Works e. How does email work? How does email work? What can you learn from this

In November 2017, the mayor's office announced the launch of the E-ticket system, a single ticket for all types of urban electric transport: trams, trolleybuses and metro. The introduction of modern technology took place not without problems: the validators did not work on time, and some of the terminals selling cards were damaged in the very first days. Nakipelo journalists tested the system on themselves.

Stage one: purchase and replenishment of the card

Finding a place where you can buy an E-ticket is a separate quest: on the city council website, we could not find a map where all 325 terminals would be marked. But such a map was made by our colleagues from the "Status Quo" publication, however, we could not fully verify its reliability.

The terminal closest to our office is located at the trolleybus stop near the Universitet metro station. It is quite easy to buy an E-ticket: you need to select the appropriate item in the menu and deposit 30 hryvnia. For this money, you will receive the card itself and the right to one trip. The machine does not give change. The card can be returned by getting your money back minus one trip (if you use it up). However, there are no instructions on how to return the card and reimburse its value.

Problems arose later when it was necessary to replenish the account. After checking the map, we went to the terminal on Nauki Avenue, but it did not work. Crossing the road, we found another machine. It worked, but it slowed down the touch screen interface: the terminal “thought out” each action for 10-15 seconds. As a result, we managed to replenish the account, but we never received the check.

It will be more difficult for beneficiaries to get a card: they need to contact any Megabank branch, CNAP or the district administration, give a completed application form, a copy of their passport, identification code and certificate giving the right to free travel. On assurances of officials, in 3-4 weeks the beneficiary will receive an SMS with the notification that it is possible to pick up the card.

Beneficiaries from other cities will have to pay the full fare: they will not be issued cards. However, this does not apply to IDPs: they will have the same rights as members of a territorial community.

“You correctly asked the question about the region and nonresident citizens. Please tell me, do you pay for your neighbor's apartment? It was not I who defined it, so the law says: everything that is adopted by the Kharkiv city council has to do with the community members. It is their money that is spent on it. And only they have the right to use it. The only exception are displaced persons, who have the same rights as members of a municipal community, ”-commented on Director of the Infrastructure Department Sergey Dulfan.

Stage two: travel

At each entrance to the tram and trolleybus, validators are installed: green devices, with which you can pay for travel, see the history of the last payments and the account balance. Information is available in three languages: English, Russian and Ukrainian.

We passed six trolleybuses and one tram. In four trolleybuses, we managed to pay for the trip with a card: you need to bring it to the validator and hold it for a few seconds until a message about successful payment is displayed on the screen. Using one card on one validator several times in a row will not work. Beneficiaries who are just applying for cards can travel as before, presenting a certificate. The exact date of the transition to E-ticket for them is not yet available.

In three trolleybuses, validators did not work: the inscription “Out of order” was glowing on the screen. When asked how to pay for the fare, if there was no cash, the conductors made a helpless gesture and offered to travel for free. In trams, according to the drivers, the system, in principle, is not yet connected and when it will work is still unknown.

During the experiment, we were the only ones who tried to use E-tickets - the rest of the passengers bought paper tickets.

In the coming week, new terminals will be installed in the metro, which will accept electronic tickets. It will be possible to pay for travel through them starting from February 1. Old-style cards will work until January 1, 2019.

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We live in an era when speed is everything. If from a hundred to two hundred years ago people were content with sending paper letters, which sometimes took more than one month, or even a year, now people are accustomed to the fact that in just a couple of moments it is possible to send a digitized letter anywhere, even to another city. at least to another continent, and just as quickly get an answer. Nowadays, very few people imagine what it would be like to write real letters and wait for months for an answer, hoping that it reached the recipient at all. Of course, after all this, the telegraph was invented, and then the original Internet, which accelerated the transfer of almost any data by hundreds of times. But all the same it took quite a long period of time by today's standards.


This is primarily a digital information transmission standard, which is a multichannel system of thirty-two separate channels. Thirty for direct transmission, and the remaining two - as auxiliary (service), providing synchronization between the sending and receiving sides. Each of the thirty-two data streams has a throughput of sixty-four kilobytes per second, which, by simple calculations, adds up to two thousand forty-eight kilobytes per second, which is equal to two megabytes. The E1 stream can be transmitted using a fiber-optic or copper line using a modem.

Information transfer method

The E1 digital stream owes its bandwidth primarily to the fact that the information transmitted by it is distributed into frames, in turn, the frames are divided into thirty-two intervals (time slots), each of which has 8 bits. The number of slots can vary from one to thirty-one, depending on the type of stream. Often thirty intervals are used, leaving zero and thirty-second as auxiliary.


In order to expand the amount of useful information without expanding the bandwidth, groups of frames called multiframes are used. Mostly they are of two types:

  • 256N - In which pairs of one even and one odd frame are used. It is used if the sixteenth time slot is available to the user. In this case, thirty-one time slots are used to transmit the payload. (One thousand nine hundred and eighty-four kilobytes per second).
  • 256S - In which there are sixteen frames and the sixteenth time slot itself is used to transmit end-to-end information. Such multiframes are used to transmit voice information. In this mode, the maximum number of used time slots will be thirty. (One thousand nine hundred and twenty kilobytes per second).

Basic flow signal

The basic signal E1 is, first of all, a digital signal, which means that it is transmitted by means of a binary code, that is, zeros and ones. In E1, the signal is encoded using a special modulation called HDB3, which, in turn, is an improved version of the AMI method. In AMI, code zeros were transmitted as zero voltage and ones as positive or negative impulse. There was one significant problem with this coding method. It could not transmit a long sequence of zero pulses, since it was impossible to transmit a synchronization signal. In HDB3, the limitation is removed, since a nonzero signal will be automatically inserted into any sequence that is longer than four zeros, which on the receiving side will be filtered through the so-called "Bipolarity violation", which perceives the violation of the sequence as part of the string of zeros and removes the unnecessary signal, restoring the original the code.

Where is E1 stream used?

As it became clear from all of the above, this is an extremely convenient way of multichannel information transfer with a stable bandwidth. This determined the further direction in the use of this system. Connecting the E1 stream is more appropriate in large companies that are in dire need of an internal multichannel telephone or Internet system. Indeed, with just one physical stream, thirty high-quality voice / Internet channels can be provided.

Also, do not forget that the E1 stream transmits information in portions. This means that it is possible to assemble a "mosaic" of signal parts only with the help of a special encryption algorithm. This can play into your hands, since for each individual physical cable you can configure your own personal algorithm, which will minimize the chance of information leakage when intruding into the network from the outside.

Most often, the E1 stream is used in large and small companies, whose activities are closely related to telephone communications. These can be Call-centers, dispatch centers, hot lines, as well as some simple offices. E1 is a universal thing, so you can use it almost everywhere.

People use email every day but don't really understand how it works, assuming it's too technical. The concept of email is pretty simple. Just like you don't need to know how to fix a USPS delivery vehicle to understand how mail gets to your inbox, you don't need to understand what the geek says how to find out how email gets to its intended destination.

There are many parallels between email and regular postal mail. The biggest difference is in speed, which is why regular mail is called street mail... If not, the similarities between email and mail are numerous.

The message was compiled on the computer using e-mail: customer... The email program concatenates the text you wrote ( body) with recipient, subject, date and time (title ).

Then your email program (client) sends the message to the email server using the protocol Simple Message Transfer Protocol or SMTP. An email server is basically a program that runs on another computer. For most people, the computer is at your ISP or ISP.

At the server, the message is dissected and the recipients are selected from the message fields, Cc and Bcc in the header. The SMTP server then finds the host computer for the recipients. For example, if a message is sent to billg @ microsoft. com, the server is looking for Microsoft. com and sends a message to that computer.

Within a few nanoseconds, a message travels across the Internet when it connects to the target computer.

On the destination computer, another SMTP server retrieves the message and puts it in the mailbox for the intended user. There he sits and waits for the user to log in to collect mail. But a mailbox on a server is not the same as a mailbox in your PC's mail program.

The recipient's mail program collects new messages from their ISP server. The mail program uses Post Office Protocol (POP) to retrieve the message. POP is used instead of SMTP because email is no longer sent over the Internet; he arrived. All POP selects the message waiting on the server and sends it back to the user's computer and mail program.

After mail messages are located on the recipient's computer, they are stored in a database. Secretly, all e-mail programs are database programs. After receiving your messages, they exist in different mailboxes organized by your mail program: for example, Inbox, Deleted Items, and Junk.

    The email methods described here do not apply to email systems in large organizations such as Lotus Notes or Microsoft Exchange.

    In addition to POP, the method is used Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) for reading e-mail. Unlike POP, IMAP does not delete messages from a user's mailbox on the server until the user deletes the message. Web mailers such as Gmail and Hotmail often prefer IMAP.

    Your email is stored on the provider's computer until you retrieve it. If you don't receive these messages, your mailbox on the ISP's mail server keeps filling up until it swells that no more messages can be received.

    Most ISPs limit the size of your mailbox. In addition, your account may have limits on the size of individual messages, which often cannot exceed 5 or 10 megabytes. Check with your ISP for specifics.

    When your mailbox is full, the ISP bounces off any new email you may receive. The message is returned to the sending SMTP computer, but the sender may not receive a bounce notification.

On May 23, Rostov-on-Don hosted the Yandex.Market press club “Development of online commerce in the Southern Region”. Company representatives told reporters about the main trends in the e-commerce market in Krasnodar and other large cities in the region.

Head of Analytics, Yandex.Market talked to Vladislav Ismagilov, head of analytics at Yandex.Market, about global trends and Russian features of e-commerce, the explosive growth of the Krasnodar audience of buyers on the Internet, and the irrational fears of consumers.

How does the Yandex.Market business model work?

- "Yandex.Market" is a commodity aggregator, that is, we post offers from online stores. For a long time, the main business model of Yandex.Market was the sale of clicks. The user came in, chose some offer, clicked on the link and went to the website of the online store. At that moment, Yandex.Market was taking money from the online store for the perfect transition. This is how the stores solved their tasks of attracting traffic, as a result, attracting orders, the so-called leads. Yandex.Market acted as a traffic generator.

Like any fragmented market - and on the Internet, according to various estimates, there are about 40 thousand online stores - e-commerce in Russia is being consolidated. We realized that the existing business model was not effective enough to unite online stores on the site and retain a loyal audience of consumers, so we launched the “order on the Market” format. Having selected a product, the user can place an order without going to the store's website. The person gets the feeling that he bought the product on Yandex.Market, and the site, in turn, monitors the quality of the service and is ready to return the prepayment if any difficulties arise.

Accordingly, now we have two business models - selling clicks and selling finished orders to an online store. It is clear that for the order we charge a percentage of the cost of the goods. On the other hand, online stores can optimize their costs for attracting orders. This is a much more controllable model than CPC (cost per click).

What is the portrait of a typical consumer of e-commerce services (e-commerce)?

- Do you know the bike about the average pilot? In one of the developed countries, they made a new model of an aircraft. The cockpit was created for the average parameters of the pilots, but in the end it turned out to be inconvenient for most of the real pilots.

So it is here. There is practically no portrait of a typical customer, and all e-commerce is built on segments. Already the male / female division describes buyers in completely different ways. Men buy less often, but with a higher average bill and more in categories related to electronics, goods in the category "auto". The opposite is true for women: they buy frequently, with a smaller average bill, in the categories “clothes” and “beauty and health”. They are united only by certain features of the Russian market. Russians want to first see the goods, make sure that this is exactly what they need, and only then pay. Recently, this process has been shrinking, people are becoming willing to pay just by seeing the product in the picture. On the one hand, it develops all sorts of interface solutions for online stores. They provide much more quality photos or a 3D model to spin and detailed descriptions. Then the user can make a purchase decision as if he had already held it in his hands.

What is holding back the development of e-commerce in Russia?

- In many ways, logistics. We have all the tasks associated with the delivery of goods from the store to the user, by definition, more difficult than in Europe - we have long distances. In order for an online store to provide quality services, it needs to invest a lot of money in this logistics, because it is very dependent on volumes. That is, the more orders, the lower the costs for each individual product. Trucks do not run idle, everything in the warehouse works semi-automatically, the cost of logistics is dropping. And our market is quite fragmented, and each individual player cannot invest a lot in logistics.

The second is various irrational stoppers and barriers of perception of the users themselves. For example, they do not want to pay for delivery, they are ready to go and pick up their goods on their own. When the store says that you cannot pick it up yourself, you can only use courier delivery, users refuse to buy. Although formally, they have already been thrown off from the cost of the goods much more O the greater amount.

How can you popularize e-commerce in Russia and is it necessary?

- It seems that almost everyone knows about the opportunity to buy something on the Internet. At least everyone who uses the Internet. As such, communication such as "Buy on the Internet!" not the most efficient way. Large and part of medium-sized online stores that provide good service do it directly by their work. That is, when a person receives an excellent service from some online store, he will tell his friends about it, and they will also go to buy on the Internet. Even if he prepaid something, and, conditionally, he was deceived, but then the money was returned, this also popularizes e-commerce in Russia.

How does B2B (business-to-business, business to business) feel in e-commerce, how developed is it?

- Recently I came across a study of the US market, where a couple of years ago the turnover of the B2B segment of e-commerce was about 700-800 billion dollars - more than their own segment of B2C (business-to-customer, business for private clients). In Russia, this is so far developed to a lesser extent. Perhaps because we value relationships, when they take from one supplier for a long time, regular customers receive discounts for some volumes and there is no task every time to look for a new partner for purchase.

- Rather, they are, as usual, in the heads. People periodically refuse to buy, because they think: if my TV, conditionally, breaks down, then it is not clear where to carry it to be repaired, because this store is not in my city. In fact, there are very few cases when someone's TV set breaks down and needs to be carried somewhere. Potential risk creates more buying stoppers than actual risk. Therefore, many online stores play on this: as soon as something breaks with you, we will return everything to you. In fact, this does not happen so often, so they are ready to treat the user's pain in a big minus. Other user risks are protected by other services. You can complain about a product of inadequate quality, and this problem will already be addressed by other services.

How do you deal with product reviews? How important are they for the functioning of Yandex.Market?

- Of course, this is one of our main options. We see from many studies that reviews on Yandex.Market, services such as iRecommend, Otzovik, are very important for making a purchase decision. A service that convinces a person not to buy something also binds him to itself. Now the user is sure: "This service is as honest as possible, if anything, he will tell me not to buy."

The base of reviews that Yandex.Market has collected will be collected by an ordinary online store for years, which is probably why we monitor their quality. There are all sorts of anti-fraud systems that determine: this review is real, and this one is not. There are also various kinds of checks that we carry out manually. We call users who left reviews or bought a product on Yandex.Market. We ask: how was the purchase, is it true that you left a review, etc. We will not take into account fake reviews in the rating of the model or even publish on the site.

A bit of a philosophical question: what are the advantages of e-commerce for the Russian economy? Logistics, prices, taxes - in these aspects does the economy benefit from the development of e-commerce? Or is she, for example, losing jobs?

- These are structural changes. Offline retail is moving online, people go to stores less, and businesses can abandon high costs for maintenance, lease of space and invest these funds in the development of new jobs related to logistics or delivery. What is happening here is more of a change than an unconditional rise or fall in terms of jobs. E-commerce in a large territory of Russia is a very resource-intensive process, and at all stages: assembly, order picking, processing returns, writing information systems that will take into account these commodity movements, and warehouse process analytics systems. All this in many ways creates more new vacancies than offline. Therefore, I do not see any negative here.

The e-commerce market is growing, while the economy is not growing. Can we assume that overcoming the crisis, economic growth plus a decrease in currency risks can accelerate the development of e-commerce by several times? Or is it a gradual process related to technological aspects, the level of penetration of gadgets?

- During the crisis, the incomes of the population fall, while expenses remain at the same level or even grow. The main reason people buy online is because of the price. In a crisis, people have less money, and they should bring maximum benefit. Therefore, consumers, especially after hearing the recommendations of friends, go to the Internet. No matter how it sounds, but if things are going worse in Russia, then everything is not so bad in e-commerce.

According to your research, users choose products on smartphones but buy from desktops. Why is this happening? Don't you think this is due to the perception that mobile platforms are less immune to hackers?

- On the one hand, this is so, on the other hand, life is accelerating, people have less free time, especially in large cities. People not only choose goods on the go, but even have a snack. Therefore, say, when they are in transport, this is some free time that can be spent on choosing purchases, viewing, of course, from a smartphone.

But, as we can see, the main stopper still lies not in security issues, but in the usability of the interface. Many online stores want to receive as much information as possible about the user at the time of ordering, almost the series and passport number. And for this you need to type a lot of text, which is inconvenient to do on a mobile.

The trends are as follows. First, people come to the Internet, consume content - video, music, news. After a year or two, they cease to be afraid to buy on the Internet. Now we are already in the phase when content is consumed from mobile devices, it is convenient to read news and watch videos from the phone. Over time, they will also cease to be afraid to pay from the phone.

There are technologies that are changing the mobile Internet itself. For example, in the past, in order to order food online, you had to install a special application. Now technologies such as instant messengers allow solving almost all tasks on the Internet in one interface. You can order food, call a taxi, buy goods.

Let's talk about the explosive growth of e-commerce users in Krasnodar, what is the reason for this phenomenon?

- In one of the studies, RBC Krasnodar was called a city of growing business. Moreover, business is not only on the Internet, but in general - the growth of entrepreneurship. It is one of the fastest growing cities in Russia. When we received figures for a couple of months, indicating an explosive growth, we were interested in why this is happening. There are no pronounced audience surges in e-commerce, for example, in the summer and on New Year's. That is, the growth is explained by the rapid development of business and the fact that Krasnodar is a tourist-transit city, where many people come.

When we studied how people buy from mobile devices, we asked: where are they at this moment? The most popular answers are at home or in transport, and unexpectedly the top 4 were answered that at the time of the purchase people were on vacation. That is, there is free time on the beach, which users are not averse to spending on shopping on the Internet.

In the 1990s, Joseph Jacobson invented another type of electronic paper and founded the E Ink Corporation, which teamed up with Philips to bring the technology to market. How does a modern E-Ink display work - more on that in today's issue!

The active layer of the E-Ink display contains miniature transparent capsules with black and white particles (pigments). Black and white particles react differently to the appearance of an electric potential: positively charged white particles are attracted to negatively charged electrodes, while negatively charged black particles are attracted to positively charged contacts. At the same time, microcapsules with pigment are very small - their diameter is comparable to that of a human hair. In the neutral state, white and black particles are located inside the microcapsules in an arbitrary position. But when a positive electric charge is imparted to a certain area of ​​the screen, in all microcapsules in this area, white particles move to the frontal part. And the black ones are drawn by the electric field to the back side of the microcapsules, thereby hiding from the user's gaze. As a result, the display shows a white spot - a white pixel point. If you change the polarity of the applied electric potential, then black pigment particles will appear on the front side of the capsules, and white ones on the back. And at the same place on the display, a black spot will be displayed.

E-Ink displays use an active matrix similar to those found in LCD and OLED displays. This allows large and complex images to be created on the electronic ink screen.

In addition to monochrome E-Ink displays, there is also multicolor e-paper. It consists of thin colored optical filters that are added to the monochrome display. Many points are broken down into triads of three colors: cyan, magenta, and yellow. Unlike LCD and OLED displays, which use red, green and cyan colors and their addition, in E-Ink colors are formed by subtraction, as in printing.

The advantage of E-Ink technology is battery life, which compares favorably with devices with LCD and OLED displays. The fact is that an e-paper-based display consumes energy only when the displayed information changes, while an LCD display consumes energy constantly. However, E-Ink displays have a very slow refresh time compared to LCDs. This prevents complex interactive interface elements from being displayed. Another disadvantage is the susceptibility of some E-Ink screens to mechanical damage.
