Hard disk performance indicator. Winchester loading LED. All that you need

Our regular readers are well known for the work of specialists from the Cyber \u200b\u200bSecurity Research Center University of Ben-Gurion (Ben-Gurion University), Israel, which specialize in the invention of unusual hacking methods and the abduction of information from the subsoil of the most secure computer systems. And they recently managed to detect another potential source of information leakage, which is the above-handed LED indicator, which displays the activity hard disk Computer.

We will remind our readers that computers that perform critical operations or containing extensive information in most cases are protected by the so-called "air barrier" method. This means that this computer is not connected itself or other computers connected to networks that have access to the Internet. This makes it impossible ordinary hacker hacking and in order to expect information from the subsoil of such a computer, you need to resort to very sophisticated tricks.

In his studies, researchers found that, programming a certain way a sequence of software appeals to a hard disk of the computer, you can force the LED indicator of activity to flash at a speed of about six thousand times per second. This frequency is quite enough to transmit data at a speed of up to 4 thousand bits per second. Of course, the transfer of one megabyte of data at such a speed will take a little more than half an hour, but in order to transfer stolen messages, passwords, encryption keys and other similar information, it will take quite a bit of time.

To use the hard disk LED as a transmitter, you will need to install on an attacked computer. special Program-Spion LED-IT-GO, already developed by Israeli researchers. Currently, the work of this system was tested on computers running operating linux systems, however, researchers are confident that in exactly the same way you can organize the abduction of information and from computers under windows control. Positive trait this method It is that all people have long been accustomed to chaotic flashing of the computer's hard disk indicator and can hardly notice changes in the nature of its work. And the modulation of the luminosity of the LED with a frequency of several kilohertz is far beyond the limits of human eye perception.

But, ensuring information transfer through the hard disk LED is only half of the process of the abduction of information. The second part of the work may take a tiny spy unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with a fast-acting camera and photosensors. The camera lens can be focused exclusively on the computer LED and then sensitivity sensitivity will be enough to remove information even through the tinted glass of the closed window.

There are several options to protect against the embezzlement of information. The simplest option is to disable the LED Hard Disc Indicator. If, due to any reason, it is impossible to do this, then you can position the protected computer so that its LEDs are not visible from any window of this room. And another, more complex option, is the use of a special program that accesss the hard disk at random intervals, it will, in turn, will create insurmountable interference to any other program trying to transfer information through the hard disk LED.

And, as the last measure, Israeli researchers advise simply take the LED indicator with a piece of opaque tape. This method is a bright demonstration of how common and simple materials, such as a piece of conventional tape, can have an effective opposition to the most sophisticated and modern spyware.

Quote: "I bring to your attention another option how to make the original hardware loading indicator. It is based on changing the voltage in the chain, and converts these jumps into discrete values."

Led indicator
loading hard drive -u for help
in creating a flash movie


Immediately make a reservation: I am not a modder, so the canons of the genre did not observe. I am primarily interested in functionality, I care about the aesthetic side.

I bring to your attention another option, how to make the original loading indicator of the hard drive. It is based on changing the voltage in the chain, and converts these races into discrete values.

What will take this:

Radio constructor "Level LED". In Voronezh, it can be purchased for 55 p, which I do not recommend doing, because it is completed with rather dull LEDs, and there should be no money. The only one useful thing - printed circuit board. Details will cost rubles at 15.

It is desirable to purchase a 2.-10 com instead of R1 instead of R1.

LEDs (minimum 5 pieces).

power connector "Moleks" (Female). I united my scheme with the existing device, so he did not need it. You can use any power connection method.

When connecting the circuit to 12 V, it is desirable to start the LEDs through the resistors. It depends on what LEDs do you use - the pasty in resistors are unlikely to need, but 3 V is likely yes.

Wires, insulation / heat shrinking, soldering iron (no more powerful 40 W), soldering supplies, etc.


It all depends on the LEDs that you intend to use (each psychic has its own program :-), more precisely, from their price. Personally, I used the LED line for 32 p. Total I all cost in 90 p, and what for me, then the mod costs this money.

In general, I want to say, this radio constructor is not ideal - the more LEDs glow, the dull they light. The problem is partially solved by an increase in voltage (12 V instead of 5 V) and connecting LEDs through resistors (470-510 Ohms). But no one forbids trying another similar indicator - for example, you can search for "Chip and Dip". So here is a big field for further development.

This scheme provides 5 discrete indication levels. The similarity of this we can observe Winamp visualization in the "Spectrum Analyzer" mode.

Of course, many of the first desire arises to adapt this product to music, but ... because I have enough indicators for music (and in general sounds), for I use the center, I use the center, and on it there is a 7-strip equalizer, and even in Winamp " E is available, so we will not engage in pop and a little diversified scope of application.

The mod is fairly simple and suited, especially for those who have long been dealing with electronics. We assume that the soldering phase knows everything (notes. Editorial board: And who does not know, reads) - that is, they laughed the scheme, put the power, distributed the LEDs in colors and conclusions (be careful - a non-standard scheme!) - Therefore, we turn to the first sample.

If you buy a radio constructor, then something like this should turn out

Why "something" - because I slightly modified the scheme. I connected the blue LED so that it burns constantly (that is, separately from the scheme). It symbolizes the "cold" loading of the hard drive, that is, zero level. LEDs 2 and 3 I combined at level 1, and the LEDs 4 and 5 - to level 2. I could initially use the LED line for 5 LEDs, but made a mod with the expectation for the future, if suddenly I find a diagram for 7-8 LEDs for More accurate indication. The white electrolytic capacitor is not present in the original scheme, it serves as a voltage stabilizer.

Connect food

Hint: If you take your fingers for one positive entrance, then it may be chanting the first-second level. This means that the scheme works.

Now we try to connect the inputs parallel to the HDD LED (i.e., usually a red dim LED, but you already have another, right?). My LED connects through a special connector (on the picture - on the right white), so it is not difficult to connect the indicator. Those who have sucked LEDs and are exhaled, they will have to tinker a little.

Here was the first surprise. Initially, I wanted to use the power of 5V, but this scheme turned out to be one flaw (see). When connecting the circuit to 12 V (and adding resistors to LEDs), connected to the HDD LED inputs gave reverse currents, and forced this very HDD LED to shine. Perhaps due to the fact that I have a sensitive red LED (which I changed the original dim). Remove the entrance land (Ground) from the scheme, I got the desired result. It even for the better - fewer wires. If everything works fine with 2 connected wires - then leave it. (In the picture, the remaining input is a blue wire that is suitable for a red wire in the connector)

I want to note that this mod is not a complete replacement, but an addition to the main indicator. If the HDD LED shows (relatively speaking) the channel load level (how long the data are transmitted), then peak indicator Displays how often the data on the channel is transmitted (at what speed). If you do not need to follow the hard drive, then you can only leave a new indicator. Personally, both indicators are now present on the front side of the system (for reference - the height of my LED line 4 cm).


Most likely, the trim resistor is small, and without a handle, so they are armed with a small (narrow) screwdriver here, and begin to drive the hard drive. Personally, I took as a basis for the archiving operation of small files (web pages), archiving large files (clips, for example), watching a movie via Windows Media Player.copying from one logical disk On the other within the physical media. You can still try copying from one hard drive to another, or run Scandisk. We look at how the hard drive behaves, turn the resistor to set the range of the oscillations of the indicator. In general, the essence is to create different situations: weak loading of the hard drive (low volume rare portions) and strong loading of the hard drive (large volume of almost continuous flow). In the first case, the peak indicator should twitch at level 1-2, in the second case, levels 1-4 will burn almost constantly, and the level 5 will burn or blink. Where to place LEDs, a scheme, and so on - that is, aesthetic questions are already depends on the imagination of everyone. Personally, I hid the scheme in the front box, and the LEDs brought from the left side (with a scope for the future - right I want to make a similar scheme for Mobile Rack).

Illustration of work

Full loading

HDD LED Indicator in

High loading Average download Low Download Zero Loading


Advantages of this mod

1. Conceptually new element in the design - an excellent addition to any technogenic computer

2. Some usefulness. The presence of two indicators I have already helped several times. For example, once again do not reboot the computer (there was a suspicion that he was hung - but the indicator twitched - and after 5 minutes the car was smelled!). Or vice versa boldly harvest reset - the loading LED glows constantly, and the peak was on zero - the correct sign Hang "and

3. Originality


1. The one has been described above in the article - the voltage is distributed between all operating LEDs. However, at high stresses it is not so noticeable. Yes, and pulsation gives the "liveliness" of the modified (and genetically modified :-) computer.

2. The very first question of everyone I showed the mod: "Does he react to you for music?" Tired, honestly

LED indicator (Light Emiting DIODE, LED) of the hard drive (maybe green, yellow or red luminescence) is usually placed on the front panel of the case and serves to control the operation of the hard drive. Each hard drive access is accompanied by an indicator lighting, usually indicators, switches and connectors 33

denoted on the control panel system Block As HDD. Let you not frighten that the hard drive indicator is not constantly, but periodically flashes. The point is not in bad contact here, but in the visual display of rapid access to the Winchester.

PC Inclusion Indicator

The PC Turning Indicator should always light up when the computer is turned on. The cable of this indicator is marked in most cases in green. We are talking About a two-tier wire, which ends with a three-stroke plug, and the middle pin is not involved. The color of the cable corresponds to the color of the indicator - a green-black or green-white cable.

Typically, the PC power outage cable is combined with KEYLOCK cable (PC keyboard lock cable). In this case, the cable is supplied with a five-hundredth connector. Manufacturers of motherboards, as a rule, sign all the connectors connecting connectors to the motherboard, so the corresponding terminal can be found without problems. The keylock connector location can be easily identified even without labeling. Look at the motherboard a single-row bar with five pins, and one of five pins is missing. This missing pin is a kind of key for proper connection Connector.

Since this plug does not have guides, it is probably possible to connect it incorrectly. The result of this error will be lack of display of work. In this case, you need to deploy a plug on 180p.

The network switch usually the power switch is already connected to the power supply. If this is not the case, you should use the instruction manual and connect it.


When you purchase, pay attention to the switch to be connected to the power supply. If there are no instructions, you trust the network switch to trust the specialist. Due to the wide variety of power units, there is no single color labeling of the terminals of the network switcher. Be extremely careful when it is connected! We are talking about the voltage of the network 220-240 V.

By turning on the computer using a network switch, a cold start of PC is carried out, i.e. the system starts from the condition of rest (cold condition). With a cold start, before re-enabling the computer, wait at least half a minute, since the mechanics of the drives requires a certain time for a complete stop.


Frequently on and off the computer without pauses by means of a network switch can lead to serious damage to drive drives and hard drives.

After turning on the PC for about 0.3-0.5 s, the power supply unit is performed. In the event that all levels of supply voltages are within acceptable limits on motherboard The POWER_GOOD signal arrives. This signal is fed to the motherboard, where the clock generator microcham is formed by the initial processor installation signal.

If there is no PowerGood signal, the clock generator microcircuit will continuously feed the initial installation signal on the CPU, without allowing PC to work with "non-standard" or unstable supply voltage. When the POWER GOOD signal arrives at the generator, the initial processor setting signal will turn off and the PC test program (POWER ON SELF TEST, POST) recorded in the ROM BIOS will begin. After successful testing, the system will be loaded.

In some cheap power blocks, the POWER GOOD signal generation scheme is not at all, and this circuit is simply connected to a power supply source +5 V.

Some motherboards are more sensitive to irregular signal supply Power Good than others. The problems associated with the launch often arise precisely because of the insufficient delay of this signal. Sometimes after replacing the PC motherboard, it stops starting to start normally. In such a situation, it is quite difficult to figure out, a particularly inexperienced user who seems to be the reason lies in new board. But do not hurry to write it up in faulty, since it often it turns out that the power supply is "to blame": either it does not provide sufficient power to power the new motherboard or the Power Good signal is not allowed or incorrectly. In such a situation, it is best to try to connect the motherboard to another power supply.

Buy hDD It may be necessary for different reasons: the volume of the old disk is small, the device broke, you need an additional, portable disk, etc. Before buying, decide which device you need with what characteristics.

External discs (HDD)

Portable Winchester is usually used to store a large amount of information, reserve copy. Such a screw has a small size and easily connects to a computer. When choosing, you need to navigate the amount of memory (1,2,3 or 4 TB (Terabyte) - the more, the better, but the higher the price. The form factor is no less important. If you need an external hard disk for a stationary computer, choose model 3 , 5 ". For laptops is suitable option 2.5". The speed of the portable hard drive is influenced by such data as buffer memory and spindle speed. The higher these indicators, the better.

SSD discs

These devices work much faster than conventional magnetic coating hard drives. It is also important for it is also important to determine the volume - for the usual, the model in 128 GB is not suitable for the game PC. Pay attention to the speed of reading information, as well as the type of memory - MLC (more popular) or TLC (economical option with a small resource).

Online store indicator offers you a wide choice hard disks From leading manufacturers:

  • SiliconPower (Pauver Silicone)
  • Kingston (Kingston)
  • Toshiba (Toshiba)
  • Western Digital (Western Didjital)
  • Seagate (Sigate)
  • Crucial (Crycial)
  • Corsair (Corsair)
  • Hitachi (Hitachi)
  • Plextor (Plexstor)
  • Patriot (Patriot).

Hard disk To solve any tasks you can buy in all stores the indicator in Simferopol, Sevastopol, Evpatoria, Dzhante, Yalta, Krasnoperekopsk, in Feodosia, Kerch and Sakaki. We provide fast delivery throughout the Crimea, as well as a guarantee for goods from the manufacturer.

Disk Activity Indicator - Free, Simple and portable program For a computer, which is an indicator of the activity of a hard disk.

Unfortunately, modern personal computers And the laptops are not equipped with simple, but at the same time convenient and familiar monitoring tools for the system and individual components of "iron", one of which is the control of the activity of the hard disk. Therefore, if you need to track disk activity, then you can use the Disk Activity Indicator program.

As already noted, this program does not require installation in the system (portable version) and after launching places in the tray (notification area) a small indicator that shows the current disk activity. By clicking on the right mouse button icon, the window with the settings will open. Here you can select the desired disc (partition) to monitor, specify the display interval, change the alert icons and set the program startup along with the start operating system. Additionally offered detailed information About the disk: size, manufacturer, label and other characteristics. Plus, the program has a Russian-speaking interface. That's actually everything is simple, convenient and clearly.
