Play market error 924 on the android. What to do if the Play Store displays an error message. Other solutions to the problem

Error Code 924   is a problem on the Google Play Store and can be fixed by removing updates to the Google Play store or re-adding a Google account in the device’s settings. This issue is similar to other common errors that prevent users from downloading or updating applications and games from the Google Play Store. Several popular applications, such as Facebook, Skype, Candy Crush, Clash of Clans, Viber, and Hearthstone, may also throw this error. If you uninstall and reinstall the application, the problem is not solved. But there are other fairly effective ways to fix error 924 on Google Play. Below we give some of them.

How to fix error code 924 on an Android smartphone?

Method 1: Clear the cache and delete data

This is a popular method that has proven itself in fixing a number of bugs on Google Play. It consists in clearing the stored data and cache.

Method 2: Uninstall Google Play Updates

The method is to return the Google Play application to its original version. To fix error 924, try following procedure:

Now open Google Play and try to download / update the application or game.

Method 3: Delete and re-add your Google Account

This method is also one of the most effective for troubleshooting Google Play related errors.

We hope that one of the methods listed above to resolve error 924 on Google Play worked on your Android smartphone or tablet. We suggest you share your experience in the comments. Our readers are interested in everything: how the error appeared, which methods you tried and which one, in the end, turned out to be effective (from "passed by" to the most complex and multi-stage solutions to the problem). Do not forget to indicate your model of Android device - this is important.

Users of smartphones running Android OS have probably come across more than 924 error in the Play Market, which is accompanied by a notification that “Failed to update the application. Try again. If the problem persists, try to fix it yourself. (Error code: 924) "or" Failed to load the application. " It is important to note that such an error appears many times both for all updated applications, and for individual ones. This means that by opening any application downloaded from the Play Market, the user cannot update and use it.

  Why is there error 924 in the Play Market on Android?

The reasons that the apps from Play Store cannot be updated are as follows:

  • Incorrect transfer of applications from the phone to the SD card;
  • Problems with the Internet connection (the type of connection is incorrectly selected);
  • Failure in the service itself;
  • Blocking service by antivirus.

It is important to note that if the error continues to appear over a long period of time, the problem may be different. Therefore, we propose to try the following methods to solve the problem.

  Ways to fix Play Market error code 924

The first thing to do when error 924 occurs in the Play Store is to restart your Android. Often, a banal reboot helps solve the problem.

Since this service is tied to a Google account, you should delete it and re-add it. To do this, we recommend the following:

  • Select "Settings", then "Accounts".
  • We click on the Google account and in the settings above select "Delete account".
  • After we reboot the device and again add the Google account in the Android settings.

We go into the Play Market and check the result.

The next way to fix error 924 is to clear the cache and delete Play Market data. To clear the data, do the following:

  • Select "Settings", "Applications" and find the Play Market application in the list. Select "Clear Cache".

  • It is also worth clicking the "Erase data" button. After performing these operations, you need to check the result.

In the case when cleaning the cache did not produce results, you should again go to "Settings", "Applications", select Play Market and click on "Delete updates" at the top.

After removing the update, you need to restart Android and check the result. Also, if the above methods did not solve the problem, you need to reinstall the program in which error 924 appears.

Many users on the android phone encounter when the google play market application starts to fail, giving error code 924.

Among the main causes of system messages that encountered error 924 in the google play market are the following:

  • Communication error while downloading and updating the application.
  • Lack of free disk space.
  • Incorrect settings for accessing service parameters.
  • Caching
  • Problems with account identification.

I'm not talking about viruses that can block access to this service, so such problems will not be addressed.

Let's dwell on how to fix or get around error 924, without special knowledge and special tools.

It is pretty simple. You can get rid of such crashes, but first, let's see what error 924 means.

What does error 924 in google play store on android mean?

In simple words, error 924 means that you cannot download or update the application in the play market on your android phone.

It is noticed that this happens not only in applications, for example, the vatsap is not updated, but also in games (in a sea battle).

The elimination of such problems should not begin with basic and decisive measures. Therefore, first make sure that the Internet is in an accessible state and the necessary services are working.

It is also worth checking the date and time - sometimes because of such a simple failure of problems a lot of things arise. Who wants to get access to the play market very quickly, I recommend using an alternative application.

How to quickly fix error 924 in the play market - just use the analog

By installing an analog, you can immediately bypass error 492 in the play market and instantly download and update applications and games, even pre-registered ones.

This is the best program for downloading and updating inaccessible applications that you won’t even find in the Play Store search results.

The analogue represents a set of stand-alone, easy-to-install application management tools for Android OS, including: XAPK Installer, App & APK Management, APK Downloader and much more.

Once the analogue is installed, you are ready to go. I believe that the application is as simple and convenient as possible so that your android runs smoothly.

There are no flashy extra features in it, and downloading and updating your favorite applications and games, such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Launcher and many at the highest level. Try it and see for yourself.

Error 924 - what to do

If you get in the play mark: “the error failed to download the application error 924”, then first you need to make sure that the smartphone is connected to the Internet. This is the simplest thing that can be.

Also check the free space in the memory, regardless of whether the installation is distributed on the SD card.

It is possible that the service simply cannot upload files. In this case, you need to clear the memory by deleting unnecessary files or applications.

Also, when trying to access official services, you must have a Google account enabled.

Only the problem cannot be limited to user actions. As it turned out, the service itself can also “fail.”

This is due to “bugs” in the updates. On the one hand, they can simply be installed incorrectly, on the other hand, updates are poorly designed.

You need to remove the previously installed update. To do this, go to "Settings, select the" Applications "section, select the play market, click" Turn off, confirm and delete updates.

After that, you must restart the device. Having access to the Internet, start installing the latest updates, which are radically different from the previous ones, as errors are fixed.

Play market application error 924 - clear cache and data

If this does not help, pay attention to caching and data. Yes, they can be deleted manually, but I still recommend using the CCleaner application.

It will automatically clean the device after scanning, but since you cannot download it from the play market store, download it right here - the link is at the end of the recording.

Another problem with this failure may be a situation in which the service simply does not recognize the account associated with this device.

To correct the situation, you must go to the appropriate settings section and delete the existing account (cloud and accounts section).

Then enter the data of the existing Gmail address with the password again, although it is not a fact that this will certainly help.

The latest solution to error 924 in the play market on android

The most effective way and the most “difficult” solution to the problem is to reset the device to the factory settings.

This will delete all contacts stored in the phone’s memory, applications that you installed yourself and everything that was saved in the internal memory.

You can perform this operation in the “General Settings” menu by clicking on the “Reset” item. The phone will reboot and appear in the form from which it jumped from the factory conveyor.

Although the operation itself takes a dumb time, the result exceeds all expectations, but a reset is recommended only in cases where absolutely nothing helps.

Only it is impossible to exclude problems with the failure of the operating system or damage to the device at the physical level.

In this situation, you will have to act by other methods, especially if unofficial firmware was installed - then no one can guarantee the performance of such a device and can even lead to irreversible consequences. Successes.




Mistake   represents another typical mistake that occurs to users during the download or update of some application in the Play Market. Also, an error can be shown not only for one downloaded or updated application, but for all at once.

Determine the exact nature of the cause of the error   quite problematic, as well as for other similar problems with the Market. However, we have compiled a list of methods that can help you fix this problem, and quite simply.

Method # 1 Checking the network connection on the device

The first thing you should check is the Internet connection on the device. You may not be able to download or update applications because you do not have a network connection or you are experiencing serious problems with it. Make sure that your device is properly connected to the network and everything is in order with it.

Method №2 Restarting the device

Many users ignore this advice, but they do not underestimate its effectiveness - rebooting the device. The thing is that Android, just like, say, Windows, is an operating system. Sometimes in the OS some kind of bugs or critical failures can occur. Perhaps in your case everything happened exactly the same. Restart the device and let the Android OS begin its working session in a new way. You can also try restarting the Play Market application itself, since a failure could have occurred in it.

Method # 3 Clearing the Play Market App Cache

Cache is an incredibly convenient feature of any application. However, quite often, it is precisely because of him that problems occur, which just include the error . If the matter really is in it, then you just need to clear the cache and data of the Play Market application and it will be in hats. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Go to your Android device’s settings.
  • Go to the "Applications".
  • Next, go to the "All applications".
  • You will see a list with all the applications on your device. Find Play Market in the list, then click on it to go to the "About the application" window.
  • Having got this menu, click on the “Storage” item.
  • Information about the application and a couple of options for it will appear. Click on the “Erase data” option to start.
  • Then click on the second option - “Clear Cache”.

Method # 4 Removing the Play Market Utility

If none of the above helps in resolving the error , which is a completely possible scenario, you can simply try to remove the Play Market application from your Android device. In fact, the application cannot be removed, but you can remove updates for it, which will return it to the original version.

To remove Play Market updates, follow the same path as shown in the previous method, click on the "Delete Updates" button. After this step, go to the already old version of the application and check for an error . If everything is fine and it functions as it should, then you can install all updates for it back.

Method # 5 Deleting a Google Account

This method helps users quite rarely, but all of it sometimes works. You will probably be able to observe it in other articles on similar topics. So, you need to try deleting your Google account from the device and then adding it back. To do this, go through the following steps:

  • Go to Device Settings.
  • Go to the “Accounts” item.
  • Click on your Google account once.
  • Then make one more click on the button “Additional actions”.
  • Click on the “Delete Account” button.
  • Once your Google account has been deleted from the device, try adding it again.

As already mentioned, the method is not very effective and works quite rarely, but sometimes a miracle happens and this solves the situation with errors, including an error
