The best faucets in Russian bitcoin. The fattest bitcoin faucets that pay. Bitcoin faucets for ePay

Reading time: 1 minute.

The original goal of creating Bitcoin faucets was to popularize the cryptocurrency. Now these web resources distribute to registered users the minimum part of bitcoin (1 satoshi = 0.00000001 BTC) for viewing ads, clicking on links, introducing captcha, Online Games and other simple actions. Since the main income of such sites is advertising, their large traffic allows them to more than cover the distribution of Satoshi users. To earn free bitcoins, you just need to create, register on the bitcoin faucet website, enter the captcha and click on the "get bitcoin" button. In most cases, such a site gives from 10 to 300 satoshi at a time. There are different types of faucets: accumulative, instant, gaming, with different payment thresholds, with and without advertising, generous and not so, etc. The Big Rating magazine presents the best bitcoin faucets of 2017.

An American resource that has been distributing Satoshi since 2014. To register, the user does not need an email or a password, a bitcoin wallet address is enough. The process of making money consists in solving and introducing a simple captcha (reCaptcha Old). Every two hours, the faucet produces between 25 and 500 satoshi. The earned mini-bitcoins are withdrawn to the FaucetHub micro wallet, when the minimum amount of 10,000 satoshi is reached.

pros: simple and convenient site interface; lack of intrusive advertising; instant payments; favorable amounts; no waiting period.

Minuses: Occasionally there may be malfunctions when opening the valve in the rotator.

A unique resource for the laziest cryptocurrency miners is Bitcoin faucet and wallet at the same time. By registering on the site, the user immediately receives 0.00000250 BTC, 0.00604838 FTC, 0.00007671 LTC and 98 TIPS. After that, every day the balance will be replenished with different cryptocurrencies in automatic mode... You can even visit the site once a year. Small amounts can be increased by attracting referrals. Having accumulated a sufficient amount for withdrawal (different for each crypt), the user can transfer coins to another e-currency or withdraw through the exchanger.

pros: no need to enter captcha, watch ads, play games and follow links; the ability to accumulate different cryptocurrencies at the same time; availability of a profitable seven-level affiliate program; notifications about charges are received daily by mail.

Minuses: English-language site assumes work with a dictionary.

One of the old proven Bitcoin faucets with a decent Satoshi payout and a reputation for being an uninterrupted resource. Satoshi earnings are based on the introduction of reCaptcha captcha and AntiBot confirmation. The captcha is updated every 5 minutes, the waiting time is 30 seconds. The faucet makes instant automatic payments to your FaucetBox account and allows you to earn from 10 to 50 Satoshi per session.

pros: reliability; popularity; profitable affiliate program.

Minuses: presence of inconvenient and dangerous advertisements on the site; has a complex double protection (captcha and antibot); long waiting time.

The best English-language service for collecting satoshi, which has managed to "make money" since 2014 a huge number of its users. Its interface is so well thought out and user-friendly that even an immense abundance of advertising cannot spoil it. Satoshi is collected every 1 hour. One session can bring the user from 25 to 12000 units. Transfer from the tap is carried out automatically every 60 minutes to an account in FaucetHub when the user's balance reaches 2000 satoshi. Satoshi is earned by entering captcha (reCaptcha). The minimum payout threshold is 300 Satoshi, the payout limit is 3500 Satoshi. The resource's referral program brings an additional 25% of income.

pros: is the richest resource; has a low payout threshold.

Minuses: Low amount of Satoshi in one session.

A distinctive feature of the resource is the constant increase in the number of satoshi credited to the account. That is, by logging in every 5 minutes, you get 50-60 satoshi, and every hour - from 500 to 1200. Registration on the site requires entering your wallet number or e-mail address. For users who have opened a new account on Haro, there is a one-time bonus of 5000 and daily about 150 Satoshi. The principle of making money is based on the process of introducing Solve Media captcha. Withdrawal thresholds - 5500-25000 satoshi.

pros: quick registration; profitable bonus program; short period of bonus issue.

Minuses: restriction on receiving a large number of satoshi when using VPN programs; turning off the crane in the rotator; periodic interruptions and delays in payments; separate commission of the Haro-wallet.

One of the top-notch faucets with free Satoshi every 5 minutes. Registration is anonymous and requires only the Bitcoin wallet address from the user. Then you should press the "Enter The Faucet" button, enter the captcha (Geetest) and the code proving that you are not a robot. For one session, the site provides from 45 to 65 satoshi. Every half hour, the user is given an additional bonus 20 satoshi. To get them, just click on the desired icon. The faucet sponsorship program provides an additional 20% payout through FacetSystem and FaucetHub for Tier 1 users. The minimum withdrawal is 100 satoshi.

pros: no difficulty with the withdrawal of funds; profitable bonus and sponsorship programs; minimum waiting period.

Minuses: uncomfortable site interface; small payments for one session; absolutely useless and unprofitable dice game.

One of the best Bitcoin faucets of 2017, giving out free satoshi (75 to 5000) every 15 minutes. At the end of each day, the user's account is replenished with 5% of the earned for three last days satoshi. Satoshi is earned by solving captcha (reCaptcha). The withdrawal limit is 10,000 satoshi. Payments are made manually and last about 48 hours. To withdraw amounts over 100,000 Satoshi, the resource provides an additional two percent bonus.

pros: profitability of the resource; short waiting time; the presence of a bookmark timer and sound notification.

Minuses: a large number of annoying ads that often cover the account and balance buttons; withdrawal threshold.

One of the oldest, but, undoubtedly, working resources with a withdrawal threshold of 10,000 Satoshi and the largest bonuses. To receive satoshi, the button “Claim Your Free Satoshi Now!” Is pressed, the captcha is entered, and then the button “Roll” is pressed. The instantly generated number will determine the amount of cryptocurrency to be paid out. The maximum one-time earnings can be up to 0.4 BTC. The user also has two lottery tickets available for each collection of satoshi. The drawing takes place once a week. The frequency of a visit to the site is 1 hour. Satoshi withdrawals are made once a week automatically and without commission, or manually - with a commission of 400 satoshi. There is a possibility of instant withdrawal. The minimum threshold is 30,000 satoshi.

pros: reliable; provides the highest payouts; there is a sound timer for captcha input; the presence of a referral system; withdrawal to any bitcoin wallet.

Minuses: the chances of winning the lottery are very small; commission for instant withdrawal of funds is 10,000 satoshi; without scripts for captcha and a team of referrals, earnings will be modest.

pros: easy registration; regular and fair payments; no need to constantly fiddle with captcha; there is a chat; availability of an affiliate program; a good choice of types of earnings: autosurfing, surfing in an active window and a passive one; the ability to work with fiat currencies.

Minuses: a small number of surfing sites.

There are special sites with large quantity cranes - rotators. These sites are constantly updated, opening up new opportunities for the user to earn money. On some rotators, you can add taps to your bookmarks yourself. The best ones to date are:,,,

Denial of responsibility: By publishing this article, we do not pursue any goals other than informational ones. We are not responsible for the use of the above information, for anyone's personal purposes. The bitcoin faucets presented in the rating are active at the time of this writing. Due to the constant changes in the cryptocurrency market, when choosing a bitcoin faucet, do not be too lazy to check if it is on the "black lists" of most rotators.

I believe that for earning bitcoins and other virtual coins, it is best for beginners to use free taps cryptocurrencies. This activity is accessible, simple, moreover, does not require investments and does not have any risks. Once I learned about earning bitcoins, since then I have not parted with it, I am constantly improving my knowledge and increasing profits. I am sure that cryptocurrency faucets will be a good start in a career in earning bitcoins. Personally, they helped me a lot.

List of the best faucets for earning cryptocurrencies 2017

There are many Bitcoin faucets for collecting satoshi. If you open the Internet, your eyes will run wild from their diversity. Why are bitcoin faucets so good? I will list their main advantages:

  • find reliable crane for cryptocurrency is not difficult. This means that earnings are very affordable, and anyone can do it;
  • registration is very simple. You can become a new project participant in five to seven minutes. To register, you need to specify your data in a special form. This is the wallet number, login and mail. Yes, don't forget to come up with a strong password too;
  • easy job. Working on bitcoin faucets is like making money on captcha. Anyone who is familiar with this activity understands what I mean. V certain time you visit your bitcoin faucet, enter symbols and receive a cash reward on your balance. The system will automatically transfer your earnings to the wallet when the minimum amount is accumulated;
  • the possibility of combining with other activities. I collect satoshi in between writing articles and attracting referrals.

I have listed the merits of Bitcoin projects, but let's get back to faucets for earning cryptocurrency. As already mentioned, there are a lot of them. Let me introduce you to the very best. So, here are the services I advise you to work on in 2017;

  1. Although the crane appeared several years ago, it has not lost its relevance. He still has a lot of fans. And thanks to the excellent referral program, the number of participants is constantly increasing. I know this from my own experience. A lot of my real and virtual acquaintances came to this project through my link. And now they are successfully working on this service, providing themselves with a constant income. And I'm not at a loss: I get good commissions for attracting them. Before working on a project, you should register. You can do it in about three minutes. Bitcoins can be earned here every hour. Earning is in collecting satoshi. Virtual coins are credited for entering captcha. As you can see, everything is very simple;
  2. An honest and paying cryptocurrency faucet. I have been working on it for three months, and there have been no failures. Satoshi will begin to accumulate on the balance as soon as you indicate the wallet number. You can collect coins every five minutes. Once a week, the project automatically sends earnings to your wallet;
  3. I can recommend the service to those who are interested in a cryptocurrency called dejcoin. This cryptocurrency is relatively new and the said faucet distributes it quickly and honestly. Coins are collected every five minutes, when they reach five and a half thousand, they are sent to the wallet. The creators attract users with a good referral. I can’t say anything about this, I haven’t studied it yet. But, I'm going to do it soon;
  4. Getmyfaucet... A worthy project for earning bitcoins, linecoins, dejcoins. Bitcoin is paid here once every five hundred minutes. The minimum wage is ten thousand. You can withdraw linecoins every five hours. And dejcoins can be withdrawn every half hour;
  5. cryptoblox. A relatively new cryptocurrency faucet. In addition to bitcoins, other types of cryptocurrencies can also be earned here. For example, LTC, BEL, DASH and others are often mined. I have already registered on this site and I like it. There is a user-friendly interface. Very low minimum wage. To withdraw satoshi to your wallet, it is enough to have three hundred coins on your balance. Registration consists only in specifying the wallet. And there is also a good referral here, which is very important for me.

Faucets offering earnings of rare cryptocurrencies

I present to your attention the faucets of rare cryptocurrencies. Linecoins and Dedjcoins are less popular than bitcoins. You can earn them on such projects;

  1. Cryptorials... Distributes linecoins service. To make money, you can visit the service every hour. Payments are made through Faucetbox;
  2. Moon Litecoin... Before starting work, create a linecoin wallet. This is where your cryptocurrency will be stored. You can collect rare virtual coins every five minutes;
  3. Free Dogecoin... The faucet that dispenses dejcoins. Very similar to the project. The same simple registration, easy work, profitable referral. The only difference is in the form of cryptocurrency;
  4. Peercoin Cryptorials... Another site for earning a rare cryptocurrency. This is where coins are earned called percoin. You can collect them every hour, and then send them to the Faucetbox wallet.

Multi bitcoin faucets

I present to your attention multicurrency projects. I want to start with a service called fauc... There are nine types of cryptocurrencies you can earn here. Among which are such rare as Fluttercoin and Guldencoin... To be honest, I have never seen such a cryptocurrency on other services. Once every three hours, you need to enter your wallet number on the project, and the cherished coins will fall on the balance. Participants claim to be giving away here about twenty types of cryptocurrencies. I still have bitcoins and linecoins spinning here. Others will need to be monitored. I also want to master a referral on this project.

Rena-faucet... The project has as many as five earning services. It is convenient when many faucets of cryptocurrencies are presented in one place. Register and earn bitcoins, dejcoins, percoins and other coins.

Cryptospout... The project can be called one of the most profitable cryptocurrency faucets. There are two types of faucet. One coin is earned every hour. Another provides income once a day. There are about twenty different types of virtual currencies.

Multi bitcoin faucet cryptoblox, allows you not only to earn cryptocurrency, but also provides comprehensive information about earnings. Before work, you can familiarize yourself in detail with all its subtleties, difficulties and advantages. The number of coins that this crane offers to earn is 12. There are exotic currencies here: IXCoin, PiggyCoin, I0Coin. I don’t know about you, but this is the first time I've heard of such people.

How much can you earn on cryptocurrency faucets?

I am often asked how much you can earn on cryptocurrency if you use faucets. It all depends on your desire. Do not think that huge earnings will come by themselves, without your efforts and efforts. From the outside, earnings on cryptocurrency can show insignificant. Many of my acquaintances have already abandoned it, as if not really understanding it. They just decided that the pennies received from one project are not worth the work and worries.

But, there are people who, thanks to this activity, have greatly improved. For a good profit, it is not enough to use one, even the best cryptocurrency faucet. In this case, you will receive a penny, which is not enough even for pocket money. But if you register on several resources, earnings will increase significantly. My classmate, for example, works simultaneously on five hundred cranes. Not only collects satoshi, but is also actively involved in attracting referrals. Claims that he has about three thousand dollars a month. I have not yet reached such heights, but I am striving for it. In the future, I plan to create my own project dedicated to bitcoins.

I think that you, my dear readers, will be able to turn cryptocurrency earnings into a solid and successful Internet business.


I think you are already familiar and now I want to tell you a little about bitcoin crane rotators (assemblers).

Bitcoin rotator Is a site that allows you to visit several dozen bitcoin faucets on one page. It is very convenient and unnecessary to constantly open extra tabs in the browser. Plus, sorting of cranes according to several criteria, tracking all active timers at the same time and a good affiliate program, rotators can speed up the collection of satoshiks.

Thanks to rotator You can collect satoshi from all moderated sites, highly recommend iFaucet, a handy rotator with settings and excellent help for earning satoshi.

For cranes, I recommend, the protection is at a high level! Just start a wallet, point it to the taps and get bonuses! If the transaction is more than 37518 satoshi, there will be no commission, if there will be less than 25012 satoshi! Consider this on storage taps and set the withdrawal limit at least 40,000 satoshi!

The most convenient collection of bonuses and work at, for today the best rotaror of cranes cryptocurrencies and bucks! All cranes and axle boxes are collected in one place! I recommend it - I use it personally, everything is customized for you!

Ifaucet The best crane rotator for today, everything is convenient and clear.5-100
Bitptc Surfing sites for satoshi. Directly to Faucetbox50
Mellowads Advertising + crane. Recommend. Output only to advertising50
Bestrotator Great rotator. BTC LTC DOGE DASH. Recommend50
All-bitcoin Nice rotator, BTC LTS DOGE + surfing5-100
Allbtc Crane rotator, many sites20
Bitter Convenient hand surfing~ bits
Bigfaucet Rotator 6 cryptocurrencies~ bits

Cryptocurrency limits and wallets for 2017

Bitcoin - minimum 0.0001 BTC
Dogecoin - minimum 10 XDG
Litecoin - minimum 0.01 LTC
Darkcoin / DASH - minimum 0.01 DASH
Peercoin - minimum 0.1 PPC
Primecoin - minimum 0.1 XPM

If you use wallets from, set the following withdrawal limits:
Bitcoin - minimum 0.001 BTC
Dogecoin - minimum 10 XDG
Litecoin - minimum 0.001 LTC
Darkcoin / DASKH - minimum 0.01 DASH
Ethereum - minimum 0.01 ETH

Alexey Russkikh

With the growing popularity of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, the number of projects that allow you to earn virtual money without leaving your home has also increased. One of these is bitcoin faucets. Website visitors are paid money to view ads. Depending on the project, it is possible to get up to 200 satoshis per hour of work, using only a home computer and without buying expensive equipment. How profitable is this way of earning? Is it realistic to make money with such cranes? What other options are there for generating income online? We will talk about this in detail in our article.

What is Bitcoin Faucet?

Cryptocurrency faucets are sites on the Internet that pay Satoshi for viewing ads at a certain frequency. To receive money, just go to the page, register and perform a specific action: solve a problem, enter a captcha, click, and so on.

Earnings on faucets are available to everyone who has a PC and a cryptocurrency wallet, where money is subsequently withdrawn.

Many people argue that Bitcoin faucets are financial pyramids. This is not true. The owner of such a site earns not from the contributions of visitors, but from advertising. Part of the income received is transferred to registered users, and the remaining share remains in the owner's wallet.

The money earned is called satoshi - it is 1 / 100,000,000 of bitcoin (example: a penny is 1 / 100th of a ruble).

At the beginning of April 2018, the cryptocurrency rate is $ 6,800 per 1 bitcoin. This means that to get a thousand dollars, you need to earn about 15 million satoshi. Even the best bitcoin faucets are unable to provide this kind of income. Below we will dwell on this issue in detail and give calculations of the profitability of such a "business".

Principle of operation

Bitcoin faucets work according to the following algorithm:

  1. The crane owner places advertisements on the site in the form of videos or banners, after which he promotes his project. He publishes links on forums, blogs and thematic resources.
  2. People visit the cryptocurrency faucet and perform certain actions (go to advertisers' sites, enter captcha, participate in contests, read books, and so on). The longer the visitor stays on the site, the better the project is promoted.
  3. After the action is completed, a button appears that asks to enter the wallet number. Satoshi is credited to the account. Today, there are cranes in which money transfers are made automatically.

The frequency of crediting funds depends on the resource. The following options are possible here - 5, 10, 30, 60 minutes, and so on. The amount of remuneration also varies. Some sites pay from 10,000 Satoshi, others require you to stay on the page longer, but at the same time pay up to 100,000 coins. The wording "before" is conditional, because the actual payments are actually much lower.

To start working in this direction, you need to take the following steps:

  • install a Bitcoin wallet;
  • choose a suitable site and make sure that there is money on the account of the crane;
  • specify the "wallet" number after performing a certain action;
  • click on the icon for receiving a bonus (if any);
  • Earn Money;
  • withdraw coins to the wallet.

Differences between sites

Above, we examined what bitcoin faucets are, how they work, and what an ordinary user should do to earn bitcoins. Learn more about what resources are.

Cryptocurrency faucets are:

  1. Accumulative. The peculiarity of such sites is to increase the size of the profit even after the PC is turned off. The income is fixed, and payments are made automatically.
  2. Discrete. Such services pay a premium for a certain period of time - from 1-2 minutes to 24 hours.

In addition, the sites differ according to the following criteria:

  1. The frequency of satoshi output is in 5.15, 30, 60 or more minutes.
  2. Enrollment type - from instant payment to a wallet or after accumulating a certain amount.
  3. The action that the visitor must take is to enter a captcha, click on an advertisement, go to a tap, or do other work.

In order to make more profit, the most experienced users participate in the referral program. They advertise an affiliate link, attract other people to the faucet site, and earn a percentage of their income. Such a step is an opportunity to receive up to 25% of the profit of each referred referral. The amount of income depends on the number of attracted users.

Reviews confirm that with this approach it is possible to earn more money, but you will still not be able to get serious profit (more about the calculations - below). Some recommend installing applications that automatically visit taps. Previously, this method worked, but today it is ineffective.

The issue of withdrawing money deserves special attention. There are two options here:

  1. With the withdrawal to the user's wallet, without accumulation on the site's balance. Such resources are in greatest demand.
  2. Satoshi are credited to the internal account and withdrawn if the limit is exceeded - the minimum amount for withdrawal. The money is transferred to the vault on a specific day or immediately after the limit is reached.

After the receipt of the cryptocurrency on the wallet, it is easy to exchange it for dollars, rubles or other money. This is done through exchange offices that take a certain commission.

Top taps and how much do they pay

Let's highlight the TOP 5 cryptocurrency faucets:

  1. DailyDoge- a resource that manages to earn up to 1200 satoshi every five minutes. The minimum payout threshold is 360 coins. Money is credited automatically. To transfer to a wallet, you need to accumulate at least 20,000 satoshi. The number of users today is more than 25 thousand people.
  2. Claim BTC- the site is in Russian, which is a plus for users from the CIS countries. The service distributes satoshi to users every 20 minutes in the amount of 7 to 19 coins. To receive the award, you need to solve the captcha. The withdrawal of the earned is made after the accumulation of the amount of 20,000 satoshi on the balance sheet. The money is transferred to the "wallet", which is indicated at the registration stage. When withdrawing funds, the operation must be confirmed. The site has a referral program that allows you to receive 25% of the profit from each referred user.
  3. PaidBooks- a tap on which it is possible to get up to 450 satoshi every 10 minutes. The money is withdrawn automatically, but for this there must be 20,000 coins on the account. The visitor is required to read books. The range of the library is constantly updated, so site visitors can earn money and gain new knowledge.
  4. VisitVit is a domestic bitcoin faucet that distributes money to visitors who view ads on the site. He actually pays satoshi and guarantees the withdrawal of the earned funds to the wallet. Registration on the site is free, after which the visitor has access to all the resources of the resource. Up to 100 Satoshi is charged for one visit. The amount of the premium largely depends on how much time the user has spent on the site.
  5. BitcoinAliens- a tap for earning bitcoin. Money is withdrawn automatically as soon as the amount on the account reaches 20,000 coins. Every five minutes, 1200 satoshi are credited to the user's account. It also provides a referral program to increase profits.

How much can you earn per month in 2018

Bitcoin faucet (faucet) is one of the few ways to get virtual money without investment. Let's calculate how much they earn on Bitcoin faucets today, working 8 hours a day:

  • Average earnings on faucets (per hour) is 200 coins (for one site).
  • If you work 8 hours a day, the income will be 1600 satoshi.
  • If you work without haste, you will be able to visit about 30 sites in one hour. This means that the daily wage is 48,000 satoshi.
  • To date (early April 2018) 48,000 satoshi is 195 rubles. If you work every day for 8 hours seven days a week, your monthly salary will be 5850 rubles.

Worth considering important point... Each site takes a certain commission. On average, this amount is 10,000 satoshi. When withdrawing money to a wallet, the site takes a commission, and transfers the rest of the money to the user. This means that for about 1/5 of the month, the user is wasting only to pay this amount.

Withdrawal of money. There are two options here:

  1. Money is withdrawn every week. In this case, the earnings from one site is 11,200 satoshi per week. If you subtract the commission, 1200 remains. Total weekly income from 30 sites is 36,000 satoshi or 146 rubles. A month is about 580 rubles.
  2. Money is withdrawn once a month. In this scenario, the total income for the month is (48,000 - 10,000) * 30 = 1,140,000 satoshi. Total - 4653 rubles.

It turns out that on bitcoin faucets you can earn a maximum of 4653 rubles per month, provided you work 8 hours a day without leaving your computer.

And now the conclusion, for the sake of which we carried out all this painstaking work on finding sites, studying cranes, analyzing, calculating and all that:

Making money on bitcoin faucets is not profitable. Don't waste your time on this nonsense!

Only the owner of the faucet earns (but this is not certain), which creates fantastic traffic for its advertisers at the expense of ordinary users. Your time is precious. Do not waste it collecting crumbs from the master's table. There are other ways to make money. And we will prove it to you.

Alternative ways to make money on the Internet

In addition to Bitcoin faucets, there are a number of other ways to make a profit. Let's take a quick look at the best options:

If the above examples seem unconvincing to you, then here are a couple more options that you can definitely master with preparation:

  1. Trade on. Some knowledge is needed here. Buy on the downturn, sell on the peak. You can use simple strategies that are taught in the forex exchanges.
  2. Writing feature articles. Stock exchange

Bitcoin faucets are online sites that provide an opportunity to get bitcoins for free. At the same time, everyone can earn money, regardless of age and country. In the article we will compile a rating of bitcoin faucets, the list will include only best services collecting cryptocurrency. Eligibility criteria: They all pay and withdraw money from the account in 2019.

The list does not include taps, the transition to which is blocked by the antivirus. In our rating there are only tested and reliable taps (at the time of writing the review), but nevertheless, install an antivirus.

What are Bitcoin faucets: overview, basic information, working principle

Why sites with faucets allow you to earn bitcoins or other cryptocurrency without investment? The answer is that such services make money from advertising. Notice how many banner ads are on any bitcoin faucet. To attract more visitors to the site, crane owners share with them the money that comes from advertisers. Therefore, the bitcoin faucet is not a fraud and deception, but quite real way earn some cryptocurrency. If you register and receive payments on several sites that distribute cryptocurrency, you will get a good daily income.

Faucets are a great opportunity to study the topic of cryptocurrencies from the inside, without investments and without risking real money.

The principle of operation on all cranes is similar: the accrual occurs after a certain time. You will need to click on a button or complete another task and be sure to go through the captcha (anti-bot). Some bitcoin faucets are credited in Satoshi: 1 SATOSHI = 0.00000001 BTC. Each service has its own minimum payment amounts. Most faucets make instant payments to micropayment collectors or CoinSpot.

Recommendations when working with bitcoin faucets: do not limit yourself to one faucet, but use the maximum number of them. So you will earn more. Cranes are mainly on English language, so if something is not clear, use the translation of the page. V Chrome browser right-click and select "Translate into Russian". Create a separate mailbox for registrations, do not use your main one. Email is better to register on the service from Google - Gmail. Do not use the same and simple passwords- there are online services or PC programs to generate them. We recommend KeePass. Install an antivirus on your computer. Create yourself a wallet and get a bitcoin address to which you will receive payments from faucets. Check out the list. Many services pay on, so register there too. More details - below in the review.

Most faucets have the following rule: Do not use a proxy server or VPN, do not create bots and multiple accounts on the same service. Otherwise, the account may be blocked.

Having earned their first bitcoins on faucets, the user wonders: where to exchange them? Change in:

  • Prostocash.
  • 60cek.
  • Platov.
  • Ramon-cash.
  • Xchange.
  • Baksman.

It is also possible to do this on cryptocurrency exchanges. Life hack: after registering an account on the exchange, you will have a cryptocurrency wallet. You can transfer bitcoins from the faucet to the address of the bitcoin wallet. Just be sure to look at the minimum amounts to receive Bitcoin.

  • Exmo.
  • - margin trading.

List of Bitcoin faucets that pay in 2019

List of Bitcoin faucets that withdraw money in 2019 (updated 03/29/2019):

Name Interval, min Quantity, satoshi Minimum withdrawal amount Payment method
60 from 31 0.0003 BTC Bitcoin wallet
15 from 3 * CoinPot
(there is Russian language)
Random interval after 3 requests from 5 and up 30,000 satoshi Bitcoin wallet
Сointiply 60 from 18 from 35 coins² FaucetHub, DogeWallet, Bitcoin Wallet
No timing On average, 15-50. Pays for site visits. 30,000 to Bitcoin Wallet
5000 on Faucethub
5 30-50 - CoinPot
BitFun 3 1-15 * CoinPot
Bitcoinfaucet 60 from 11 0.000076 BTC Bitcoin wallet
Fire faucet 1-10 (depending on settings) 10 - FaucetHub
Fautsy 5 6 Instantly FaucetHub
DailyFreeBits 60 5-10 100 satoshi FaucetHub
Crex24 cryptoexchange has a "Cranes" section with free cryptocurrencies.
BitcoinfaucetFun 15 10-21 1000 satoshi FaucetHub
MulticoinFaucet 30 32 40,000 satoshi FaucetHub
ClaimFreeCoins 5 20-30 40,000 satoshi FaucetHub
Allcoins 5 4 0.00000002 BTC (Faucethub) or 0.00015 BTC (Bitcoin Wallet) Faucethub, Bitcoin Wallet

¹ - see the conditions of the collector of micropayments from CoinPot faucets; ²- 1 coins = 0.0001 USD

Additional list of Bitcoin faucets with withdrawal

Additional list of Bitcoin faucets that pay in 2019:

  • Pentafaucet - Pays between 5 and 25 satoshi every 5 minutes. The minimum amount is 20 satoshi. To register, you need to specify the Bitcoin address linked to FaucetHub. To get satoshi, you need to go through a simple captcha.
  • Bitcoinsfor is a multi-faucet that creates a constant amount of cryptocurrency for every request (10 satoshi). Withdrawals are available on Bitcoin, FausetHub or Coinbase. In the latter cases, the minimum salary is 500 satoshi and no commission is charged. With a direct withdrawal - a commission of 10 thousand satoshi.
  • Allcoins. The minimum amount is 0.00000020 BTC, payments are made instantly to the Faucethub collector. You can get 4 Satoshi every 5 minutes.
  • The faucet pays randomly from 5 to 14 satoshi every 5 minutes. Payments are instant.
  • Pays 20 satoshi with no time limit. The conclusion is instant on Faucethub.
  • The crane pays 10 satoshi, there is no timer. Satoshi is automatically displayed on the Faucethub.
  • Faucet with fixed charges: 15 satoshi every 5 minutes. Instant withdrawal.
  • You can get 5 Satoshi every 5 minutes. Instant payments.
  • Faucet Bitcoin (6-13 Satoshi), Litecoin. Displays on request.
  • Payment in 10 minutes from 13-52 satoshi. Intricate system for getting free satoshi, lots of advertisements. Withdrawal of any amount to Faucethub (the interval between withdrawals is 10 minutes).
  • Pays 15 Satoshi every 5 minutes with instant withdrawal.
  • Multicran (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, Dogecoin) without timer. You can get up to 19 Satoshi at a time, for this go through the captcha and antibot. Advertising is everywhere: wherever you click, you go to another site. Payouts automatically to Faucethub.

What are Bitcoin faucets?

The first parameter is the amount of free cryptocurrency received:

  1. Constant amount.
  2. Random.

By time between requests:

  1. No countdown timer.
  2. Constant time span: 5, 10 minutes, etc.
  3. Random time.

By the way of withdrawal from the tap:

  1. Direct withdrawal to your bitcoin wallet address.
  2. On services-collectors of micropayments from the faucet. The most popular are Faucethub and CoinPot.
  3. To other online wallets (Xapo, Spectrocoin, etc.).

By withdrawal time:

  1. Instant payments (Instant) without a minimum amount.
  2. Upon request.

They are also distinguished by the number of available cryptocurrencies (multiscreens), the minimum amount for withdrawal, the degree of data protection on the site (with and without https).

Withdrawal from bitcoin faucet on Faucethub

Faucethub is a micropayment collector and will receive the coins you earn. Most of the cranes draw conclusions on it. Therefore, first of all, before starting work, go through the registration of an account on the website. To do this, enter your email, password, login and wallet.

Go to the "User" - "User Dashboard" section to view the balance, statistics, change or add the address for the cryptocurrency, replenish or withdraw the coins earned on faucets. In the "Security" section, enable 2FA to secure your account. In "Setting" you can change email, password, login and other parameters.

To withdraw earned bitcoins, click "Withdraw", select a coin. The transfer will be made to the address linked to the account. The minimum amount for Bitcoin is 0.0002 BTC. If you display the address on the exchange, then take into account the minimum deposit amount (for Exmo - 0.001 BTC). Bitcoin transactions are processed once a week - on Sunday. The commission depends on the amount withdrawn. Altcoin withdrawals are processed within 24 hours. For other cryptocurrencies go to the "Exchanger" section.

90% of Bitcoin faucets make payments to the Faucethub service and require you to specify the address associated with their account during registration. You can bind not only the bitcoin address, but also other cryptocurrencies, Monero, Litecoin, Dogecoin, etc.

To check payments from taps, click "Check balance":

You can use Faucethub as an online wallet. To do this, in the "Deposit" section, you need to generate addresses for receiving cryptocurrency. Pay attention to the minimum amount - for bitcoin it is equal to 0.00025000 BTC. Do not send a smaller amount to it.

The faucethub is also a faucet rotator. A complete list of them included in the listing of the service can be found in the "Sites" section.

Best Bitcoin Faucet - Bonusbitcoin

Pays out satoshi every 15 minutes. Every day - a 5% bonus on the amount earned. website. has a one-page format. To register, you need to enter your email and password.

To get satoshi, solve the CAPTCHA and press the red "Claim now" button.

Get some Satoshi. Their number is different. The next portion of the free cryptocurrency is available in 15 minutes.

The withdrawal of the earned bitcoins is carried out through the CoinPot service. It is a wallet for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, Dash. You can select a coin, click "Deposit" and generate an address for transferring cryptocurrency to it from other faucets. The accounts between Bonusbitcoin and CoinPot faucet are linked, so just click "Go to CoinPot". You do not need to register.

To withdraw, click "Withdraw":

Select a withdrawal method:

  • To the address of the bitcoin wallet.
  • To the address of online wallets: Xaro, Spectrocoin, Mellow Ads.
  • FaucetFly, FaucetHub, FaucetSystem account.

"Withdraw to bitcoin core wallet" - direct withdrawal of bitcoin to the wallet address. The minimum amount is 0.0001 btc or 10,000 satoshi. Withdrawal schedule - 48 hours. There is no commission. To confirm the transfer, you need to follow the link in the letter received on the registration email.

Confirm the transaction in the browser window that appears and then via email:

At the end, information will appear that the withdrawal from the Bonusbitcoin faucet has been confirmed:

A good bitcoin faucet with an hourly distribution of cryptocurrency. You can get from 31 to 3,100,000 Satoshi. To work with the crane, you need to register by entering your email, password and passing the captcha. Then go to the site in the "Profile" section and activate two-factor authentication for account security.

The interface of the site is simple and without intrusive ads. To get free bitcoins go to the "Free Bitcoin" section and click the blue button at the bottom of the "Rolli" page. Depending on the number dropped, you will receive a certain amount of Bitcoin: from 31 Satoshi to 0.031BTC.

The number "6766" dropped out, and we received 0.00000031 BTC to the account. The timer counts down the time for the next distribution. You can turn on the sound notification so that you don't miss the end of the countdown.

Bitcoin faucet Freebitcoin is at the same time a cryptocurrency wallet. Click at the top of the "Deposit" page and you will see the generated Bitcoin wallet address. With a balance of 0.0003 BTC, a deposit bonus equal to 4.08% per annum is paid daily.

To withdraw, click "Withdraw" and select a translation option:

  • Auto. Automatic payments when the balance reaches 0.0003 BTC. To enable it, check the box next to "AUTO WITHDRAW". Do not forget to change the Bitcoin address for payments in the "Profile" section. By default, the address of your wallet in Freebitcoin is used.
  • Slow. Withdrawing bitcoins from the faucet during the day due to the lower commission. The minimum amount is 0.0003 Bitcoin.
  • Fast. Instant coin withdrawal within 15 minutes. The commission is higher than when choosing Slow. With a bitcoin rate of $ 6400, the commission will be $ 0.19. This is very small, so we recommend using this option transfer of cryptocurrency from a faucet.

The BitFun faucet is similar to Bonusbitcoin, as it most likely uses the same site engine. Free bitcoins are handed out every 10 minutes. You can increase your income by playing games or Dice. Payments are made to the CoinPot wallet, from which the minimum amount can be withdrawn - 0.0001 btc or $ 0.6 at the exchange rate as of September 7, 2018. The site is made in the form of a one-page, a lot of advertising. Registration is required with the indication of an e-mail, password.

To get satoshi click "Claim now". You can immediately see the amount that we will receive.

In the new window, go through the captcha and click "Claim":

The specified amount of cryptocurrency will be credited to the account of the faucet. In our case, these are 4 satoshi.

To withdraw coins, go to "Account" - "Account Details" and click "Go to CoinPot". faucet

Bitcoin faucet allows you to receive coins every hour. Official website: To register, enter the address of the bitcoin wallet. The minimum withdrawal amount is 0.000076 BTC ($ 0.5). You can withdraw in altcoins LTC, DOGE, BCH, while the minimum is below 0.0000026 BTC.

To change the Bitcoin address specified during registration or to add altcoins, click "Cheak address" and switch to the desired coin. Withdrawal from Bitcoinfaucet takes place directly to your specified wallet after you set the minimum amount by clicking the "Execute payment" button. Inactive accounts are deleted after a month. To stay active, you need to use a bitcoin faucet at least once a month.

Cointiply crane

Cointiply faucet. Payments every hour in their local currency Coins (1 Coin = $ 0.0001), which can be exchanged for Bitcoin. To register, go to the faucet website and fill out the form with your email, password, login. Confirm your email and get 100 Coins to your account.

To get free currency, go to the "Faucet" section and under "Your Cointiply Faucet" click " [email protected]". Depending on the number dropped, you will receive Coins according to the table on the right.

We got the number "59", and, according to the table, we got 18 Coins. Additional coins can be obtained by watching videos (Videos) or playing games (Games).

The minimum amount for withdrawal from the tap is 100,000 Coins; to the wallet account at FaucetHub - 35,000; for withdrawal to Dogecoin wallet - 50,000. Withdrawal to Bitcoin occurs every Sunday, via Dogecoin or FaucetHub - within 24 hours. faucet with instant withdrawal

The faucet only sends bitcoins to the address associated with the wallet, so first create an account there, otherwise you won't be able to use the service. Registration at Bitcoinfaucet is standard: specify your login, mail, password, go through the captcha and click "Register". The entrance to the bitcoin faucet website is carried out by login and password.

To receive a portion of free cryptocurrency, click on the "Ready to Claim" button. You can use the tap every 15 minutes, with 10-21 satoshi paid.

The minimum withdrawal amount is 1000 Satoshi. To withdraw your deposit, go to "Main menu" - "Balance / Withdraw".

Another tap that pays satoshi and at the same time instantly is Fautsy. You can get free crypto coins every 5 minutes, the amount charged is 6 satoshi. To register, enter your bitcoin address, which is linked to Going down to the bottom of the site page, click "Get Reward". There are a lot of banners on the site page, and there is often a random click on them.

If you did everything correctly, you will see a notification that 6 satoshi have been automatically sent to Withdrawal of bitcoins from the tap takes place instantly, within 2-5 minutes.

Bitcoin faucets in Russian

A selection of top cranes in Russian:

  • Satoshihero. To register, enter your email, password. Then confirm your mail by clicking on the link in the letter. After entering the site, select the Russian language. Direct withdrawal to the address of your bitcoin wallet, the minimum limit is 30,000 satoshi.

Provided 3 attempts to get Satoshi. Then the timer is turned on for a random time.

How much Satoshi can I get on the Satoshihero tap? From 1 and up. In our case - 25.

Conclusion: The site is made with high quality and simple. Ads are neither annoying nor distracting. A big advantage is the presence of the Russian language, you don't often see that. Satoshihero is one of the best on the list of faucets for 2019.

  • ... To earn satoshi, you need to surf the websites of advertisers. Payments from the tap are "fat" by today's standards: there are sites that you can get 20-30 satoshi for viewing. There is no temporary break. To get started, click "Surfing Sites" in the "Earn" section. You can withdraw to FuancetHub (the minimum withdrawal amount is 5000 Satoshi, conditions - the bitcoin address must be linked to your FuancetHub account); to the bitcoin wallet address (minimum wage - 40,000 satoshi; if you specified the address or - 100,000).

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