Mail gi com login to mail. Mail gmail com: registration, login, how to send a letter. Notifications about letters without logging into Gmail mail

Internet users cannot do without using a mailbox, especially without Gmail. This is due to service products that appear after registration. What stands out here is access to PlayMarket, expansion of capabilities in Youtube, as well as integration in a single complex. How to log into mail on various devices, read further in the article.

General idea of ​​Google mail

The free email service Gmail appeared back in 2004 and almost immediately became popular. The rapid growth of new users was associated with the convenient provision of opportunities for correspondence and information exchange. The product has evolved and become more unique and uncontested in many areas. What Jimail mail provides:

  1. A system for registration on all platforms and correspondence with other users.
  1. In general, Google mail is simply an indispensable tool. If you don’t already have a profile for this service, then it’s time to register. Now let’s move on to the issue of logging into mail. Additional service applications ranging from Google Drive to Google Adsense.
  2. Access to the Google Market and Google Play.
  3. Uniting several devices under a common account.

Login to your email using the standard form

As noted above, you will need to register in advance to sign in to Gmail. If the latter is available, go to the page In the center is the “Login to mail” button, after which we perform the following actions:

  1. Enter the full address. We recommend creating a file in which to store such information to avoid memory problems (often necessary when using complex names).
  2. Enter the password and click Next. If the outcome is correct, the system will be logged in. For security purposes, you should automatically receive a letter about an unknown device (authorized users in Google Chrome).
  3. We confirm the latter via email or phone. Everything is ready, you can use the service to the fullest and without restrictions.

Using the Google Chrome browser

Another way to log in to your email is to use a Google Chrome account. This action allows not only to provide quick access to the service, but also to combine all devices in a single complex.

To access the latter, you will need to run:

  1. Install the Google browser and open the application. When you launch it for the first time, a data entry window will appear.
  2. Enter your username and password and confirm login to your account. If a phone is linked, then you need to indicate that this is your device and allow access.
  3. Mail management is provided automatically. Some service applications may require you to additionally enter your current password.

Note that this is the most convenient and practical method of logging into Gmail. The profile allows you to adjust devices, as well as improve the security system through double authentication.

Mobile account: double authentication

Logging into mail on an Adnroid mobile phone is the primary task for every user. Without this, the smartphone turns out to be useless; it is impossible to download applications, themes and much more. To sign in you will need:

  1. Go to settings, find the “Accounts” section. In some devices it may have a different name. Alternatively, the first point can be completed via GooglePlay.
  2. Enter your username and password into the information fields and click continue. We log in for the first time and start working with the mobile device.
  3. If the mobile phone is not the primary device, a message is sent by email. You need to confirm that the login is made by you.

When setting an increased level of security and activating double authentication, confirmation is required at each login via a linked phone number or SMS.

All possibilities have been considered. It's time to try the Gmail system in action. Good luck in using and enjoy working with the service.

Logging into email is very easy. But before you sign in, you need to have your Google account. In this lesson I will show you how to log in to your mail correctly and easily, and also show you how to set up Gmail, how to add and edit contacts, edit mail settings, etc.

If you still don't have a Google account, you need to first create one. To do this, we recommend going to the lesson. After you create your account, come back and read the rest of this lesson to learn how to sign in to Gmail and set it up.

Update from 02/14/2016 If you can't log into your mail, then I wrote about how to solve this problem. mail - login

Logging into Gmail is very easy. Immediately after creating an account, you will be automatically authorized, that is, you will log into it. However, you will always need to log in and out of your account when you are done. Signing out is especially important if you use a public computer (for example, in a library or office). This simple action will protect your letters from “prying eyes”.

Note: Article updated June 13, 2015. There are people who experience some difficulties when logging into mail. We have not found detailed and accurate information about why they are not succeeding. We also tried logging in from different computers with different operating systems - there were no problems, everything was standard. Consequently, we came to the conclusion that those who are unable to log in are doing something wrong. Perhaps you are confusing the services and The first one has nothing to do with Google, including, these are two different email services, so don’t get confused. Also keep in mind that is a Google product, so it's okay if the page redirects to the Google page. We also noticed some small changes so we updated the article with all the images. Follow the steps below to login to Google Mail. It should work out without any problems. If not, then write in the comments, but in detail.

To log in to your mail:

To sign out of mail:

  • In the top right corner, click on your photo and select Sign Out.

Mail settings

There will come a time when you want to customize the look or feel of your email. For example, you can create a signature, change labels, or change the theme. All this can be done in Gmail Mail Settings.

To go to settings:

  • Here you can select the category you want to change.

Adding contacts

Gmail lets you save contacts in your address book so you don't have to remember email addresses. You can also save additional information about the contact: phone numbers, birthdays and addresses.

To add a contact:

  1. From the Gmail drop-down menu, select Contacts.

  • The contact page appears. Click New Contact.

  • Enter the person's name and email address. You can also enter additional information about the contact. All changes will be automatically saved.

To change a contact:

  1. In the left menu bar, click My Contacts.

  • Click on the contact you want to change.
  • Now you can make any changes to the contact information.

By default, when you send an email to a new email address, Gmail adds that address to your contacts. By going to Contacts, you can edit this information.

Importing mail and contacts

You may already have a list of contacts in another mailbox, and manually transferring it to a new mailbox will take a lot of time. Gmail allows you to import contacts from other email accounts, and you can even import all your emails. You can import mail and contacts from many mail services, such as Yandex, Mail.

To import from another mail:

  1. Click the gear icon in the top right corner of the page and select Settings.
  2. Go to the Accounts category and click on the button Check mail from other accounts (using POP3). By following the on-screen instructions, you will be able to import your mail.

Google Email or Gmail is one of the world's best email services. One of the main advantages of this service is reliability - it always works and works as it should. Correspondence is securely encrypted, and because... This email service is part of a whole range of Google services and it is American, so the encryption algorithms are American and have high cryptographic strength. Those. Our intelligence services really don’t like Gmail, because... unable to decrypt email messages. So how to do

Login to Google mail

If you already have a Google account, you can log into Gmail. A window opens.

In the appropriate fields, enter the email you used to register your account and password. Press the button To come in. A window opens.

All. You made google mail login.

But if you don’t yet have a mailbox in this service, then you need to create one. Google is not only a well-known search engine, but it also provides a bunch of additional features, for example, mail, games, diaries, Google+, YouTube and much, much more. And it’s made in such a way that in order to use all this heap of usefulness you need to create one account.

Let's go by . The registration page opens.

In the upper right corner, click the big blue Create account button. The registration form opens.

How and what to fill out? We look at what they ask us and do.

  • What is your name - enter your first and last name;
  • Create a username. Here we enter whatever we want, but we write everything in Latin letters (in other words, English). Choose a name that is easy to remember. And remember that simultaneously with account registration, mail registration occurs. Those. if you chose the username Serge, then your email address will be [email protected].
  • Create and confirm a password. The longer, the better, and most importantly in different registers (with capital and small letters). Advice: each of us has some significant word, that is, a word that is close only to you. For example, the name of your favorite cat or the nickname of your best friend, etc. So you will change the keyboard layout to English and Russian letters and enter this word. Let me explain. Let’s say a significant word for me is “liberist” (that’s what I call my sidekick). So in the English layout it will be “Kb,thfcn”. This will be your password that will be easy for me to remember and difficult for all sorts of dark personalities to guess;
  • date of birth and gender - everything is clear here;
  • mobile phone - we write yours - it will be needed to restore your account if suddenly something happens and it will be impossible to log into it. If, for some reason, you do not want to write your real number, then read the article;
  • spare email address - write the email address that you already have;
  • default home page - whatever you want;
  • prove that you are not a robot - we enter what we see;
  • The country is simple here;
  • I accept the conditions….-check the box;
  • click next button.

After this, you have created an account, and at the same time a mailbox.

A person who comes online for the first time has a primary task - registering his or her email account. There are a huge number of services offering such services, but one of the most popular is Gmail from the famous company Google. The mail system has been operating since the spring of 2004, and every year it gains millions of satisfied users. Why is this mail better than others? Let's look at the main advantages that allowed Gmail to take a leading position in the market:

  • the mailbox can hold up to 10 GB of information;
  • built-in instant messaging and video calling system;
  • quick search for a specified word among messages;
  • powerful antispam system;
  • high degree of protection;
  • Availability of mobile applications for all popular operating systems;
  • one account for several services (YouTube, GoogleDisk, GoogleMaps, etc.)
  • all letters and contacts can be labeled and structured;
  • built-in control for spelling errors;
  • minute-by-minute backups to prevent data loss in case of internet loss.


Before you can take advantage of the benefits described, you will need to go through a short registration process. To do this, go to the website

Click on the “Create an account” button and you will be taken to the page for filling out your profile data.

Enter the required information. Be careful when creating your email password. You should not use a combination consisting of your birthday date or your mobile phone number. For best security, the password should contain both alphabetic characters and numbers.

After all the items have been filled out, click the “Next” button. An agreement window pops up informing the user of Gmail's privacy policy. After reading, click “I Accept.”

If everything is done correctly, you will be transferred to such a window with congratulations.

Immediately after creation, you will be automatically authorized in the mail. Even if you close the site and return to it in a couple of days or weeks, your mailbox will still be open. There is no need to enter a password every time. However, if you use a public computer or several mailboxes at the same time, then logging out of your account is inevitable. For such situations, we will look at the authorization procedure and tell you how to log into your Gmail email.

Login to email

Go to the page and enter your email address. Click “Next”.

Jimail mail login

Important! Do not enter your information on other sites. The only correct email address is

A window appears in which you must enter a password.

If the password is correct, you will be taken to your mailbox.


To log out of your account, click on the icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

In the window that opens, click “Exit”.

Working with letters

Thanks to the user-friendly mailbox interface, working with letters has become a real pleasure. All mail can be structured, marked with various markers, saved as drafts, and created as mass mailings.

To start writing a message, click on the red button in the upper left corner of the screen.

One of the main conveniences is that the window for typing messages appears as a tab. This way you can simultaneously write a new letter and interact with the mailbox.

The bottom panel allows you to attach various files to a letter from a computer or from a virtual GoogleDisc, insert emoticons, and instantly print the text.

Various mailbox settings

Gmail is considered the best email for a reason. For comfortable use, Google programmers have equipped the mail system with a whole list of useful settings. Let's briefly talk about the most important ones.


The service is equipped with the ability to save the necessary email addresses. You will no longer need to remember the email of a work colleague or old friend. Moreover, you can fill out information about the person yourself (name, date of birth, phone number).

Adding a contact is incredibly easy. First, you need to go to the main mail page and find the Gmail tab in the upper left corner.

Click on it and a small menu opens.

Click the “Contacts” button and get to the list of added addresses. This window displays the people you communicate with most often. If the person you need is not on the list, then click on the red label in the lower right corner of the screen.

A window opens where you can find the person you need. Simply enter his first and last name, and then search by photo.

Import from other mailboxes

Another important feature that will be useful for those who use several mailboxes at the same time. To transfer a contact or important letter from one mail to another, there is no need to copy all the information. The whole process is simplified to a couple of mouse clicks.

To do this, in the “Contacts” window, click the “More” button in the left column.

The menu opens. We are looking for the “Import” button.

Select the service from which you want to import contacts.

That's it, now important addresses or messages located in other mailboxes are available on Gmail.
