How to change the entry in contact. How to delete an event in contact how to edit post in contact after a day

Currently, in order to call people to meet, tell about interesting events, to hold a seminar to do and issue an event in VC. Organize it is very simple when you have good . From her behalf it is possible to create an unlimited number of meetings. However, in order not to confuse, it is periodically necessary to clean our community and remove events in VKontakte, which have already ended and lost their relevance.

How to delete an event in VKontakte, which he himself created

A complete list of all the meetings you ever spent in VC can be viewed on the page of your community. Directly under the area of \u200b\u200bthe video recordings, on the right, you can notice the tab that reports all the events. To remove the past event you created VKontakte, You need to go to the main meeting page. It is important to note that in VKontakte does not make it possible to erase all the information about the past events.

If you wish that the meeting information is completely erased, you will have to manually remove snapshots, community information, delete video and audio, and participants. To remove all information about the event from VK search:

  1. Remove all meeting participants. Navigate to the community management area. Click on the "Participants" tab. To the right on behalf of each person who took from you an invitation to participate in the event, there is a special button to delete. The less participants will be in your meeting, the harder it will be to find it in the search.
  2. Immerse an outdoor event in closed. To make a closed meeting, in which people will not be able to get without an invitation, open the information about the group information.

Move down the page. Opposite the tab "Group Type", stop your choice at the "Closed" paragraph. After, you will unsubscribe from this event. Then, from your profile, go to the "My Groups" tab. Watch out management information. If you are all right, the remote event will disappear from this list. After some time, the VK administration will delete an empty community from the search.

Events VKontakte

Events VKontakte It is possible to organize both separate and on behalf of its community. In any case, to organize a meeting, you need to open the group management section. Touch the new community button.

If you have a sufficiently large group from which you want to call To a new meeting, then the rational all organize an event on behalf of the community. To do this, on the Event Management page, specify your community as an organizer.

To get a large number of people as soon as possible to launch advertising in VC. It may be targeted advertising, advertising in large public videos with similar topics, as well as connecting other organizers for conducting an encirculation.

How to change the message?

Change the sent message in personal correspondence can during the day (24 hours) From the moment of sending it.

  1. Click on the message or in front of it the cursor. In a mobile application, you just need to click on the message once, keep your finger.
  2. Choose item "Edit" Or press the edit button, it looks like a pencil:

In the full version of VK:

In the mobile version of VK:

Then edit the message and click the tick:

Changes will be saved. That's all! You edited a message. If necessary, you can repeat.

In the full version of VK can be done like this:

  1. Clean that the cursor is in the input field and flashes (if not - click the space).
  2. Click up the arrow on the keyboard ().
  3. Enable the editing of your last sent message.
  4. Edit the message and press Enter (ENTER).

This can be done, even if your message has already been answered.

Does the person know that the post is edited?

Next to the message will appear (ed.) - That is, "edited." She is just needed so that the recipient understand that the message has been changed. Locking (ed.) Not to remove:

In addition, if a person has enabled the feature of notifications of new messages by e-mail, then the first version of the message is still seen if it goes to mail.

Can you change messages only through the site VK? And through the application on the phone?

You can change the sent message in PM and in full, and in the mobile version of the site Vkontakte, as well as in official mobile applications VK on iPhone and Android. In mobile applications, this feature appeared later, and if you have an old version, then it may not be editing. You need to update the application.

How to edit messages, comments, answers in groups?

Almost the same. In the full version of the VK, you need to bring the cursor to the message and click the pencil button. In the mobile - click on the pale arrow in the lower right corner of the message, the menu will open, then select item "Edit". And this can be done in the application on the phone. In the mobile application VK to open the menu simply click on the message. By changing the message, click "Save."

Answers to other questions about editing messages in VK

How long can the sent message be changed?

During the day (24 hours) from the moment of sending, but not since the last editing. After the expiration of the deadline, the message is no longer changed.

How many times can you edit the message?

As much as you want.

Is it possible to edit the read message?

Yes, you can. Just as unread. In any case, the mark will appear next to him (ed.) - That is, "edited." The message read will change, but will remain "read".

Will the message read unread, if I edit it?

No, it will remain to look read.

Is it possible to edit and completely erase (delete) a message?

Is it possible to change other people's posts?

Of course, it is impossible.

How to edit a message if you are listed in the emergency?

Why can't I change the message?

Possible reasons:

  1. It passed more than a day (24 hours) from the moment you sent it. After this time expires, edit the message is no longer possible.
  2. You are trying to change the message in the old version of the mobile application on the phone, and there it has not yet been such an opportunity. Update app or go to your VC via mobile or full version of the site.

Why do you need editing messages?

So that you can fix some stupid typical or something to rephrase, if I wrote and thought that the interlocutor would not fully understand you.

How to see what a message was before editing?

No, but if you have enabled notifications about new messages per mail, then the first message will come there.

How to find out how much a message was edited?

Move the cursor on the mark (ed.) - A pop-up hint appears in which the message editing time will be specified.

How to save the initial message in case the person edits it?

If you worry that the interlocutor will change his message in personal interests, hesitated him and moved himself (by clicking the button "Forward", Find yourself in dialogs by name). Now, even if the person edits him, you will have a copy of the original with the date and time.

This is another type of community VKontakte. In fact, it is created for the sake of a single event. The appearance resembles a group, or a public page (see). You make out the event (see), add the necessary materials. And after the holding, you can delete.

Now I will show you how to create an event vkontakte.

and click "Create a community".

The form will open. Type the name there, and specify the type of "Event".

You will go to the page where you want to specify settings and parameters. The most important thing is to indicate the time, place and organizer. Then click "Save".

The event will be created, and you will be moved to it.

We decorate and invite the participants in the event

In the menu block, you have four functions:

And do not forget to download the cover.

Now let's invite friends.

You yourself must join the event. To do this, click on the button. "Join". After that button will appear "Invite friends" (cm. ).

The form in which the list of your friends will be shown (see). Here click on the link "Send invitation"For each person you want to see at your event.

"Events" are one of the varieties of communities in the social network "VKontakte". They may even be very by the way when the user has gathered to organize an interesting party, a mass meeting or concert, which needs to be invited by a certain number of people.

You will not have to send messages to each of those whom you would be wanted to invite the event, it will be enough for it to just create a community with the "event", filling it with information about the upcoming event and add desired friends to the list of invited.

How to create your own "event"

Do not need any rights on the site or special skills in order to create it. Everything is in fact before the disgrace is elementary simply and very clear. All you need to do is:

- go to the "My Groups" tab;
- click "Create a community" at the top on the right;
- choose the type of community - "Events";
- Enter the name of your "event";
- Press the "Create Community" button. Now your "events" are ready!

By the way, you can not think about the name of your event for a long time, it will be possible to change it at any time.

In order to find the "event" that you created, you need to go to the "Group" tab, then select the "community" and at the top, in the "nearest events" block will see a list of your current "events".

To proceed to the management of the "Event", it is necessary to do the following:

- go to the "Events" page and choose from the list of interest to you;
- Under avatar, in the right "menu" click "Community Management".

In the management of "Events" you will have four groups of settings:

- Full information about your "event";
- List of participants "Events";
- section "Black" List ";
- Various "links".

Consider in more detail the settings "Information about the event":

- Community Description, address and title:
Here you can specify the main information about the event that should take place.

- Event organizer:
Typically, your "name" and "surname" are specified here, and here you can specify in the form of your mobile phone number and email addresses - additional information.

- Time for how much it starts and when your event is over.

- The place where the event will be conducted: here you can specify all geographical benchmarks, up to attaching a map with a route.

- Ability to configure "Privacy on the Wall": Open, closed, disabled and limited. On the "closed" wall will be disabled any comments, and only on behalf of the group will be recorded.

- Ability to configure the "privacy of video, photos and audio recordings".

- Section "Materials":
By connecting this section, on the main page of your "Event" can be placed a block with absolutely any material, it can be pages with some texts, recordings, songs and much more, at your discretion.

- Ability to configure the "Privacy of Your Event": The meeting is carried out open or closed. Only after the commission of the community administration can be joined on a closed meeting.

Now we'll figure it out with the section "Participants".

It is indicated here all who joined your community, and will take part in your "event".

You can delete here from meeting someone from the participants or appoint someone to the organizer of someone.

You can block users in the "Black List" settings section, for example, for spreading spam or some other sins.

How can I delete "Event"

Alas, but it is impossible to completely delete the "Event" you have created on the site. However, it is possible to make it so that all participants are "event" not displayed more in the "nearest meetings." To do this, it is necessary to go to the settings of the "meeting information" and change the date of the beginning and completion of the event for such that has long passed.

You can also manually clear the name "Events" and full information about this community.

Is it possible to make amendments in VKontakte or, on the contrary, why not edit records in contact? Such an opportunity for the owner of the page is, however, compliance with some conditions.

How to edit an entry in VKontakte on the wall or still why you can not edit the VK recording

Vkontakte page needs to remember the "24 hours" rule. Social network administrators have established a deadline for which the author of the Wall of VKontakte can make any changes to the previously published post. A little earlier such a temporary limit was only 1 hour, then 4 hours. Today, the owner of the page can edit the record within 24 hours.

To make corrections, you must on the right at the top of finding an icon indicated by a small pencil symbol. When you hover the cursor on the icon will open, in which you can do anything to change the content, add or delete the placened text. After the editing session is completed, it is enough to save the changed post, and it will appear on the wall in the updated form.

If the author of the record does not remember the specific publication time, it is enough to look at it carefully - after the day after the publication, the editing icon (pencil) disappears. The only way out in such a situation is a complete removal of the recording by pressing the cross on the right, and the placement of a new post.

Recording in the group: Is it possible to change its content. Why VKontakte can not edit record?

Private participants in the VKontakte group who are not administrators or community moderators can publish entries on the walls in groups, offer and post news, leave comments under published posts. If you need to change the published information, it is advisable to use the edit function.

Editing a record in the VKontakte group is possible only for 1 day from the date of publication. If the record has not yet been outdated, then it is necessary to find for the introduction of corrections. In the window that opens, you can correct the text, add or delete pictures and photos. At the end of the editing, you must save the changed recording.

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