Bla car doubles. An unpleasant story with Bla-Bla-Car (2 photos). Random kindness from strangers

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Blablacar: how to find a ride and travel companions

We'll tell you what BlaBlaCar is, how to register, find rides, behave on the road and when communicating with the driver. In general, how to travel cheaply and cheerfully with the help of Blablacar.

What is Blablacar?

The travel companion search service Blablacar currently operates in 22 countries, almost throughout Europe. In total, Blablakar has more than 35 million registered users. 10 million people travel every quarter.

"Blablakar" is a slang combination of the English words bla-bla, which means talk, chat and car.

BlaBlaCar search for travel companions The BlaBlaCar service was born on Christmas Day, when Frederic Mazzella, a Stanford student, wanted to visit his family in the French province. He didn't have a car, the trains were crowded, and at the same time there were a huge number of drivers traveling alone. He decided to try to find one of these passing drivers with free space in the car in exchange for paying for fuel. Having searched the Internet for the appropriate service, he realized that there simply weren’t any.

Fred came up with a new transport service that would work thanks to ordinary people, would make vehicles more efficient, would solve the problem of traffic jams, and would make travel accessible and interesting.

Fred launched the first website, and the community began to grow naturally. Later, two more partners, programmer Francis Narez and Nicolas Brusson, joined Fred's company.

They made the company a popular community where drivers could find passengers. They called it BlaBlaCar because when users create a profile, they indicate how talkative they are - “Bla” (silently looks out the window), “BlaBla” (maybe talk) and “BlaBlaBla” (talks incessantly).

How does Blablakar work?

For example, a person travels from Moscow to St. Petersburg. He registers in Blablakar (registration is naturally free and takes 2 minutes, try it yourself). Publishes information about his trip on the website - indicates the car, date and time of departure, route, travel time, number of seats in the car and the cost of travel for 1 passenger. Potential passengers who are looking for a trip from Moscow to St. Petersburg see this information, book and tell the driver - “Great, I need to go in the same direction.” The driver confirms the trip and they meet at the agreed location.

The passenger pays the driver an agreed amount for the trip. Typically, such a trip will be cheaper than train, plane or bus. In addition, on popular routes you can find a car that best suits your departure time. From Moscow to St. Petersburg a car can be found at intervals of 15-30 minutes around the clock. After the trip, everyone leaves each other feedback.

If you, as a driver, often travel on one route, and not necessarily on very long routes between cities, even within the city, register with Blablakar, publish information about your trips and save on gasoline.

The driver often travels along this route; most likely there are neighboring passengers who also need to go to this place at the same time. So why not give us a ride, it’s on the way anyway.

How to register in Blablakar

To start using the service you need to register in the system. This can be done on the blablacar website. Or download, install the application for iOS or Android and register through them. If you first registered on the site, then you can download the application and log into your account.

Registration on the blablacar website is very simple.

If you have a profile on one of the social networks - VKontakte or Facebook, you can log in through them. The "BlaBlaCar" application will receive: a public profile, a list of friends, a date of birth and an email address. The application will not be able to post on your behalf on the social network.

If you don’t have a profile or don’t want to log in through them, register by filling out a short form - indicate your gender, first and last name, year of birth, email address.

You will need to confirm your email address immediately after registration; simply follow the link that will be sent in the email to activate your profile.

Fill out your profile in as much detail as possible. Put your photo on your profile photo. All profiles and photos are moderated. You should not put photographs of famous people, dogs, etc. To confirm your profile, you must enter your cell phone number. A verification code will be sent to it, which you will need to enter to confirm. The more information you fill out, the more confidence the driver will have in you.

How to find a ride and who to go with

Let's say we need to get from Moscow to St. Petersburg. You need to find a driver who goes in the right direction on the right day and time. Find the route on the main BlaBlaCar website or through the application.

As a rule, drivers publish most trips 5-7 days before the trip. On the most common routes in 1-2 days. The driver can travel with you from the same city along a direct route, or maybe in transit. In the example above, drivers are traveling in transit from Adler through Moscow to St. Petersburg. You will arrange a meeting in Moscow, and most likely it will be somewhere on the highway or near a large shopping center on a bypass road, unless the driver needs to enter the city specifically for personal business.

This is what the driver's proposal looks like. You see the date, time of departure, number of available seats, cost.

If it is a direct route, as in the picture above, then the meeting and drop-off point will be in the city. The driver also determines the drop-off location for passengers; if your stop is in a city along the way, he will most likely drop you off there.

Select a trip to view more detailed trip information.

A good driver will describe the conditions of the trip as fully as possible - do they smoke, don’t smoke, where do they stop, how many stops on the road, the total number of passengers in the car. If you have any questions for the driver, before booking you can contact him and clarify the details.

Look at the driver's profile before booking.

Pay attention to how completely the profile is filled out, is there a photo, is the car listed. Irina R has a good profile, a lot of reviews and a lot of positive ones. High rating.

But Artyom S, even despite the lack of reviews, does not have a very good profile, it is completely empty.

What to look for when booking a trip to Blablacar
In Blablakar, drivers have a rating system. The highest level is Ambassador. This is a driver who has a lot of positive reviews. A trip with such a driver will be more expensive, since the driver is experienced. Only those who have made the trip leave reviews in Blablakar. You can't use bots to increase your rating.

Pay attention to the number of seats in the car. It will be very uncomfortable for four people plus a driver to travel in a passenger car. It is considered normal when there are two passengers in the back and one in the front.

What determines the cost of a trip on Blablacar?

The cost of the trip is not the main, but important criterion. The main thing is to find the best option so that the driver is experienced and the car is comfortable.

An experienced driver, a large number of positive reviews, a good car - always try to choose this option. It will be more expensive, but it will be quieter on the trip.

If the car is middle class, but the driver has a high rating and a lot of reviews, this is also a good option. Most likely, the cost of traveling with him will be cheaper than in the first case.

Sometimes you come across a middle-class car with a high cost of travel. Most likely this advertisement is given by a taxi driver or transfer company. There is no point in paying the price of a taxi for a Blablacar.

How to book a place in Blablakar

You have chosen a date, time, and found a driver who completely suits you. You can now book your trip. There are two types of booking - automatic and with confirmation.

If a yellow lightning icon is indicated, then the confirmation is automatic, and a seat in the car will be reserved for you immediately. If the icon is not specified, driver confirmation is required. Some drivers prefer to look at a profile before driving with strangers.

  • Meeting point. It is worth remembering that this is not a taxi and the driver most likely will not pick you up from the entrance, much less wait for a long time.
  • Meeting time. If this is a transit trip, check again the time of the meeting and perhaps he is traveling from a different time zone.
  • Baggage. As a rule, fellow travelers travel with small bags. If you have a large suitcase, check if the driver can accommodate it.
  • Duration of the trip. Basically, all drivers indicate how long the journey takes and the number of stops. But it’s better to ask again.
  • Drop off point at destination. Let us clarify once again - this is not a taxi; most likely they will not take you to the entrance.

Before the trip, be sure (!!!) to contact the driver. And just call him. Perhaps his plans have changed. Confirm all agreements. Don't be shy about being persistent. A good driver will call you several times before the trip. A few hours before your trip, call the driver again. Remember, BlaBlaCar does not interfere in any way with your relationship with the driver. You can’t call there and say that they haven’t met you.

What to do if the driver doesn’t show up

If the day before your trip you try to contact the driver and he does not answer for a long time, we recommend looking for another option. In general, it is worth having several backup options and being ready to book another car if the driver suddenly cancels the trip on the appointed day. This happens very rarely for highly rated drivers, but no one is immune from car breakdown or illness.

If the driver hasn’t arrived, even though you’ve called him before, his phone is turned off or doesn’t answer, don’t despair. On popular routes in Blablakar you can find an offer for the same time or in an interval of up to 1-2 hours. Check through the application - perhaps some driver has a free seat. Maybe one of the passengers refused the trip and is waiting for you. After that, leave an appropriate review and rating for the driver who let you down.

Calculation for the trip

Payment for the trip is made with the driver in cash, take care of the exchange in advance. Transfer money only when you have reached your destination.

The driver will not be able to issue you a receipt, so if suddenly you are driving as a business traveler, think about what you will provide to the accounting department.

Tips for those who use Blablakar for the first time

You will be in a car with strangers. Observe basic rules of decency and do not forget about safety rules. Don't be overly intrusive and noisy. Some people like to just look out the window, others like to read. Moreover, you should not distract the driver while driving and give various advice if you are not asked. Communicate with fellow travelers only if they are inclined to do so.

Most routes are offered between major cities. If you need to go to a small village, you need to choose between which cities it is located and check with the driver whether he can take you there, or drop you off on the highway at a turn, at a bus stop, and so on.

When you reserve a seat in a car, you can view the profile of the driver and fellow travelers. If you don't like one of them, find another trip. If the car is not full and you are traveling only with a driver, decide for yourself. BlaBlaCar does not check drivers. Although some buy out all the seats so they can go alone.

At the end of your trip, be sure to leave an honest review.

Register in Blablakar on the website, or download applications for iPhone and Android. Don't forget to fill out and confirm your profile. It's worth registering now. Firstly, it’s free, and secondly, what if you urgently need to go somewhere, and you have a registered account and a verified account.

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How to travel cheaply and safely between cities

Save on travel and avoid being left on the sidelines.

I live in Tolyatti and often use Blablacar to go to Ikea in Samara, to visit friends in Ulyanovsk, and to visit my grandmother in Penza.

Blablakar is a convenient service if you know how to use it.

I’ll tell you what Blablacar is, how to find rides, behave when traveling and how to communicate with the driver.

What is Blablacar?

"Blablakar" is a service in which motorists look for travel companions. For example, a person travels from Tolyatti to Samara by car. He informs Blablakar about this, Blablakar publishes his trip on the website. Passengers see his trip and say: “Oh, I also need to go to Samara, I want to become a travel companion.” The driver says: “Okay”, meets the fellow traveler at the agreed place, and off they go. In a sense, Blablacar is just a big forum where drivers are looking for travel companions.

In Blablakar it is customary for fellow travelers to pay for the trip. The driver sets the amount when he publishes the ad. It is believed that the driver will use this money to compensate for part of the gasoline.

Blablacar is based on trust between drivers and passengers. After each trip, passengers and drivers leave reviews about each other.

Terms of use for Blablakar

Most often, a trip on Blablacar is cheaper than buses, trains and planes. I compared several popular destinations.

How to start so that they trust you

To sign up as a travel companion, you need to register on the Blablakara website or app. Fill out your profile in as much detail as possible and link social networks to it. The more information about you, the more confidence the driver has in you.

How to find someone to go with

To go somewhere, you need to find a driver who is going in the direction you need on the right day. That is, you need to fit into someone else's planned trip. All trips can be found through the search on the main page or in the application.

Typically, drivers publish trips 4-5 days before departure. On some popular destinations, most trips are published 2-3 days in advance.

Trips can be direct or transit. Transit - when the driver goes further than you need, but can drop you off along the road.

It is better to take a direct route - this way you will agree with the driver where he will pick you up from and where he will take you. If you are a transit passenger, the driver will not enter the city, but will ask you to drive up to the bypass highway or federal highway or drop you off there.

Now we select the trip and the driver.

Driver profile. See if there is a photo, car make, information about preferences, a short biography. If the driver spoke in detail about himself, then it is better to trust him than a person with an empty profile.

How comfortable your trip will be depends on the car. It’s better to overpay for a comfortable foreign car than to save money and suffer in a cramped Oka.

Reviews. The more good reviews a driver has, the higher his status in the service. Blablakar has a system of experience levels - from beginner to ambassador. The more positive reviews, the higher the level. There is an opportunity to go with an experienced driver - choose him.

Number of available seats. In Blablakar it is considered the norm when the driver puts not four, but three passengers into the car, so that everyone fits comfortably in the car. A special icon will help you understand this - it says that there are guaranteed to be two, not three, seats in the back seat.

The cost of travel evaluate last. The main thing is that the driver is experienced and the car is comfortable. Your task is to find the best option in terms of price and quality ratio, and not to save at all costs. Will explain.

If possible, choose an experienced driver with a good car. It's more expensive, but quieter and more comfortable. If the car is not the most comfortable, but the driver has good reviews, you can go. Such drivers, as a rule, have a lower price than owners of good cars.

Sometimes you can find offers for trips at a high price with a regular car and four empty seats in it. Most likely, this is a taxi driver who uses BlaBlaCar for part-time work. You might as well find a taxi driver at the station.

The trips are not legally documented. The only documentary evidence of the trip can be a receipt with a completed fax stamp from a Blablakar representative. But this only works if you've paid to book your trip. To receive a receipt, you need to send a request to the service's technical support.

How to book a seat and contact the driver

Having decided on the trip, we reserve a place. Reservations can be manual or automatic. If the booking is manual, you make a request and the driver confirms it. If automatic, BlaBlaCar will reserve a seat in the car you choose and driver confirmation will not be required. This method is less common.

Manual booking is more common because drivers also want to know who will ride in the car with them. Drivers study your profile just as you study theirs, and this takes time.

After booking, we agree with the driver about the details of the trip. You can write to the driver in private messages, but it is better to write an SMS or call by phone. Here's what to pay attention to.

Place and time of departure. Discuss where the driver will be coming from. Some will be willing to pick you up directly from your home, but this is rare. Most often you will have to get to the meeting place yourself. Drivers prefer major highways leaving the city.

If the departure point is far away, then explain the situation and ask for a discount - after all, you still need to spend money on getting there. Most likely, the drivers will accommodate you - either give you a discount or pick you up from a place closer to you.

Check departure time. If the driver is from a region with a different time zone, do not forget to check your watches and check what time the trip is published in - say, Moscow or Samara.

Baggage. Check to see if there is room in the trunk for your bag. As a rule, this is not a problem because fellow travelers take medium-sized travel bags with them. If you have a large suitcase, then warn the driver about this. The main thing is to discuss this in advance, and not when boarding.

Check the duration of the trip and the place of arrival. If your city is not the end point of the route, they are unlikely to take you to the city - rather, they will leave you somewhere on a bypass route or, at best, they will take you to the bus station. Take this point into account and ask your friends to meet you.

If your route and the driver’s route completely coincide, then perhaps he will agree to give you a ride home - it’s better to agree on this during the trip, when you get to know each other better.

Before the trip

At Blablakar everything is based on trust and verbal agreements. The service is not responsible for the fact that the trip will take place - you and the driver are responsible for everything. So prepare for the worst and be paranoid.

Remind the driver about yourself

The driver's plans may change and he may forget to warn you. Therefore, the day before the trip, call the driver to make sure that the trip will take place. If the driver doesn’t go, he usually already knows about it a day before.

Call again on the day of your trip a few hours in advance. This is the final check: what if the driver was poisoned or drunk. If the driver cancels the trip, then most likely you will not have time to find a new driver on the same day, but you will be able to find another in a few days.

I once agreed on a trip from Tolyatti to Penza. I reserved a seat, called the day before the trip - the driver confirmed it. I called a few hours before departure - the driver canceled the trip. The car broke down and he couldn’t fix it quickly. I had to look for another driver. But I didn’t stand on the highway with my things.

If the driver doesn't arrive

If the driver does not answer you several times, immediately look for a backup option. This often happens to me: you reserve a seat, call the driver, but he doesn’t answer the phone. Perhaps he did not respond for a good reason, or perhaps not. I prefer not to take risks.

If the driver let you down at the last moment - he simply did not arrive at the place even after two confirmations or canceled the trip an hour before, this is a reason to write a negative review. Last year I had such a case: I called the driver on the day of the trip, he confirmed everything, and an hour before departure his friend called and said that there would be no trip. I hope everything is fine with the driver.

How to behave while traveling

If the driver arrives, meet him and his fellow travelers. Communicate - this is not forbidden, the main thing is not to distract the driver from the road and behave calmly. Do not drink alcohol, smoke, or disturb passengers. Observe the rules of decency.

Passengers can be different - some are friendly and don’t mind chatting, others are silent or asleep the whole way. Many people use BlaBlaCar as a bus to simply get from point A to point B, and are not in the mood to communicate. This is fine.

Always wear your seat belt and follow safety rules. According to the terms of use of Blablacar, all passenger seats must be equipped with seat belts. If the driver is driving too fast and aggressively, ask them to drive more slowly.

If the trip is long, ask the driver to stop for a snack or to use the restroom. As a rule, drivers stop themselves, but if not, don’t hesitate to ask. Surely other passengers will support you.

Payment and review

Pay for the trip only when the driver takes you to your destination. It is better to pay in cash - take care of them in advance. If you don’t have cash, then agree to transfer from card to card or put money on your phone. Most often, drivers agree.

When you arrive, say goodbye to your fellow travelers and driver, wish them a good trip. Ask the driver to leave a review about you - if the trip went well, the driver will write a review. Don't forget to say thank you in return.

If the trip did not leave you with the most pleasant impressions, also write a review - this way you will help other Blablakar users. I had a case when I was traveling from Samara to Tolyatti with a driver who preferred a very high-speed and aggressive driving style.


Travel to popular destinations

The more popular the route, the more drivers there are. The most popular routes are between Moscow and million-plus cities in the European part of Russia, between two administrative centers of the regions, and between large cities within the region. If you are traveling from Togliatti to visit your grandmother in a village in the Penza region, you most likely will not find a direct route. You will have to connect - go first to Penza, and from there by bus or taxi.

Don't ride alone with drivers

It happens that there are no passengers for the trip and you find yourself the only one. It’s up to you to decide whether to trust the driver or not. If you are a strongly built man, then you can take a risk. If the girl is fragile, it’s not worth it. Blablacar does not sign any documents with drivers and is not responsible for anything, so when you get into someone else’s car, you take full responsibility upon yourself. Nothing prevents the driver from taking the passenger into the forest belt.

Minibuses incognito

I had a trip when the driver had neither reviews nor a completed profile - the make of the car was not even indicated there. But I took a chance and went, because I urgently needed to get from Penza to Tolyatti. It turned out to be a regular minibus, driven by the enterprising Alexander from Mytishchi. Once every three days he rides back and forth and earns his living that way.

In principle, there is nothing wrong with this, but before boarding the bus I would not have known who the driver was or what kind of car it was, because there was no information about it. If you see such trips, check to see if it is a regular minibus.

In addition, such trips are prohibited by the rules of the service - according to them, the driver can have a vehicle with a maximum of 7 seats and 4 free places for booking. There are more of them in the minibus.

Accident on the way

If your car breaks down on the road, don't panic. Ask the driver how long you will be stuck. If it’s a long time, ask to get to a roadside hotel, gas station or place for heating. If the car is not running, tell your friends that you will be delayed. Ask a friend with a car to come pick you up.

Remember that if the car breaks down, you are not required to pay for the trip. Also, you should not give money for gasoline, repairs or debt. Most likely, this is the last time you will see the driver, and you should not give your money to a stranger.

If you get into an accident, the service and the driver will not help you. Blablacar does not insure drivers and passengers. Therefore, take care of yourself.

According to the terms of use, the driver must have insurance that covers liability to third parties, including passengers. But as practice shows, Blablakar does not always check documents. Therefore, check this point with the driver before your trip.

Booking fee

Since the beginning of 2017, Blablacar has introduced a fee for booking seats. Commission - 20%. If the cost of the trip is 400 rubles, then you will give the service 80 rubles.

Currently, paid booking only works on the route Ekaterinburg - Chelyabinsk and back. It's unclear whether paid booking will work elsewhere.

If the driver cancels the trip or your reservation, you will be refunded in full. The full cost of the reservation is refunded if the driver does not arrive at the agreed meeting point within 30 minutes. Don’t forget to take screenshots of your trip card, booking, and correspondence with the driver to show them to Blablacar technical support and get your money back.

If you cancel your booking before the time indicated on your travel card, you will be refunded half of the booking price. If you cancel your booking after the specified time or do not show up at the agreed meeting point with the driver within 30 minutes, your money will not be refunded.

The booking fee does not guarantee that the trip will take place. Blablacar says the booking fee is being introduced to ensure that passengers and drivers are safer and that trips are not cancelled.

You can negotiate with the driver directly, since in Blablakar drivers have phone numbers and personal messages. But in this case, there is no guarantee that the trip will take place. In addition, the terms of use of Blablakar prohibit this. Therefore, you should only do this trick with familiar drivers.


Blablacar is best used at medium distances between major cities. This way you will have more choice of drivers, and in extreme cases you can transfer to a bus or train. If the distance is long, it is better to take a train or plane.
Blablakar is not responsible for the trip. You and the driver are responsible for all arrangements.
Don’t skimp on safety and comfort - it’s better to overpay for a good car and an experienced driver than to ride in Oka with four people.
Pay for the trip only after the driver takes you to your destination. Have cash ready in advance.
Fill out your personal profile to the maximum. Leave reviews about drivers and ask them to leave reviews about you.
Behave calmly and communicate with fellow travelers and the driver, if they do not mind.

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BlaBlaCar (BlaBlaCar): how to use the service

BlaBlaCar is a travel companion search service. The driver compensates for his expenses on gasoline, the passenger moves from point A to point B for relatively little money, everyone is happy. BlaBlaCar allows you to save on travel between cities in several countries by offering more comfortable options to choose from.

Experienced travelers know the importance of being able to travel long distances and save money. See as much as possible and get a wagonload of impressions. There have been a lot of backpackers popping up lately. From the word backpack - backpack. These are travelers who are looking for all sorts of ways to travel cheaper with a backpack on their shoulders. Backpackers often hitchhike and live in cheap hostels. If this type of travel is extreme for you, but you want to save money, then I strongly advise you to master the BlaBlaCar service.

BlaBlaCar is used by millions of people throughout Russia, Ukraine and Europe. You can find company on the go in more than 20 countries. Among them: Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Turkey, Slovakia, France, Croatia, Italy, Spain, Russia, etc.

Features and benefits of the BlaBlaCar service

  • Choosing a travel companion– each specific user, be it a driver with his own car or a fellow traveler, has a profile page on the website linked to their accounts on social networks. Before traveling, it is important to get to know the person you plan to travel with. Here you can also see comments from users who have already traveled with this driver/fellow traveler. Prepare for the meeting!
  • Option " Only for women"- for brave and independent travelers. In the search form for a specific trip, you just need to select the “Women Only” criterion from your account so as not to feel discomfort in the company of a male driver (passenger).
  • Receive travel notifications– such a service is provided in order not to miss the right people on specific dates. And if there is no convenient route and numbers, you will receive a notification when a driver/fellow traveler appears in the direction you need.
  • Exact coordinates of the place of departure/arrival– of course, a random fellow traveler is not a taxi driver, and can insist on his own terms, but the system works in such a way that it is convenient for everyone to negotiate and choose the exact time and place of meeting. To do this, you can use the map in the order form and indicate the point of departure/arrival.
  • Support for service creators– moderators respond incredibly quickly to user requests in case of dissatisfaction with their travel companion. The BlaBlaCar team assures that it strives to ensure that all registered users have a good reputation.
  • Convenient ordering in mobile applications– like all popular carrier companies, BlaBlaCar has developed applications for mobile devices. You can download the Bla Bla Car application at the top of the page. Make a decision quickly and reserve a passenger seat anytime, anywhere. The main thing is that you are within the coverage area of ​​the Internet.

Bla Bla Car: how to find a car and a ride?

Visit the BlaBlaCar website. In order to book a trip on the website, you need to fill out information: where you are coming from and where you are going, when you will go. After filling out the form, you will see a list of all available drivers for this route on the specified day.

A very important point! Before agreeing to a trip, contact the driver (just correspond with your accounts on the website) to clarify the details: planned travel time, stops and deviations from the route, contact information for on-site communication, etc.

All users on the site earn a rating. This ensures their relevance, as well as long-term fruitful cooperation with many users. Therefore, do not be lazy and leave a positive (or not so positive) comment on your travel companion’s page after the end of your trip together.

Detailed algorithm for finding a ride on BlaBlaCar

  • Fill out the search form on the main page;
  • Choose only those who have at least one extra seat in the car;
  • Contact the driver (correspondence can be either public or through private messages);
  • Book now! Rest assured that the driver will confirm your reservation very quickly. After all, after sending your request, he will receive an SMS. You also have the opportunity to set a deadline within which the driver must respond. If you do not receive a response as soon as possible, your reservation request will be automatically cancelled;
  • Pay in cash or by bank transfer after your trip. The service does not provide for online payment, so do not be fooled by requests for advance payment from the driver.
  • Submit your reservation when you are sure of your choice. You can find out the driver's number on BlaBlaCar as soon as you submit a booking request. You can always cancel your reservation;
  • If your plans change, cancel your trip immediately. While you are doubting for a long time whether it is worth going on the road, others who want to do so do not have the opportunity to “stake out” a car. In addition, you will not be able to book another similar trip in order to “sit on two chairs”;
  • Warn the driver in advance if you have luggage, an animal or a smoking habit;
  • If you suffer from allergies, asthma, or get motion sickness, warn the driver about this as well. And take the necessary medications with you;
  • I think there is no need to tell you the basic rules of behavior on the road. Don't be lazy about buckling up;
  • Warn your loved ones about the trip, leave them the driver’s contact number and information about his car. If another person comes to you in a different car that is not specified in the service, it is better to refuse the trip for your safety;
  • I have not heard of such cases, but they are quite possible. Be careful before entrusting your life to a stranger. But you shouldn’t be paranoid out of the blue either.

You can find a trip on BlaBlaCar without registration by logging into the site via Vk or Facebook. No other way. Better yet, register fully and use the service when needed.

BlaBlaCar: how to find travel companions for the driver?

To start working with the service, drivers need to post information about themselves and the car. To do this, go to the BlaBlaCar website.

Then you will need to create a trip. To do this, click the button in the upper right corner of the BlaBlaCar website “Offer a trip”. Fill in information about the route and when you plan to go. On the next page, indicate the number of passengers you can take, the dimensions of your luggage, and, if necessary, write down the details of your trip.

Add a photo of yourself and your car to your profile to make it easier for passengers to recognize you. In addition, this will increase the level of trust in you. You will also recognize your passengers from photographs.

When you receive requests from passengers, you can accept them automatically or manually. When all the seats in your car are occupied, the application will automatically disappear from the search.

It is prohibited to ask or take advance payment from passengers. Blablakar advises paying for the trip in cash.

One interesting “life hack” on BlaBlaCar: when describing the route from point A to point B, indicate any intermediate point through which your path passes. This way, even more site visitors will be able to see your offer. Perhaps someone will keep you company halfway.

That's all, I wish you a pleasant trip!

<Блок 4/4>

Bla bla car find a ride without registration

BlaBlaCar is a modern service that allows you to successfully use the services of not only buses, trains and minibuses, but also private cars. In each case, the opportunity to note the high level of functionality of the service is guaranteed, where you can find travel companions and agree on a successful move to the desired destination.


Does BlaBlaCar allow you to find a ride without registering? Certainly! The possibility of using services in three variations is guaranteed, each of which is aimed at maximum convenience of the target audience:

  • web service;
  • mobile application for the most common Android operating system;
  • functional program for IOS.

The main advantage is the simple procedure of finding the right car for a trip in the right direction. If necessary, you will be able to find a trip without registration on the BlaBlaCar service in the shortest possible time!

Each driver must indicate the exact parameters of the route that is planned. At the same time, BlaBlaCar allows you to successfully study all available information about the route. After which interested people report their desire to hit the road.

Drivers, as already mentioned, must indicate detailed route parameters. At the same time, passengers indicate their points of departure and arrival in order to successfully find an interesting option for their trip.

Despite the fact that BlaBlaCar is available without registration, only the registration procedure allows you to successfully confirm personal data and guarantee a high level of security.

The BlaBlaCar system is built on a certain degree of trust, so registered customers receive privileges. To do this, it is recommended to complete lightning-fast registration indicating current and reliable information:

  • photo;
  • phone number;
  • E-mail address;
  • social profiles.

Moderation of the provided data is mandatory. Checking the technical service allows you to understand what you can still count on in the future and whether you can successfully plan your trip.


It is interesting to note that you can find a car without registering with BlaBlaCar, use the available services and help other people successfully organize their trip. After a car trip, the driver and fellow travelers leave reviews about each other to build the reputation of each user of the service.

Primary interaction does not require the driver to have contact with potential travel companions. If you wish, you can reject the offer of a person who is not initially trustworthy. If you still become interested, you need to call first and discuss important nuances in a telephone conversation. Phone numbers can only be exchanged with the mutual consent of the driver and fellow travelers.

Of course, with the help of BlaBlaCar you can find travel companions without registration without any problems. At the same time, every woman understands the special risks for herself on such trips. In this regard, the creators of the service offer a special mode “Only for women”. It excludes the selection of male drivers or passengers. Such a trip should provide only the most pleasant impressions of yourself.


How to find a trip in BlaBlaCar without registration? In fact, the search stage pleases with maximum ease. To do this you need to provide the following information:

  • cities of departure and arrival;
  • route features;
  • departure – arrival time;
  • price.

It should be noted that there are tips in the service. Thanks to them, the names of settlements can immediately be written correctly.

If desired, search results can be reduced by specifying a specific travel date and optimal time interval.

In BlaBlaCar, searching for travel companions without registration is the same as for registered clients.


The service developers allow you to download BlaBlaCar on Android for free without registration. This application will primarily be appreciated by those who are actively planning their trips, because it offers the opportunity to search and propose a trip. In the first case you need to be a passenger, and in the second - a driver.

Finding travel companions without registering with BlaBlaCar is a reality of the 21st century, because the service is perfected to 100%. It has been working successfully for a long time, meeting the expectations of many users.

BlaBlaCar is a very convenient and effective way to find travel companions for trips and trips. It allows drivers to save money on gasoline, and passengers to get to their destination quickly and comfortably. Anyone who makes intercity trips at least once a year should register for the service.

Official site

The official website of the service is located at The main page is quite neat and extremely intuitive. You are immediately prompted to find available trips on a specific route and date. An unregistered user can also use the trip search service, but in the end, to book a trip you will have to register with Bla Bla Car.


To register on the site, you need to click on the corresponding button located in the upper right corner or simply go to. After this, the user will be redirected to a page where two registration options are offered:

  1. Authorization using social networks.
  2. Create an account using email.

The first method, although much easier, will ultimately require confirmation of your email and phone number via SMS. It is best to immediately use the second method, especially if you plan to use your account systematically.

To complete full registration you will need to provide the following information:

  1. Last name and first name.
  2. Email.
  3. Create a password.
  4. Indicate year of birth.
  5. Agree/refuse to receive the newsletter.

After this, a window will appear in which you need to enter your cell phone number.

Immediately after this, you should receive a message on your phone with a code that you will need to enter in a special window. Once the code is accepted by the system, registration is complete. You can confirm your phone number later.

Note. The confirmation of the phone number will be visible to all users. This is an important part of club membership.

After completing registration, the first thing to do is to immediately confirm your email or phone number, if this has not been done previously. After logging into your Bla Bla Car personal account, select the “Profile” tab in the top ribbon, and “Profile Reliability” in the left vertical menu. After this, possible ways to confirm your email and phone number will open, as well as linking social network accounts.

Note. Users trust more those who have verified email, phone and linked social network pages.

Filling out your profile

A significant role in creating a full-fledged account is played by the correctness and completeness of filling out the information in the profile. You should start filling out with personal data. After registering via email, almost all fields will already be filled in. All that remains is to write no more than 500 characters about yourself. It makes sense to write about your interests, favorite route, driving experience and anything else that can somehow attract potential clients.

The next step is adding a photo to your profile. Accounts with avatars look much more attractive and stand out more than profiles without photos.

Another important point is preference. The system asks you to evaluate your attitude to the following points:

  • conversations on the way;
  • smoking in a car;
  • transportation of animals;
  • music.

When choosing a driver, passengers will be guided by their chosen preferences. The driver himself can refuse a passenger if, for example, he intends to transport an animal without the driver’s permission.

And finally, select your car and add a photo of it. In the corresponding menu item you will need to enter the following data about the car:

  1. State registration number.
  2. Car make and model.
  3. Body type.
  4. Body color.
  5. Year of manufacture of the car.
  6. Add a photo of the car.

All this information will be available to potential travel companions so that they can more accurately choose their driver. There is no point in filling out this column for passengers.

After this, registration on the site and filling out your profile can be considered complete. Drivers can offer their trips, and passengers can choose suitable routes from those offered. Complete and reliable information about yourself and the car will help others make a more accurate choice. Only complete understanding and mutual respect can guarantee a successful trip.

Bla Bla Car is a service for finding travel companions, which is beneficial for both drivers and passengers. It has already become popular in 13 countries around the world, as evidenced by the constantly growing number of its users. BlaBlaCar is very convenient, as it allows you to travel between cities and countries as profitably as possible.

Benefits for drivers

When traveling between cities, different parts of Russia or abroad, the driver has to deal with gasoline costs, which as a result amount to a tidy sum.

By registering for BlaBlaCar and creating a trip, you will be able to offset costs and get to your destination in good company.

Drivers should consider the following details:

The indicated price must correspond to the amount that the passenger will pay before the trip. Otherwise (if the driver tries to deceive service users by attracting them with low prices), the account is blocked.

You must provide as much information about yourself in the “preferences” section. There you can express your attitude towards talking on the road and smoking, clarify the possibility of transporting animals and listening to music.

You should objectively evaluate the capabilities of your trunk, indicating the maximum allowable bag size for each passenger.

Benefits for passengers

You need to choose your trips carefully. Before submitting an application, you should make sure that it meets all the criteria.

By using the Bla Bla Car service instead of a regular carrier, you can receive:

  1. Tangible cost savings that reach 50%. For example, a bus from Simferopol to Krasnodar costs 1,500 rubles, and drivers offer most trips on the website at a price of 800-900 rubles per passenger.
  2. The opportunity to spontaneously go on a trip, because often places remain even several hours before departure.
  3. More comfortable conditions compared to buses.
  4. New acquaintances. It is not uncommon for both the driver and other fellow travelers to become good acquaintances for many years.
  5. Saving travel time - trips by car are almost always faster than by train or bus.

Features of the service you should know

  • Both drivers and passengers have a rating, which is based on the feedback they receive.
  • The driver must indicate both the points of departure and arrival, as well as intermediate cities/villages into which arrival is possible. This will help you find travel companions faster.
  • It is recommended to fill out your profile as much as possible: add photos, music preferences and other information that will be useful for both drivers and passengers.

To start using BlaBlaCar today, you need to go through the registration stage, which includes entering your personal data. Authorization through social networks (VK, Facebook) is also possible.

Blablacar - Choose the best one from the proposed trips, share the cost of travel on a joint trip with someone who is on the same route with you. Bla bla car find a ride.


Bla bla car find a ride without registration

It won't work out!

Because registration is still required. It’s impossible to find a ride on a bla bla car without it (registration).

Banned on BlaBlaCar

And a bit more - 12 things that are prohibited on BlaBlaCar.

For drivers:

  • Cancel trips at the last minute;
  • Indicate incorrect information in your profile;
  • Create multiple profiles;
  • Request advance payment from passengers;
  • Change the price in personal communication with passengers;
  • Search for more passengers than you have available seats;
  • Book seats with other drivers if you are not going to go;
  • Transport cargo and animals to another city.

For passengers:

  • Canceling reservations at the last minute, or not showing up at the meeting point;
  • Trying to get there for free;
  • Consider drivers as taxi drivers;
  • Looking for travel companions is not for yourself.

Find your ride as a passenger

Bla bla car registration

You won’t be able to find a ride on a bla bla car as a passenger without registration, but there are simplified ways. In order to register in the system, go to the bla bla car service and find the “registration” item. The registration process takes a maximum of 2 minutes. You just need to fill out a short form and confirm the registration process with a letter that will arrive in the mail. You can also install the application on your phone and immediately log in to the created account.

Bla bla car without registration

You can also log in to the portal without registration using social networking accounts on Facebook and VK. There is no entry through Odnoklassniki yet.

Find passengers

To prevent the driver from getting bored on the road, he needs to create an application on the blah blah car website and find travel companions. Describe your conditions and car. After this, you need to create a train; this is very easy to do even for those who are not very computer savvy.

In the top right corner, click "Suggest a trip." Then the driver must fill out a trip form, that is, describe the route, the number of passengers, the possibility of luggage and its dimensions. They must also clarify all the details of the route, time and place of departure. When describing your route from point A to point B, you can indicate an intermediate point, then if there are free seats, a fellow traveler can join you halfway along the way.

It is recommended to add a photo of the car and driver to your profile, thus increasing your credibility. When the application has been registered, the driver will receive notifications from passengers. They can be taken manually or automatically. When all places are filled, the application disappears from the search. IMPORTANT! The service prohibits taking advance payments or changing the price indicated in the application. Payment must be made in cash only.

WHAT SHOULD YOU PAY ATTENTION TO WHEN BOOKING A SPOT? On this site, drivers have their own rating, and it is created thanks to satisfied (or vice versa) passengers and their reviews. The most experienced driver is considered to be rated as Ambassador. Thanks to positive reviews, anyone can reach this level. The cost of the trip will now be more expensive, since the driver is experienced, and accordingly, “price-quality” will now be indicated.

Pros of Bla Bla Car

If you are planning to take a trip to Blablacar, you should know the advantages of Blablacar:

  • The most important advantage is safety, compared to classic hitchhiking, of course. When choosing a trip, each passenger sees the driver’s personal profiles, as well as passenger reviews about him. Thanks to reviews, each user can judge the carrier’s professionalism and reliability;
  • Affordability. Thanks to this platform, traveling has become much cheaper and this applies not only to our country, but also to Europe;
  • Payment is made exclusively in cash to the driver after the passenger has been delivered to his destination. You don’t need to pay anything through the site, so you won’t have to pay any additional commission;
  • Trips for women. The portal has a function that allows a female driver to take only female travel companions. A very correct point, since both parties will feel more secure;
  • Cancellation of the trip. If your plans change, you can withdraw the reserve in advance without receiving a fine or blocking.

Cons of Blablacar

One and the most important disadvantage of this service is that it cannot guarantee the driver’s integrity. In some cases, he may simply cancel the trip without notifying his passengers. So if you cannot contact the carrier the day before your trip, it is advisable to look for another option. In principle, you should always have another option for your trip, just in case. This can undoubtedly be included in the Cons of Blablacar.

Find a ride without problems

  1. Apply only if you definitely intend to go. Do not book a seat if you are not going to go, the driver also hopes for a certain number of people;
  2. Discuss with the driver about the availability of luggage, as well as transportation of an animal;
  3. It is advisable to leave the car number and driver’s contact details with your family. Various situations may arise on the road. If suddenly the wrong car or the wrong person comes to you as indicated on the website, then it is advisable to refuse such a trip;
  4. If you get motion sickness or do not tolerate long trips well, it is advisable to warn about this;
  5. I don’t think it’s worth reminding about the basic rules of behavior. We are all adults, so each party must behave correctly and well-mannered.

Find a ride on Blablacar.

And if something goes wrong, listen to your emotions. Take care of yourself.

Finding a ride is not difficult

Bla bla car find

A short video from BlaBlaCar

Bla bla car finding a ride is not difficult.

Let's imagine that you are a fellow traveler and you need to get from one city to another in a certain time. Go to the website, register and in the search bar enter the name of the city where you are planning your route. A window with all the options will open in front of you; you just need to filter out the unnecessary ones by selecting the date, city and place of sending. Book your seat on a suitable itinerary. In addition, drivers write the cost of the trip. This is very convenient, since you will not be surprised by the price at your place of arrival. After the trip, the passenger and driver leave each other feedback. A thoughtful and convenient function, since you can immediately exclude non-serious drivers from the list. Important! If you are planning to go for the first time, then you will not see the driver’s coordinates. You can contact him only through correspondence. After the first transaction, you will be able to see phone numbers and directly call the carrier.

The article below is taken from the website Link at the bottom of the article.


Bla Blacar is a unique online service that helps drivers find travel companions as safely as possible. In turn, travelers can get to their destination by spending money only on fuel. The benefit is simple: the driver saves on gasoline by choosing trusted travel companions, and people without a car save money on expensive tickets for other transport. As of 2018, Bla Bla Car successfully operates in 22 countries, including Great Britain, France, Russia, Ukraine, Italy, Croatia, Germany, Poland and other European countries. The total number of registered users is 35,000,000 people. And every 4 months, about 10,000,000 people travel.

Blablacar find

This Internet resource has gained wide popularity and many positive reviews for a reason. Its developer, Frederic Mazzel, created and developed a unique search system that provides all the nuances to make the trip safe and comfortable not only for fellow travelers, but also for the driver. The main advantages of Bla Bla Car are:

  1. The ability to choose your own travel companions. Each user of the official website, both driver and travel companion, has an individual profile profile on the service. This profile is linked to social media accounts. This allows you to get to know your travel companion, his interests and hobbies as much as possible before meeting him. Also in the personal profile there are comments from other users who have ever traveled with a driver/fellow traveler;
  2. Maximum support from developers. The administration very quickly responds to complaints from users who were dissatisfied with the chosen travel companion. According to the BlaBlaCar team, the company strives to ensure that each of its travel companions has a good reputation on the site;
  3. The “Women Only” feature is ideal for confident women who travel independently. By applying this filter in the search, only trip options will be displayed that do not have men either at the wheel or as a travel companion;
  4. Availability of notifications about upcoming trips. The service is designed to look for travel companions not only in a specific place, but also on certain dates. Therefore, Bla Bla Car notifies the user that possible travel companions have appeared for a specific time. And if a suitable route and dates are not found, the site will notify the person when this fellow traveler appears.

Blablacar as a passenger

  • Exact landing and arrival location. The driver offers a convenient place of departure and arrival, and the fellow traveler can agree or try to negotiate an adjustment to the route. To do this, the site has implemented a special map on which you need to indicate these points;
  • Finding travel companions through mobile applications. The Bla Bla Car company took care of its users and developed tailored applications for phones and tablets on the most popular platforms - iPhone and Android. This allows you to look for travel companions wherever a person is. The only condition is that you have an Internet connection.

Useful information for those who want to
The name BlaBlaCar exists for a reason. When registering a user in his personal account, a person selects the degree of his talkativeness - “Bla” (silently looks out the window), “BlaBla” (can carry on a conversation) and “BlaBlaBla” (chat endlessly).

Video - blah blah car:

Find a ride as a passenger

Initially, you need to go to the official Internet resource Bla-bla car. In a specially designated field, information about the place of landing and arrival is entered, and the date of travel is selected. By filling out this simple form, a list of available drivers will appear who will follow this route at the selected time. Before agreeing to a travel companion, it is recommended to write a personal message on the website or call the driver to clarify important details:

  • The time the driver plans to spend on the road;
  • The presence of deviations from the specified route and stops along the way;
  • Place of departure and arrival and so on.

After the end of the trip, each participant can leave positive or negative feedback about their travel companion. This helps to form a rating on the site among travelers and drivers and others to find a trip as a passenger.


Find a trip in the right direction

In order to find a travel companion in the right direction as quickly as possible, it is recommended to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Go through authorization in your personal account (if you don’t have one, then go through the registration process);
  2. Fill out the search form on the main page Blah blah blah car;
  3. Write or call the driver to clarify all the details of the trip;
  4. Book a trip. Users do not have to worry about lengthy confirmation of the application, since the driver immediately receives an SMS notification. There is also a function, using which you can specify the time for consideration of the application by the driver. If he does not respond soon, the sent request will be canceled automatically;
  5. You can pay for the trip in cash or by bank transfer after arriving at your final destination. The service does not request cash advance payment online, so you should not be fooled by the driver’s requests for an advance partial payment.


The company makes sure that the service functions fully, helping absolutely every person travel and save. That is why the Bla-bla car team advises fellow travelers to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Book a trip only when you have completely decided on your choice. The driver's number will be displayed as soon as a trip booking request is submitted. However, you can cancel your reservation at any time without any consequences;
  2. Always warn the driver about any luggage or smoking habit. Also, do not forget to mention the transportation of animals or other nuances that may affect the quality of the trip;
  3. If you have allergies, asthma, or a weak vestibular system (sickness), then be sure to warn the driver and prepare the necessary medications for the trip;
  4. Follow the basic rules of etiquette and behavior on the road. Do not forget that the person driving is a stranger and requires a cultural attitude. You also need to wear a seat belt, since Bla Bla Car cannot guarantee the level of driving professionalism;
  5. If your plans have changed dramatically and you cannot travel according to your reservation, then immediately cancel the trip through your personal account. Thinking for a long time about the possibility of going on the road, you take away the opportunity to book a car from other fellow travelers who may really need it;
  6. Notify your relatives or friends about the trip. It is best to leave them the driver’s mobile number and basic information about his car. Remember your safety and do not get into a car if it does not correspond to what is indicated on the website.

Helpful information!

The service does not allow the possibility of booking similar trips for the same time, which users want to do for the sake of insurance. One travel companion can choose one car and one seat.

To start searching for travel companions who will cover the cost of gasoline, you will need to register in the system. You will also need to provide information about the vehicle and your identity. After that, click the “Offer a trip” button in the right corner. You will need to enter information about the route and travel dates and click “Next”. On the loaded page, indicate the number of fellow travelers whom the driver wants to take on the trip, the dimensions of the luggage that will fit in the car, and also write down the special nuances of the trip. To find more travel companions, select settlements through which the route will pass. Thanks to this, the offer will be displayed in the search for those who can join the company for some part of the journey. Note! It is recommended to add a photo of yourself and your car to your profile so that fellow travelers can easily recognize the driver. This will also increase user confidence. The article was taken from the site


Rating is the main indicator of the quality of the service provided. It is compiled based on reviews of people who traveled with this driver. Due to the fact that only those who have used the service can express their opinions, the rating is absolutely truthful. And it is impossible to “wind up” it by resorting to various tricks. The highest rating is called “Ambassador” and is given to those with the largest number of positive reviews. Of course, a trip with such a driver will be a little more expensive, but is it really worth saving on safety? When choosing a driver, pay attention to the number of seats in the car and the number of passengers. When going on a long journey, it will be very uncomfortable to be in close quarters for a long time.

Blablacar ride cost

The price for a trip may depend on the presence of a large number of positive reviews and the comfort of the car. Perhaps in a less comfortable car the driver also has a high rating. Then by choosing the second option you can save a little. Beware of those who offer high prices without comfort. Perhaps these persons are representatives of the company transporting passengers. So is it worth paying a taxi driver? After all, the blah blah car is designed for convenient and inexpensive transportation.

Pay for your trip with Blablacar

Payment for the trip is made only upon arrival at the agreed point. Payment is made in cash. It is worth thinking in advance about paying the driver without change. In this case, the car owner will not be able to provide a document confirming the fact of transfer of money.

Mobile application - Android. Mobile application - iOS.

Good luck on the roads!

Answers to questions Bla bla car how

Additionally to the article

Bla bla car register

Expand - How to register on Bla Bla Car

On the Bla Bla Car website, find the “ “ button.

In the window that opens, Bla Bla Car offers a choice of two options - “Log in via VK” or “Log in via Facebook”, or “Register via email. Mail":

  1. When logging in via social networks, BlaBlaCar will receive: a public profile, a list of friends, date of birth and email address. After selecting the icon of the social network you are interested in, enter your username and password. Click "Login" and confirm. You will need to indicate your phone number and confirm with the code from SMS;
  2. When registering via email, fill in the fields “Gender, First Name, Last Name, Email.” Mail, Password, Confirm password, Year of birth.” You will be prompted to confirm your phone number immediately; you can do this “Later”. That's it, I managed to register for Bla Bla Car.

A fully filled account on Bla Bla Car is more trustworthy, and it will be easier to find travel companions.

Expand text

There is no difference in how you register - there is only one travel companion account on Bla Bla Car. Today you are a passenger, tomorrow you are a driver. For the driver, it may not be a bad idea to indicate the car details in your profile in the “My Car” tab; this may affect your credibility when you are looking for travel companions:

Bla bla car offers to indicate “What license plates the car has” - “only your passengers will see them,” but may not be specified, click “No, thanks" and go to the following points:

  • What brand is your car?
  • What model;
  • What body type does your car have?
  • What colour is he;
  • In what year was the car first registered, because passengers will be interested to know whether your car is modern or vintage.

After this, you can change the car data, delete it, upload a photo or “Add a car”:

Blablacar driver and passenger.

On Bla Bla Car how to contact the driver

Expand text

If you can't reach the driver via messages and need a quick response, BlaBlaCar recommends calling him directly.

Unable to contact, find another ride.

If your trip is in the online booking area:

Have you found a ride in the online booking area, but the driver is not responding to your messages?

Important to remember:

The driver's contact details will be available to you after your booking is confirmed.

Then you can call the driver or send him a message directly from your profile:

  1. Click on "Reservations".
  2. Open “Trip Details”.
  3. After which you can “Send a message” to the driver.
  4. You can now exchange messages. The driver receives a push notification and an email about a new message.

If you still cannot contact the driver and your trip is approaching:

If the driver does not respond, you can cancel the booking in your profile. Please describe in detail the reason for canceling your reservation.

How to delete a profile in BlaBlaCar?

Expand text

Close Bla Bla Car account
To delete your profile in BlaBlaCar, go to “Profile / Close my account”.

If you would like to close your account because you were unable to resolve the issue, please contact support first (do not close your account because you will not be able to sign up for that phone number again).

How to delete a blah blah car trip

Expand text

If you don't have passengers yet, you can simply make changes to your trip. To make changes, go to “Current Trips” in your account and click “Change” on the desired trip. For example, you can change the departure date, price, meeting point or other parameters. You can also “Delete” a trip and thereby cancel it.

If you have already agreed on a trip with passengers, then you need to take into account the inconvenience that you may cause to them in the event of cancellation or changes. If you do decide to change or cancel your trip, it is very important that you:

  • We have updated your published trip on the website accordingly.
  • Passengers were notified of all changes in advance.
  • Go to website;
  • Buy tickets online at, and.

If you have any questions about the information in this article, Bla Bla Car Find a Ride, please leave it in the comments section.

We'll tell you what BlaBlacar is, how drivers and passengers can register in 2019, how to find rides, and how to use the service safely. In general, how to travel cheaply and safely.

What is "BlaBlaCar"

This is a service that brings together drivers and fellow travelers. Operates in 22 countries, almost throughout Europe. In total, more than 35 million users are registered. 10 million people travel every quarter. "BlaBlaCar" is a slang combination of the English words bla-bla, which means conversation, chatter and car.

How it works

For example, a person drives his car from Moscow to St. Petersburg. He wants to save on gas, and driving with company won’t be so boring. To do this, he publishes information about his trip on the website:

  • indicates a car,
  • departure date and time,
  • departure point,
  • route,
  • travel time,
  • number of seats in the car,
  • trip cost for 1 passenger. The price of the trip is calculated by the driver himself; the system does not add anything to this. The price consists of the cost of gasoline required for the trip and depreciation of the car.

Potential passengers who are looking for a trip from Moscow to St. Petersburg see this information, if they are satisfied with everything in terms of time and price, they book a seat in the car. The driver confirms the trip and they meet at the designated location.

Very often, drivers place trips not only between cities, but also within the city. For example, some people commute every day in the morning from one area to another and want to save on gasoline.

Find passengers

What to do, if you have a car and you want offer a trip and find passengers .

Driver registration

Register on the official website in the section, post information about your trip. It's free. The driver does not pay anything for publishing a trip offer.

  • To do this, fill out a simple form - meeting and disembarking points, be sure to add intermediate points - this way you will collect more passengers, some will get off, some will get on. If you are traveling there and back, fill in the travel dates.
  • Add your photo and a photo of the car. Passengers are much more willing to book seats with those drivers who have filled out their profile as completely as possible. No one will be your travel companion if you have an empty profile.
  • If the passenger meets your conditions, he will send you a request to book a seat. You can set it to manual confirmation or automatic if you don't care who you go with.
  • Passengers pay for the trip at the end of the trip.

Blablacar: find a ride

What to do, if you don't have a car and are looking for travel companions to make a trip .

Passenger registration

Register on the official website in the section. Or you can install and register through them. But the website is more convenient.

Registering for is very simple and takes 1 minute - just enter your email address. You will need to confirm your email address immediately after registration; simply follow the link that will be sent in the email to activate your profile.

Blablacar without registration

You cannot book a trip without registering at all!

Find a ride as a passenger

Let's say we need to get from Moscow to St. Petersburg. You need to find a driver who goes in the right direction on the right day and time.

updated 10/10/2018

Until October 10, 2018, Blablakar did not take any commissions from either the driver or the passenger. Now Blablakar has introduced a paid subscription for passengers, but this is not as scary as it sounds.

The fee only applies if you are looking for a trip longer than 120 km. If less, then the trip is free. During registration bonus - 1 month of subscription and use of Bla Bla Car for new passengers free of charge. If in a month you plan to use Blablacar very often, then you need to pay 199 rubles per month and use it unlimitedly, if rarely, then just buy a 1-day subscription for 149 rubles with each new booking.

1. Specify the route

Usually Drivers publish most trips 5-7 days before the trip. On the most common routes in 1-2 days. The driver can travel with you from the same city along a direct route, or maybe in transit. In the example above, drivers are traveling in transit from Adler through Moscow to St. Petersburg. You will arrange a meeting in Moscow, and most likely it will be somewhere on the highway or near a large shopping center on a bypass road, unless the driver needs to enter the city specifically for personal business.

You immediately see all offers from drivers— the date, time of departure, number of available seats, and cost are indicated.

The driver determines the drop-off location for passengers; if your stop is in a city along the way, he will most likely drop you off there.

Select a trip to view more detailed trip information.

A good driver will describe the conditions of the trip as fully as possible - do they smoke, do they not smoke, where do they stop, how many stops on the road, the total number of passengers in the car. If you have any questions for the driver, before booking you can contact him and clarify the details.

Look at the driver's profile before booking.

Pay attention to how completely the profile is filled out, is there a photo, is the car listed. Irina R has a good profile, a lot of reviews and a lot of positive ones. High rating.

But Artyom S, even despite the lack of reviews, does not have a very good profile, it is completely empty.

Pay attention to the number of seats in the car. It will be very uncomfortable for four people plus a driver to travel in a passenger car. It is considered normal when there are two passengers in the back and one in the front.

3. Book your trip

You have chosen a date, time, and found a driver who completely suits you. You can now book your trip. There are two types of booking - automatic and with confirmation.

If a yellow lightning icon is indicated, then the confirmation is automatic, and a seat in the car will be reserved for you immediately. If the icon is not specified, driver confirmation is required. Some drivers prefer to look at a profile before driving with strangers.

4. Contact the driver

Once your seat has been reserved, we recommend writing to the driver and clarifying the details of the trip. You can write through your profile, but it’s still better send SMS so that your number immediately appears in his phone (you will receive contacts after booking).

Be sure to check with the driver again:

  1. Meeting point. It is worth remembering that this is not a taxi and the driver most likely will not pick you up from the entrance, much less wait for a long time.
  2. Meeting time. If this is a transit trip, check again the time of the meeting and perhaps he is traveling from a different time zone.
  3. Baggage. As a rule, fellow travelers travel with small bags. If you have a large suitcase, check if the driver can accommodate it.
  4. Duration of the trip. Basically, all drivers indicate how long the journey takes and the number of stops. But it’s better to ask again.
  5. Drop off point at destination. Let us clarify once again - this is not a taxi; most likely they will not take you to the entrance.

On the eve of the trip, be sure (!!!) to contact the driver again. And just call him. Perhaps his plans have changed. Confirm all agreements. Don't be shy about being persistent. A good driver will call you several times before the trip. A few hours before your trip, call the driver again. Remember, BlaBlaCar does not interfere in any way with your relationship with the driver. You can’t call there and say that they haven’t met you.

5. Payment for the trip

Payment for the trip is made with the driver in cash, take care of the exchange in advance. Transfer money only when you have reached your destination. No prepayments to cards or through electronic wallets, even if the driver says that he needs to refuel the car in advance. Payment only at the end of the trip!

The driver will not be able to issue you a receipt, so if suddenly you are driving as a business traveler, think about what you will provide to the accounting department.

What to do if the driver doesn’t show up

If the day before your trip you try to contact the driver and he does not answer for a long time, we recommend looking for another option. In general, it is worth having several backup options and being ready to book another car if the driver suddenly cancels the trip on the appointed day. This happens very rarely for highly rated drivers, but no one is immune from car breakdown or illness.

If the driver hasn’t arrived, even though you’ve called him before, his phone is turned off or doesn’t answer, don’t despair. On popular routes you can find an offer for the same time or in an interval of up to 1-2 hours. Check through the application - perhaps some driver has a seat available, some of the passengers have canceled the trip and are waiting for you. After that, leave an appropriate review and rating for the driver who let you down.

Rules for a safe and comfortable trip

You will be in a car with strangers. Observe basic rules of decency and do not forget about safety rules.

  1. Don't be overly intrusive and noisy. Some people like to just look out the window, others like to read.
  2. The driver should not be distracted while driving and give various advice if you are not asked. Communicate with fellow travelers only if they are inclined to do so.
  3. For many women, when thinking about traveling in a company with unfamiliar travel companions, the question of safety immediately arises. Especially for girls who are using the service for the first time. That's why Blablacar has the option " Only for women". Users can schedule joint trips in which both the driver and passenger are women.
  4. Before the trip be sure to send your driver and car details to your friends and relatives, departure and arrival times. Make sure everything matches before getting into the car.
  5. If you arrived at the meeting place, and there was another car there and another driver (broke down, sick, replacing a friend) - We recommend canceling this trip and find another car.
  6. When you book a seat in a car, you can view the profile of not only the driver, but also your fellow travelers. If you don't like one of them, find another trip. If the car is not full and you are traveling only with a driver, decide for yourself. By the way, sometimes some people buy all the seats so they can go alone.
  7. Most routes are offered between major cities. If you need to go to a small village, you need to choose between which cities it is located and check with the driver whether he can take you there or drop you off on the highway at a turn, at a bus stop, etc.
  8. At the end of your trip, be sure to leave an honest review.
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