What is technology as a science? What are technologies, types, structure, classification. Types of technologies by industry

When in 1993, instead of the usual subject “labor,” the subject “technology” appeared in the curriculum of Russian schools, many school principals and teachers opened dictionaries and encyclopedias and tried to figure out what kind of innovation had fallen on their heads.

At the end of the 20th century. In a society that declared itself technological, there was no agreed upon point of view on technology and technological education. There was only a general understanding that it was necessary to study technology. This subject began to appear in schools in England, France, the USA, Israel and many other countries. How to explain to schoolchildren what they will study in technology lessons.



What is technology?

When in 1993, instead of the usual subject “labor,” the subject “technology” appeared in the curriculum of Russian schools, many school principals and teachers opened dictionaries and encyclopedias and tried to figure out what kind of innovation had fallen on their heads.

At the end of the 20th century. In a society that declared itself technological, there was no agreed upon point of view on technology and technological education. There was only a general understanding that it was necessary to study technology. This subject began to appear in schools in England, France, the USA, Israel and many other countries. How to explain to schoolchildren what they will study in technology lessons.

This is how our US colleague, Dr. Kendel N. Starkweather, executive director of the International Association for Technology Education, tried to get out of the situation in his article “Tell Me What Technology Is”

OK! You are getting ready for the first day of school. Students will soon appear in front of you, and you will have to explain to them what technology is. So what is it? You almost panic, you know so many definitions of this concept that you don’t know which one to choose. What should you do?

To start a discussion, ask the students themselves about the technology. Everyone will try to express their opinion. Surely some will say: “These are computers!” Thanks to the information revolution in recent years, the concept of "technology" has changed dramatically in the minds of many people, but you know that itnot only computers. It is also an educational or training technology. Computers are just a tool, an equipment, and you teach not only computer technology, because you have a technology education room. You teach a school subject and plan to tell children about technology, and not just use it in teaching.

Other students will say: “This is science!” And there is truth in this. This can help. Now you must explain the difference between science and technology, which are studied in school. Children will say: “Science is the study of the natural world, and technology is the study of the artificial, man-made world!” This is a good start.

Students correctly understood that the difference between science and technology lies precisely in the concept of human activity. Science is something about phenomena, theorems, and technology is about how people use tools, machines, materials, processes and so on.

However, you still haven't explained what the technology is and what you'll do while learning it. To understand this, you can throw in the idea that technology is like water. It is dynamic and can take any form. It can be beautiful and ugly, stable and changing. She brings blessings and misfortunes. It can be controlled and unbridled. We use it at work and during leisure. It causes a feeling of pleasure or annoyance. It is omnipresent and connected by thousands of threads to everyday life. Our opinion of it depends on how we use it and how it affects us. But one fact is absolutely clear about both technology and water: we cannot do without them.

If you consider this alone, it becomes clear why technology is coming to our schools as an essential subject. And you will work together with schoolchildren to better understand it, learn to find solutions, work and live in a technological world.

Good luck to you in the new school year!

USA, 1998

According to the New Encyclopædia Britannica, the term “technology,” which first appeared in English in the 17th century, referred only to the applied arts (crafts). At the beginning of the 20th century. the concept of “technology” no longer referred only to machines and tools, but also to other processes unrelated to them. In the middle of the 20th century. this term has come to mean “the methods or activities by which a person seeks to transform or manipulate the world around him.” But this broad definition was criticized because it was difficult to distinguish between the concepts of "scientific research" and "technological activities".

What is meant by technology these days? “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” edited by D.N. Ushakova contains the following definition: “Technology (from Greek techne - “art” and logos - “teaching”) is a set of sciences and information about methods of processing one or another raw material into a manufactured product, into a finished product... The set of processes of such processing.”

The “Technology” course program approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (scientific supervisors Yu.L. Khotunets and V.D. Simonenko) defines this subject as follows: “... the science of the transformation and use of matter, energy and information in the interests and according to human plans.”

The already mentioned “New Encyclopædia Britannica” defines technology as “the systematic study of ways of creating and making things.”

All the above definitions reveal different aspects of the complex concept of “technology”.

The basis for studying technology in school is the following definition:

Technology is a transformative human activity aimed at

to meet the needs and requirements of people and solve their problems.

It includes processes of transformation of matter, energy and information, is based on knowledge and has an impact on nature and society, and creates a new man-made world. The result of technological activities are products that meet certain characteristics predetermined at the design stage. Technology as a science studies these human activities.


Engineers and technologists working in various manufacturing industries place great hopes on nanotechnology. There are no generally accepted standards for this area of ​​science and technology yet. Its main idea is the production of a wide variety of products with a predetermined molecular structure. We are talking about the high-precision manufacturing of material objects through the manipulation of atoms and molecules.

3D printing technologies are no less amazing. Based on a digital model, it is already possible to print simple three-dimensional objects layer by layer on a three-dimensional printer. It is possible that within the next decade, compact 3D printers will appear in every home, taking their place next to personal computers. The use of volumetric printing in the production of various goods is very promising. It allows you to reduce costs to a minimum and ensure high quality products.

Wireless computer technologies, which only a few years ago seemed a curiosity, are increasingly penetrating into human life. This innovation allows you to create extensive networks that can connect many users wirelessly. The information carrier in such networks is not electrical cables, but microwave radio waves. The wireless connection feature is a compact transmitter with a built-in omnidirectional antenna.

Wireless electrical energy is also becoming a reality. In 2011, the first successful experiments in this direction were carried out, which will most likely soon be implemented in the form of technologies available to ordinary consumers. One of the promising uses of such energy systems is recharging tablets, which does not use wires, but transmits pulses in the microwave range. Scientists are intensively working on an increase in which it will be possible to transmit energy wirelessly.

There are other modern technologies in the energy sector. One of them is associated with the use of geothermal energy, which is contained in the bowels of the earth. To implement this technology, special geothermal stations are designed and built. The most promising construction of such structures is in areas with increased volcanic activity. Scientists from Japan, Indonesia, Mexico, Nicaragua, and China are working on geothermal problems.

Robotics has been developing around the world for several decades. At the beginning of this century, it began to penetrate into. Such technologies make it possible to create automated systems for performing surgical operations. In this case, the doctor does not have contact with the patient, but manages the process at a distance through a special terminal. Such technological solutions guarantee minimal interference in the body's functioning and allow operations to be performed with unusually high precision.

The activities of individuals and organizations now increasingly depend on their knowledge, one of the most valuable resources of modern society, and the ability to use it effectively. However, the means designed to represent knowledge are still quite imperfect and often force people to look for solutions to the same problems again and again.

To optimize the search for the necessary information, various online services are being created these days. Thus, using Wiki technology in 2001, Wales and Sanger opened the Wikipedia website. Wikipedia is a multilingual, public domain, freely distributed encyclopedia published on the Internet. This "public" encyclopedia is a prime example of the rapid growth and accumulation of knowledge in the distributed environment of the Internet. It is created by the collective work of volunteer authors using Wiki technology.

Before Wikipedia, many methods of group communication were invented on the Internet: chat, web forum, blog. These technologies allow you to exchange information and somehow organize it, but none of them allows you to create a full-fledged, dynamically updated website. There are currently 253 language sections on Wikipedia.

The Ukrainian part of Wikipedia currently contains over 70 thousand articles, and the Russian part - over 250 thousand. Their growth rate is one of the highest (1000 articles per month). Obviously, not all Ukrainian- and Russian-speaking Internet users know about Wikipedia, but if you consider how many of these users are scientists and students, you can expect a significant increase in the rate of completion of these resources.

During its development, the Wikipedia project, despite concerns related to the unprofessionalism of the authors, possible vandalism, and the spontaneity of creating individual articles, made it possible to create a fairly high-quality product - a complete and objective multilingual encyclopedia, freely accessible to everyone. The success of Wikipedia demonstrated that Internet users demand reliable encyclopedic information. Therefore, the online encyclopedia project today is already a serious source of reference information and knowledge, which, unlike traditional sources, has a remarkable feature - efficiency.

The success of Wikipedia has given rise to a wide variety of other necessary projects that work on similar principles and serve to create other types of educational and reference publications.

Wiki technology and its main characteristics

Wiki is a technology for building a website that allows users themselves, through a web interface, to actively participate in the process of editing its content - correcting errors, adding new materials. Wiki technology does not require the use of special programs, registration on the server, or knowledge of HTML. The term Wiki also refers to the software that is developed to create such sites.

The information presented in Wiki has a non-linear navigation structure. Each page usually contains a large number of hyperlinks to other pages. The first wiki, WikiWikiWeb, was developed in 1994 and first appeared on the Internet in 1995. The first Wiki site was the Portland Sample Repository, created by Ward Cunningham, where code fragments were collected. The largest and most famous Wiki site is Wikipedia. Today, Wiki technology is used to create reference books, knowledge bases, and develop documentation. Modern Wiki engines allow you to work not only with texts, but also with spreadsheets, calendars, image galleries, files, etc. Mapping services can also be built using the Wiki principle. Development of Wiki applications for the corporate environment has appeared (for example, Confluence, Jot, Near-Time).

Wiki is designed to solve a simple and natural problem - to give every visitor the opportunity to participate in the development of content. Participate not only as a commentator, but also as a full-fledged author and editor - along with the administration and staff of the project. To do this, two things are necessary: ​​firstly, the user must have the technical ability to make changes to the pages of the site, and secondly, this process should not require special knowledge and skills.

Wiki technology makes it possible to accumulate the knowledge of mankind, presenting it in an electronic interoperable form, to provide navigation through this knowledge base and a means of updating it. At the same time, communities of various sizes and thematic focus can use Wiki, creating knowledge bases from global Wikipedias and electronic encyclopedias of large corporations to easily updated reference systems of small organizations, enterprises and educational institutions. Wiki is a fairly complex system for collecting and structuring information. Its main characteristics are:

— provides support for multi-user work;

it is possible to repeatedly edit any text using the Wiki environment itself (website);

— changes appear immediately after they are made;

— each Wiki article has its own unique name;

— the language of this markup is quite simple and does not require special knowledge;

- It is possible to return to a previous version.

Compared to CMS (Content Management Systems), Wiki technology has the following differences:

— The title of the article is also a hyperlink for external systems.

— Articles are created and edited almost at any time by any user.

— Articles available for editing are located directly in the web browser.

- Each article provides access to view and edit page history/versions, which supports searching for existing discrepancies.

— Each article gives the user access to the discussion page for that article.

Wiki provides greater user rights when editing content, no hierarchy, and freer access to information. In addition, pages created in Wiki technology enable interoperability and knowledge reuse.

Wiki engines

Wiki engines are software used to create Wiki sites. Wiki engine is a set of programs used to convert Wiki markup into a readable representation in HTML.

MediaWiki is a software mechanism for creating websites using Wiki technology, developed specifically for Wikipedia by the German student M. Manske. This is one of the most powerful Wiki engines, written specifically for Wikipedia and used in many other projects of the Wikimedia Foundation. MediaWiki is written in PHP and uses a relational database (you can use MySQL, PostgreSQL); supports memcached and Squid programs.

MediaWiki provides an interface for working with the page database, differentiation of access rights to system administration, as well as the following capabilities:

— process text both in its own format and in HTML and TeX formats (for formulas)

— upload images or other files, etc.

A flexible extension system allows users to add their own capabilities and programming interfaces. The next versions of MediaWiki continue to be developed. For example, new features included in the experimental version of MediaWiki include support for PostgreSQL and a system for approving completed and verified articles. In version 1.7.0, support for Oracle was removed due to the lack of movement in the development of this area.

There are many Wiki engines that have their own characteristics and advantages. In the table on p. 59 provides an overview of modern Wiki engines. The choice of Wiki engine depends on what set of functions and capabilities is required (version control, access restrictions, RSS feeds with information about page changes, subscription to changes to specific pages, etc.), on what platform it will be based and how all this will work, etc. First of all, you need to determine what will be used: Wiki on your own server or a Wiki service provided by an external organization. Many people recommend MediaWiki for creating online encyclopedias. WackoWiki, Confluence and NPJ are often used to create knowledge bases. For personal use, WikidPad or deskDo are used. TiddlyWiki and deskDo allow you to use Wiki technologies in the absence of the Internet.

Methodology for creating articles for Wikipedia

There is the “90-9-1” theory, which estimates the percentage of Wiki users, dividing them into three groups: 1) readers - 90%; 2) those who occasionally contribute something, 9%; and 3) those who actively work on content on the Wiki - only 1%. It's the 1% of users who do most of the work, but it's helpful for the rest of us to know how they can join this group.

The openness of the technology did not lead, as many feared, to the destruction and damage of materials: Wiki stores all the changes that have occurred to all articles since their creation, so at any time you can compare different versions of the same article, edit the page again, or simply go back to the old version. This makes it easier to fix the damage than it is to cause it. In addition, administrators always have the opportunity to block changes to individual pages (in particular, the most controversial ones).

Wiki pages are articles whose content is plain text, where you can use HTML tags or special Wiki markup that is more convenient for text documents than HTML. Using a link or button, any visitor to a Wiki site can edit and save a modified version of the text of any existing page or create a new one. The procedure for publishing text on Wikipedia is reduced to two buttons - “Edit” and “Save”.

The rules for creating Wikipedia articles aimed at creating high-quality texts are quite simple, but several conditions must be met:

2. When writing any article, you should strive for a neutral presentation and reflect all known points of view.

3. It is necessary to indicate sources of information to confirm the accuracy of the information.

There are two types of articles that do not comply with the neutrality policy: articles that clearly conflict with the requirements of neutrality and articles that do not describe all opinions or are not detailed enough. In the first case, the article must be marked as biased (((POV))). The non-neutral part of the information in such an article is subject to correction or deletion. In the second case, the article should only be considered incomplete, no matter how impartial and detailed the information already available in it may be.

A certain part of Wikipedia articles are automatically created “blanks”. There are three types of links on Wikipedia - to existing articles, to unwritten articles, and to external web resources. In order to create a hyperlink to an article, simply when adding Wiki markup, enclose the title of the article you want to link to in double square brackets - [[Title of Article]]. If the article the link points to does not exist, the link will still be created, but its text will be red instead of the usual blue. By activating this link, you can go to the article template and write it, actually editing the template.

When any author marks a term or expression in the text as a link to a non-existent article, Wikipedia automatically generates a new template article containing the text: “The article has not been written yet, you can write it.” Authors who access this link expand the content of the “dummy”.

Almost any page on a Wiki site can be edited. In order to make changes to the article, you must:

— make the desired changes to the text of the article;

— for control purposes, view the list of edits made (the “Made edits” button);

— make sure that the edits are correct by previewing the text of the article (the “Preview” button);

— fill in the field “Briefly describe the essence of your edit” and click the “Save page” button.

Search on Wikipedia

Today there are many national Wikipedias and projects. Searching this multitude of information resources manually is quite labor-intensive. Qwika is a search engine focused on processing Wiki sites. Its task is to cover all major Wikipedias in all fairly common languages, translate them and provide quick search. Currently, the system indexes the following resources:

— English-language Wikipedia and all the name areas in its composition (Chat, Image, User, etc.).

— English-language Wikipedias (machine translation of popular Wikipedias in other languages).

— Wikipedia in other languages.

— Tourism project WikiTravel.

— Cached versions of all pages in both the original language and machine translation.l

Gladun Anatoly, senior researcher, candidate of technical sciences of the International Scientific and Educational Institute

information technology center

and systems of NASU;

Rogushina Yulia, senior researcher

employee, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Institute of Software Systems NASU

Quite often today you can hear the expressions “innovative technologies”, “space technologies” and the like. What is their significance and what is technology in general? Let's find out all this.

What is technology: definition

The term in question has several meanings at the same time. We will look at each of them:

  • First of all, we can explain what technology is like this - it is a set of methods for manufacturing, processing, processing (and similar processes) of raw materials, as a result of which the original substance changes its properties, turning into the desired product.
  • In addition, in simple terms, this is the knowledge and skill of making something, be it kefir from milk, nuclear energy, or teaching children to read and arithmetic.
  • Technologies also refer directly to the technological processes of manufacturing something.
  • The science of mastery also bears this name. As a scientific discipline, it concentrates on the invention and study of methods and techniques for carrying out various production processes. Her areas of interest include their optimization, by searching for less expensive but more efficient ways to manufacture certain products, as well as analysis and forecasting of the development of industry as a whole.


Having learned all the answer options to the question of what technology is, you should consider the constituent elements without which this phenomenon cannot exist:

  • A technological object or, as it is also called, an object of technological influence. This is the name of the subject of labor, that is, the raw material that is exposed.
  • Means of labor (also called technological). These are the tools (programs, etc.) that help the master make products.
  • Carrier of technological functions (master). It is noteworthy that this role can be played not only by one person, but also by an entire team, as well as programmed equipment.
  • Level of technological development of society. The type of technology used in the modern world depends on it. For example, the invention of electricity was the beginning of a new round in the development of industry - with its help, it became possible not only to illuminate everything more efficiently and safely, but also to use it as a power supply for a series of devices.

Technology life cycle

Having learned what technologies are and what they depend on, it is important to consider what the life cycle of any of them is. It consists of five stages:

  1. New technology. The period when it is emerging and has greater potential than all those existing before it (in its industry).
  2. Advanced. At this stage, the technology has already proven itself in practice as the best of its kind. However, it has not yet received sufficient distribution. As a rule, this is due to the need to modernize production, and this always requires costs.
  3. Modern technology. The stage of its transformation into a certain standard that everyone is equal to.
  4. Not new. The period when this method is still relevant and effective, but a newer one already exists. As an example of technology being at this stage, we can cite the method of water purification with chlorine. In the old days, it was considered the most effective and affordable. However, today all progressive countries refuse chlorination, choosing ozonation. This technology is safer and more effective, although more expensive. At the same time, most countries of the post-Soviet space continue to use outdated chlorination, since they do not have enough funds to modernize the drinking water purification system.
  5. Outdated. Gradual complete replacement of the old technique with a more modern one.

General classification of technologies

Having considered what production technology is, it is worth paying attention to its types. This concept is classified into various categories:

  • Difficulty level - simple and difficult.
  • Scope of application - scientific technologies, educational, industrial.
  • The type of resources required are capital-intensive, energy-intensive and knowledge-intensive.

  • Depending on the quality of processing media - low-, medium-, high-level.
  • The purpose is creative, destructive, dual purpose.
  • According to the priorities of creation - primary, conversion.

Types of technologies by industry

It is worth noting that the above methods of classifying the concept being studied are not the only ones. Most modern scientists still argue about this. In practice, all types of production techniques and methods are divided into types according to their areas of application:

  • Production technologies. These include all techniques used in the manufacture of various products. This species has a whole complex of subspecies. As a rule, they are distinguished either by the field of production (mechanical engineering, food technologies, biotechnology, etc.) or by the type of materials used (chemical, nuclear, etc.).
  • Military - aimed at ensuring the effective conduct of combat operations.
  • Space - associated with humanity’s attempts to explore space.

  • Transport - specialize in providing transportation of passengers and cargo.
  • Information technologies are software and technical means and methods aimed at collecting, storing, analyzing, processing and distributing -land of information in society. These also include technical and software tools, or-ga-ni-za-tsi-on-no-me-to-di-dical support.
  • Telecommunications - aimed at providing communications. In the modern world this is television, radio, telephony, the Internet and the like.

  • Social - a system of practical knowledge, as well as ways to solve problems in managing the behavior of people in society. They are developed and used for social design planning.

Innovative social technologies

Innovative technologies stand apart from all of the above types of technologies. They are also called “technologies of technologies”. They are aimed at the successful implementation of the latest techniques and production methods. It turns out that any development and use of technologies (own or borrowed from other countries) is impossible without them.

There are several subspecies:

  • implementation;
  • training and incubation of small businesses (training);
  • consulting;
  • transfer;
  • audit;
  • engineering.

What is educational technology

Considering this topic, it is worth dwelling on such a phenomenon as pedagogical technologies. They belong to the educational type - that is, to intangible production.

What is educational technology? This is a set of methods and techniques used to achieve pre-planned goals of the educational process.

This technology appears to have three aspects:

  1. Scientific - focused on developing a scientific basis for any pedagogical actions.
  2. Procedural-descriptive is a description of the algorithm of any pedagogical technology.
  3. Procedural-effective - implementation of the above algorithm.

(from Greek techne - art and logos - word, teaching) technology

a method of converting matter, energy, information in the process of manufacturing products, processing and processing materials, assembling finished products, quality control, management. Technology embodies methods, techniques, mode of operation, sequence of operations and procedures; it is closely related to the means, equipment, tools, and materials used. The set of technological operations forms a technological process. Modern economic science uses the term “technology” in such combinations as “technology of teaching, educational process, treatment, management.”

Dictionary of financial terms

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


technologies, many no, w. (from the Greek techne - art and logos - teaching). A set of sciences, information about methods of processing this or that raw material into a manufactured product, into a finished product. Metal technology. Chemical Technology. Wood technology. ? The set of processes of such processing. Simple technology.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


And, ace. A set of production methods and processes in a particular branch of production, as well as a scientific description of production methods. G. production. T. fibrous substances. Violation of technology.

adj. technological, -aya, -oe. T. process. Technological requirements.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. A scientific discipline that studies methods of processing materials, manufacturing products and the processes accompanying these types of work.

      An educational subject containing the theoretical foundations of this science.

      decomposition A textbook setting out the content of a given academic subject.

  1. A set of techniques used in a. business, skill, art.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


TECHNOLOGY (from the Greek techne - art, skill, skill and... logic) a set of methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials, materials or semi-finished products carried out in the process of production; a scientific discipline that studies physical, chemical, mechanical and other laws operating in technological processes. Technology also refers to the extraction, processing, transportation, storage, and control operations themselves, which are part of the overall production process.


(from the Greek téchne ≈ art, skill, skill and... logic), a set of techniques and methods for obtaining, processing or processing raw materials, materials, semi-finished products or products carried out in various industries, in construction, etc.; a scientific discipline that develops and improves such techniques and methods. Technological processes (or technological processes) also refer to the operations of extraction, processing, processing, transportation, warehousing, and storage, which are the main component of the production process. Modern technical control also includes technical control of production. T. is also commonly called a description of production processes, instructions for their implementation, technological rules, requirements, maps, graphs, etc.

Manufacturing is usually considered in connection with a specific industry (mining, mechanical engineering, construction) or depending on the methods of producing or processing certain materials (metals, fibrous substances, textiles, etc.). ). As a result of the implementation of technological processes, a qualitative change in the processed objects occurs. Thus, technology for obtaining various metals is based on changing the chemical composition and chemical and physical properties of the starting raw materials; T. mechanical processing is associated with changes in the shape and some physical properties of the processed parts; Chemical technology is based on processes carried out as a result of chemical reactions and leading to changes in the composition, structure and properties of the starting products. The most important indicators characterizing the technical and economic efficiency of the technological process: specific consumption of raw materials, semi-finished products and energy per unit of production; output (quantity) and quality of finished products (products); level of labor productivity; intensity of the process; production costs; cost of production.

The task of technology as a science is to identify physical, chemical, mechanical, and other laws in order to determine and use in practice the most effective and economical production processes that require the least amount of time and material resources. Thus, the subject of research and development in technical mechanical engineering is the fundamentals of designing technological processes (types of processing, selection of workpieces, surface quality of processed products, processing accuracy and allowances for it, basing of workpieces), methods of mechanical processing of surfaces (flat, shaped, etc.) , methods for manufacturing standard parts (housings, shafts, gears, etc.), assembly processes (the nature of the connection of parts and assemblies, principles of mechanization and automation of assembly work), the basics of designing devices.

The technology of various industries is constantly updated and changed as technology develops. Improving technology in all sectors and types of production is an important condition for accelerating technical progress in the national economy. The main directions of development of modern technology: the transition from intermittent (discrete, cyclic) technological processes to continuous flow processes, ensuring an increase in the scale of production and the efficient use of machinery and equipment; the introduction of “closed” (non-waste) technology for the fullest use of raw materials, materials, energy, and fuel, which makes it possible to minimize or completely eliminate production waste and implement measures to improve the environment. Of particular importance is the improvement of technology in the extractive industries in order to increase the efficiency of mineral extraction, enrichment and processing, eliminate the harmful consequences of subsoil exploitation for the environment, and ensure the comprehensive use of minerals in the national economy (see Nature Conservation).

In the manufacturing industries of the USSR, especially in mechanical engineering and instrument making, the Unified System of Technological Preparation of Production (USTPP) has been introduced since 1975. It provides for a unified procedure for the development of technological documentation and the use of standard technological processes, standardized equipment and standard equipment. The implementation of the ESTPP allows reducing the time for production preparation by 2≈2.5 times while simultaneously increasing labor productivity and improving the quality of products.

In order to unify technological means, methods and terminology, the Unified System of Technological Documentation (USTD) was developed in the USSR and put into effect in 1975 as a state standard (see Technological documentation). See also Metal technology, Chemical technology.

O. A. Vladimirov, A. A. Parkhomenko.



Technology(from - art, skill, skill; - “word”, “thought”, “meaning”, “concept”) - a set of methods and tools to achieve the desired result; in a broad sense - the application of scientific knowledge to solve practical problems.

Technology (group)

"Technology"- Russian synth-pop group from Moscow, known for the songs “Press the Button” and “Strange Dances”. The peak of the group's popularity occurred in 1991-1993. It has existed in various compositions from 1990 to the present time. To create music, the group uses electronic musical instruments - synthesizers, samplers and modern computer technologies.

Technology (Obninsk research and production enterprise)

Joint Stock Company "Obninsk Research and Production Enterprise "Technology" named after. A.G.Romashina"- one of the leading Russian state research and production enterprises in the field of production of non-metallic polymer, composite and ceramic materials for the needs of the rocket, space and aviation industries, water transport, energy and other industries. During the operation of the enterprise, over 800 new materials were created. It is part of the Rostec state corporation.

Located in the city of Obninsk, Kaluga region.

Programs and games