The use of text processors in the rescuer's activities. Information technologies in professional activities. Desktop publishing systems

Processing of texts as the direction of development of the technique arose in the first decade of XX century. With the advent of a mechanical typewriter. Then more than half a century, the typewriter remained the only publicly available means of obtaining printed text on paper. It is obvious that when printing on a typewriter, the most time-consuming is the process of introducing changes to the text, when a new version of the document is created using scissors and glue, which is then reprinted again to obtain a clean version. In the process of printing, typos is embarrassed or corrected by the cleaner and re-imprint. The greatest improvements in the typewriter, such as the ability to print frequently repeated texts using a mechanical reading device with coded perforation signs, not fundamentally changed the text preparation process.

With the advent of microprocessor and personal computers based on their basis, the preparation of text documents has gained a fundamentally new basis. In the 1980s. Many text document preparation programs have been developed for various personal computers, characterized in both the functionality and the organization of interaction with users (interface). In the past few years, a program has been distributed with such capabilities that they can be considered desktop publishing systems that allow you to perform not only the input and editing of the text, but also a layout in the interactive mode of complex text with illustrations.

The currently existing computer system preparation systems are significantly different from each other with features, input and editing texts, formatting and printing it, as well as by the degree of complexity of mastering by the user. Selecting a specific software product for text processing is a very important point. A variety of text preparation systems allow you to effectively use the computer to those specialists who are associated with information technology. The process of choice is associated with many factors, but first of all it is necessary to use the principle of reasonable sufficiency.

The most important characteristic of the program of this class could be performed. area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity For which the software product is convenient for use. Text document preparation tools are used to set texts of programs, documents of varying degrees of complexity, scientific articles, books, etc. Limiting factor can be a user qualification.

The most relevant in the process of preparing a text document is the organization Interface The user to whom first includes the language of communication with the program, as well as the I / O devices (keyboard, mouse type manipulator,. The screen of the video terminal and the printing device). Modern text paper preparation systems have most of their user-friendly user interface. However, the developers of text preparation programs take into account the fact that each user has its own style of work on the document (which is convenient for one user group - for another is a hindrance). Therefore, the most attractive for the developer of the document looks softwarein which the interface is configured for their tastes and needs.

From the point of view of convenience for the user, one of the most important properties of text processors is the full compliance of the solid copy (on paper) image of the document on the screen. This characteristic in English is called WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You GET - What You See, then Get). Not the last role when choosing a program play the amount of memory and price.

Currently existing computer text document preparation systems can be classified by volume of functionality or for use for use (Fig. 9.1).

Fig. 9.1. Classification of text document preparation systems

Text editor Text Editor provides input, changing and saving any character text, but it is intended mainly to prepare programs in high-level programming languages, since they do not require formatting, i.e., automatic conversion of the layout of text elements, font changes, etc. P. The program text is historically the first to be processed using a computer. A set of text editors' operations determines the features of the line of printing texts in programming languages, although this set and very wide.

The result of the operation of the on-screen editor is a file in which all characters are the ASCII code table signs (American Standards Committee for Information Interchange) with codes, the values \u200b\u200bof which are greater than 31, as well as the symbols of the new string. Such files are called ASCII files.

Displays ways to control and set of service capabilities, all text editors in one form or another allow:

Visit text with display on the video monitor screen using up to 200 characters;

Correct erroneous symbols in replacement mode;

Insert and delete symbol groups (words) within the string without submitting part of the line, and shifting it to the left (right) entirely in the insert mode;

Remove one or more lines, copy them or move to another text place;

Insert groups of lines from other texts;

Detect all the entry of a certain group of characters (context);

Replace one context to other, possibly different lengths;

Save the typefaced text for subsequent adjustments;

Print text on different types of printing devices (printers) standard programs Print in one font within the document.

From a variety of text editors available, Norton Editor (Peter Norton Computing Inc.), Sidekick (Borland), Brief (Solution Systems), Multi-Edit Multi-Edit Editor (American Cybernetics Inc.), NotePad editor as part of OS Windows. The same category includes programming turbosystem editors. A variety of turbosystems represent convenient integrated tools for creating, compiling, debugging and implementing programs in such popular programming languages \u200b\u200blike Beysik, Pascal, C, Prologue, Assembler. The mandatory component of the turbosystem is an editor with wide opportunities to create and update program texts. The commands of the editors of the Turboosystems are based on the teams of the popular Word Star and highly standardized.

When the main task of the user is to prepare texts in natural languages \u200b\u200bfor printing and printing these documents, the editor's operation set must be significantly expanded, and the software product goes into a new quality - the text preparation system is a product that matches the English-speaking term Word Processor. Such documents for processing documents are focused on working with texts having a document structure, i.e. consisting of paragraphs, pages and sections.

Among the training systems in natural languages, three large class can be distinguished, but with sufficiently blurred boundaries: formatters, text processors and desktop publishers.

Based on the intramaistral structure of the prepared document, it would be possible to offer the following approach to the classification of text preparation systems.

Formatter - The text preparation system that does not use any special codes for the internal presentation of the text, except for the standard: the end of the line, transfer the carriage, the end of the page (in fact, works with ASCII files).

Text processor - Text preparation system, which in the internal representation supplies the actual text with special codes - markup. Basically, text editors and text processors differ in purpose: the first create ASCII files that are used by compilers or formatters, the second - are designed to prepare texts for subsequent printing on paper, the text presentation form is of great importance.

Text processors have special functions that are designed to facilitate the input of text and representing it in printed form. Among these functions, the following can be distinguished:

Entering text under the control of formatting functions that ensure immediate change of the type of page of the text on the screen and the location of the words on it, giving an approximate view of the actual location of the text on the paper after printing;

The ability to pre-describe the structure of the future document in which such parameters as the magnitude of paragraph indents, the type and size of the font for various text elements, the arrangement of the headers, the rigneling distances, the number of columns of the text, the location and method of the numbering of footnotes, etc.;

The ability to automatically check spelling and obtaining a prompt when choosing synonyms;

The ability to enter and edit tables and formulas with displaying them on the screen as in which they will be printed;

The ability to combine documents in the process of preparing text to print;

The ability to automatically prepare the table of contents and the alphabetical reference book.

Most text processors have tools for configuration of computer hardware configuration, in particular on the type of graphics adapter and a video monitor.

Almost all text processors have unique structure data to present text, which is explained by the need to include in the text of additional information describing the structure of the document, fonts, etc., since each word or even a symbol may have its own specific characteristics. Therefore, the text prepared with a single text processor, as a rule, cannot be read by other text processors and, therefore, cannot be edited and printed. In order to compatibility of text documents when transferring them from a single text processor environment, there is a special kind software - converters Supporting the output file in the text processor format - the document recipient. The converter program at the input receives information in one format, and as the result of its work issues information as a file in another (desired) format. Further improvement of text processing systems led to the fact that autonomous converter program practically ceased to exist and entered the component of the text preparation system. Today, the most vivid representatives of text processing programs support popular file formats due to the built-in conversion modules.

The currently existing text processors differ significantly from each other with features, the possibilities for entering and editing text, its formatting and printing, as well as by the degree of complexity of the user. Enough conditionally, these tools can be divided into two categories.

The first category includes text processors, allowing to prepare and print complex and large documents, including books. These include Winword, WordPerfect, Chiwriter, Wordstar 2000, Amipro, T 3. The most popular domestic product in this class, in our opinion, is the text processor "Lexicon".

Text processors of the second category have significantly less possibilities, but it is easier to use, work faster and require less random access memory, significantly lower in cost. Specially designed for text processing system are easier, and they easier to use. This category includes Beyond Word Writer, Professional Write, Symantec Just Write, Daceasy Word.

Desktop publishers Prepare texts according to the rules of printing and with typographic quality. Just as text processors are not a "development" of formatters, desktop publishers are not a more advanced continuation of text processors, since they have a completely different purpose.

Desktop publishing systems (Desktop Publishing, DTP or NIS packets) are essentially a tool of the vestist. The programs of this class are designed not so much to create large documents, how much to implement various types of printing effects. That is, the program of the desktop publisher makes it easy to manipulate text, change page formats, the size of the indents, makes it possible to combine various fonts, work with the material before getting full satisfaction from external view both individual pages (publication bands) and the entire publication.

For a number of functionality, NIS packages are similar to the best text processors, and the border separating them becomes increasingly.

But NIS packages differ from text processors with two more important characteristics. First, NIS packages have more opportunities to manage text preparation. Secondly, the materials prepared in the NIS package look like editions of the highest level of quality, and not just as elegant printouts.

All packages have characteristics that are missing in the absolute majority of textual processors, such as compression and stretching strings, text rotation and a change in distances between lines and paragraphs with a very small increment step, etc.

An external file prepared by the text processor can be printed only by the same text processor. As a rule, printing can be performed on a printer of any type, including on laser. Texts prepared by desktop publishers are printed only on laser printers.

Among the systems for the preparation of text documents in this class, you can also offer division into two subgroups: Professional Desktop Publishings and Publishing Systems of the Initial Level. The system of the first subgroup is designed to work on publications of documents with a complex structure or type of illustrated magazine. Professional level systems include QuarkXpress for Windows, Framemaker for Windows, PageMaker for Windows. However, the development of expensive and complex "desktop printing houses" usually requires significant time costs, so they are unlikely to use them to use those specialists who are only occasionally required and pretty quickly prepare documentation, a letter or announcement.

Systems of the second group are usually not intended to obtain industrial printing products. Users of this NIS class to solve their tasks, usually apply other programs, and NIS is used episodically, for example, when creating an informational bulletin or formation greeting card For replication in a small company. All packages of this category are focused on the beginner and the user who gives publishing activities only part of their working time. The most common in this Microsoft Publisher group, pagePlus for Windows.

The proposed classification of text preparation systems is largely conditional, since some functions of text editors of various classes overlap, new versions of editors are constantly appearing with more improved and complex processing procedures, which blurs the boundaries between classes.

Preparation of texts using text processors lies in the sequential execution of a number of stages:


Editing entered information;

Formatting (design) of individual structural elements of the future document;

Printing a document;

Saving the text of the document and the management of the archive of texts.

Almost every computer user meets with the need to prepare certain documents - letters, articles, service notes, reports, promotional materials, etc. The convenience and efficiency of the use of computers to prepare texts led to the creation of a plurality of programs for processing documents. Such programs are called text editors (Word Processors). The main functions of this class applied software Enclosed in entering and editing texts. Additional features consist in automating input and editing processes.

Text editor - a computer program designed to create and modify text files, as well as browsing them on the screen, printing, searching for text fragments, then software tool providing input, storage, viewing, editing, formatting, output to the screen for control and Print texts.

Conditionally allocate two types of editors, as well as separate work environments containing the editor.

Text editor

The first type is focused on working with a sequence of characters in text files. These editors provide advanced functionality - syntax highlighting, sorting strings, patterns, encoding conversion, symbol codes, etc. Sometimes they are called code editors, since their main purpose is to write source code of computer programs.

Text processor

The second type of text editors has advanced text formatting functions, the introduction of graphs and formulas, tables and objects into it. Such editors are often referred to as textors and are intended to create a different kind of documents, from personal letters to official securities.

Text working environment

Also allocate more general class of programs - text workers. The mediums are a full-fledged working environment in which you can solve a wide variety of tasks: With the help of add-ons, they allow you to write and read letters, web channels, work in wiki and web, keep diary, manage address lists and tasks. Representatives of this class - Emacs, Archy, Vim and ACME from the Plan 9 operating system. Such programs can serve as software development environments. In any case, the latter always contain a text editor as the necessary programming tool.

The principle of operation of a text editor.

The principle of operation of second-class editors and powerful editors is similar to the principle of operation of programming systems.

The text editor provides the user with a text box for entering text and a set of commands for formatting it.

The first step in creating a text document is a set of text. After the text is entered can be processed to its formatting. By issuing a document, the user applies to individual parts of the formatting command. By practicing these commands, the text editor changes the external representation of the formatted text and inserts the formatting elements into the text of the document, which, when reading the document, will be able to definitely interpret them.

At the end of formatting text, the necessary external objects are inserted into the document and format.

It is important here to note that there are two different insertion methods of external objects.

In the first case, the text editor inserts a link to an external object and its formatting items. Accordingly, it requires a constant availability of an object at the specified address. For example, we insert the picture in the image.gif file to the document. When moving, deleting or rename this file, instead of the necessary picture, the text editor will give the error diagnostics or its not a quality image. Therefore, such actions are unacceptable for this approach. However, the convenience of this approach lies in the independence of the external object from the text editor. We can process an external object without launching a text editor, while all changes made above the object will be praised in the text document. In addition, the volume of the text document becomes less, which is relevant for computers with a small amount of RAM.

In the second case, the external object is fully placed in the document, which increases its volume, but makes it independent of the file from which this object is taken. With this approach, the text document does not write a link to the file, but the insertion command of the external object and the codes of this object.

Thus, the text document contains actually text, elements of its formatting; references to external objects or insert commands of objects and codes of these objects; Elements formatting inserted objects.

When reading a file containing a text document, a text editor reads the text and items of its formatting, the insertion commands of external objects and their formatting, interprets these elements and commands (that is, applies to the text and external formatting command objects and displays or another external device) Formatted text and external objects.

In addition to means of paperwork, text editors are often supplied with additional utilities that make it easier to work with the document: search and substitution tools; spell checks, punctuation; means of working with clipboard; reference system according to the program; automation tools (writing scenarios or macros), etc.

Thus, a powerful text editor consists of a text box for entering text, library formatting elements, interpreter of these elements, a number of auxiliary programs for creating and formatting external objects and a set of utilities that facilitate work with the document.

A set of formatting elements is purely individual for each text editor. That is, the interpreter of one text editor cannot understand and correctly work out the elements of another text editor. Nevertheless, the need to read documents created in another text editor still exists. To solve this problem, powerful editors and middle-class editors are equipped with a set of converters that translate elements of another text editor to the commands of this.

Text editor Microsoft Word.

Microsoft Word is a powerful text processor designed to perform all text processing processes: from set and layout, before checking spelling, inserts to the text graphics in * .pcx or * .bmp standard, text prints.

It works with many fonts, both with Russian and with any of the twenty-one in the world. In one of the many useful properties of Word, the automatic text correction on the boundaries, the automatic word transfer and spelling spelling of words, saving text to a certain set time interval, the presence of text and template masters, allowing you to create a business letter, fax, autobiography, schedule, Calendar and more.

Word provides the search for a specified word or fragment of text, replacing it to the specified fragment, deleting, copying to an internal buffer or replacement on the font, headset, or font size, as well as on the superstrate or for substitution symbols. The presence of bookmarks in the text allows you to quickly go to the laid place in the text. You can also automatically include the date, the creation time, the reverse address and the name of the writing text.

Typical interface structure.

The menu bar contains the names of groups of commands combined according to the functional basis. The menu bar is at the top of the screen. The selection of the mode from the menu bar opens the appropriate submenu, and selecting a specific option in it provides access to the lower level menu. Such a system of nested (drop-down) menus is the basis of the text processor interface. The menu commands are selected using the mouse, the cursor control keys or the keystroke combinations of certain keys ("hot keys").

Status bar (status) contains the name of the editable document and determines the current position of the cursor in this document. The line displays background information.

The prompt line contains information about the possible user actions currently.

The working field is the space on the display screen to create a document and working with it. The maximum size of the work field is determined by the standard monitor parameters and is 25 lines of 80 characters each.

The coordinate line determines the boundaries of the document and the tab position. Split a vertical and horizontal line. By default, the coordinate line is graded in centimeters. The zero point of the coordinate line is aligned on the first paragraph of the text.

The scroll ruler serves to move the text of the document in the window of the window. A ruler providing the vertical movement of the text is called a vertical scroll bar, and the horizontal movement of the horizontal scroll ruler.

The cursor is short, as a rule, the flashing line shows the position of the work field in which the text entered or the text element will be placed. In text mode, the cursor is horizontal, located at the bottom of the acquaintance, which shows. In graphic mode, the vertical place is located to the left of the insertion of the next symbol. Each text processor has its own capabilities to ensure the movement of the cursor (as well as the interface management in general). Interface management is carried out using a keyboard and mouse.

For processing text information Applications uses applications general purpose - Text editors.

Text editors are programs for creating, editing, formatting, saving and printing documents. Modern document may contain, except for text, and other objects (tables, diagrams, drawings, etc.).

Simple text editors (for example, notepad) allow you to edit the text and exercise the simplest formatting of the font.

More advanced text editors having a whole range of documents for creating documents (for example, searching and replacing characters, spelling tests, inserting tables, etc.), they are sometimes called text processors. An example of such a program is Word from the MicrosoftOffice office package, or Writer from the StarOffice package.

Powerful text processing programs are desktop publishing systems - designed to prepare documents for publication. An example of such a system - Adobe Pagemaker.

To prepare for publishing on the Internet, Web pages use specialized applications (for example, Microsoft Frontpage or Macromedia Dreamweaver).

Basic elements of a text document

The text of the text editor document contains the following items:

symbol (minimum text of text information);

word (any sequence of symbols, limited from both ends of service characters. A service character is a space, point, comma, hyphen, etc.);

offer (any sequence of characters between two points);

line (any sequence of characters between the left and right borders of paragraph);

paragraph (any sequence of symbols, closed by the Symbol Runting Carette - ).

Editing and formatting

Editing is a conversion that provides adding, deleting, moving or fixing the content of the document.

Editing a document is usually done by adding, deleting or moved characters or text fragments.

An object-oriented approach makes it possible to implement a mechanism for embedding and implementing objects (OLE - Object Linking Embedding). This mechanism allows you to copy and insert objects from one application to another. For example, working with the document in the Word text editor, you can build images, animation, sound and even video phrases and thus from a conventional text document to get multimedia document.

Formatting is a transformation that changes the document presentation form.

Any document consists of pages, so at the beginning of work on the document you need to specify the values \u200b\u200bof the parameters of the page: format, orientation, fields, etc. The standard is the format of the A4 page (21x29.7 cm). There are two possible page orientations - books and landscape. For ordinary texts, a book orientation is often used, and for tables with a large number of columns - landscape.

Formatting paragraphs.

The paragraph from a literary point of view is part of the text, which is a fragment of the work, which is finished in meaning, the end of which serves as a natural pause to go to a new thought.

In computer documents, paragraph is considered to be any text ending with the control symbol of the late paragraph. Entering the end of the paragraph is ensured by pressing the Enter key.

The formatting of paragraphs allows you to prepare correctly and beautifully designed document.

In the process of formatting the paragraph, the parameters of its alignment are set (the alignment reflects the layout of the text relative to the boundaries of the page fields), indents (the entire paragraph may have indents to the left and right) and the intervals (the distance between the paragraph lines), the retreat of the red string, etc.

Formatting font (symbols).

Symbols are letters, numbers, gaps, punctuation marks, special characters. Symbols can be formatted (change their appearance). Among the main properties of characters, you can select the following: font, size, inscription and color.

Font is full set Symbols of a certain design. Each font has its name, for example Times New. Roman, Arial, Comic Sans MS. The unit of font measurement is paragraph (1 pt \u003d 0.367 mm). Font dimensions can be changed in large limits. In addition to the normal (usual) characteristic characters, a bold, mean, bold, bodies, usually apply.

According to the method of viewing in the computer, raster and vector fonts differ. Methods of raster graphics are used to represent raster fonts, font symbols are pixel groups. Raster fonts allow scaling only with certain coefficients.

In vector fonts, symbols are described by mathematical formulas and possible arbitrary scaling. Among vector fonts, fonts like TrueType received the greatest distribution.

You can also install extra options Symbol formatting: Stressing characters various types Lines, changing the type of symbols (upper and lower index, crushed), change the distances between characters.

If a color printing is planned, you can set different colors for different characters groups.

Spell check and syntax

Special software modules are used to check spelling and syntax, which are usually included in text processors and publishing systems. Such systems contain dictionaries and grammatical rules for several languages, which allows you to correct errors in multilingual documents.

File format

The file format defines the text storage method in the file. The simplest text file format (TCT) contains only characters (numeric characters), the other formats (DOC, RTF) contain additional control numeric codes that provide text formatting.

Russian International Academy of Tourism


Department of Management and Information Technologies

Computer technology training text documents

Performed: / Fedin Yu.N. /

Group 061302.

Moscow 2010.

Introduction .................................................................................... .3.

1 Classification of training systems

Textocuments .........................................................5

1.1 Text editors ......................................................... ..5

1.2 Text Processors ..........................................................7

1.3 Desktop Publishing Systems ....................................... ... 12

2 text processor Microsoft Word ............ .. ............ .. ... 19

2.1 Example of a text document preparation program ......... ......... 19

2.2 Editing and formatting text .............................. ..22

2.3 Minimum set of typical operations in the preparation of the text .....24

2.4 Operations produced above paragraphs ................................. ... 25

2.5 Operations produced over text fragments ..................... 26

2.6 Additional text operations ...................................26

Conclusion .............................................................................. ... 29

List of used literature ................................................ .32


It is difficult to imagine the area of \u200b\u200bour daily life, wherever the place for computers and various automation with their use. Where a typewriter was used before, a calculator and other means of automation of labor were now replaced by a computer.

The advantages of computer text preparation compared to those who have previously existed are undeniable. This is the ability to adjust the already existing text, creating various template documents, automated formatting, all sorts of text fitting to standard sheet formats, visual representation of the future document on the computer monitor and much more. All these features fall into the hands of the end user through the use of specialized programs called text editors or text processors.

It is this kind of programs that will be paid to the process of developing the topic of use of the computer that interests me when preparing the text, which is the relevance of this topic.

The object of research in this essay is computer technologies for the preparation of text documents.

The subject of the study is to study the preparation process for various text documents.

The purpose of the study is to study in detail the classification of text processors and on the example of one of them to disassemble text preparation technologies.

To achieve this goal, the following task was required in the essay:

Investigate the tasks and essence of computer textual preparation technologies;

Consider the possibilities of various text editors and processors;

Examine the features of text document preparation processes on the example of Microsoft Word.

When writing the work, educational, reference literature, designed for students of various universities with in-depth study of information technologies, was taken sites that study the processes of text document preparation:,, , as well as various essays of students of universities:,,, www.Syt.

Abstract about text documents is divided into two chapters. The first chapter discusses various classifications of text document preparation systems that will help you get a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bsetting the task and mechanisms for creating a text document. In the second chapter, on the example of the Microsoft Word text processor, the principles of training technology, both structural elements of a text document and a document as a whole are presented.

1 Classification of text document preparation systems

Selecting a specific software product for text processing is a very important point. A variety of text preparation systems allow you to effectively use the computer to those specialists who are associated with information technology. In this case, the most important characteristic of the program of this class can be considered the area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity for which the software product is convenient for use.

Currently existing text document preparation systems are significantly different from each other input capabilities and

editing text, formatting and printing it; According to the degree of complexity of mastering by the user; By volume of functionality and for the purpose for use. For all these characteristics, they can be classified into three large categories:

Text editors,

Text processors

Desktop publishing systems.

1.1 Text editors

The software text is historically first to be processed using a computer. A set of text editors sets

features of the line of printing text in programming languages, although this set and quite wide.

All text editors, distinguishing ways to control and set

service capabilities, allow:

Pick up text with display on the display screen using up to 200 characters;

Correct erroneous symbols in replacement mode;

Insert and delete groups of characters (words) within the row, without changing the not changed part of the line, but shifting it left / right in the entire insertion mode;

Remove one or more lines, copy them or move to another text place;

Slide the strings of the existing text to insert a new fragment there;

Insert groups of lines from other texts;

Detect all the entry of a certain group of characters (context);

Replace one context to other, possibly different lengths;

Save the typefaced text for subsequent adjustments;

Print text on the printers of different types of standard print programs in one font within the document.

A variety of turbo systems are convenient integrated tools for creating, compiling, debugging and implementing programs in such popular programming languages \u200b\u200blike Beysik, Pascal, C, Prologue, Assembler. The mandatory component of turbo systems is an editor with wide opportunities to create and update program texts. The commands of the turbo-systems editors are based on the teams of the popular WordStar program and highly standardized.

1.2 Text processors

In text processors there are special functions to facilitate the input of text and representing it in printed form, among which the following can be distinguished:

Entering text under the control of formatting functions that provide immediate change of the type of page of the text on the screen and the location of the words on it, which gives an approximate view of the actual layout of the text on paper after printing;

Preliminary description of the structure of the future document in which parameters such as the magnitude of paragraph indents, type and font size for various text elements, the location of the headers, the rigneling distances, the number of columns of the text, the location and method of footnotes, etc.;

Automatic spell checking and receiving a hint when selecting synonyms;

Enter and edit tables and formulas with displaying them on the screen as in which they will be printed;

Combining documents in the process of preparing text to print;

Automatic preparation of table contents and alphabetical reference book.

Almost all text processors have a unique data structure for presenting the text, which is explained by the need to include in the text of additional information describing the structure of the document, fonts, etc., since each word or even a symbol may have its own specific characteristics.

The currently existing text processors differ significantly from each other with features, the possibilities for entering and editing text, its formatting and printing, as well as by the degree of complexity of the user. It is sufficiently conditionally these tools can be divided into three large groups:

Inventory text processors,

Powerful professional text processors;

Specialized text processors.

The first group includes WordPad class products from the Windows supplies. The most famous C-WordPad, Wordmagic, Yeahwrite, Crypt Edit, TextViewer and the Domestic Baikal System. Text processors of this group are very easy to use, work faster, require a small RAM and are inexpensive. However, currently these programs are extremely rarely used to prepare and process text documents, as there are minor text processing capabilities. First of all, they are usually missing bilateral alignment of paragraphs, as required by Russian standards for preparing documents; It is impossible to place the transfer, which worsens the appearance of the printed document.

The MS Works text processor occupies an intermediate position between initial-level processors and powerful professional text preparation systems. The program has a complete standard for Windows application interface, editable style library, customizable toolbar. The MS Works processor contains a large number of file converters, templates, master programs; There is a system of checking Russian spelling and grammar; the possibility of inserting footnotes, footers, multicolone layouts, frame flowing, bilateral alignment of paragraphs; automatic transfer module; Own document format is very compact. The disadvantages of MS Works include: a focus on American standards; the inability to apply multilone layouts for a specific part of the document; The complexity of the configuration of the interface (so that all the means of paper design were within visibility, you need to configure the toolbar or edit styles). Therefore, the MS Works text processor is very well suited for creating relatively small and simple documents: notes, letters, abstracts, newspaper and magazine articles.

The second group can include powerful professional text processors, allowing to prepare and print complex and large documents, including books. These include MS Word, Corel Wordperfect, Lotus WordPro, Starwriter and the domestic text processor lexicon.

The most popular program of this group is Microsoft Word - a Windows application designed to create, view, modify and print text documents. MS Word is one of the most advanced programs in the text processor class, which allows you to quickly and with high quality to prepare any document - from a simple note to the original mockup of a complex publication. MS Word makes it possible to perform everything without exception traditional text operations provided for in modern computer technology:

Set and modification of unformatted alphanumeric information;

Formatting characters using a plurality of TrueType fonts of various styles and sizes;

Formatting pages (including footers and footnotes);

Formatting the document in general (automatic creation of table of contents and various pointers);

Check spelling, selection of synonyms and automatic word transfer.

In addition, the MS WORD processor implements the capabilities of binding and embeding objects that make it possible to include text fragments, tables, illustrations prepared in the document windows applications. The program contains a unique collection of such original solutions as: a system of ready-made patterns and design styles; elegant techniques for creating and modifying tables; autotex and autocorrection functions; format brush; custom toolbars; macro-language; Registration of paragraphs, tables, drawings with lines, frames, patterns and other elements of graphic nature.

The main disadvantage of MS Word is low performance when typing a draft text, this is too universal program and high laboriousness when entering complex mathematical expressions, chemical formulas.

The Starwriter is a serious competitors of the MS Word program - the StarOffice system and the lexicon system, which is part of the Russian Office from Arsenal. In the STARWRITER text processor, it is much better than in Word, work with styles is implemented - they can be selected from the "floating" styles panel on the right side of the screen, and making any changes to the style becomes a pair of seconds. Style Library included in Starwriter, surpasses similar to MS Word. The Starwriter menu is practically no different from the Microsoft Word menu, so you can move from one product to another without the slightest work.

A set of basic functions in both processors is similar: automatic transfer of gears, auto-plane, spell check (although Starwriter's stylistic module and thesaurus survey). In semi-automatic mode, you can create various pointers and table contents, mark important elements of text with special bookmarks. All these features from Starwriter are more accessible, as in Microsoft Word, some of them are in the third menu.

or fourth level. The following are the following in the list of supported processor formats: .txt, .rtf, .html i.doc modifications Word 97/2003. Staroffice software package finds use in budget and educational organizations that will not always be able to afford to acquire expensive Microsoft Office.And use "pirated" copies simply do not have the right.

The most popular domestic software product in the processor class is the lexicon program - a classic multi-plate text processor. New version of this software lexicon - XL allows you to work with spreadsheets, in a partly replacing, thus, Microsoft Excel. Compared to the MS Word program, the lexicon program has fewer opportunities that, nevertheless, can meet the needs of the homely and small office employee. The advantage of the program is that in the supply of lexicon included a set of original Russian-speaking fonts from Arsenal company, there are functions added for greater comfort of work in Russian conditions, for example, the ability to quickly cross the fragment, erroneously gained by Latin letters into a normal Russian-speaking view.

In Microsoft Word, this feature can be implemented only with

the help of macros. Due to the configuration, the Russian Standards of Lexicon office standards exceeds even Microsoft Word, as it is equipped with a huge library (more than 100) ready-made templates of documents used in domestic office work - contracts, reports, certificates, acts and many others, so it is good for work in a small office .

The disadvantage of the lexicon is the lack of the function of automatic spelling check, punctuation (only by the user command) and the automatic replacement of the combination of letters to the whole word or phrase for the choice of user (auto-plane); Opportunities for creating tables and work with non-standard paper size (different from A4). There are also shortcomings of the program interface Lexicon , for example, the absence (in normal mode) of lines, runners that set the boundaries of the paragraph, the need to perform many operations through the items of the main menu of the program, and not through the usual toolbar buttons.

The third group includes specialized products: all sorts of Web development tools, processors with text correction feature after forced transcoding, processors with the possibility of entering text in the eastern languages, specialized programs for a set of mathematical, physical and chemical formulas, etc.

For layout of texts with a large number of mathematical and chemical formulas, the publishing system LATEX, created by the American programmer Leslie Lamport, can be used. This system operates on the basis of a specialized programming language of those who developed the American mathematician Donald Knut. Currently, Tex format is a global standard for the preparation of scientific publications in which formulas are intensively used. At the same time, the knowledge of the TEX itself is not required.

Along with the LATEX system, Plaintex and AMS-Tex macroopackets are distributed. PLAINTEX macropile is used in practice as a means for sharing texts with formulas, and AMS-TEX is a publishing system focused on a narrow circle of applications - layout of scientific articles for mathematical journals and books.

To create documents with a large number of mathematical, physical and chemical formulas, the LYX program can be used. This product is a visual environment for preparing documents in LATEX format. The LYX program has a familiar interface of a professional text processor and allows you to create documents of a complex structure saturated with graphics. The style of the style of text, the insertion, footers, footpads, tables are supported. There is a content generator and built-in multilingual support. The interface can be in several languages, including Russian. The disadvantage is the complexity of the file sharing. In addition to its own format and TeX / Latex, you can read and record only documents in TXT and HTML formats. The Windows version of LYX is complex in installation and configuration and requires the presence of cumbersome components, such as TEX compiler, XWindows emulation media and many others.

1.3 Desktop Publishing Systems

The systems of this class are designed not so much to create large documents as for the realization of various types of printing effects. NIS programs allow you to easily manipulate text, change page formats, the size of indents, make it possible to combine various fonts, work with the material before getting full satisfaction from the appearance, both individual pages (bands) and the entire publication.

For a number of functionality, NIS packages are similar to the best text processors, and the border separating them becomes increasingly. However, NIS packages differ from text processors with two important characteristics. First, they have more opportunities to manage text preparation, such as compression and stretching strings, text rotation and a change in distances between lines and paragraphs with a very small increment step, etc. Secondly, the materials prepared in the NIS package look like the publications of the highest quality level, and not just elegant printouts.

Professional desktop publishers;

Publishing systems of the entry level.

The system of the first subgroup is designed to work on publications of documents with a complex structure. These include QuarkXpress, Framemaker, Pagemaker. However, the development of expensive and complex "desktop printing houses" usually requires significant time costs, so they are unlikely to use them to use those specialists who are only occasionally required and pretty quickly prepare documentation, a letter or announcement.

The system of the second group is usually not designed to receive industrial printing products. Users of this class NIS to solve their tasks, as a rule, use other programs, and NIS is used episodically, for example, when creating a newsletter or form a greeting card for replication in a small company. The most common in this group such NIS packages as Microsoft Publisher and POPPLUS for Windows are most common.

The process of preparing any material to publish - printed or electronic - can be divided into several stages:

The first stage is to prepare the text - it is performed using text processors.

The second stage is the preparation of illustrative material - is carried out using graphic editors, such as Adobe Photoshop and CorelDRAW.

The third, final stage - the layout - the process of turning the simple text and illustrations to publish, fully prepared for printing, for example, to the page (band) newspaper or magazine, in a brochure or book, advertising avenue or flyer.

Layout - work for real professionals who not only know the entire list of actions necessary to create a finished publication, but also have some aesthetic taste. After all, any publication must be not only technically flawless, but also just

beautiful, pleasant to the eye.

Like any professional programs, the layout programs require special skills from the user, good knowledge Terminology. Yes, and they are not cheap. However, the exception is Microsoft Publisher, included in Microsoft Office. This program is easy to handle and is inexpensive.

The Microsoft Publisher program is performed in a manner opposite to traditional layout programs. Immediately after starting the program, the user faces masters programs that accompany it during the entire process of manufacturing the publication. This process in Microsoft Publisher is fully automated. The user needs to simply set the program source text and pictures and choose the necessary type of publication - everything else Publisher will try to do. The user's task is to allow the Master program from time to time to go to the next step, select the color schemes (their Publisher offers more than 60 for each type of publication) and options for the location of the items in each document. You can fully automate the process of creating some simple publications, since when you first start the program will ask the user to enter information about yourself and about the firm in which it works. In the future, Publisher will automatically insert this data into the appropriate publication fields, providing the ability to create the same business cards using multiple mouse clicks.

Publisher will help prepare the following types of publications such as bulletins, invitations, postcards, business cards, calendars, advertisements, labels, stickers, all sorts of programs and menus.

Publisher may easily produce both printed and electronic publications. The similarity of its interface with other Microsoft Office family programs, the presence of a large number of master programs that support the step-by-step document creation, and a large archive of ready-made templates make it possible to quickly master the program even injecting in the art of layout of the user.

Adobe Pagemaker, in contrast to the previous program - the product is professional, as it behaves quite passively, without offering the user of the ready-made solutions. All at the discretion of the vestist. Thanks to this, the publications, the burial in PageMaker, are obtained more individual than the work performed in the Publisher program. PageMaker allows you to create multi-page publications of a large area and volume: books, newspapers, magazines with multilone layout and insertion into text graphic images of popular formats, as well as tables. In addition, PageMaker is equipped with a built-in table editor and text processor, and also allows you to export the texts of most popular formats. When laying, you can use the templates and styles created earlier for each text element. In addition to standard printed publications, in the PageMaker program you can create hypertext documents of the Internet, which allows you to use it as a professional web pages editor. It is also possible to create publications in Universal Adobe Acrobat format, which look equally and read on any computer, regardless of the fonts and operating systems installed in it, are often used by professional vestovels.

PageMaker is compatible with other products of Adobe - Illustrator and Photoshop, making up a single schedule-publishing office with them. Thanks to this, PageMaker supports the ability to work with several layers of text and illustrations. The proposed classification of text preparation systems is largely conditional, since some functions of systems of various classes overlap, new versions of processors with more advanced and complex processing procedures are constantly appearing, which blurs the boundaries between classes.

Text Editor - This is a program that provides input, changing and saving any character text designed to prepare programs in high-level programming languages, since they do not require formatting (i.e., automatic conversion of text elements, font changes and etc.).

From a variety of textual text editors, you can select the following: Norton Editor; Sidekick; Brief; Multifunction multi-circuit Multi-Edit editor. The same category includes turbo-systems editors.

Word Processor - text preparation system, which in the internal representation supplies text with special codes - markup and is intended to prepare texts with subsequent printing on paper. Such programs are focused on working with texts having the structure of the document, i.e. Consisting of paragraphs, pages and sections.

Desktop Publishing Systems (Desktop Publishing, DTP or NIS packets) are a set of hardware and software tools intended for computer set, layout and publication of text and illustrative materials.

Text document preparation systems of this class can be divided into two subgroups:

2 text processor Microsoft. Word.

Among modern text processors in preparing documents, Microsoft Word is the most popular. Microsoft Word is a powerful text processor designed to perform all text processing processes: from set and layout, before checking spelling, inserts to the text graphics in * .pcx or * .bmp standard, text prints. It works with many fonts, both with Russian and with any of the twenty-one in the world.

2.1 Example Text Document Preparation Program

Microsoft Office programs can be expanded using special modules - additions. Among such programs, you can find serious commercial packages (for example, ORFO spell inspection system, Lingvo electronic dictionaries, Promt translator), and small free "macros" created by simple users.

Microsoft Word is the basis of any office and, perhaps the most necessary and popular program in all Microsoft Office.

Microsoft Word allows you to enter, edit, format and design text, and competently place it on the page. Using this program, you can insert graphics, tables and diagrams into the document, and automatically correct spelling and grammatical errors. Text word Editor Possesses and many other features that make ways to create and edit documents.

The program offers a number of functions that save time and effort. Among them:

Autotext - for storing and inserting frequently used words, phrases or graphics;

Styles - for storing and tasking immediately sets of formats;

Merge - to create serial letters, printing envelopes and labels;

Macros - to perform frequently used commands;

- "Masters" - to create professionally decorated documents.

Using Word for Windows, you can create tables, diagrams. Word for Windows also has a formula editor that allows you to introduce formulas of various complexity.

Word for Windows makes it possible to check the spelling. When checking each word in the document compared with samples in a special. If the word is not found in the dictionary, a dialog box will appear in which you can perform the necessary corrections.

Quite often, many employees have to create documents based on standard unified forms or forms developed and approved within the Organization, as well as various types of single documents (serial letters, references, etc.). With an automated method of preparing such a type of document, two options are possible:

Create the necessary form in the form of a document (for example, it will be a file with extension.doc) and then change the variable part of the text in it;

Create a desired form in the form of a template (file with and then create new documents based on the designed template and fill the fields containing the variable part of the text. The template is some stencil with defined properties that include a set of styles, template texts, macros, keyboard shortcuts, additional menu items and custom toolbars in a separate file with extension. DOT.

Templates are used:

1. To standardize and unify the work of all employees of the organization with standard and similar types of documents. All employees create documents based on uniform templates (files with, while templates must be prepared in such a way that the template text cannot be edited by users, and only the input fields containing the information variable in the form only have been available for entering and adjusting.

2. To improve the efficiency of training serial documents that are intended for mailing to a large number of recipients. Such documents are created based on templates using the merge function. By merging the texts of documents containing a fixed immutable part (stencil) and variable text fragments (filling), i.e. The fusion of typical text (stencil) with information filled.

Thus, Microsoft Office application package contains programs that allow you to create text documents, tabular documents, databases, presentations, work with graphics, email etc. That is, Office makes it possible to create practically any kind of documents. Currently, Microsoft Office is installed almost on all computers, regardless of whether the computer is at home or in the organization. This distribution of Microsoft Office received due to the fact that this is the first application package, which contained such a volume of possibilities, and was completely Russified and easy to use. The main advantage of these programs is that in addition to all the amenities that have already created the authors of this package, the user itself can adapt any program to itself for comfortable work in it: Changing the color, scale, removal of frequently used buttons on the toolbar, creating templates, Creating new features and so on.

Recently, few people use to create documents with text editors. The appearance of Microsoft Word has turned out them. At the moment it is already difficult to determine to text processors or to desktop publishers refers to Microsoft Word, so much of it has functions.

2.2 Editing and text formatting

Formatting operations include breakdown of text to lines (within the framework of paragraph) and pages, the choice of the location of paragraphs, indents and debugs between paragraphs, streamlining individual paragraphs, as well as species and fonts. These operations are performed by various text processors with varying degrees of automation. Breakdown on strings and microsoft Pages Word performs automatically (this property is a distinctive feature of powerful text processors). Thus, after administration from the keyboard of the source settings (commands) of formatting defined by a specific type of document, the text processor automatically reformat the document.

The essence of formatting is the ability of a text processor to change the execution of the document on the page, namely:

Change the boundaries of the working field, determining the fields from above, below, on the left, right;

Install line spacing (lines on the page) and an interbust interval in the word;

Align text - centen, press to the left or right border

Uniformly distribute words in the row;

Use different fonts, etc.

When editing a document, its contents change, and, formatting the document, its appearance changes. Text editors distinguish the formatting of characters and formatting paragraphs.

When formatting characters, the font parameters are specified as a rule: headset, size, drawing, underscore type, and so on.

The font headset is the term that is determined by the general form of characters. For example, the Roman headset is a common name for a whole family of classical fonts, and is distinguished by sneakers at the ends of the letters and combinations of thick and thin lines in the symbol style. This headset is easily readable, so font developers created a multitude of similar type fonts, for example, Times New Roman font supplied with Windows.

For any fragment of the document (words, rows, paragraphs, suggestions or all paper), you can set the font. The concept of font includes a combination of the following parameters:

Type of font (or headset). It may be times, courier, etc.;

Font size. Worth in points. For example: 14 PT, 16 PT, etc.;

Inscription (usual, bold, italics, bold italics);

Underscore type (single, double, wavy, etc.);

Font color;

Effects (upper and lower index, crossing, shadow, etc.);

In the Microsoft Word editor, you can perform more subtle font formatting, highlighting the text fragment and selecting the format / font command ... This command calls a dialog box in which you can make all the options for font design.

Formatting is often applied with respect to paragraph. You noticed that as soon as the input text reaches the right border, the text processor will automatically translate it to the next string. In other words, if the word entered is too long and does not fit on the remaining string, the text editor automatically starts new string. If you have finished this paragraph and want the cursor to start the next, press the input key. . Such a press should be considered as a command on which the current paragraph closes. In the WINWORD text processor at the end of the paragraph key The new paragraph inherits the style of the previous one.

Paragraph - fragment of text, the process of entering which is over by pressing the input key .

2.3 Minimum set of typical operations When preparing text

The minimum set of typical operations includes operations produced on the document as a whole, over paragraphs of the document and on its fragments. The operations produced with the document include:

Creating a new document - assigning a document of a unique name and a set of the entire text of the document on the keyboard;

Saving a document - copying a document from RAM into external;

Deleting a document - delete the created or downloaded document from the screen;

Printing document - Creating a solid (paper) copy of the document.

2.4 Operations produced above paragraphs

The paragraph is a key element in the structure of the document for many text processors. These operations include the installation of the borders of paragraphs and paragraph indents, alignment, as well as the inclusion of word transfer. The installation of the borders of paragraphs is produced using indents markers located on the coordinate line, or the corresponding menu commands.

Alignment (off). There are four types of horizontal (left, right, in the center, width) and three types of vertical alignment (up, down, height).

The transfer with the automatic transfer mode is turned off. The word that does not comply with the line is completely transferred to the next string. It does not give elegance to the text; His right edge remains uneven. To improve the appearance of the text, the transfer mode is used. With a manual transfer option, the user itself determines the location of the transfer, entering the hyphen, and the rigid translation of the carriage (by pressing the key ) Going to the next line. The use of such a transfer mode leads to the need to delete hyphens when re-formatting the text of the document.

With automatic transfer mode, a soft transfer option is implemented: the text processor itself divides the word on the syllables and transfers it best way. This mode does not create any difficulties in re-formatting.

2.5 operations produced above text fragments

These operations include the selection of a text fragment, moving it, copying or removing, which were considered in the prior section of the chapter. In addition, the selected text fragment can be printed, to search and replace characters, apply the font selection and a number of other operations.

2.6 Additional text operations

Spelling and syntax check mode is performed special programs (Speller / Checker), which can be autonomous or embedded in a text processor. These programs differ significantly in their capabilities. The most powerful of them check not only the spelling, but also declination, lining, punctuation and even style. The specified mode is used to control one word, pages, or a whole document. The specified word is compared with his writing in the dictionary and in case of any inconsistencies are issued to the screen for editing. At the same time, the user is offered the following choice:

Carry out a correction;

Ignore the error;

Add this word to the auxiliary dictionary.

Many text editors offer additional services (for example, word writing options) that facilitate error correction. But remember that the possibilities of the program depends on the completeness of the dictionary. Therefore, constantly replenish the auxiliary dictionary, bringing words to it that is absent in the source dictionary.

Use macros. The macro is called the file in which the program of actions specified by the user is stored. Macro has a unique name.

With the help of macros, you can automate many standard technological steps when working with documents, for example, a macro that performs a sequence of command creation commands for each paragraph of the document. After calling the macro recorded in it, the sequence of actions or commands will be reproduced exactly

Macro is created in two ways:

Automatically in the special mode of the text processor by recording the sequence of user actions;

Programming a sequence of commands to be executed.

Macro can be stored in the document file itself. It can also be stored in a special style file as an element of the general environment of the document.

An efficient tool for developing both templates and ordinary documents is the so-called autoxtal (thesaurus). AutoText is created on the basis of a special dictionary (glossary), which includes frequently used words, phrases and pictures, which as needed to insert into the document. Any of the specified elements of the autotex can be saved under a certain name along with its style.

Making conclusions from the second chapter It is important to note that among modern text processors in the preparation of documents the most popular is Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word is a powerful text processor designed to perform all text processing processes: from set and layout, before checking spelling, inserts to the text graphics in * .pcx or * .bmp standard, text prints. It works with many fonts, both with Russian and with any of the twenty-one in the world.

In one of the many useful properties of Word, the automatic text correction on the boundaries, the automatic word transfer and spelling spelling of words, saving text to a certain set time interval, the presence of text and template masters, allowing you to create a business letter, fax, autobiography, schedule, Calendar and more.

Word provides the search for a specified word or fragment of text, replacing it to the specified fragment, deleting, copying to an internal buffer or replacement on the font, headset, or font size, as well as on the superstrate or for substitution symbols. To restrict access to the document, you can set the text password that Word will ask when the text is loaded to perform any action with it.


Summing up from the first chapter, you can allocate that among the training systems in natural languages \u200b\u200byou can distinguish three large classes that have relatively blurred boundaries: text editors (formatters), text processors and desktop publishing systems.

Text Editor - This is a program that provides input, changing and saving any character text designed to prepare programs in high-level programming languages, since they do not require formatting (i.e., automatic conversion of text elements, font changes and etc.).

From a variety of textual text editors, you can select the following: Norton Editor; Sidekick; Brief; Multifunction multi-circuit Multi-Edit editor. The same category includes turbo-systems editors.

Word Processor - text preparation system, which in the internal representation supplies text with special codes - markup and is intended to prepare texts with subsequent printing on paper. Such programs are focused on working with texts having the structure of the document, i.e. Consisting of paragraphs, pages and sections.

The currently existing text processors differ significantly from each other, and conditionally these tools can be divided into three large groups:

Inventory Text Processors (WordPad, C-WordPad, Wordmagic, Yeahwrite, Crypt Edit, TextViewer, MS Works and Domestic Baikal System);

Powerful professional text processors (MS Word, Corel Wordperfect, Lotus WordPro, Starwriter Domestic Text Processor Lexicon);

Specialized text processors (Latex, Plaintex and Ams-Tex, Lyx).

Desktop Publishing Systems (Desktop Publishing, DTP or NIS packets) are a set of hardware and software tools intended for computer set, layout and publication of text and illustrative materials.

Text document preparation systems of this class can be divided into two subgroups:

Professional Desktop Publishings (Quarkxpress, Framemaker, PageMaker);

Inventory Publishing Systems (Microsoft Publisher and P2Pplus for Windows).

Making conclusions from the second chapter It is important to note that among modern text processors in preparing documents the most popular is Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word is a powerful text processor designed to perform all text processing processes: from set and layout, before checking spelling, inserts to the text graphics in * .pcx or * .bmp standard, text prints. It works with many fonts, both with Russian and with any of the twenty-one in the world.

In one of the many useful properties of Word, the automatic text correction on the boundaries, the automatic word transfer and spelling spelling of words, saving text to a certain set time interval, the presence of text and template masters, allowing you to create a business letter, fax, autobiography, schedule, Calendar and more.

Word provides the search for a specified word or fragment of text, replacing it to the specified fragment, deleting, copying to an internal buffer or replacement on the font, headset, or font size, as well as on the superstrate or for substitution symbols. To restrict access to the document, you can set the text password that Word will ask when the text is loaded to perform any action with it.

List of used literature:

1. Goncharov R.V., Lyubimov M.F., Savelyeva N.G. Computer science. Computer systems and networks. Tutorial., 644ะก.

2. Tutorial, Microsoft Word "Help" .298c.

3. I. K. Korniev, V. A. Mashurtsev., Information Technology In management, Publisher: Infra-m., 450c.

5. Computer technology preparation of text documents, Churadeva's educational site Olga Valeryevna:

6. Section "Abstracts, test work", "Informatics" discipline, type of work "Abstract":

7. Computer technologies of text document preparation, essay\u003d104054&s_special\u003d86.

8. Computer program for the preparation of documents used when registering Yule IP, non-profit organizations, the formation of documents, creating documents: www.soft

9. Text editor MS Word, Abstract:

10. Text files. Text File Editors, Abstract: www..html

11. Fundamentals of computer science and computing equipment, lectures:

Practical lesson number 56.

Subject:Application of a text editor in professional activities: Calculations in text editor tables.

Type of practical lesson:partial search.

Student organization form: individual.

Practical activities:mastering the techniques for uncomplicated calculations in tables using formulas, Word. Work out strong skills to work with commands tabs work with tables.

Equipment (equipment):methodical recommendations for the performance of work; Task and instruction card for practical classes

Initial data:

Exercise 1.Create a sample table. Font - Times New Roman,the size - 10.

Information about the performance of students of GAU "Buguruslan Oil College"

buguruslan Orenburg region for the 2014/15 academic year

Academic discipline


Middle score

Total passed






Professional MDC module 02.01.

2 ex "a"

2 ex "y

3 ex "a"

3 ex "y


Engineering graphics

2 ex "a"

2 ex "y

3 ex "a"

3 ex "y


Average indicators

Task 2. Make calculations in the table:

a) the number of students of each study group who passed the exam on a certain discipline;

(in cell.D.4 Enter the SUM (RIGHT) formula. Put this formula in cellsD.5: D.7 I.D.10: D.13).

b) medium score on discipline for a specific study group;

(in the C4 cell, enter the formula \u003d (E.4*5+ F.4*4+ G.4*3+ H.4*2)/ D.4, similarly inC.5: C.7 I.C.10: C.13).

c) the total number of students who passed the exam for each discipline on "excellent", "good", etc. (UseABove.);

d) the number of all students who passed the exam on a certain discipline;

e) the number of students who passed the exams;

(e) The number of students who have been evaluated excellent.

Methodical instructions:

In Word tables, uncomplicated calculations can be performed using formulas.

Install the cursor in the cell in which you want to obtain the result of the calculation.

In the tab Layoutin a group Datapress the button Formula. If this button is not displayed, click on the button arrow Dataand, after displaying the button, press it (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Tab layout

In the window Formula(Fig. 2) in the field Formulaenter the formula. The formula begins with the sign \u003d (equal) and may contain the address of the cells, operators (action signs) and functions. If desired in the field list Number formatyou can choose a number of calculation (numeric with discharge separator, monetary, percentage).

Fig. 2. Creating a formula in a cell

In some cases, the formula in the window Formulacan be recorded automatically. For example, if the cell is below the cells with numbers, the formula will be recorded \u003d SUM (ABOVE), which means the summation of all the over-site cells. If the cell is also rightly cells with numbers, the formula will be recorded \u003d SUM (LEFT), which means the summation of all the left cells. If it is necessary exactly that action, these formulas can be applied.

Left - cells located in the line of the left cell with the formula;

Right-cells located in the row to the right cell with the formula;

ABOVE - cells located in the column above the cell with the formula;

Below - Cells located in the column below the cell with the formula.

If this column or string contain empty cells, the summation of the entire column or string is not performed. To summarize the entire row or column, enter zeros in all empty cells.

Otherwise you should clean the field Formulaand enter the formula yourself.

In Microsoft Word, you can use 18 functions. They can be entered from the keyboard or select in the drop-down list. Insert a function. The most commonly use functions: ABS ()- absolute value; Average ()- mean; Int ()- the integer part of number; Min ()- the smallest value; Max ()- the greatest value; Product ()- composition; SUM ()- Amount. In parentheses, the function argument is written. The argument may be the number, cell address or cell range, bookmark name, function.

In Microsoft Word tables, the same addressing cells are accepted, as in Microsoft Excel tables: the cell's address consists of the name of the column named latin letter, and the name of the string designated by the Arabic number (Fig. 3). When links to cells in formulas, they use a comma as a separator of references to individual cells and a colon for separating the first and last cells that determine the range.

Fig. 3. Faces in the Microsoft Word table

As operators in Microsoft Word, you can use the following signs: + (addition); - (subtraction); * (multiplication); / (division); = (equal) and some others.

In the drop-down list Number formatyou can choose a numeric format of the calculation result.

After recording the formula in the dialog box Formula(see Fig. 2) Click the button. OK.

The formula is copied and edited when performing the following algorithm:

    Install the cursor in the formula area.

    codes / Field Values .

    Perform a formula adjustment.

    Call the context menu and selectUpdate Field .

The disadvantage of the Microsoft Word formula is the lack of automatic updating of the results when the argument values \u200b\u200bchange.

For the forced update of the results, select the cell with the formula and press the keyboard key. F9.or in the context menu, select the command Update Field(See Fig. 4).

Fig. four.View of the context menu when clicking on the field "Formula

Types of built-in features:



Average ()

Calculate the average value for the range of cells, for example: \u003d AVERAGE (A1: C20; B25; A30)

Count ()

Counting the number of values \u200b\u200bin the specified range of cells, for example: \u003d Count (A1: C20; B25; A30)

Max ()

Finding the maximum value in the specified cell block, for example: \u003d max (A1: C20; B25; A30)

Min ()

Finding the minimum value in the specified cell block, for example: \u003d min (A1: C20; B25; A30)

SUM ()

Finding the amount of numbers in the specified cell block, for example: \u003d SUM (A1: C20; B25; A30)




The absolute value of the calculated expression, for example: \u003d ABS (A1 * B12-C25 + 100)

MOD (X, Y)

The balance from dividing the first number to the second, for example: \u003d MOD (A1, C12)

Int (x)

An integer part of the number, for example: \u003d int (2345.45)

Product ()

The product of numbers in the specified range of cells, for example: Product (A1: C20; B25; A30)

Round (x, y)

Rounding the value to the specified number of characters, for example, rounded to hundreds: \u003d Round (2345.45, -2)


Determination of a sign of a number, for example (-1 for negative and 1 for positive numbers): \u003d Sign (-2345.45)

Brain teaser

If (x, y, z)

Check the specified condition and assignment of the cell value: if the condition is true - value1, otherwise the value is 2: \u003d if (E12\u003e G12; value1; value 2)

And (x, y)

Calculates the value 1 if the true values \u200b\u200bof logical arguments are specified, otherwise 0, for example: \u003d and (A4\u003e 3; B2<3)

OR (X, Y)

Calculates the value 1 if the true values \u200b\u200bof any logical argument are specified, otherwise 0, for example: \u003d OR (A2\u003e 3; B3<=4)


Calculates the value 0 if the true value of the logical argument is set, otherwise - 1, for example: \u003d not (D4<3)


Logical constant false, which corresponds to the number 0


The logical constant of the truth, which corresponds to the number 1

Defined (X)

Determines the value in the cell

Control questions:

    How to find the amount of cells

    • located above the cell in which the cursor is located?

      located to the right of the cell in which the cursor is?

    How to find and put in the cell the most among the numbers worth the right to be marked by the cell's cursor?

    What operations on the table cells perform functions: ABS (), int (), max (), min (), sign ()?

    What form will present the result of calculations, if the result format is specified in the form of 0.00%?

    How to edit formula?

    How to update the results when changing the values \u200b\u200bof the arguments?

Sample table filled

Text processors are complex and perfect programs that solve all tasks of processing simple text (set, editing, storage, printing, etc.) and provide advanced features on the external design of the typted text. MS Word Functional Featuresallow you to perform, for example, the next difficult procedures with the text.

1. Saving text in other formats. By default, Word saves files under the name "Document" in format.doc. If necessary, the file can be saved with a change in format, for example, by. TXT or RTF, which extends the number of programs that open the saved file.

2. Multi-plate mode. In multi-decorative mode, Word highlights a separate memory area for each document, and on the screen - a separate window. The windows can be located cascade (each other) or mosaic. You can transfer or copy text fragments from one windows to others.

3. Insert objects. Word Editor allows you to create or take from another program and insert into a simple text of an extractic object, for example, a table, drawing, chart, clip, letter, hypertext link, etc. The combination of simple text with inserted objects decorates the document and increases informative filling.

4. Automatic creation of table audits and literature.When working with multi-page documents consisting of several partitions or parts, Word saves partition headers in memory and generates a table of contents with a page number designation for each title. When you change the text, the created table of contents can be updated. Analogically, a list of references is formed, which lists all sources quoted in the document.

5. Sending a file by email. Created in the Word file editor can be sent by e-mail without exit to the mail program, which greatly simplifies the process of working with network documents.

6. Using templates. The editor has a large set of document samples - templates. The presence of templates significantly reduces the time of preparation of documents and simplifies the problems of their standardization. Frequently used include, for example, business letter templates or summaries (brief information about the specialist when entering work).

7. Electronic calculations in tables. The Word text editor performs some features of the spreadsheet, in particular, allows you to carry out the calculations of tabular data by formulas, for example, the amount of data on columns.

A complete list of text processor functionality is significantly wider than the list of the list. The capabilities of each processor are laid in the menu, which consists of a set of command tabs and command execution buttons. The knowledge of the menu and the order of working with the command execution buttons characterizes the user's skill and the degree of its preparation for working with the text processor.

MS Word text processor assignment

In order to work with texts on a personal computer or laptop usually use special software to be called text editors. It is worth noting that today there is a rather large variety of such programs that differ in their capabilities and functions, but the most popular (by user usage) remains MS Word 2010.

In general, the main purpose of text editors is to create text files, editing ready-made (or unfinished) texts with the ability to view them on the screen, change their format, and print on the printer. By the way, you should specify that notepad and other similar editors are intended only for processing simple text files, but not to work with large text.

MS Word is still considered the greatest possible features - a text editor from Microsoft. In it, as well as in many of its counterparts, you can:

Format characters, paragraphs;

Draw up pages;

- "Build" pointers and table of contents;

Include graphic objects in tests: photos, diagrams, drawings;

Create tables, check spelling, etc.

In the modern world there are already many versions of MS Word, the most popular among them are considered to be versions 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013. Modern text processor Microsoft Word is intended for viewing, creating, printing and modifying text documents. It provides for the implementation of many operations, both over textual and on graphic or tabular information. Thanks MS Word, it has become possible to quickly, as well as with high quality to prepare any document, and from complex to simple.

1. Word 2010 makes it possible to carry out all traditional text operations (no exceptions), which are provided in computer modern technology. With it, you can:

Modify a set of unformatted digital and alphabetical information;

Format characters using many fonts of different sizes and designs;

Format pages (here also includes footnotes, footers);

Format the document as a whole (to make a table of contents, and automatic, as well as different signs);

Select synonyms, check spelling, use automatic word transfer.

2. This program implements the possibilities of new binding technologies, implementing objects, thanks to which you can include tables, text fragments and illustrations.

3. This is one of the first public programs with which you can perform layout operations that are sometimes necessary for publishing professional systems, as well as it is possible to prepare full-fledged original layouts for subsequent replication in the printing house.

4. This program is a unique collection of technological original solutions, thanks to which the tedious and painstaking work on finishing and editing the text turns into a fascinating, and sometimes soothing occupation. Such solutions include a system of ready-made design styles and solutions, elegant techniques for modifying and creating tables, automatic and autothext functions, as well as copy format, macro-language, custom toolbars and much more.

Many are accustomed to the simplicity of MS Word 2003, others like the original interface of versions of 2007 or 2010 release. Basically this is a matter of habit. The most important thing is that in the modern world it is the most convenient, intuitive and useful tool for working with text files.

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