Work through the mobile Internet. Applications for making money on android. How to make money using your mobile phone? Services for making money on iOS

The Internet beckons many in matters of earnings. But they are even more interested in using a mobile gadget for this. It is not always possible to access a stationary computer, but a mobile phone is always at hand.


Top best earning services on a mobile phone

There are many applications, we have collected only proven ones.


This service is designed to download applications for yourself and test them using a mobile phone and the operating system installed on its basis, most often it is Android. You can start working with the service right after the registration procedure is completed.

After that, you can immediately download applications and test the work.


  There is a lot to earn with the help of this company, and the work will always be, since the company itself is committed to promoting other files to top places in application ratings. The company tries to pursue an open policy, not hiding anything and not hiding information.


  The standard application on which they earn money by viewing ads, downloading and installing games, etc.

The action is taking place - if you install AppCoins on your phone for the first time, then you can take part in the competition and win 3000 rubles. The referral program is 10%.


  The service is designed for the opportunity to earn using your own mobile phone. It starts with the fact that you need to download the application and register. After that, tasks will begin to arrive on the phone, and a person will just need to perform the subtasks stated in the task. It can watch videos, time spent in the application and much more.


  The service has expanded its powers so that those who want to earn money can choose the rhythm of work for themselves. To complete the tasks, you only need access to your own mobile phone and operating system.

According to the developers, on average, users earn 350 rubles a month. This is enough to pay for mobile communications. New tasks appear every day. For activity, pleasant bonuses are issued. For each earnings referral give 20% of his income.


In this application, install simple games and programs, do reviews, fill out profiles. They pay money for this, which are displayed on the phone or electronic payment systems. Bringing friends and acquaintances into the project, the user receives 10% of each of their earnings.


  The service positions itself as an application for simple money making using a telephone. Money is paid for watching ads and videos, likes on social networks, installing games, downloading and registering. An expensive form of earning is loading, for each they pay 5 cents. Referral program - 10% of each partner’s earnings.

Go app cash

  An application in which 20 tasks appear every month. This seems not enough, but a distinctive feature - each of them is expensive. Therefore, for 20 minutes a day you will be able to pay for mobile communications and the Internet. Earnings occur on referrals - 10% of their income.

Whaff rewards

  An American application in which you can earn not dollars and cryptocurrency. For registration here they pay 20 cents. 2 cents is paid as a daily bonus. For each referral, an average of 20 rubles is obtained.

In the application, install simple games and perform tasks in them. The minimum withdrawal amount is $ 10, and it is collected quickly.

Cash app

  An American application that pays for tasks in dollars and bitcoins. Judging by the reviews, Russian users manage to earn 10,000 rubles per month for a couple of hours of work every day. Referral rewards - 15%.


  An application in which there is no minimum payout. Therefore, earned money can be withdrawn immediately after the first accrual. They pay here for completing assignments. In addition, additional earnings are possible simply by opening the application every day. Affiliate program - 10%.

Earnings on games

A popular way to earn money was the opportunity to play and get paid for it. Gamers only dreamed about it.

Putting as much effort to achieve goals and promote the characters, and for this to receive certain amounts in the account.

Hello, dear readers of the business blog site. Today we have prepared for your attention a review article for working and earning from our smartphone. Consider the main ways of working with applications, and also consider what you can really make money from.

According to statistics, more than 50% of the younger generation use a telephone more than 7 hours a day. Not many people know, but all owners of Android and iOS smartphones can make money on the Internet from the phone.

Let's consider the best applications for making money on iOS and Android + Video user reviews about making money on smartphones.

The first thing many will be interested in is how much money you can earn on your device. We’ll warn you right away that earning money by phone won’t bring you much money. Tablets and other wearable devices have lower performance and it is problematic to perform full-fledged work with them. Therefore, the bulk of paid tasks looks like normal user activity:

  • viewing ads - 0.1 r;
  • like - 0.1 r;
  • surfing sites - 0.3 p;
  • leave a review - 2p;
  • download the application - 5r.

When performing simple tasks such as clicks on advertising, following links, likes, etc. Let there be about 100 such tasks per day, this figure is generally achievable, provided that the user works on the smartphone for about 3 hours a day.

The data given are not accurate and, if desired, a person can receive much more per day. Thus, in 3-5 hours you can get from 50 to 100 rubles.

Little secret. As soon as all available tasks end, reset the phone to the factory settings and re-register from another Google account. Now you can work again, as if from scratch.

TOP 7 popular ways

A modern person uses various mobile applications on a smartphone mainly for three purposes: to play, chat, find information on the Internet. Therefore, the main work is aimed at these three areas: installing games, social promotion, processing Internet traffic.

All other activities are indirectly related to these three areas, since complex work is not performed on the phone (programming, design work, typing, etc.). For these purposes, it is more advisable to use a laptop or PC.

No. 1. Application Installation

The easiest and most famous method of making money on a smartphone is installing games from the Play Market or the App Store for money. Go to the affiliate program, download the application from the link and perform simple tasks. After a day you get a reward, as a rule, they pay from 5 to 50 rubles for each download.

Why pay for installation?

Some users do not understand why they pay money for free programs. The answer is quite simple, the more popular the application - the more new users will install it. Therefore, the more people will buy a paid donut.

Thus, having paid the contractor only 2 rubles, the developer in a month is in the gain by 1-2 thousand rubles.

Completed the task, but did not pay the money

In many reviews, users complain with an argument like "completed the task, but did not pay the money." Quite often, 72 hours after installation are given to verify the artist. Therefore, the reward comes only on the third day after completion of the assignment. Another reason may be the incomplete fulfillment of the conditions of the employer.

No. 2. Promotion in social networks

According to statistics, more than half of the total time spent working on a smartphone is spent on social networks. But you can also make money on this, through special applications some groups and accounts are ready to pay for their promotion on social networks.

The tasks are simple: subscribe to a group, like, leave a comment, repost, etc.

No. 3. View advertisements

The tasks are to click on paid banners, click on links, register on sites, etc. These tasks are mainly received from SEO exchanges promoting seosprint, wmmail, proficient, etc.

Number 4. Watch YouTube videos for money

YouTube has long turned into a full-fledged business in the field of video blogging. But to start earning stably on this business is quite problematic in the initial stages. Therefore, various video bloggers are ready to wind up views, likes and subscriptions for money.

No. 5. Sale of photo and video reports

Modern phones have good cameras, in quality almost not lagging behind other amateur cameras in the store. Thanks to this, photos from smartphones can be sold for money. Of course, the price of such products is small, but you can get 100 rubles per month for a photo.

No. 6. Assignments

Large enterprises and hypermarkets are not always able to control the operation of their stores. Therefore, they hire freelancers for a small price. The task is simple, you have to go shopping or the streets in the city and take pictures of goods. Yandex often uses such work to update its information about the enterprise.

Number 7. Courier job

Not the most common type of activity, since it is suitable mainly for students in large cities. Most of the parcels are simply not trusted in schoolchildren, or even refused to cooperate at all. Software is installed on the phone, where various customers post their ads, where and where to deliver the goods.

Money making apps for Android: TOP 7 profitable apps

Android is the most popular OS on smartphones. Play Market is full of various games and useful tools. There are also many useful programs to monetize your own time with your smartphone.

No. 1: Yandex Toloka

Here they pay in dollars from 0.1 to 1.5 dollars, the tasks are extremely simple and routine. The service was created to simplify the work of Yandex staff and artificial intelligence training. Tasks basically represent analytical actions like “classify an article”, “take a photo of city organizations”, etc.

All tasks are routine and quickly bored. Do not make Toloka the main area of \u200b\u200bactivity, since then interest in work quickly disappears.

With real counting per week, you can complete 100 tasks for a total of $ 5. It's nice that the service works with the withdrawal of money to the card. Unfortunately, popular banks such as Sberbank, VTB, etc. are not supported.

From a mobile device, you mainly need to take photos of places from the map and upload them to the server. Paying $ 1 per assignment is a great way to get to know the city or area better.

Yandex.Toloka for android.

The service has an Internet version of the application, there are tasks for $ 0.1 available, they are focused on training artificial intelligence, you just need to choose one or another photo, etc. For 1 hour you can earn $ 0.5 or 30 rubles.

No. 2: Advert App

One of the most popular applications to earn from a smartphone. Install applications, play them for about a day and after 24 hours receive payment. The Advert App has the most assignments and affiliate programs.

No. 3: Top Mission

The application allows you to earn as a mystery shopper. Unfortunately, this income is only suitable for students and adults, since in tasks it is often necessary to conclude transactions, record conversations of sellers and photograph documents.

Most requests are located in cities with large populations such as St. Petersburg, Moscow, Veliky Novgorod, etc. In other places, the number of work points is small or absent.


The program for finding couriers among ordinary people. Unfortunately, the majority of foot orders are aimed at large millionaire cities. The greatest demand is for road transport in the region and city.

Salary on average, like a regular courier. 250-500 rubles for a foot order, 500-1000 rubles. for delivery by car.

Dostavista Service.

No. 5: WHAFF reward

One of the most popular programs in Western countries. Supports Android and iOS system. Payment is made in dollars from 0.1 $ to 0.3 $. When recalculating into rubles, it goes from 6 to 20 rubles for each task.


But even in this useless lesson, you can earn extra money with Vk Target. For a subscription to a group they pay 0.3 rubles, a subscription to a channel 0.5 rubles, etc.

Mobile service Vk Target.

No. 7: AppCoin, AppBonus, Globus Mobile, TapMoney, etc.

Recently, the popularity of affiliate programs for installing applications has grown many times. Therefore, the number of Advert App analogues has increased. All these applications are equal in terms of popularity and payment of orders, so it makes no sense to divide into separate categories:

  • AppCoin;
  • AppBonus
  • Globus Mobile;
  • NewApp;
  • AppTrack
  • Tap money;
  • AppMoneta
  • AppTools
  • UPTop;
  • AppRating.

In terms of functionality, they are no different from each other. Therefore, it makes no sense to paint each application individually. If you use the promotional codes of our site, you will receive a bonus from 5 to 10 rubles after registration. Most of these applications work with the output to the phone. I saved up 100 rubles and immediately put them on the phone to pay for the connection.

IOS Money Making Apps: Top 8 Best With Money Withdrawals

IOS users can also easily monetize their time with a smartphone. There are fewer applications and some of them are already described in the category with Android.

No. 1. Shelfee

It contains many different tasks such as "mystery shopper", "take a picture of the building", etc. This program is mainly distributed in large cities.

No. 2. Yandex.Toloka

Unlike the Android version, many additional tasks with increased pay for execution are opened through iOS.

No. 3. Top mission

The developers adapted all the functionality from the Android version and transferred it to Apple phones. In contrast, Shelfee is very popular in Russia, so there are a few more free orders.


Courier work will remain in demand for a long time to come. Therefore, the application was adapted for iOS systems. Download to your device and engage in the delivery of goods for money.

No. 5. Adverapp

This application is always full of orders to download applications. A day you can easily earn up to 100 rubles only for the implementation of the ToR and the installation of games.

No. 6. Appcent

It is an analogue in case orders in other applications run out. There are fewer offers than in AdvertApp, but you can get 10-50 rubles a day. One of the drawbacks is that the conversion is first in coins, and then in rubles.

Number 7. Appbonus

It is less popular than AdvertApp, but for every day they post 2-3 tasks here.

Number 8. Life corr

The program allows any iPhone owner to become a reporter. Just start reporting on your device. If you witnessed an incident, upload a video or photo to this program. After some time, the TV channel will be able to acquire the footage.


In the modern world, anyone can make money on the Internet from the phone. To do this, it is enough to have a good smartphone on Android or iOS system and have access to the global network. You should not rely on large sums, but the extra 100-200 rubles per month can be received without much difficulty, simply by downloading games for money.

   A modern gadget, without which we cannot imagine ourselves today - a mobile phone - is costing us dearly. But we don’t even think that it can help make money.

You will not get rich, but enough for coffee. Here's how to get started:

  1. Sell your photos

You can earn by uploading photos to stocks. But does this involve photographing, then throwing one? what happened on the computer, sorting photos, selecting a good site, where to download them, and then their promotion. It would be nice if the process could be shortened.

Foap is a free application for Android and Apple, which is just for this. Just take pictures from your smartphone through your favorite photo app, and then add them to Foap.

Almost any image can be sold if the company considers your image suitable. This applies to images of cute pets, holiday photos, even food snapshots if you have these.

There are no restrictions on the number of uploaded photos on the site, and for each sale you will receive $ 5. If you want to upload more, Foap offers sites where large brands pay hundreds or thousands to get the photos they need.

  2. Complete tiny tasks for big wins

Take the Field Agent app (Android, Apple, free) and create your profile. Then take a few photos of any kind. These may be photos of your pet or the juice you drink.

Once you have registered, you will be able to receive real orders. They are paid from $ 2 to $ 12 for work, which may be a little, but if this is something that can be done without leaving your home, it is very good.

The Agent platform says that since its inception, it has already paid more than $ 4.5 million to agents. Part of this amount may be yours if you take action now.

  3. Get money back for purchases

The application, which is included in the top 20 most used applications in the USA - Ibotta (Android, Apple, free) gives instant discounts on the positions that you buy. It can be used when purchasing goods in online stores, such as, for example, Amazon, Best Buy or iTunes.

Money that is returned from Ibotta can be sent to a bank account using PayPal or Venmo. Or turn them into gift cards for Best Buy, Starbucks, iTunes, Amazon and other online stores.

This may seem implausible, but this free app really works. I hope that in the near future there will be an analogue of the application applicable for our country.

  4. Reimburse expenses

For businessmen, freelance and contract workers, travel expenses are very important. You spend your money hoping that the company or client will return this amount.

You need an easy way to prove to the company or client that you actually spent the money on purpose, and this is usually a check. But who wants to collect and carry a bundle of receipts?

The answer is the application Expensify (Android, Apple, Windows Phone,is free). It automatically generates reports directly from the receipt photo. The application will contact your bank account or credit card to pull out transactions for which you do not have a check. Finally, it is compatible with major accounting programs for easy reporting.

  5. Share your opinion and get paid

Whether it’s a product, a brand, a movie, a TV show, politics or something else, you probably have your own opinion on everything. Now you can get a reward if you share this opinion.

The American company Ipsos, specializing in marketing research, has launched the “I-Speak” service - “i -Say” (http://www.komando .com / cool -sites / 299767 / give -your -opinion -and -get -money ) After you sign up, you will be sent research on various topics. Notifications come by email, or you can periodically check the website yourself. The site is accessible from your computer, smartphone and tablet.

The average user receives about eight studies per month.

Each completely completed survey gives you bonus points that you can use to exchange for gift cards or products of American online stores. In addition, for each completed study, you get a chance to win a prize: ticket, TV, gift cards and much more.

Obviously, with "I-Say" you will not become rich, but this is good for a little extra income. You can also be the happy owner of a gift card or the gadget that you have been saving for so long.

Making phone calls, communicating in the messenger, few people are looking for money on the Internet from the phone. A minority still knows about the new features of their gadget. These are the users who are used to looking for the full benefit. If you can make money on a computer, then why not use this rule for the phone. There is always Internet access, Wi-Fi is activated. There may be more free disk space in a modern device than on a computer. Old people, youth and even children are able to use this technical achievement.

A good smartphone is not cheap, why not return the money spent by making it work for yourself? If the user has never encountered this question before, he may find this topic too complex. After reading the article, he will receive all the necessary information for. The main thing is that he has a mobile phone with the Android or IOS operating system and a desire to start a new project.

There are enough ways to earn money through Android so that you can choose the most suitable one.

You can do:

  1.   . Already enough people have mastered in this area. They go to Google Play, the App Store and download software. By installing the application on his device, the user receives money for an electronic wallet or mobile phone. No contributions are required here.
  2.   . There are no difficulties. You need to open and view some time advertising from your smartphone.
  3. Do different tasks that advertisers give. It is necessary to actively repost, like photos in social communities; browse sites, make up.
  4.   . Work is suitable for schoolchildren, as it is very simple. Each solved captcha is paid.

How much can you earn on a mobile phone

This question is asked first of all by users. The amount of earnings depends on the perseverance and time spent on work. On an expensive modern smartphone, you can earn more than on the old one. Sample prices:

  • Installing a game costs 3-10 rubles.
  • Surfing on advertisements, depending on the time spent, starting at 6 kopecks.
  • Writing reviews, ratings, from 3-5 rubles.
  • Short video clip 0.1 rub. / 30 sec.
  • Solving a captcha 0,01 rub.
  • Tasks. They can be simple and complex. The more complicated the order, the more expensive.

Free apps for money

Why do programmers who develop games and programs pay to install them? This topic is interesting to every user. Developers have to pay for installing games and getting the first positions in the rating of the software supplier.


  • The money received can be used to cover small expenses and services of a cellular company.
  • Even schoolchildren will be able to work, performing elementary actions.
  • Once on the street, in transport, at the bus stop, you can profitably use your free time.
  • It is enough to have a smartphone with the Android operating system and the Internet to start earning.

High income

Whatever salary a person receives, he always lacks it, because needs are growing. Get settled on, not every statistical citizen can afford. Even the busiest user will be able to work on a mobile phone.

  1. You can earn money by installing games and applications on the phone. There are ways to increase profits. To do this, go to Google play from another region and change the network address. Similar actions are done to view a large number of advertisements.
  2. This method can be profitable if you take it seriously. There is no need to invest. Profit consists of the number of invitees. All costs are paid by the system.

Earnings from a referral program

By sending invitations to new users, the client receives a reward from the system. For this, the invitee must use the invitation code for registration. You can use your unique code, link, visiting your personal account. New players receive one-time entry bonuses.

  • Students, schoolchildren;
  • Pensioners;
  • Watchmen, watchmen;
  • Freelancers
  • Women on maternity leave.

Walking down the street with a telephone, older people and young people will be able to earn money. To do this, go to work and curry favor with the authorities, is not necessary.

Installation Security

Can an installed program harm the phone? A large percentage of people are worried about this. Everyone knows that installing different software often leads to infection of the phone with viruses. The software presented on our site is virus-free, as it has been tested by a reputable company Google. There is no need to worry about this, your devices will not suffer. Do not use offers that offer to download on regular sites.

Work on some applications does not always bring the expected result. By downloading, installing the game application, it is difficult to get money. Why this happens is not clear. This should not be. This is due to repeated actions. The system pays for the first download, and the second is for developers to pay, it makes no sense.


If you seriously engage in this business, you can get good money using your mobile phone. Fifty thousand rubles a month, not all employers pay. Young people quickly adapt to such work, and older people need to reorganize to a different rhythm. Although smartphones are used throughout the day even without much need. It is worth trying to make money on this multifunctional device and show your creative imagination.

  • Why in vain upload photos on social networks, expecting to get a lot of likes. After all, you can sell them profitably and get a steady income from photography.
  • The same thing can be said to amateurs, to play. Download toys, install and play them for the benefit of you and your family!
  • Want to chat with interesting people on Instagram, chat. Just do not forget that you can make money on it. Do not waste your words in vain when you can sell them!

Time provides new opportunities for. Smart people grasp uncharted horizons and share their results with others. Inexperienced users can learn a lot from them, become rich and successful people and offer their ideas to others. Do not be afraid of changes, try to maximize your potential.

Our team will help with the search for reliable information. Perhaps, after reading this article, someone will find something new for themselves and engage in an interesting, profitable occupation. A mobile phone that everyone is used to as their best friend can become an investor.

Not so long ago, people did not even imagine that everyone would have their phones in their pocket and mobile communications would become so affordable.

  Today, you can not only make calls from your phone, but also access the Internet, and this allows you to earn extra money. Do you have a modern phone with Internet access? Then start collecting money.

Earnings from the phone is suitable even for those who have never worked on the Internet.

There are several ways to get money, and if you want to earn as much as possible, you will have to use several options at once. Most importantly, you don’t need to make contributions.

Internet earnings on the phone

Most often, users of mobile devices (including tablets) use earnings to install applications.

You will need to install different programs and games, and each such action will bring rewards.

A big plus of this method is making money on the phone. Those. All that you collect can be immediately transferred to the balance of the phone.

It’s unlikely that you will be able to earn large amounts, but use alternative applications from Goappcash and Apptools to increase revenue. People enter money into these systems in order to promote their games and programs.

Earnings through a phone with mailers

The main minus of earnings on applications is a small number of offers. When you install everything that they tell you, it will take a long time to wait for new applications.

You don’t have to wait on click sponsors, as there are thousands of simple tasks that can be performed even from mobile devices.

The requirements are not strict, but in your personal account you need to go through verification, indicating different information about yourself and adding a scan of the document (water certificate or passport):

Identity verification is performed to protect copyrights. When you upload photos, be sure to specify the tags and name, if possible, indicate the location of the shooting. Moderators check each work and only after that send it for sale.

For each shot you can get 0.5 $ -80 $, at the same time, a license to use is paid, so the sale of one photo is unlimited.

Add as many pictures as possible, they will bring a lifetime income. Also do not miss tasks from the administration, they are sometimes asked to send photos on a given topic.

Earnings on downloading applications

The most common type of work on mobile devices is installing free games.

Developers are trying to promote their projects, so they are willing to pay for the download to ordinary people. The money is not big, usually 5-10 rubles for each download, but everything is simple, and sometimes the applications are interesting:

Approximately such an interface is offered in all programs. The user is offered a list of applications with payment for installation.

As a rule, money is withdrawn to different electronic wallets or directly to the balance of the phone. Not all of them are high-quality, many orders and decent payment only in these applications:

  1. AdvertApp is the most popular utility, therefore, applications often appear here. The image above shows the interface of this application. Fulfill orders and invite referrals to receive 10% of their income.
  2. rel \u003d "nofollow" - with this application you will earn Bitcoin or Ethereum. Firstly, every half an hour a free bonus is given out. Secondly, the installation of free games is paid.
  3. CashPump - in addition to paying for installed applications, there are rewards for watching ads and videos, and tasks from social networks are also available. The minimum withdrawal is $ 5, transfer funds to VISA, Webmoney, Poison and PayPal cards.
  4. Appcent - only here bonuses are given for activity (up to 10% from the top). Invite your friends and get 20% of their earnings. From here, funds are withdrawn through popular payments on the Internet and on the phone.
  5. Newapp is a relatively new application, but it has decent grades on Google Play. There are many tasks, the minimum is only 1 rub. (to phone number or electronic wallet). If you invite friends, you will receive 10% from their income.
  6. Whaff Rewards - at the world level, this is the most popular application for making money from your phone. Games are asked not to be deleted for several days, gradually money is charged for them. The minimum wage is $ 10, withdrawal to PayPal, they pay about 20 rubles for each referral.
  7. Appbonus - judging by the rating, the application is good, and most importantly there are no restrictions on payments. Order them at least several times a day. For referrals give 2 rubles and 20% of income.
  8. Feature points is another foreign application for iOS and Android. Points are awarded for the work, you need to score at least 3000 to withdraw $ 5. They also spend on vouchers for popular projects or purchase games.
  9. Make money - loans are awarded to users for completing tasks. This can be viewing ads, passing surveys and much more. Credits are exchanged for dollars and withdrawn through PayPal.
  10. Payforinstall - earning money on installing applications brings coins that are exchanged for real money. Withdrawal from 15 rubles to QIWI, Webmoney and phone. Affiliate program 10%.
  11. Tapmoney - by analogy with other applications, it allows you to install games and get paid for it. There is a ref. 10% system, the administration holds various competitions, pays money for electronic wallets or in game currency.
  12. AppTrack - payment for installing applications and writing reviews about them (additionally paid for this). On average, they pay 3-7 rubles, an affiliate program of 10%, payments to a phone number or Webmoney.

There is no big difference between these programs, they all offer to earn money on installing mobile applications. Through a phone with any operating system it is available, the main thing is to free up more space for games.

Other applications for making money on the phone without investment

Many more other projects are open that also offer to install the application on the phone and receive money in various ways. It is not necessary to download free games, there are more interesting options:

  1. Mobile journalist with LifeCorr.

Something is constantly happening in our world, and news portals are trying to collect relevant information in order to be the first to tell their viewers about it.

The well-known company Life News offers its mobile application through which anyone can offer news and receive cash rewards for this:

News is added easily, but when you send some information, it is advisable to add media files. As you can see, even more money is paid for a photo, video or stream. Do not waste time if you are in the thick of things, offer news and earn.

  1. Earn cryptocurrencies on a mobile phone with Minergate.

Even beginners already know that you can install programs on computers and receive cryptocurrency on the machine.

Multi-core processors are installed in modern smartphones, so they can also be used for this purpose. True, the income will definitely not be large, now you need to create farms to collect crypts:

The only reason to use this application is to hope for an increase in currency rates. Different currencies are mined, for example, Bytecoin (not to be confused with Bitcoin). Who knows how much this token will cost in a couple of months.

  1. View ads and install apps with AppTrailers.

A foreign project with favorable conditions and its own plastic card through which you can spend the money earned in the application. Points are awarded for the work, every 10,000 Perk Points are equal to $ 1. There is no Russian language, but understanding the interface is not difficult:

Users are offered to view trailers. As a rule, these are commercials for games and programs. For viewing ads accrued pathetic pennies, you need to install the advertised application on your smartphone.

  1. Betting with Betting League.

A licensed office in Russia that accepts bets not only on sports. You can put money into the denouement in popular TV shows, who will win the election or choose e-sports. The odds are normal, and new users are given a free bet of 500 rubles:

The application is available for IOS and Android, in it you can bet, replenish the balance, order payments. Betting on a sweepstake turns into earnings when you know how to predict the outcome of events.

  1. Binary options trading on Binomo.

A serious company offers a solid income. In the mobile application, you need to bet not on sports, but on exchange rates.

It is necessary to predict whether the exchange rate will rise, the value of commodities or shares of large companies. With one bet you can really get up to 90% of profit:

Again, it is worth learning to predict changes in Forex. Users themselves choose the time when the rate rises or falls, no one can deceive them, because quotes are checked on any other sources.

  1. Audit real goods with TopMission.

There are not many tasks, so the application is suitable only for part-time work from the phone. After installing it, offers to check goods in real stores begin to come.

You need to go to the specified address and take photos (answer some questions):

Available earnings on the application only in Russia. Naturally, residents of large cities have more missions available. Payment is 100-600 rubles, and you can withdraw them to the balance of your phone or to your Webmoney wallet.

  1. Doing real work through YouDo.

This service was created to search for performers on various assignments - to assemble furniture, deliver goods, pick up documents and so on. The project is working on the territory of Moscow and St. Petersburg. There are really many offers, added every day:

Recently, more orders for remote execution have begun to be added here, i.e. living in certain cities is not necessary. Please note that you need to pay for sending applications (15-20 rubles), and to save money, they offer to buy unlimited packages.

  1. The application for making money selling Foap photos.

If your device has a high-quality camera, you can earn extra money by selling interesting pictures. Register and create a portfolio, even large companies come here to select the best works for their advertising projects:

The number of uploaded photos is not limited, from time to time they offer missions with rewards of up to $ 50. The author receives 50% from the sale of each photo so that there are more buyers, the works are advertised through partners.

If you type in the official application stores a request like “earning money by phone without attachments”, you will see a bunch of other programs, on this page we have collected the best of them.

Making money using an Android or iOS phone is not a myth, and if you use all the available applications, you will definitely be satisfied with the profit.

Please note that installing free games for money is an easy method if you want to earn more serious income, it’s better to sell photos, trade on Forex or publish news content.

I advise you to visit the following pages:
