Reading the disc by offset failed. How to recover information from a hard disk using R-Studio - detailed instructions. Video: R-Studio - Recover Deleted Files

Earlier on my blog, I already published a lesson about a free program for data recovery with hard disk and from other media -. Today we will talk about its paid and more powerful analogue - R-Studio program.

R-Studio is more than a recovery software. The capabilities of this utility are much wider. It is able to recover not only deleted files, but also any damaged information, even entire sections as a result, for example:

  • computer malfunction
  • disk sector corruption
  • formatting the disk
  • after a virus attack
  • after the destruction of the MBR
  • after a crash or incorrect operation of other disk utilities
  • when the structure of the disk partitions is damaged, which, by the way, I personally had to face recently. And I want to note that this program coped well with its task. Actually, this case prompted me to find and publish a video tutorial on R-Studio.

There are two main versions of R-Studio programs: for data recovery on local drives, and - over the network. There are also different variations of these versions for different file systems and the specifics of a particular task.

It should be noted that R-Studio program can recover data from almost any storage media, namely:

R-Studio features:

  • support for 64 and 32 bit operating systems (Windows)
  • support for file systems FAT12 / 16/32, NTFS / NTFS5 and others (under Linux, Macintosh)
  • support for dynamic GPT and MBR partitions
  • RAID 6 support (including Reed-Solomon and Vertical XOR)
  • reconstruction of damaged disk arrays
  • creating an HDD image file, a separate section or part of it with a breakdown into several files for burning to CD, Flash or network drive(network version)
  • byte disk copy
  • the ability to view and edit the recovered data in the built-in editor.

Advantages of the R-Studio program:

  • easy tracking of data recovery process
  • flexibility of program parameters settings
  • filter found data by: disk structure / extension / creation date / modified date / last access time
  • understanding the names of files and directories in Cyrillic
  • preserving long names and directory structure
  • intuitive interface (like "Windows Explorer")
  • Russian language support.

Now let's go directly to the video tutorial, from which you will learn:

  • how to use R-Studio (absolutely all functions will not be considered)
  • familiarity with the interface
  • how to view service information about a disk and why you might need it
  • how to view the contents of a storage medium
  • how to filter the data to find the files you want
  • why do you need a log of your actions in the program and how to view it
  • what is not recommended if you are not a professional
  • what to do if, when viewing the contents of the disk, the program does not see the necessary files
  • recovery settings overview
  • one important point in the settings for data recovery.

Video tutorial: R-Studio - how to use the program

Most likely you came to this page because you need to recover data lost as a result of some incident with your computer. Sometimes this recovery can be very challenging task, which only data recovery specialists can handle, but most cases fit well into the typical data recovery scenarios that we have included in the list below. All you need is to choose the most suitable case from this list and get detailed instructions on how to get your data back exactly in your case. However, before proceeding, we recommend that you read our general advice data recovery.

General Tips:

1. First and foremost: Stay calm, take your time, and don't make the situation worse. Do not allow any further changes to the data to occur on the storage device where the lost data was located.

2. Learn more about data recovery. We recommend reading our article. You will understand how data recovery works and what to expect from it in your case.

3. Analyze the affected disk. Do not work with discs with damaged hardware. Signs that your hard drive has a hardware problem:

  • The hard drive is not recognized by the operating system or is recognized by some atypical name.
  • Hard disk operation is accompanied by atypical sounds, clicks, it works very slowly.
  • Bad sectors constantly appear on the hard disk.
  • SMART hard drive health assessment programs report significant hardware failures. To do this, you can use our data recovery software.

Attention! If you think that your computer's hard drive is faulty, then use the R-Studio Emergency utility only to create an image of it. DO NOT TAKE ANY ACTION ON THE DISK YOURSELF! Do not try to start scanning or recovering files. Do not try to use any other data recovery software. Remember that doing something wrong with such a disk is likely to cause even more data corruption. It is best to use the services of a data recovery laboratory, otherwise you risk, at best, incur even greater financial costs, and at worst, permanently lose your files. Take the disc to specialists: they have special equipment and, most importantly, the necessary level of knowledge to work with such discs.

5. Prepare enough space to save the recovered files and, if necessary, images. Never try to save recovered files on the disks on which they were located.

6. Last but not least, do not buy any data recovery software until you are sure that they can recover files in your case. Everything normal programs for data recovery allows you to work in demo mode in order to find lost files and assess the chances of their successful recovery. Please note that even if the program shows the correct file structure, this does not yet guarantee that the files can be successfully recovered. Only those files that are successfully displayed in the viewer can be successfully restored.

Typical data recovery cases:

    Problems with computer programs... Signs that the computer hardware is working normally, and the problem is in corrupted system programs: the computer turns on, the boot procedure begins, the operating system starts to load, but then the boot stops, and the computer either freezes or goes to reboot. Signs that the computer "s hardware works normally and the problem is in faulty system software:
    ... How to recover files from a non-bootable Windows or Linux computer.
    ... How to recover files from a non-bootable Macintosh.
    ... How to recover files from a non-bootable computer over the network.
    Problems with computer hardware... Signs that the computer does not start due to defective hardware: the computer does not turn on, you hear unusual beeps during startup, the boot procedure abruptly stops, the computer issues warnings about faulty components in the computer, etc.

R-Studio how to use right, so as not to complicate the probably already difficult situation in which you find yourself.
Please listen to a small course of a young soldier on working with similar programs, without this you can make a lot of mistakes and instead of returning your deleted data, you will overwrite it even worse.

R-Studio how to use

The first mistake is anxiety, which is accompanied by the ensuing consequences, for example, rash actions, calm down, read the article to the end, calmly think it over, and then act. By the way, if you accidentally deleted photos from your hard drive, then we have a very simple article that I am sure will help you. You may also find useful articles: How to recover deleted files free software, and and paid -,.

When you and I, my dears, accidentally delete a file, without which our continued existence on planet Earth will not be our joy, you should know that it has not been removed physically from the hard disk, but you can permanently lose it by writing any information over it. Therefore, even if you read how to use R-Studio, but you have no experience as such, we immediately turn off the computer and it is better in an emergency. No more action with your hard disk do not produce, then our chances of successful success increase.

  • Note: many times people have contacted me with similar problems and could not remember what actions they took before contacting technical service. They could not even really name the exact name of the program with which they were trying to save their data, and most importantly, after deleting their files, for example, past the recycle bin, they actively used the computer (sometimes for several days), which absolutely cannot be done, only then they still went to the service and demanded a miracle.

After we turned off the computer, we take system unit and go to the professionals, your data will be saved 90%, of course they will take a little money from you, how much is better to find out right away, but if they ask for a lot of money, read on.

Now I am writing this article, and in front of me there is a system unit, it contains HDD, it was accidentally formatted, that is, everything that was on it was deleted, let's try to recover lost files using R-Studio, and at the same time learn how to use this good program.
First of all, we need to evacuate the victim, in other words, remove the formatted hard drive and connect it to my computer, I always do this, because you cannot save the recovered information to the same media from which the files were deleted.

If this is difficult for you, then at least do not restore the files to the partition of the hard disk from which they were deleted.

Note: Friends, the most important rule when recovering information sounds like this: the number of calls to the hard disk with deleted data should be minimized. So, before working with R-Studio, it is advisable to make an image of a hard disk with lost data and restore information already from the image. How to make a sector-by-sector image of a hard disk and recover information from it is written in.

So let's start, on our formatted hard drive, a lot of folders with family photos and videos have disappeared, we need to return them.

We launch R-Studio, the program has an intuitive English-language interface, but we are no stranger to it, I am sure that after using it once, you will remember it forever.
The main window of the Device View "View disks" program on the left side of it shows almost all drives in the system: hard drives, divided into logical partitions, USB drives, DVDs, flash cards, the right window provides complete information about the selected drive starting with the name and ending with the size of the clusters.

Select our drive (N :) and click Open Drive Files,

now we are using the easiest way to restore deleted files, several folders with a tree structure open in front of us, we open everything starting from the first one, I warn you, do not wait for the usual names of your files, in our case, Photo of my son, etc. We can say we are lucky, there are folders crossed out in the window

a red cross, it means they were deleted, look at the names: Chapter 01, 02, etc., these are the folders with the lectures of the University professor we need, the fact is that before such recovery operations, I carefully ask people about the names of deleted files and their extensions , it is necessary in special neglected cases for searching by mask, etc. You may not bother yourself for the first time, at the end of the article we will use the extended scan method (Scan) and restore everything that was on the hard drive, it will certainly take time compared to in a simple way ten times more. And now we put a checkmark everywhere and then Recover,

choose where to restore, by default to the personal R-Studio folder in My Documents and offer to change the default restore settings, leave everything as it is, click OK.

File recovery in progress

Such a window may appear, the contents of which I translated for you in Photoshop, I think nothing will happen to me for this, a window with a warning that any of the files being restored has a hidden attribute, R-Studio will offer to remove this attribute from all such files, we agree, we put tick where necessary and Continue.

After the end of the recovery process, go to the My Documents folder, then the personal R-Studio folder, it is called R-TT and look at the result, the folders with the very necessary video have been restored Chapter 01, 02, as well as several folders with personal photos, it's not bad , but this result does not suit us.

Full search and recovery of deleted files

To find and recover other deleted data, we will use the full disk scan function (Scan).

In this window, check the Search for known file types checkbox, and select Detailed scan and click Scan.

Let's be patient, the operation is quite long, in the right window in the form of multi-colored squares, the progress of the process is displayed, at the moment only 13% are scanned.

We are waiting, almost half of the hard drive space has been scanned 43%

At 55% my patience is over, since almost an hour has passed, and I stop the process, click on Stop

In the program window below, you can see the file systems recognized by the program and, accordingly, the information or data that can be restored.
Recognized 0 or Recognized 1, Recognized 2 - marked in green, there are data that can be recovered almost 100%.
Extra Found Files - marked in yellow and red, data that the program could not recognize and match any file system, it will most likely not be possible to restore them, and if something is restored, it will not be readable, in order to extract information from such files, a hex editor is needed, but this is another topic that requires not one, but several large articles.
Recognized 0, marked in yellow, also has little chance of recovery.

R-STUDIO allows you to recover file system data. Used when unintentionally deleting files after reinstalling operating system or RAID recovery as well as JBOD. The program can be used for virtualization platforms.

Data recovery from R-STUDIO

  • The result of the scanning process is a color map, on which green means the found file system and Boot sector.
  • Orange - The file system is defined, but boot sector missing.
  • Red - Boot sector found, file systems are missing.

4. To open a structure, just double-click on the map. The structure clearly shows the folders and their associated files.

Overwriting information on a new media

  1. To dub to third-party media, you need to select all folders and files. By calling context menu, select " Recover Marked". V " Output Folder»Specify the location to save the data. It is important not to save information to the disk being recovered. For conflicts with files that arise, you can use the "Rename" option. For hidden attributes, it is possible to delete or prompt for user action on every discovery.
  2. Developer software R-STUDIO warns that the result of the work may not always be purely positive. In some cases, files are restored with errors.

Video: R-Studio - Recover Deleted Files

R-Studio how to use right, so as not to complicate the probably already difficult situation in which you find yourself.
Please listen to a small course of a young soldier on working with similar programs, without this you can make a lot of mistakes and instead of returning your deleted data, you will overwrite it even worse.

R-Studio how to use

The first mistake is anxiety, which is accompanied by the ensuing consequences, for example, rash actions, calm down, read the article to the end, calmly think it over, and then act. By the way, if you accidentally deleted photos from your hard drive, then we have a very simple article that I am sure will help you. You may also find useful articles: How to recover deleted files with free programs, and paid ones -,.

When you and I, my dears, accidentally delete a file, without which our continued existence on planet Earth will not be our joy, you should know that it has not been removed physically from the hard disk, but you can permanently lose it by writing any information over it. Therefore, even if you read how to use R-Studio, but you have no experience as such, we immediately turn off the computer and it is better in an emergency. We do not perform any more actions with your hard disk, then our chances of successful success increase.

  • Note: many times people have contacted me with similar problems and could not remember what actions they took before contacting technical service. They could not even really name the exact name of the program with which they were trying to save their data, and most importantly, after deleting their files, for example, past the recycle bin, they actively used the computer (sometimes for several days), which absolutely cannot be done, only then they still went to the service and demanded a miracle.

After we turned off the computer, take the system unit and go to the professionals, your data will be saved 90%, of course they will take a little money from you, it’s better to find out right away, but if they ask for a lot of money, read on.

Now I am writing this article, and in front of me is a system unit, there is a hard disk in it, it was accidentally formatted, that is, everything that was on it was deleted, let's try to recover lost files using R-Studio, and at the same time learn how to use this good program ...
First of all, we need to evacuate the victim, in other words, remove the formatted hard drive and connect it to my computer, I always do this, because you cannot save the recovered information to the same media from which the files were deleted.

If this is difficult for you, then at least do not restore the files to the partition of the hard disk from which they were deleted.

Note: Friends, the most important rule when recovering information sounds like this: the number of calls to the hard disk with deleted data should be minimized. So, before working with R-Studio, it is advisable to make an image of a hard disk with lost data and restore information already from the image. How to make a sector-by-sector image of a hard disk and recover information from it is written in.

So let's start, on our formatted hard drive, a lot of folders with family photos and videos have disappeared, we need to return them.

We launch R-Studio, the program has an intuitive English-language interface, but we are no stranger to it, I am sure that after using it once, you will remember it forever.
The main window of the Device View "View disks" program on the left side of it shows almost all drives in the system: hard drives, divided into logical partitions, USB drives, DVDs, flash cards, the right window provides complete information about the selected drive starting with the name and ending with the size of the clusters.

Select our drive (N :) and click Open Drive Files,

now we are using the easiest way to restore deleted files, several folders with a tree structure open in front of us, we open everything starting from the first one, I warn you, do not wait for the usual names of your files, in our case, Photo of my son, etc. We can say we are lucky, there are folders crossed out in the window

a red cross, it means they were deleted, look at the names: Chapter 01, 02, etc., these are the folders with the lectures of the University professor we need, the fact is that before such recovery operations, I carefully ask people about the names of deleted files and their extensions , it is necessary in special neglected cases for searching by mask, etc. You may not bother yourself for the first time, at the end of the article we will use the extended scan method (Scan) and restore everything that was on the hard drive, it will certainly take ten times more time compared to the simple method. And now we put a checkmark everywhere and then Recover,

choose where to restore, by default to the personal R-Studio folder in My Documents and offer to change the default restore settings, leave everything as it is, click OK.

File recovery in progress

Such a window may appear, the contents of which I translated for you in Photoshop, I think nothing will happen to me for this, a window with a warning that any of the files being restored has a hidden attribute, R-Studio will offer to remove this attribute from all such files, we agree, we put tick where necessary and Continue.

After the end of the recovery process, go to the My Documents folder, then the personal R-Studio folder, it is called R-TT and look at the result, the folders with the very necessary video have been restored Chapter 01, 02, as well as several folders with personal photos, it's not bad , but this result does not suit us.

Full search and recovery of deleted files

To find and recover other deleted data, we will use the full disk scan function (Scan).

In this window, check the Search for known file types checkbox, and select Detailed scan and click Scan.

Let's be patient, the operation is quite long, in the right window in the form of multi-colored squares, the progress of the process is displayed, at the moment only 13% are scanned.

We are waiting, almost half of the hard drive space has been scanned 43%

At 55% my patience is over, since almost an hour has passed, and I stop the process, click on Stop

In the program window below, you can see the file systems recognized by the program and, accordingly, the information or data that can be restored.
Recognized 0 or Recognized 1, Recognized 2 - marked in green, there are data that can be recovered almost 100%.
Extra Found Files - marked in yellow and red, data that the program could not recognize and associate with any file system, they most likely cannot be restored, and if something is restored, it will not be readable to extract information from such files, you need a hex editor, but that's another topic that requires not one, but several large articles.
Recognized 0, marked in yellow, also has little chance of recovery.
