How to make a mirror image of a photo. Mirroring photos or pictures online. Why do I need the mirror function

By mirroring photos, you can change the perception of the frame and make it more expressive. It is believed that people looking to the right are perceived more positively than people looking to the left. To the left - as if back to the past. In landscape and city photography, the situation is about the same: bridges, rivers, streets that go to the right are movement into the future.

But, in addition to changing the perception of the picture, using mirroring and copying, you can achieve some interesting effects.

Let's take a look at how to mirror a picture in Photoshop.

Opening the image in Adobe Photoshop... Our photo will open as a Background layer. And, by default, no changes can be applied to such a layer. This is done on purpose so that when you work, you always have the original frame. To base layer it became possible to change, you need to double-click on the lock icon on the right in the layers panel. This will unlock the layer. Another option is to simply copy the layer and apply all changes to the copy.

There are two commands to flip a layer in Photoshop. They are on the menu Edit / "Editing" → Transform / "Transformation".

Flip Horizontal / "Flip horizontally" - allows you to flip the photo horizontally.

Makes vertical mirroring.

Let's take another example that shows how to mirror a layer in Photoshop and achieve a kaleidoscope effect.

First, let's create a copy of the original layer. To do this, you can either select the menu item Layer / "Layers" → Duplicate Layer ... / "Duplicate layer ...", or drag the layer thumbnail onto the new layer icon on the layers panel with the mouse.

Now let's increase the size of the canvas so that all parts of the future "kaleidoscope" are visible.

We need a menu item Image / "Image" → Canvas Size / "Canvas Size".

It is necessary to set the parameters in such a way that the canvas expands to the right by an amount equal to the width of the original image - we will add a mirror image from the opposite side. Therefore, the settings will look like this:

As an anchor point Anchor / "Location" we set the left edge of the image - it stays in place. And indicated that the width of the canvas should increase by 200% relative to the original width. Let's leave the height unchanged for now.

After pressing the button Ok and applying all the changes made, the Photoshop window will look like the picture below.

Make sure that the top layer is active, and mirror it about the vertical axis using the command Edit / "Editing" → Transform / "Transform" → Flip Horizontal / "Flip horizontally"... Then, with the mouse, change the location of the two layers so that they are aligned along one of the edges.

For precise and accurate positioning, it is convenient to use the "Up", "Down", "Right" and "Left" keys on the keyboard.

Now let's make a mirror image in another plane.

Let's merge the two current layers into one. This can be done with the command * Layer / "Layers" → Merge Visible / "Merge Visible"... Let's increase the canvas size in the same way as before, but this time vertically. The anchor point will be at the lower border, and we will increase the height by 200%.

It will turn out like this.

Create a copy of the top layer (which already includes the original and the mirrored image). And apply the reflection command to this copy Flip Vertical / "Flip Vertical"... After that, use the mouse to place the mirrored layer on a new location.

Here is the effect of a kaleidoscope can be obtained by mirroring pictures in Photoshop.

From yesterday's lesson Photoshop you could find out around your axis. Today I am publishing another simple tutorial on how to mirror an image in a picture vertically or horizontally. This simple Photoshop trick is often used for complex illustrations, collages and banners. For example, to create the effect of reflecting an object in water, a mirror or from a polished surface.

The model for this tutorial will be a forest girl from, whose image we successfully rotated at different angles.

Detailed instructions for beginners on how to mirror a photo in Photoshop

1. Open Photoshop and load the selected image that we want to reflect into it: File -\u003e Open ...

2. From the main menu of the program Photoshop choose Image -\u003e Rotate Canvas -\u003e Flip Canvas Horizontal:

As a result of the command, we get a horizontally mirrored image:

Similarly, you can mirror the picture and vertically. To do this, just run a similar command Image -\u003e Rotate Canvas -\u003e Flip Canvas Vertical... As a result, we get the following picture:

3. Save the result of mirroring the image using the menu item File -\u003e Save for Web and Devices ...

When creating complex collages and illustrations in Photoshop mirror reflection used along with object rotation, layer duplication, partial picture erasure, and many other effects.

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Sometimes you need to get images in a mirror image and there are several simple ways using standard or third-party software, as well as various online services. As part of this article, we will consider all of the listed options.

How to mirror in Paint

Any operating room windows system the graphic editor Paint is preinstalled, with which we begin the list. Search bar you need to write "paint" ⇒ run the application.

After selecting the desired image on the computer File ⇒ Open.

Click on the Image ⇒ Rotate ⇒ Flip Horizontal or Vertical tab as required.

How to make a mirror image in Word

The Worrd text editor is probably more familiar to many than the graphical one and there is a lot of things you can do on it besides the formation of documents. So:

Create a new document or open an existing one

Insert a picture

Right click on it

A drop-down menu will open where select the Picture Format tab.

Here we are interested in three points of Rotation around the axis, but in this case, for mirroring, select the item "X" and write 180 ° after which the goal will be achieved.

Mirroring in Photoshop

The present method is also very fast and simple like the previous two, but it implies the presence graphic editor "Photoshop" which not everyone has in the arsenal.

Launch the program, insert a picture by dragging and drop or File ⇒ Open ⇒ Select a picture.

Editing ⇒ Transform ⇒ Flip horizontally. This completes all the actions, the drawing will take the desired form.

How to make a mirror image online

If you don't have any of the above programs, then it doesn't matter, there are special online services and I'll show you one of them now. We pass on this link to the site, a window will open:

Click the Browse button to search the picture on your PC

Flip Mirror: Choose a direction

Leave the rest as is, click OK.

In this window, you can immediately Download the processed image, Open for viewing or go back.

Well, all four methods shown in the article are very easy to manage and not time consuming, everything is done with a few clicks in less than a minute. This concludes today's topic until we meet again.

P.S Thanks to the mirror image, the picture is naturally unique, provided that it has not already been inverted before.

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When, when working in MS Word, it becomes necessary to rotate the text, not all users know how to do this. For effective solution In this task, you should look at the text not as a set of letters, but as an object. It is over the object that you can perform various manipulations, including rotation around an axis in any exact or arbitrary direction.

We have already considered the topic of text rotation earlier, in the same article I would like to talk about how to make a mirror reflection of text in Word. The task, although it seems more complicated, is solved by the same method and a couple of additional mouse clicks.

1. Create a text box. To do this, in the tab "Insert" in Group "Text" select item "Text field".

2. Copy the text you want to flip ( CTRL + C) and paste in the textbox ( CTRL + V). If the text is not yet typed, enter it directly into the text box.

3. Perform the necessary manipulations over the text inside the text box - change the font, size, color and other important parameters.

Mirror text

You can mirror the text in two directions - relative to the vertical (top to bottom) and horizontal (left to right) axes. In both cases, this can be done using the tab tools "Format"that appears on the panel quick access after adding the shape.

1. Click on the text field twice to open the tab "Format".

2. In a group "Arrange" press the button "To turn" and select item Flip Left to Right (horizontal reflection) or Flip from top to bottom (vertical reflection).

3. The text inside the text box will be mirrored.

Make the text box transparent by following these steps:

  • Right-click inside the field and click on the button "Circuit";
  • Select an option from the dropdown menu "No outline".

Horizontal flip can also be done manually. To do this, simply swap the top and bottom edges of the text box shape. That is, you need to click on the middle marker on the upper edge and drag it down, placing it under the lower edge. A text box shape, its rotation arrow will also be at the bottom.

Now you know how to mirror text in Word.

Sometimes to create beautiful image processing with the help of various editors is required. If there are no programs at hand or you do not know how to use them, then online services have long been able to do everything for you. In this article, we'll talk about one of the effects that can beautify your photo and make it special.

One of the features of photo processing is the effect of a mirror or reflection. That is, the photograph is bifurcated and combined, making the illusion that there is a double next to it, or reflections, as if the object is reflected in glass or a mirror that is not visible. Below are three online services for processing mirrored photos and how to work with them.

Method 1: IMGOnline

Online service IMGOnline is completely dedicated to working with images. It contains both image extension converter and photo resizing functions, and a huge number of photo processing methods, which makes this site an excellent choice for the user.

To process your image, do the following:

Method 2: ReflectionMaker

From the name of this site, it immediately becomes clear why it was created. The online service is completely focused on creating "mirror" photos and no longer has any functionality. Another disadvantage is that this interface is completely in English, but it will not be so difficult to understand it, since the number of functions for image mirroring is minimal.

To mirror the image of interest, follow these steps:

Method 3: MirrorEffect

Like the previous one, this online service was created for only one purpose - to create mirrored images and also has very few functions, but compared to the previous site, it has a choice of the side of the reflection. It is also completely aimed at a foreign user, but it will not be difficult to understand the interface.

To generate a reflective image, do the following:

It's so simple, with the help of online services, the user will be able to create the effect of reflection on his photo, filling it with new colors and meanings, and most importantly, it is very easy and convenient. All sites have a fairly minimalistic design, which is only a plus for them, but english language on some of them it will not hurt to process the image the way the user wants.

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