How to hide folders on wines 10. Why do you need hidden files and Windows folders

How fast open hidden folders in Windows 10?

The display of hidden folders is not a difficult thing, but for the beginning I will tell you why and where the hidden folders come from on the computer. So, hidden folders are ordinary folders that have a hidden attribute. Hidden folders can be for different reasons. Here are some of them:

  • System folders and operating system files.
  • Folders hidden by the user, to hide personal information.
  • Folders hidden by a virus or keyboard spy (in which the user's work reports are saved)

Each user should be aware of the existence of all hidden folders on its computer. If you need to find all the hidden folders on your computer, read the article "" in which we told about a special utility to quickly search for hidden objects in the Windows operating system

In order to enable the display of hidden folders, you need to go to some folder and open the drop-down menu view.

After that, in the drop-down menu, select Parameters

In the folder settings window that appears, select the View tab

On the View tab Extra options You will see a list of settings. Remove the checkbox from the parameter Hide secure system files and check the checkbox Show hidden files, folders and discsSince this is shown in the figure below.

After you have made changes will appear hidden folder files that you can open and view.

How to remove the attribute hidden?

If you need you can remove the hidden attribute from the file or folder. Select the desired file and click on it right-click. In the drop-down menu, select Properties.

In the window that appears, go to the General tab, in the Attributes field, remove the checkbox from the hidden parameter and click on OK

After all these, in my opinion, light manipulations hidden folders and files cease to be hidden and will be displayed even in cases where the display of hidden folders is disabled.

Open hidden folders can be using the console. How to do it was told in the article "".

You know or not, but Windows 10 comes with a sewn keylogger, which writes all keystrokes sound from the microphone and a lot of other personal user information. If you want to disable Windows 10 telemetry, read the article "". It describes in detail how to do it.

Now you know how to open hidden folders in Windows 10 and how to remove the attribute "hidden". If you liked the article click on the button of your social network and share with friends. It's a trifle for you, and we are pleased. Thank you!

In general, in the latest version of the OS, like the predecessors, some files are displayed, some are hidden. All this is done not just like that, because the system will save the user from the user folders that may be accidentally deleted or not an experienced user will decide that too much does not need "trash". Anyway, in some cases it is simply necessary that all folders and files are visible as on the palm. In general, our instructions will definitely use you. In one of our articles, we told. Now let's talk about how to display hidden folders in Windows 10?

This process can hardly be attributed to difficult, but in order for such a procedure to do not cause issues and difficulties from other users, it should be understood in detail "what's what".

What is hidden files and why they need

The difference in hidden folders from visible is to hidden the attribute itself. There are 2 types of attributes: H (Hidden) and S (System), i.e. Hidden and systemic, respectively.

In the first case, you can optionally activate or shoot this attribute, but in the second case, the protection of files is much stronger, because we are talking about system folders.

Specialists share 3 groups of "Folders" of this kind. The first category includes OS files and system folders, the second group consists of folders with user user information (hide the user itself) and the last group that is very dangerous for your computer - these are folders that hides the virus or keyboard spy. Thus, it is very important to be aware of all hidden folders, which are present on the device, because the further operation of your device depends on them.

Search invisible files

As a rule, a certain part of the files remains unbelievable by users, since not knowing the names or expansion, the search will not lead to anything. In this case will help the "Hidden File Fineer" tool. You can download utilities after you go on the

The principle of operation of the utility is very simple, even though he is in English. After installing the tool, open it and select a specific hard disk area, then click on the START SCAN button.

After a few seconds, you will appear a list of all hidden files on this device. The list will consist of detailed characteristics: name, date of creation, size, view and finding.

With the help of options that call with the right mouse button, you can delete the file, go to it, check the folder for viruses. In addition, using the program you can make hidden files displayed.

Display files through changes in the settings

This procedure can be performed using system settings. You can display hidden files thanks to the conductor parameters. This method is perfectly suitable for displaying files with a hidden attribute and system. To begin with, use the Win + Q key combination and in the field that appears, dial the "Explorer" parameters. Then go to one of the folders and click on the "View" drop-down menu, then select the option "Parameters".

In the dialog box that appears, go to the View tab, where the settings will be written (the line "Advanced parameters"). In these settings and hides the option that is responsible for "visibility" of files. Consequently, near the string "Show hidden files, folders and discs".

After that, all files will be displayed. It is worth noting that before system files are visible, a message appears on the further display of file data in the conductor. At this request, give a positive answer.

Another simple and fast way to display files is carried out using the View tab in the local disk C. dialog box

Then check the box next to the string "Hidden Elements".

When the window is in the folded form, see this check box in the "Show or Hide" link.

In addition to the installation of the folder display, you can also remove the attribute hidden, about which we have already mentioned. To do this, hover over the file and right-click the settings where you select "Properties". In the new dialog box, select the General tab, where the attribute string is located. There you will see the "hidden" option, from which you need to remove the checkbox and click on the OK button.

In general, this is all you need to know about the inclusion of "visibility" of files with a system or hidden attribute.

Given the rather difficult instructions, with the display of files you need to be as careful, especially using special utilities in which you can delete the system file by an error.

This article will help you not only learn about all available files and folders that could be in hidden mode, but also test dubious items for the virus and, if necessary, "clean" the system.

If you have questions about "How to display hidden folders in Windows 10? "You can ask them in the comments.

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These are folders with the attribute "hidden". By default, such folders are not displayed in the Windows interface. You can only see them after making changes to the settings.

Usually the "hidden" attribute is automatically installed for system folders and files. This allows you to remove them from the Windows interface, thereby reducing the likelihood of their accidental damage or removal. Also folders can be hidden both by the user. This is done from the "Folder Properties" window. In this material, we will tell about how to open the hidden folders on Windows 10 and remove the "hidden" attribute from them.

In order to open a hidden folder, you need to turn on the display of hidden folders in the interface. To do this, open any folder (for example, the "Documents" folder and go to the View tab.

After you have opened the "View" folder, click on the "Parameters" button.

As a result, the folder parameters window must open before you. In this window, you need to go to the "View" tab.

On the View tab, there is a list of additional parameters. In this list, you need to include the parameter " Show hidden files, folders and discs", As well as disable the parameter" Hide secure system files».

After making these settings, the folder parameters window must be closed by pressing the "OK" button. As a result, hidden folders and files will be displayed in the Windows 10 interface, and you can open them.

After turning on the display of hidden folders, you can distinguish them on the icon. The icon of hidden folders and files will be displayed translucent.

Remove the attribute "Hidden"

If necessary, we can remove the hidden attribute from the folder or file. To do this, click on it right mouse button and select the "Properties" menu item.

In the Folder Properties window, you need to remove the check mark opposite the "hidden" function and click on the "OK" button to save the settings.

After these uncomplicated manipulations, the folder stops being hidden and will be displayed even when the display of hidden folders is disabled.

Consider ways how to show hidden windows windowsand only two. Both are not much different from how it was done in previous versions of the operating system. Not interesting how is the operating system? Then go to the section "Short Instructions for Experienced".

Why hide

To hide the folders invented to protect against random or intentional Delete user. There is a chance to break the operation of the computer even when changing files inside.

When designing a file system, developers led to hide files and folders. To do this, use the attribute "hidden". When the folder display mode is enabled with such an attribute, hidden directory will look transparent.

As you can see in the screenshot above, the icon of the usual "SAVED" directory is several times brighter than with the attribute "hidden".

Hide the catalog may be needed for:

Protection system files;

Hide personal information from other users;

The virus can hide your data, and instead of them to throw fake.

The third option most often gives rise to desire show hidden folders in Windows 10. After removing viruses, for example on a flash drive, useful information remains not visible. Although the occupied place on the flash drive shows that it was preserved. And although modern antiviruses are quite advanced, they still have not learned to distinguish user directories from the system.

Short instruction for experienced

For advanced users of the computer, it is not difficult to show the Windows 10 hidden folders. It may seem that it is very easy. But no one is insured against forgetfulness. Just flew out of my head, then you do not need to read the entire article. The next line will be understood without explanations and screenshots.

To do this, follow the following instructions:

Explorer → View → Parameters → View → Show hidden files, folders and discs

Go from the following section if the previous board did not help.

Set up with a mouse

In all Microsoft operating systems, including Windows 10, the default settings do not show the jet folders, files and discs. With the cause of such behavior, we have already figured out.

Let's take the steps to look at how to show hidden folders in Windows 10:

Step number 1

Run the program Explorer. You can find it in the Start menu or on the taskbar.

Explorer in Windows 10 is an analogue of my computer in the previous version of the Windows system. Window opens in the picture

Step number 2.

Here you need to go to the Add Press Options button.

Step number 3.

So we got to the conference of the folder parameters. Here, select the View tab again and scroll the list of parameters in search of a noticeable point Show hidden files, folders and discs.

It remains to press the OK button and the selected Windows 10 will show such directories.

ATTENTION! To avoid problems, it is better not to leave the system configured in this way. Someone from other users can break the performance of windows.

Remove or install the attribute to the desired directory. And immediately prohibit them to show them. So you will protect yourself from accidents. Or you can hide your data from prying eyes.

Installing an attribute via the command line

Installing or removing the attribute hidden via the command line is useful in several cases:

  1. Want to surprise friends spectacular catalog
  2. Automatically hide the directory using the script

For attribute management, the standard ATTRIB program is applied:

It has many parameters, but we need the keys hidden and the path to the file or directory.

An example of the correct concealment and display directory of the secret, which is on the disk E:

Hide the catalog:

ATTRIB + H E: \\ Secret

Show (Remove the attribute hidden):

ATTRIB -H E: \\ Secret

If you save the first string to the hide.cmd file, and the second line in show.cmd. Then when the file starts, the directory will appear or hide respectively!

You can create such a file using an ordinary notepad. A program that is in all versions of Windows.

How to hide any folder of Windows 10

Want to make a directory invisible to prying eyes? Or hide several more falams at once? It is not necessary to use the command line method to activate the invisibility parameter. The file or directory will disappear, if you go to the property and put a tick against the inscription hidden.

After the manipulations done by your secrets, no one will know

In completion

Previously, our site has already raised the question of hidden folders, or rather their display. In general, there are cases when the folder needs to be hidden on the initiative of the user, so today we will talk about the opposite process of displaying "Folders".

As you know, hidden Folders exist in order to protect a number of certain elements from excessive contact with the user. Skillful users probably know that it is not necessary to disturb such folders once again, but in the absence of knowledge, you can accidentally delete what cannot be deleted. So how to create hidden folders in Windows 10?

Hide the folder through the "Properties"

Without a doubt, the most elementary method. We carry the mouse cursor to the folder you want to hide, and call the drop-down menu. The context menu is activated by pressing the right mouse button.

Among the options that appeared, select the last item "Properties". You will find a five-tab dialog box. In the first tab (signed as "common"), find the "Attributes" string, opposite which to check the "hidden" item and click OK.

After that, a request will be prompted for confirmation of the attribute change in which the item "To this folder and to all subfolders and files" is marked. Leave everything as it is and click OK.

In the event that you are not activated on your computer and you are viewing such folders using the conductor, the folder will not be visible.

If the display of hidden elements is enabled, the folder with the hidden attribute you installed will look pale, and the label is transparent.

Activating the "Hidden Folders" function

Activate the "Hidden" attribute can be used using the control panel. Find "Explorer (folders) parameters here. You will open a dialog box with three tabs, go to the second ("View"). This tab will be 2 list - "Folder Presentation" and "Advanced Parameters". In the second list, find the "Hidden Folders and Files" option, and then mark the next item that starts with the words "Do not show hidden files ...".

After that, click the OK button so that the changes entered into force.

Next, check the "hidden" attribute in the "properties" of the folder (as in the first case). Near the line (on the right side) there is the "Other" button. After pressing it, the dialog box with additional attributes will open and among all rows, active should only be "allowing indexing the contents of the files ..." (from the rest of the checkboxes, remove if they are). And so, the folder becomes hidden and will not be displayed in the search. To access it, you should activate the display of hidden items on the control panel.

Hide the folder using the command line

This method is more complicated. The difference is that with this method you can activate not only the hidden attribute, but also systemic.

Moreover, by setting an attribute through the command line, even when you turn on the display of hidden folders, your "Folder" will not be visible.

For example, the desired folder is in the disc branch of the C. Next, you must call the "Run" window using the Win + R keys combination. In the free field, type the CMD string and click on the OK button.

After that, a dialog box appears on a black background that is used to set commands.

The hidden attribute is given by the letter H. First, type the ATTRIB + H 'C: \\ PAPKA command. The ATTRIB word passes itself, respectively, the value of + H makes the folder hidden.

Before the command, enter the path to the folder. An even more hidden status of your folder will give a system attribute that can be set to the file in exactly the same way.

The command line is a very influential tool, so it's no longer possible to return the folder to the previous state through the "properties" folder, which we used in the previous way. Just the "hidden" item will be noted, but in a more "ghostly" form. In other words, changes through the drop-down menu of the user are no longer available.

Thus, the only way to return everything back is to make changes again through the command line. To do this, type the reverse command, which is as follows: attrib -s -h and do not forget to specify the path to the folder.

How to make an invisible folder?

In general, this method can also come in handy, if you do not want to deal with attributes. To do this, select the desired folder and select "Rename" in the drop-down menu. After that, hold the ALT key and enter the number 255, then release ALT and press ENTER. Then select the "Properties" option and on the Settings tab, select the "Change icon" button.

In the new dialog box, select an invisible icon and click OK to establish changes.

How to hide the folder through the start?

Such an operation is used for the main menu of the system. However, this option in the "start" does not pursue serious goals as in previous cases. In general, if you have a desire, you can take this instruction on the note. Actually, about everything in order.

To begin with, select the "Parameters" section. In the dialog that appears, find the "Personalization" subsection (the first icon in the second row). Then, in the list of options, find the "Start" item on the left side of the screen. On the right side of the window, go down to the bottom of the link "Select which folders will be displayed in the Start menu.

Perhaps our expensive reader calculated that this link will lead to the window in which you can hide and display any folder from the "start", but this is not the case. The developers did not allow the user to be particularly "raised" and provided the ability to hide or display folders exclusively from the following list: parameters, downloads, image, home group, personal folder, conductor, documents, music, video and network.

Actually, the concepts of "hide", as such, there are no in these settings. Under each of the folders that are in the listed list, you will see the switch. In order to hide the folder, move the position to the "Off" state. Thus, all the folders under which the "Off" position is displayed in the system menu will not be.

If you have questions about "How to hide the folder in Windows 10? "You can ask them in the comments.

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