How to install skype on an old ipad. How to install and configure skype on iPad if it doesn’t work. Skype freezes what to do

Skype is one of the most famous and popular today free services for exchanging calls and messages. Moreover, if earlier the program could only be installed on a personal computer, at the moment there are special versions of Skype adapted for all mobile platforms. No exception and iOS. It is noteworthy at the same time that a specially adapted version of the program exists specifically for Apple-tablets - iPad.

In this article, we’ll tell you what Skype offers for iPad, how to install it, and what to do in case of problems with the application.

As we said at the beginning of the article, Skype makes it possible to exchange calls and messages. However, this, of course, is a very dry formulation. Through the application, you can make not only classic voice calls, but also organize video chats, including group ones. Unfortunately, the first-generation iPad does not support the latest option.

As for messaging, everything is also very interesting here - one-on-one chats, group conversations, emoticons, stickers, sending any content - photos, videos, documents, etc., sending geo-tags ... Skype can do everything!

The application itself is free, most of the options in it require only payment for traffic, that is, if you are connected to some public free Wi-Fi access point - you don’t need to pay at all!

And here’s another cool feature of the application - even if your relatives and friends don’t have Skype installed, you can make a call or send SMS through the program at a special discounted rate, and calls can even be made to landline numbers! In addition, users of the program are also offered special rates for international calls!

You can get acquainted with the rates in more detail on a special page of the program’s official website.

Easy to install, easy to use.

Among the advantages of the application is not only a wide range of options, but also easy installation and management of the program. How to install Skype on iPad? Very simple! It is necessary:

  1 Go to the App Store, go to the "Search" section, enter the word "Skype" in the search bar. 2 Wait until the store displays the search results and tap on the “Download” button next to the Skype application.

Important! As a confirmation of the intention to download the program, the App Store will ask for a password for Apple ID - for models with a configured Touch ID, it will be enough to put your finger on the fingerprint scanner.

That's all! It remains to wait for the program to load on the iPad - the faster the network speed to which the tablet is connected, the faster the application will download.

Note! Skype can be downloaded to the iPad if it has iOS 5.0 and later installed on it.

To start using the program, tap on its icon and follow the instructions on the screen - if you do not already have an account for Skype, you will be prompted to create it, otherwise when you first log in you will need to specify its data. When the “formalities” are completed, you can begin full-fledged work - add a friend, send the first message, make the first call, etc.

The application interface is intuitive, but, nevertheless, if any of the tasks makes you difficult - refer to the official support page created specifically for Skype users on the iPad.

Skype freezes, what to do?

The Skype application in the App Store has a very good rating, this suggests that the program is convenient, works properly and rarely lags. However, as you understand, nothing ideal exists, so you may very well encounter certain errors, including the application may freeze. What to do in case of problems with the service? At your service all the same

  If you do not know how to install skype on ipad, then our step-by-step instructions will help you install this program on your tablet. The Skype application is used both for entertainment and for work, with the help of this program you can not only chat, but also make video calls.

For the first time, they started using Skype using desktop computers with a connected web-camera. Today, the front camera is available on the iPad and iPhone, so there is no need to buy additional accessories for using Skype.

Before installing Skype on iPad, you need to know that the application requires access to the Internet and. If the device is not yet connected to the network, then we read - “”. Downloading the Skype application is only possible for free, so if you are asked to send an SMS, this is a divorce.

If the iPad is already connected to the network, let's start the installation:

1. Launch the App Store application, which is located on the screen of the Apple iPad, go to the "Selection" section and select - Search in the upper right corner

  2. Enter the name “Skype” in the search bar, select “Skype iPad” from the options below or click the “Search” button on the virtual qwerty keyboard.

3. After the search results appear, you will see two sections “Applications for iPad” and “Applications for iPhone”. Since we install on the iPad, select "Skype iPad" and click - Free - Install.

  Here you can enter the description of the Skype program itself, get acquainted with the requirements, capabilities of the top version and install Skype here by pressing the same buttons - “Free” and “Install”.

  4. If the App Store asks, you must enter it and click - OK

After performing these simple steps, on the iPad’s working screen, among the icons, the Skype application will be loading. Wait for the download to complete and Skype will be installed. After the installation is completed, you can use Skype, but if you do not have a Skype account, you need to register it.

Today we installed Skype directly from the iPad, but there is another way to install any application from the App Store using the iTunes program installed on your computer, if you are not already familiar with this method, read about and try.

Initially, the Skype program was intended exclusively for stationary personal computers, but the ever-growing needs of users and new inventions related to it technologies made it possible to use this software for virtual communication using mobile devices and tablets. Owners of the latter most often face the problem of installing and registering Skype. How to install skype on ipad? What features should be considered at the same time? Why, despite all efforts to install Skype, it doesn’t work? Let's figure it out together!

Step-by-step instructions for installing Skype on iPad

It would seem that it could be easier than installing Skype on your Android tablet or iPad. Moreover, in terms of its functionality, it more and more resembles a regular desktop computer. But not so simple. And some users, having tried to do this and faced with certain difficulties, leave this venture until better times. But if you spend only a few minutes of time, you can now install Skype. This will require a stable internet connection and a registered Apple ID.

Caution! Most often, Skype cannot be installed because the user does not have an Apple ID registration. Some users on the Internet suggest using special programs to circumvent these restrictions, but often they contain malware, so caution will not hurt!

How to connect skype on ipad? Use the following tips:

Advice! Remember that Skype is a shareware program. Therefore, if you are required to send SMS to a specific number, do not agree, look for sites from which you can download software for free. Better yet, go to the official developers page and install the application from there.

How to update Skype on iPad?

The update made by the developers allowed to fix some software errors and make working with Skype more pleasant. But in this regard, the question arises, how to update Skype on the iPad? This can be done quite simply.

Use the tooltip of the program itself, which when entering the system will remind you that there are already updates that can be installed and will offer to do it right away. If this message is not available, then you can proceed to the second step.

Should I upgrade Skype? Of course, you decide. But the latest version of Skype is different in the following:

  • Go through the App Store and find the update in this way to download it. After that, the tablet will open and update all the necessary files on its own. In this case, contacts and personal data will be saved.
  • Improved video quality.
  • Convenient and more thoughtful interface.
  • The lack of advertising on Skype for users who have subscribed or have a certain amount in the account. By the way, partially remove ads from Skype without replenishing the balance.
  • Improving the protection of personal data.

As a result, after updating Skype on iPad, it became much better, and installing it is now much easier than before. Take the opportunity to chat with friends and other people using your tablet and install this program, especially since you can do it yourself.

After installing Skype for iPad, you can call friends and acquaintances, wherever they are. The application interface for the device on iOS is similar to what the developers offer for the desktop version. The capabilities of the program are wide enough, which explains its popularity.

In order to download Skype, you need to go to the App Store. Installing the program does not take much time. If you have an account in the application, additional registration is not required. It is enough to enter the username and password to start using the program.

  • Make group calls. In one video chat you can combine several users at once, wherever they are.
  • Exchange text messages with one or more acquaintances.
  • Make voice calls anywhere in the world.
  • Call on mobile and landline phones at competitive rates.

Skype Features for iPad

The version of Skype for iPad contains a standard set of functions. After installing the application, gadget users can always be in touch, as the program has the ability to redirect a call to any mobile number.

If there are errors on the device, then you can call a friend through Skype and turn on the screen demonstration. This function is convenient for remote diagnosis of problems, when filling out important documents, etc.

In the program, users can send multimedia files to each other. Moreover, the size of the documents is not limited. The only thing to consider is the connection speed, both at home and at the interlocutor. This is a great alternative to file sharing. Moreover, all chats are reliably protected, so no one except you and the other person will get access to them.

Skype is offered in the Russian version, however, in the settings you can always change the language. The interface is simple enough so that even someone who first encounters an application can figure it out. Users who are already familiar with the program can start using it almost immediately after installation. Additional registration in the messenger is not required, you only need to enter data from your account. The convenience of Skype and excellent call quality have already been appreciated by the millions of users who have downloaded it from the App Store. The application on the tablet will allow you to stay in touch at any time, just have a network connection.

The fact that it will be possible to make video calls from mobile devices a couple of decades ago, no one could even imagine. Now this opportunity is presented by the developers of Skype. The program can be installed not only on a stationary computer, but on tablets and mobile on different operating systems. For example, we’ll take a closer look at how to set up Skype on the iPad, which will be interesting to owners of tablet devices from Apple.

Install Skype on iPad

To begin, consider the beginning of work with the popular instant messenger on the iPad. To, you will need:

If all of the above is available, then proceed to the next step:

  1. Open the AppStore and go to the Selection section.
  2. In the upper right corner, enter Skype in the search bar.
  3. We find Skype iPad.
  4. Click the button for free.
  5. We are waiting for the application to load.
  6. If you have an account, then enter its data, if not, register again.

Note! The application is available only for devices that have iOS version 4.2 and higher. Therefore, we first find out our version in the settings, the “Basic” tab, where the information of interest is located in the “About the device” section.

How to set up Skype

Now let's see how to use Skype on iPad. At the first start, the program will ask for permission to access the microphone and camera built into the device. Naturally, in order to fully use the program, you must agree. The application interface is not much different from the computer version, as well as its functions. It should be noted that the Skype iPad has additional features for people who need special attention.

If you already had contacts, then they are automatically transferred from the computer version. In the program for the tablet from Apple, it is possible to set the status, change the avatar, add other subscribers, etc. Conference is also available on Skype on the iPad. For a call, both the front and rear cameras of the device can be used.

After the program is installed on the tablet, a section will appear in its settings where it will be possible to set the necessary parameters. To do this, do the following:

  1. Click on the Settings icon.
  2. In the list of Programs we find Skype.
  3. In the right part of the screen we select the necessary parameters.

Thus, the question of where the Skype settings in the iPad disappears by itself. Let's consider which parameters we can change. So, there is a rather useful function to automatically disable the program if it is not used for a specified period of time. To do this, click on the “Disconnect” link, and in the drop-down list, select how many minutes it should be done. There is also the opportunity to activate or deactivate the automatic launch of Skype and the screen lock, which will be done when making a call using the application.

The messenger interface is simple and intuitive, so you can figure it out yourself. Pay attention to the button at the bottom right. If you touch it, the program will expand to full screen. To open Skype settings in the messenger itself, you need to click on the username in the upper left. This will help you change your profile or status, find out your account, and redirect.

I must say that setting up Skype on the iPad is quite simple and you don’t have to do a lot of things. This program refers to those that are recommended to be installed on any device, whether it is a tablet, mobile phone or computer. The fact that the developers proposed a version designed specifically for the iPad, greatly facilitated the lives of the owners of these gadgets. Moreover, its installation and configuration does not take much time and effort.