How to make a demonstration on skype. How to show the screen on Skype to your interlocutor. Issues with enabling the option

Hello dear readers of the blog site. You familiarized yourself with how to install the program on your computer, registered and successfully use it for a long time. It seems that everything is already known - both how to call subscribers, and how to add friends to your contact list, and how to use other Skype features.

But not all users (even experienced) know how to delete or modify something in the program. Nobody faced a situation when it is necessary delete correspondence? Or when you no longer need to use the program and need? Almost every person. And today we will familiarize ourselves with similar principles that exist in Skype.

Delete messages on Skype

It would seem that many social networks offer the ability to delete messages. But there is one significant minus: when you delete messages, they remain with the user with whom you have conversations. And in this case, the meaning of such a function as deleting messages becomes incomprehensible. If a person does not want the correspondence with the person to remain on his computer, then he probably does not want that the other user also has it.

Skype developers took this fact into account and created a unique one of its kind ability to delete messages  before another user reads them. Imagine the situation: you wrote to the wrong user, or wrote something, and then changed your mind about sending it, but it's too late. Until the subscriber has read the message from you, you can delete it, and the message “message deleted” will be displayed on the screen.

How to delete messages on Skype? Select the message you want to delete, right-click on it and select the item of the same name. If such an item does not appear, then the interlocutor has already read your message and it is impossible to delete it. If everything was done correctly, the recipient will never be able to read what was written in the message.

Let's move on to the question of how to delete messages in Skype completely. This is done as follows:

  1. Click on the "Tools" panel and select the "Settings" section.
  2. In the window that appears, click on the "Security" button, and then select the "Security Settings" section. There you will see a button called "Clear the history". Click on it, confirm the action and all dialogs will be deleted from your Skype account. It should be remembered that after deleting all the dialogs, it will not be possible to return them back, therefore, before such an action it is advisable to think carefully about whether you need to delete all this or wait.

If you want to delete all messages from only one user, then first try to delete the user himself, and then add him to your contact list again.

How to block a contact in Skype?

If you do not want the user to continue to communicate with you, then in addition to deleting, you can add him to the black list. This is done simply: select a contact, right-click on it and select the "Block this user" function from the menu.

If you are already very tired of a Skype user, then in the process of blocking, you can check the box next to "Delete from notebook." And not only will the user be added to ignore, but also removed from the list of your contacts. After the actions taken, the person will not be able to write messages to you, and your status for him will always be “offline”. In this case, the person will not receive any notifications, so it is unlikely to guess what is on the black list.

Login change

So that the reader is not misled, we note right away: there is no answer to the question of how to change the username in Skype. The developers of the program simply do not provide such a function. But along with this, there is good news: even if you can’t change the login, you can change the display name and surname. This is done as follows: in the upper left corner next to the status is the user login, which you must click to change your data.

Click on it, and then a page with your personal information will appear. Click on the button "Add full name". A field appears in which you need to enter your data. Enter data, click on the checkmark to the right of the field and save the entered information.

Once again, we note: today there is no way that would provide how to change the username in Skype. The only way to do this is to create another account, where you can enter new information about the user and save a new login for Skype. By the way, in conclusion, we note one more fact: it is also impossible to delete a login on Skype. The only way that provides for its peculiar deletion is to deactivate your account.

How to find a message on Skype?

Suppose that you need to find a specific message with the interlocutor, but the dialogue took a long time and you can search for a message for hours. To reduce your search time, you can do the following:

  1. The first method: find the “Conversations” section and click on the “Search” button, then enter the desired combination of words. Even easier - press the key combination Ctrl + F.
  2. The second way: select the person in the dialogue with whom you would like to find a message. Press Ctrl + F, enter the search word and you can scroll through the messages in which it is contained.

It is important to remember that if you could not find the message in Skype, it is quite possible that the dialogs were deleted before and the message history was not saved.

How to delete an account on Skype?

You have been using Skype for a long time, but for personal reasons you want other users to no longer be able to see it. At best, you want to delete your page. How to delete a Skype account? Unfortunately, as in the case of login, the actual deletion of the account is impossible. But you can use some tricks that will help make your account “invisible”:

  1. If you do not go to your page on Skype for two weeks, then your account is automatically excluded from the search in the system. However, if you go to it again, you can find it in the search.
  2. You can delete all user data in order to complicate the search. To do this, all contact information that could help identify the user in the search engine is deleted.
  3. You can simply delete Skype from your computer. As a result, automatic authorization will not take place, and over time, you yourself will forget about the existence of the page.

These are the only ways that can help answer the question of how to remove Skype. We hope that the information provided will help you when using this program.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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Greetings friends. Today will be a short, but nonetheless useful article on the technical aspects of the work of each Webmaster. Each of us (well, or each mail) uses the Skype software application, with the help of which you can make free calls to absolutely any corner of the world, exchange instant text messages, organize chats, etc. But quite often there are times when users of this program mistakenly or in a hurry send a message to the wrong recipient, or they first send some text, and then change their minds and want to delete it before another person reads it.

In this article, I will tell you how to delete a message on Skype in a simple and accessible way for everyone.

So, imagine the situation that you mistakenly sent a letter to the wrong recipient and want to delete it.

To do this, you need to right-click on the selected message and select the menu item - Delete.

The message will be instantly deleted in your program window and in the correspondence window you will see the following notification.

It's important to know! The history of correspondence in Skype is stored on its own servers, so deleting a separate message from yourself, thereby deleting the same message from your interlocutor. After this procedure, he will see the inscription - Message deleted!.

The above option to delete a single message is best used in a short time after it is sent to the interlocutor. If the message was sent a long time ago and you wanted to delete it, but when you call the context menu there is no item - Delete, then this method will not work.

But friends should not be upset. In one of my previously published article, I described in the most detailed way how to delete a Skype message from correspondence, for a separate contact, as well as deleting the entire history of your messages. Therefore, go over and carefully study this issue.

Well, all the guys, as you see, there is nothing complicated in the removal procedure, you just need to carefully follow the steps I described.

Now let's move on to the awarding process for the winners of the March 2016 contest of commentators.

Skype provides the opportunity of unlimited communication through SMS, video and audio communication. Thanks to this program, at any time of the day you can call your friends and relatives in any country.

Skype has a fairly user-friendly interface that any user can understand, but difficulties can still arise. The main one is the inability to delete correspondence. Let's see how to delete Skype chat on a computer once and for all?

How to delete message history?

All messages that you send and receive from users are stored in your Skype profile. Removing them with a single selection of the mouse is impossible. If you wish, you can demolish the entire profile, but this will disrupt the normal operation of the program.

But do not worry - the Skype program provides the ability to delete:

  • message and call history;
  • calls
  • video calls
  • voice messages;
  • received files.

Algorithm of actions:

This method allows you to delete messages from all users. Even the correspondence that was necessary for you will be deleted - and it will be impossible to restore it.

Data on correspondence, received and sent files are stored on your computer and cannot be restored. If you accessed Skype on someone else's computer, they will be saved there. You cannot delete these files by going to the profile from another computer.

You can also delete message history automatically.  If you choose not to save message history in the security settings, all correspondence will be deleted after you close the user profile. Correspondence is always saved automatically, but you can automatically delete it after 2 weeks, a month and three months.

After you have made any changes to the settings on Skype - be sure to click "Save". Otherwise, the new settings will not work. By choosing the "Do not save" option, you will no longer be able to read any messages from users after you close their profile.

How to delete correspondence using the program?

The first method of deleting correspondence does not allow you to delete messages on Skype from one contact. As a result, we may lose important data, which will cause difficulties in work. In addition, we cannot select specific messages for deletion, and we delete the general history.

There is a second way to delete messages using the program, which will tell you how to delete correspondence on Skype with a specific contact.

Skype chat helper utilitywritten by the developers of the program allows you to delete correspondence with one user.

Video: How to work with the program

Installing Skype chat helper is easy even for a novice user:

  1. run the utility;
  2. the utility is automatically installed in the root folder of Skype;
  3. installation will last no more than one minute;
  4. click on the Close window that appears;
  5. write down the name of the user whose correspondence you want to delete. You can do this in any text editor or remember it in memory;
  6. close the Skype program. In this case, you should not exit your profile, but close the Skype program;
  7. open Skype chat helper;
  8. back up your data.

To back up:

  • go C: Documents and Settings username _ Windows Application Data Skype;
  • copy the folder with your profile to another place;
  • save data, you can on a USB flash drive or disk. This will help restore correspondence in case of data loss. It’s worth knowing that your contact list will not be lost, as it is stored on certain servers, and all other data is stored on a computer.

But if you wish, you can make a backup copy of your contact list. For this:

As a result, we see the correspondence with the user whom we selected. We can delete both individual messages from the selected user, and all correspondence at once.

As a result, correspondence with this person will be completely deleted - it will be impossible to restore it.

But you should understand that the message archive is saved on your computer. If you talked on another system for a long time, and now you want to delete the correspondence on another computer, there will be no result. You can delete messages on Skype only on your computer. Also your messages will remain with the user to whom you sent it. In order to delete messages on Skype from someone else's computer, you will need to perform the above actions on the system where you worked previously.

Since the correspondence is stored mainly on the computer, you should not trust programs that promise to delete all correspondence, even from someone else's PC. This is not possible - the servers do not save your correspondence and transferred files.

Skype allows you to view and delete all conversations with users. All conversations are sorted by date and usually the last messages are at the end. If not all messages are displayed, select Show Earlier Messages. So you can see all the conversations and text messages that you had before.

If you want to delete all correspondence, but one conversation is important to you - you can always find it:

The program will highlight the most suitable passages for your descriptions - and you can view them using the Next and Previous.

It is impossible to delete the message that you sent, but it has not yet arrived (the person you were talking to was online). Also, your sent messages will not be deleted on the recipient's computer.

You can transfer the history of correspondence from one computer to another. To do this, just backup.

How to delete Skype chat with one contact?

The best option to remove the correspondence of one user from skype is the Remove chat history program.  It allows you to select the messages that you want to delete, and leave the right ones. There are utilities similar to Remove chat history, but for data security it is advisable to use only proven programs.

SkypeLogView removes the conversation in the same way.  One of the advantages of this program is that it does not require installation. In addition, it gives detailed information about calls, messages and files sent and received on Skype and the date they were created. You can work in SkypeLogView even when Skype is on. It is supported by all versions of Windows and does not require the installation of Skype.

But, even when working with the Remove chat history program, it is advisable to make a backup copy of your profile. Despite the rather high performance of the program, there is a possibility of deleting all correspondence and files on Skype without possible recovery.

How to find and delete login history

Sometimes we can log in to Skype from someone else's computer, and our username will automatically remain in memory.

Now we see a list of folders with skype profile names. All you need to delete the login history in Skype from another computer is to select the desired folder and press the Del key.

Do not be afraid if your folder is not there - perhaps it is hidden. To see it, press the key combination CTRL + H.

After that, select the desired folder and delete it. If you log into Skype on this computer again, your username will no longer be there.

Thus, it is possible to delete several profiles at once and it will be impossible to restore them. Even with the password saved, no one will be able to log in under your Skype profile.

The saved login does not allow you to view your contact list and correspondence, but it saves data on the computer. Logging in with your username without knowing the password is impossible. If you still saved the password automatically, deleting this data is quite simple.

The Skype program allows you to chat with people who are thousands of kilometers from us. At the same time, at any time of the day, you can delete all messages that have come to you and your login name. I hope you figured out how you can delete Skype correspondence with an individual.


There are two ways to delete messages on Skype:

  1. Through the user communication window
  2. In skype settings

The first method works only for messages of the last hour and only belonging to you.  Messages can be deleted one at a time. To delete, right-click on your name near the message to be deleted or on the message itself and select "Delete" in the menu that opens (left-click). Messages of your interlocutor must be deleted by him!

  In the second way, messages are deleted for the entire period of storage of correspondence. From the Skype menu, select "Tools - Settings ...". A window with Skype settings will open. On the left, select "Security", and then on the right side of the window click on the "Clear History" button. All messages with all users will be deleted.

It should be remembered that messages on Skype are stored on its server and all manipulations with them occur in the same place, therefore, deleting the history of correspondence by one message at home, you will also delete it from the person with whom you talked. Completely clearing your history through Skype settings will not lead to its clearing at the interlocutor.

Attention! Deleted messages cannot be recovered.

Group communication

If the correspondence between users in Skype is carried out by the created group, then each member of the group can delete their messages in the manner indicated above and, in addition, the creator of the group has the ability to delete messages from other members of the communication group in addition to their own.

Skype is a free communication service on the Internet. The program provides a good opportunity to exchange information with relatives and colleagues using text and multimedia messages. All information about sent and received messages is stored on the servers of this messenger. In the event of some life circumstances, it may be necessary to delete all correspondence, so users should know how to do this correctly. Let's look at how to clear messages and correspondence in Skype forever.

How to delete all correspondence with the interlocutor

The function of saving text messages is a good opportunity to save important information for the user. However, this can lead to a violation of privacy in the event of an account hack. Therefore, in order to limit access to secret correspondence, users should periodically delete the message history.

The application has an additional option that allows you to delete all text correspondence. Thanks to this, you can keep a secret conversation with relatives and friends, as well as free up the memory of the device used.

Before deleting the history of communication with the user, it is worth saving information that is important to you. After deleting the correspondence, the text can be restored only with the help of third-party utilities. In this case, the entire history of correspondence will be stored with your interlocutor.

It is possible to get rid of unnecessary messages in Skype without additional programs. In order to delete the text of the conversation, you need to carry out several simple steps:

  1. Launch Skype on the device.
  2. In the menu section, find Tools, then Settings.
  3. Use the mouse cursor to select Chats and SMS, then Settings.
  4. Next, click Open More and Clear History.
  5. Confirm your consent to the removal procedure.

In order not to waste time deleting the history of correspondence, set the automatic cleaning of messages. To do this, select the period of time after which Skype will independently delete correspondence.

When you need to delete the text of messages from your phone and tablet, you must carry out the following actions:

  1. Launch the Skype program and find the account of the user you need.
  2. For a short time, hold your finger on the interlocutor until the context menu appears.
  3. Go to the Remove from recent item.

When you want to completely clear Skype information, go to your device’s settings and find the Applications section. In the list of programs presented, select Skype. Your device will offer to perform the function Erase data. Then all the information about the application will disappear, as well as your username and password, which will have to be re-entered.

Another radical method of cleaning information is to remove Skype from your phone or tablet. If you need to restore the program to your phone, you can download it at any time from the official website.

How to delete a single message

When the user wants to clear part of the text conversation, then you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Launch Skype on your device.
  2. Go into the text correspondence and find the message you want to delete.
  3. Click on it with the mouse cursor and select the Delete function.
  4. In a new window, confirm your desire by clicking on the Delete option.

At the place of the message you will see a trash can with information that it has been deleted.

This message cleaning procedure can only be done with your recent messages. In this case, the text of the correspondence is saved by another user.

In addition, if you need to delete all sent and received information, you will need to perform a different procedure, since it will take a lot of time to manually delete one message.

What if I delete an already sent message

Unlike other similar programs, Skype supports the additional function of deleting the sent message until the time the interlocutor has time to read it.

To do this, you need to make a couple of simple manipulations:

  1. Click on the text of the sent message with the cursor.
  2. The Delete option appears on the screen.
  3. Confirm the action by clicking on this inscription.

A message will appear at the place of the sent message stating that the message has been deleted. The message Message deleted appears in the dialog box for two users.

The advantage of the function to delete a sent message is that if the user mistakenly sent this message or changed his mind to send it, he can quickly and conveniently correct the situation.

The disadvantage of this option is that you can delete the text for a short period of time before the interlocutor enters the application.

Can I see deleted messages

If the user previously deleted the account or user directory, then it is almost impossible to read deleted messages in the future. The developers tried to help do this with additional programs.

To read a deleted message, you must have access to hidden folders and files on your device. To do this, download and install SkypeLogView. This portable application is convenient and easy to use. With it, you can extract the necessary information from secret files and save in a text document.
