For example, one of the frequencies on which radio freedom radio broadcasts in the range of 31 meters - 9520 kHz. Or, if you like, 9.52 MHz.

The digital radio is now developing - the so-called DRM broadcasting. That is, an encrypted digital signal is transmitted to the ether, and the receiver decrypts it, such equipment is already available. But while it is in a similar condition, there is little digital broadcasting, so we will not stop in detail on this type of modulation. Although radio amateurs work it for a long time and actively.

Receivers with direct input frequency today are many. To recognize them simply: on the front panel - the LCD display and many, many buttons, some of which are with numbers, from 0 to 9. As on the calculator. A person who wants to just listen to the "Broadcasting" at KV, just remember three stamps: Grundig, Tecsun and Degen. Type one of these words in the search bar row, plus a "digital radio", and you are amazed how many such "balalalaks" produces the Chinese industry. Yes, yes, all these receivers are made in China. But this does not mean that they are bad. TV is yours flat where is made? And digital camera? The same. And the receivers they do good. Very sensitive, with a bunch thin settings, memory for hundreds of frequencies. He took a schedule once - scored them all in memory, and do not soar, turn on the time that the stations that are now on the air. Three years I use Tecsun PL-550, do not consider advertising. (Before that was the legendary Grundig YB-400.) Satisfied as an elephant. It is still good - there is an antenna adjustment handle, like professional devices.

You can not imagine what kind of buzz - sit in the hut, for a hundred kilometers from housing, there is a tedious rain outside, and you have a stove cracks, hot tea on the table, and from the receiver: "Says Paris ..." on "Radio Franc International" goes Transfer in Russian about creativity Edith Piaf, and her voice here is like a miracle. Or political discussion in the studio of "Freedom". Or radio actacle on "Radio Russia" ...

In general, take one of these receivers, it will be useful in the fields. In Krasnoyarsk stores it is better not to buy them. First, the choice is small, secondly, the prices for these devices we have inadequate. In Moscow or online stores - almost twice as cheaper. In China - three times. I was brought from China.

Unfortunately, radio today goes online, thus losing its original essence and advantage - accessibility in the most deaf hole, where there are no communications and electricity. I have long been listening to the station for a long time, which used to catch on the air. But it's at home. And in the forest? Take 250-gram receivers with you - and you already know the events.

Every year, then one, then another radio station declare a reduction and even stopping short-wave broadcasting. We left from the KV and moved to the World Wide Web, such Monsters of Ether as "BBC" and "Voice of America". (I looked at their website a video about how the Russian edition of BBC led the last one of his KV-Ether. The great Seva Novgorod residents cried.) Moved to the Internet Radio Czech Republic and Finland in Russian. Radio "Freedom" and "German Wave" remained. But the latter has already announced that this summer it will also stop short-wave broadcasting. Sorry. Excellent station was. Among the "enemy votes" I liked the most: excellent programs about culture, science, about life in Germany, quite objective news.

In general, in my opinion, for Russia is an extremely ill-impaired step. We have such distances, so much deaf torn off from civilization of places where the Internet will come not soon that the sv-radio is sometimes the only window into the world. The present spring was at the cereals in the reindeer herders. They listen to square. "Radio of Russia - Krasnoyarsk" at 6085 kHz and "freedom". And geologists, oil workers, hunters and other tramps, which in Russia will never translate? They are that satellite plates To carry?

In a good way, our domestic radio stations need to expand the SV-broadcasting, to cover them the whole country and the world, as China does. It is now the king of short-wave ether. Broadcasts on hundreds of languages. He carries the idea of \u200b\u200bits greatness as Russian International Radio during the years "stagnation" told the world about the delights of the coming communism. China in Russian is perfectly audible from Kaliningrad before smoking, and sometimes you will not hear anything else, everything scores. For some reason, the wise Chinese do not write off the shortwave radio from the accounts, despite the rapid development of modern technologies.

However, not everything is so gloomily in the KV-Ether. There is something else to listen. In any case, no news will not be left. In Russian is currently broadcasting about forty of our and foreign stations. Let a dozen of them - religious, another 10-15 are very exotic, which can be listened except for fun ... but there is a good tent of the radio stations in Russian, who listen to interesting - news, music (albeit a few peculiar), thematic programs. From "Monsters" is, first of all, the World Wide Service "Voice of Russia", which broadcasts almost around the clock on a set of square meters; "Radio of Russia" and "Freedom". While they did not leave the KV-Ether - you can buy a receiver.

In addition, it is broadcast in Russian Poland, Japan, Taiwan, France, Bulgaria, Greece, Canada, Belarus (her in Siberia in Siberia is not bad).

Well, from "Exotics" - Turkey, Syria, Tajikistan, Vietnam, South Korea, India (these all songs are transmitted to some local news). Sophisticated radiostetam will be wondering to listen to the "Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran" and "Korea's voice" (Northern). The first cruelly uroat "International Zionism" and "American aggressors", the second - also nailed to America, but still dilute it with the ideas of the Juche and the glorification of their leaders. No transmission from North Korea is without a report on how the "sun of all mankind", the dear leader and comrade Kim Jong Ire visited the poultry farm (plant, collective farm), gave valuable instructions, and after that, the chickens began to be intensively (conveyor - move Fast, rice yield rose). Listen - and no you need "Humor-FM". And, most importantly, they hear them, the reptiles, on the "five"! France would be so caught.

And if you know English, then for you KV-Ether - the house is native. Any international radio of any self-respecting country is necessarily broadcasting in English, whether Angola, Brazil, Japan. Not to mention those who are talking in the language of Shakespeare, "on staff" - London or Canberra. In our air, they thunder as the Sovinform Bureau from the reproducer on the post. Fullly Franco-, Spanish-Public Radio Stations. So learn the language. Radio, by the way, is good in this assistant.

There is such a thing as the passage of radio waves. Passage by kV very unstable. There are "dead zones", there are fading, very much affect the hearingness of atmospheric interference and the level of solar activity. The passage depends on the time of day. In the afternoon, the stations operating on high frequenciesAt night - on low. For example, it is almost impossible to hear at night a station operating in the range of 13 meters (21450-21750 KHz), but on 49 (5950-6200 KHz) - easy.

Therefore, radio stations are "floating" timetables: hour-two it broadcasts at one frequency, the following two - to another. Most foreign Russian-speaking radio stations are on the air in general by 0.5-3 hours a day, and you need to know exactly - when it is, otherwise you can turn the knob to the configuration before the formation, but we will not hear Spain. And she this season is where: on weekdays from 17:00 to 17:30 (UTC) at 15325 kHz.

Besides, in different times The passage of radio waves is different, so there are two seasons in the KV-broadcasting - winter and summer. The first - from October 27 to March 27, the second - from March 27 to October 27. These seasons of the radio station and release schedules, which usually publish on their sites. Every year - new. Because life on the air does not stand still, some stations leave somehow - appear, frequencies are redistributed, and the winter schedule of 2009 can differ radically from the same, but for 2011.

But there is no need to visit the sites of all radio stations to collect these schedules in a bunch. Such lists are compiled by Diexist clubs around the world. Lists huge. There are all the frequencies and all the radio stations of the Earth. We also need Russian-speaking. Domestic "etherolov" make up their list. He used to hang out on many DX sites, but the hobby is slowly dying together with old fans, youth is more interested in iPhones and the Internet, so some resources are not updated, and now I found such a schedule only on one site. But B. different versions - and in the form of a list of radio stations, and sorted over time and frequencies. Record address.

(MRK) was created on December 3, 1941. This is the only state radio in China, which broadcasts on foreign countries. Its main goal is to acquaint the world with China, to acquaint China with the world, make friends of people around the country with each other, deepen understanding and friendship between China's nations and the whole world.

As of the end of 2007, the international radio program of China could be heard in 53 languages \u200b\u200bin the amount of 1200 hours per day. In 2007, the IRC received 2.6 million ordinary and e-mail Of the 160 countries and regions. The IRK has more than 3100 radio listeners worldwide. China's international radio has already become one of the largest international radio stations. The broadcast of the IRK broadcasts is carried out not only on short waves. In recent years, much is done to increase the volume of relayed gears abroad and effectively improve their hearing.

As of the end of 2007, China's international radio had 11 broadcasting in the FM range and medium waves of radio stations abroad. Through 149 foreign radio stations, with which the IRC cooperates, the transfer of Chinese radio. Including, through 117 FM radio stations and 32 medium-wave radio stations. The volume of gears amounted to 556.5 hours per day. In February 2006, China's international radio opened the first foreign FM radio station - in Nairobi Kenya (FM91.9). On November 19, 2006, the Chairman of the People's Republic of China Hu Jintao and the chairman of the LNDR Choumali Syason attended the opening ceremony of the IRK radio station broadcasting (FM93.0) in Vientiane in Laos.

Currently, China's international radio has 5 units for internal broadcasting: this is a news radio (CRI News Radio, in Beijing, FM90.5), radio english language (Easy FM, in Beijing FM91.5), Music Radio (HIT FM, in Beijing FM88.7), Radio for Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b(AM1008 / AM846) and Olympic Radio, which broadcasts in 9 languages \u200b\u200b(CRI Olympic Radio, AM900) . About 120 hours of radio programs are being prepared every day, which are transmitted in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Lhasa, Hefei, Lanzhou, Xiane, Yantai and every other great cities of China.

CRI Online International Radio of China in the World computer networkwhich is one of the leading multilingual information web sites in China. To date, materials are published on 53 languages. Every day, on this site you can listen to the transmission, a total volume of 263.5 hours, the audience is more than a million listeners. In September 2007, "CRI Online" officially opened 11 radio online sites, they can listen to the transmission in 9 languages.
