Creating an image of alcohol 120. How to make an ISO image (disk image) from the folder? How to create a disk image

With which you can create, write and read disk images (CD and DVD). It is easy to save accurate copies of information and store in a virtual drive. This is especially convenient when, for example, you need to open the MDF file in the game with old extensions or overwrite the movie. But many users often have questions and problems associated with this program. Someone does not turn out to mount the image, others - create a virtual disk, and some do not know at all how to use 120 alcohol. Let's look at all the issues that arise.

Window program

The Alcohol 120 program is multifunction and rightfully considered one of the best in its segment. Its functionality includes such features:

  • create and record images (fully copy files from the source disk and write this copy to another media);
  • create virtual drives (a second drive is formed, in which the disk images can be installed);
  • bypass popular security systems;
  • perform an accurate emulation of the disks.

The program interface is an uncomplicated, intuitive. It is easy to use it, because all the basic operations are in the main menu of the utility, so they will not have long to look for them. Compatible with all versions of the Windows operating system, ranging from XP.

Mounting information

In order to mount the image in Alcohol 120, you first need to add it to a special list, and after - click on it twice with the mouse. Add the necessary images to the usual shifting of the files to the program window or start the search on the computer, which will display all the images available on the PC.

Do not forget to mark all the necessary checkboxes in properties (for example, separation or work with damaged files). After that, it remains for small - choose the place where the final file will be set and run the process. As soon as the mount is completed, the corresponding tab will be added to the software. Everything is extremely simple.

But this is how Alcohol 120 can be used only with those files that are not protected from copying. If the defense is provided, then the algorithm of action is somewhat different. To circumvent protection, you can use three methods:

  • missing errors - the method is useful when mounting disk information, on the surface of which there are small defects (scratches, hurry, other damage);
  • use fast pass - this method makes it possible to skip large blocks with damage, which significantly speeds up the work (relevant to work with special CD formats);
  • improve the sector scanning is another method to quickly pass errors on media and significantly accelerate the operation of the alcohol 120.

Create disk images

Large problems with how to create a disk image in the program, also should not occur. First you need to insert CD or DVD into the drive, and in the program itself, click on the "Creating Images" button. After that, the new window will open before you, and there you have to choose a drive with a data carrier to which you are going to save files.

Alcohol 120 must be thought of for a while during which the disk read the disk. After that the start button will be active. But do not hurry to press it. First, check all the necessary characteristics of the future file, whether checkboxes are affixed or some must be removed, and after - boldly start. A little patience and will perform the task set in front of it.

Another method, how to work with alcohol 120 - creating images from files. To do this, locate the "Mastering" button and click on it. The new window will open before you, where there will be a short greeting. You can not read it and immediately press on "Next". After that, combine the files with which alcohol has 120. Collect all the necessary data in the window, check if you have not forgotten anything and click the "Next" button.

After that, the program will open the new window to you again, where you will need:

  • select a place in the computer where the created component will be stored;
  • set a new file name;
  • select the desired format.

Now click "Start" and wait until the software finishes your work.

Open files in Alcohol 120

First, create a virtual disk to work on. Find the "Service" button and select "Settings".

Select "Settings"

On the left in the column you will need to click on the "Virtual Disc" tab, and the number of drivens indicate in the appropriate graph in the right column with information. In the conductor, select "This computer", then - a virtual drive and press it with the right mouse button. You will open a menu where you need to click:

  • mount the image;

Click "Mount the image"

  • open;
  • left mouse button on the selected image;
  • open.

Now you know not only how to create an image, but also how to open it.

Record information on the disc into alcohol 120

For recording, click on the "Record on Disks" button. After the window that opens, find the necessary files for writing and press "Next". After clicking on "Start" will start recording. It is better to leave PC at this time so that the system fails occurred.

Only at first glance it seems that working with this is a real Chinese diploma. In fact, everything is much easier. For the first time some difficulties may arise, but then everything goes like oil. Especially since you know how to install the game through alcohol 120 or copy information from the disks, it simplifies many tasks.

Do you know how to work with this program? Tell us about the difficulties that I had to face.

Both programs are good, however, Ultraiso is best suited for some scratched discs, because it has a property for many times trying to read this place, or in the end, miss a broken sector.

As for Alcohol 120%, it also copes with his task as well as Ultraiso, but not intended to work with bats. In the event that the battered sectors will be a lot of Alcohol 120% will stop creating a disk image, while Ultraiso trying to miss this sector several times and goes on.

We now turn more specifically to the question: " How to create a disk image using Alcohol 120", Step by step and with screenshots!

Create a disk image on the example of Alcohol program 120%.

So, insert the desired drive into the drive. Click the program to the " Creating images«.

A disk image creation window will open, here you need to configure something and start creating an image.

In the DVD / CD storage point, select your drive to which you inserted the disc from which you want to make an image. Pay attention to the settings item " Data type", There you can choose with what disc will work. In the event that you create a disk image for PlayStation 2, then select the appropriate item from the list.

Now click on the button " Start"I. the disk image will begin to be created.. When the process is over, the image will be ready for use, then you can remove the disk and see the created image in the list of images of Alcohol 120%.

Installation instructions Alcohol 120% and information, how to mount with this program, for example, image image.

The method of saving data on DVD or CD discs remains quite popular. But often it turns out that the optical drive recorded quite recently does not recognize the disk. Especially disappointing when something is very important on it. Why is this happening? First, it depends on the quality of the damasks themselves. Cheap low-quality discs sometimes fail within a few months. Secondly, scratches may appear on the blank, and then it will also be badly read.

If there is enough space on the hard disk, you can store the necessary files in the form of images, thereby releasing yourself from losing important information. The recorded file can then be easily recorded on the same blank or open using a whole arsenal of programs.

Alcohol 120% enters this arsenal on the rights of the leader. With this software, images are made by the most common formats. And the virtual drives are mounted, with which they are then read. By the way, many games in the global network are common in the form of images.

In order to start working with the program, it must be downloaded and installed. The minus Alcohol 120% is that this software is paid. But if you take into account the multifunctionality and relatively small price of the program, you can close your eyes at this point.

You can purchase and install Alcohol 120% on the official website. You can use a free version for 15 days, and then after payment to activate. The software is Russified and works almost on all Windows operating systems.

Installation process

After downloading, run the installation file.

In the language selection window, choose Russian and click "Next".

In the window that opens, the installation wizard operates in the same way.

After that, "we give a good" licensing agreement and again press the installer button again.

If Windows requires a reboot, then perform. After the reboot, the "Warning System Warning" window is released.

We do not pay attention and click "Run".

Then Windows will ask which program components the user wants to install. We choose everything and continue until the installation wizard is released.

Press the "Finish" button. On this installation of alcohol120% can be considered complete.

How to work in Alcohol 120% and create an image through it

Run the installed program. In the upper left corner, we make a click on the "Creating Images" key.

Then click on the "Read Settings" tab. The next step is the choice of folder for storing the image. By default, the program sets it on the local disk "C". But since this disk contains the installed operating system, it is better to create a folder for storing in another section of HDD.

After that, I will notice the checkboxes "Pass of read errors" and "Improved Sectors Scanning". It is necessary for poorly readable discs or scratches.

From the drop-down list, select the image format - "ISO image".

The "Start" button start mounting.

We are waiting for the green runner of the status progress to reach the end and Alcohol 120% will complete the creation of an image. The operation window will automatically close up its completion.

Sergey / /

Alcohol 120% - This is a computer program for creating CD and DVD disks, creating virtual CD and DVD drives, as well as to record CD and DVDs.

Alcohol 120% Copies disks at the physical level, and not at the file system level, which allows you to copy, for example, discs for playstation and PlayStation 2 game consoles, as well as some coping discs.

Program capabilities:

  • Allows you to create up to 31 virtual disks (used SCSI Pass Through Direct (SPTD) Layer).

  • Direct copy from disk to disk.
  • Erasing information from CD-RW and DVD-RW disks.

  • Search for disk image files (on a local disk).

  • Record the image on the blank.

Supports image formats: MDS, CCD, BIN / CUE, ISO, CDI, BWT, B5T, B6T, NRG, PDI, ISZ.

All of these file formats are only different extensions of the disabled CD / DVD images:

  • Formats mDF. and mDS. - Favorite Extensions of Alcohol Program 120%
  • Expansion nRG. - Native format for Nero
  • Disk Images in format iSO. - In general, the universal expansion, created and understood by absolutely all programs for emulating and removing images.

So, in order to run the image downloaded in any of these formats, the first thing to be done is to mount it into a virtual CD / DVD drive.

Where to get this virtual CD / DVD drive?

Virtual drives can be automatically created by Nero, Alcohol programs, Daemon Tools are the most popular and common programs for emulation and creating virtual drives.

Using the program

The program window is as follows: Standard menu at the top, basic functions and navigation software - in the left column, there are basic application settings. The workspace is located on the right, and below the disk selection panel. Everything is stretched here / shrink - configured for yourself will not be difficult. In fact, there is no particular need to change anything in the standard form, but if there is no need, then there are no problems: you are here Creator.

The first thing to do after logging into the program is to activate the virtual drive. Of course, there are such tasks in which it may not be needed, but suppose that it is still needed. In order to add a new virtual drive, you need to click on the "Virtual Disk" in the left column with the name "Setup". It is possible to connect to six reading devices (in the trial version it is less than). Select the number of drives you need and click on the "OK" button. Now virtual devices can be used!

Creating images

Suppose you have a disc that you plan to copy to a computer. An alternative to the usual transfer of the material is to create a disk image. This method is better for the following reason: instead of the batch of files you get one sole. Agree, the fewer information units, the more convenient to store this very information. So, to start loading the disk into the computer drive. To create his image, click on the first inscription in the side menu ("Basic Operations" - "Creating images"). A menu appears in which we offer to choose a drive from which we will record the image. In addition, by clicking on the "Reading Parameters" tab, we will see a few useful add-ons. Here you can set the name of the future image, select the placement folder, file format, and configure the image separation. Actually, everything is extremely simple, but some moments still should be clarified.

Creating images

When specifying the image format, the default value is the MDS extension, but in many cases it will still be better to use ISO-format. He has at least one advantage: when this type is selected, a single file is created, and in the case of MDS - two. Also, it is impossible not to mention the "separation" function of images. Obviously, it is needed so that the "broken" disk can be "broken" (for example, Blu-Ray or a two-layer DVD) subsequently recorded on carriers of a smaller volume. It is worth noting that the partition is available only for MDS images. Also in the "read parameters" you can put a tick opposite the "read error pass" in the event that the media from which the record is being recorded, damaged. Sometimes it helps to keep at least something useful from a shabby disk. After all the necessary manipulations, to start creating an image, simply click on the Start button.

Recording of disks

The second feature of the program is recording images. We have an ISO file (or some other) to be copied to the disk. And we are interested in the transfer of not the image itself, and the files that are contained in it. The recording operation in this case is absolutely simple. It is only necessary to insert a clean drive in the "writing" drive of your PC and perform several simple actions. The first is to click on the "Record Disk Images" button located in the left column of the program. In the window that appears, specify the path to the image file that you want to write to the optical medium. If necessary, put a tick to "delete file-image after recording." After clicking the Next button, and you will go to the second step. In the window that appears, select the drive in which you have a clean disk (if the drive is one, then it is selected by default). There is also the ability to select the recording speed and its type (simple entry and writing with imitation). In the lower drop-down menu of this window, you can specify the type of data recorded. Check the desired or leave everything "by default" and click on the "Start" button. That's the whole process!


Copying disks and search for images

The disk copying feature is, in fact, combining the creation and writing operations. In the left column it is in the third position. By choosing this operation, first we will see the image Creation window, and then a slightly modified "Record" window. The copy operation is elementary, and if before you did not have any questions, then they will not be here.

"Image Search", located all in the same left area of \u200b\u200bour application, is designed to quickly scan disk space. With it, it is convenient to search and add images to the workspace Alcohol.

Search for hard disk images

DVD / CD Dispatcher, Disk Erase and Audio Converter

Disk Manager All of the same "main operations" panel allows you to find out some information about your drive. In addition to the main moments, such as the name of the drive and the recording speed, you can see which discs can read and write your drive. The routine for erasing the disks does not look difficult - here the entire pair of settings. We specify speed and type and click on "erase". As for the "audio converter", this option is not included in the basic part of the Alcohol program and will have to pay extra (if, of course, decide that this application you need).

Mastering images

The last major component of the Alcohol program is the "Master of Image". You can call it from the "Basic Operations" panel. It serves to create images from files stored on your hard disk of your computer. The thing is definitely very useful. So, after calling the wizard, a window appears in which you must place files from which in the future will be elbow. This can be done by simply dragging the desired objects to the active window "alcohol" or using the "Add file" and "add folder" commands. After the objects are added to the Wizard window, click on the "Next" button. In the next page, choose the placement of the image, with the head of it and choose the format. After that, again, use the "Start" button.

Mastering images

Using images

Creating images. We have considered entirely. And how to view files recorded in the form of images? Everything is very simple. For this, the virtual drives that we created first are used. File image is identical to the usual optical disk. In order to run it, you must transfer the desired file from the workspace to the lower menu of the Alcohol program. Where there are "Virtual DVD / CD drives". Place the image on the icon of any drive and that's it! Now, using My Computer or any file manager, you can view mounted images. In the computer, they are displayed as ordinary drives.

Entering the image in the drive


Alcohol 120% to date one of the best programs of its kind. It is easy to use, but at the same time possesses a good functionality.

An example of opening / launching ISO, NRG, MDF and MDS images of the Alcohol program 120%

2. Start the installation, agree to the creation of a virtual drive.

After rebooting the computer, going to "My Computer", we see that we have another CD / DVD drive. I need it.

After starting the program, the program scans the system and create a virtual drive.

In the window that appears, there will be a list of possible letters for the disk.

We vibe, for example, "W". That's all! You have a virtual drive in which you can mount a variety of file-image.

3. Now, to mount the downloaded image in the created virtual drive, just click on it right mouse button and choose " Mount image"

Mount the image for opening ISO NRG MDF and MDS

4. In the window that opens, specify the image file you need, double-clicking on the cursor. The image is automatically mounted in the virtual drive and autorun it is executed if this function is not prohibited in your settings.

Method 2 Opening MDF, MDS, ISO, NRG Using Alcohol 120%

Also everything is very simple:

1. Right-click on the downloaded file (in the example of the MDS extension)

Open ISO NRG MDF and MDS Files

2. In the menu that opens, select " Mount image"And specify our created virtual drive.

Method 3. If the drop-down menu does not specify the ability to select a drive

On some computers, with stiff security settings, with the prohibitions of changing the registry entries, with the prohibition of changes to the context menu, with the bad settings of antivirus, may not appear. Mount image"

1. In this case, you can double-click on the image or select " to open with"

2. In the window " Selection of the program"Point Alcohol 120%, You can still put a tick "Use it for all files of this type."

In this case, all files with the MDF, MDS, ISO or NRG extension, depending on the extension of this file being opened, will be associated with the Alcohol program 120% and immediately open the program.

3. The program will start, in the window that opens, select the desired image, the program itself mounts it into the drive and starts.

And also infa:

Instruction: how to virtual disks

1. Press sample search

2. Choose the place where they lie
3. Click search

4. We allocate the required swables you need 5. Click add files to Alkagol
(Instead of all these items, it was possible to simply drag the file file to the main field of the program)

6. Press the virtual disk

7. Select the number of disks(to do it only once, because by default, the defaults are disabled)

8. Click OK

9. Press twice the file you need at the same time it is virtual (if, for example, asks the second disk - do the same)

10. Rejoice in the result.

Nowadays, the game is increasingly produced not on physical CD and DVD discs, but on the so-called disk images. It is much more convenient, because you do not need to store somewhere and overwrite information from them to avoid damage. Yes, and transfer information in the form of an image is much more convenient - you can simply pour on any file sharing and reset someone's link. And to mount this image of the game allows the program Alcohol 120%.

For mounting the image of the game in Alcohol 120%, it is necessary to have only two things - the image itself in MDS or ISO format, as well as the presence of a virtual drive into 120% alcohol. Usually this is created when installing the program. If you need to create a virtual drive, use this instruction. And then you must perform all the steps of the next instruction.

Instructions for mounting an image of a game in alcohol 120%

After that, the disk image will be mounted on a virtual drive. If autorun is provided on it, the user will see the disk startup window. If nothing happens, you need to go to the "computer" ("This computer", "my computer") and find a mounted image there, after which it is possible to open it with a double mouse.

Thus, you can easily mount the image in Alcohol 120%. As we see, absolutely nothing complicated about it. It usually does not occur in particular problems, except for broken images and an incorrectly installed alcohol program 120%. In most cases, everything turns out from the first attempt.
