Quick deletion of marked objects in 1s 8.3. Accounting info. How to mark all documents for deletion at once without checking referential integrity

From this article you will learn how to permanently delete objects marked for deletion in 1C. The fact is that in 1C, deleting objects occurs in 2 stages:
1. Marking for deletion (a small red cross appears in the list of the object)
2. Removing marked objects.

Such a system is necessary because The deleted directory elements can be used in some documents. And if the program allowed you to immediately delete these elements, then they would be deleted from the documents and thus the accounting would be disrupted.

At the stage of deleting marked objects in 1C, a check is made for the use of the deleted objects in other objects. And if they are used, the program does not allow them to be deleted. But the program shows where the deleted objects are used and you, if you wish, can open them and exclude the deleted elements from them, and then repeat the operation of deleting the marked objects.

How to delete objects in 1C 8.3

Let's look in detail at how to finally delete objects marked for deletion in 1C 8.3 using the configuration example, on managed forms - “Trade Management 11.2”.

To begin with - 1 - select the object needed to delete, select it and right-click on it in the window that opens

3 - We see that the objects we have selected are marked with a red cross (see picture below).

4 - In the menu “Master data and administration” - “Administration”. 5 – “Support and Maintenance” (see figure below).

6 - In the “Support and Maintenance” submenu that opens, select “Delete marked objects” and
7 — Put a checkmark next to the “Automatic removal of all marked objects” mode, and then click
8 — “Delete” button (see figure below).

10 - Here we see that deleting marked objects is completed, then click
11 - Click the “Close” button and we can continue further work in the program (see the figure below).

How to delete objects in 1C 8.2

And so, in this article “above” it was already discussed how complete deletion of marked objects occurs in 1C 8.3, i.e. in configurations on managed forms such as UT 11.2
Now, to fully answer the question “how to delete objects marked for deletion in 1C”, it will be necessary to go through the complete deletion procedure again, but using the example of 1C 8.2, i.e. configurations on “regular forms - “Trade Management 10.3”.

To do this we need to go through 11 steps:

1 - First, select the object you need to delete, select it and right-click on it in the window that opens
2 - Select “Set deletion mark” (see figure below).

3 — In the window that appears, click “Yes” (see figure below).

4 - Now we see that the object we selected is marked with a red cross (see picture below).

5 — In the “Operations” menu, select
6 - Deleting marked objects (see figure below).

7 — In the window that opens, click “Yes” (see figure below).

8 — In the “Search and delete marked objects” window, click the “Control” button (see the figure below).

9 — In the “Deleting objects” window that opens, click the “Delete” button (see the figure below).

10 - After all the actions performed, we see that “Objects were deleted”
11 — Click the “Close” button and we can continue working with the program (see the figure below).

You have deleted objects marked for deletion. If you need to delete all documents from the database, you can use

How to delete marked objects in 1C 8.3

The operation of deleting objects marked for deletion, for example those entered by mistake, is intended for permanent removal from the database and is irreversible. A 1C user with administrator rights has the right to delete objects marked for deletion.

When deleting in 1C, referential integrity is checked. This means that if a particular program object (document, directory element “Counterparties” or “Nomenclature”, etc.) was used in other objects, then it will not be deleted.

In the 1C programs “Enterprise Accounting” and “Salaries and Personnel Management”, go to “Administration” - “Deleting marked objects”. (Fig. 1) and (Fig. 2)

In the “Manage our company” program, you need to go to the “Company” menu - “Delete objects” (Fig. 3)

How to delete marked objects in 1C?

Objects are deleted in the same way in all 1C: Enterprise 8.3 programs. We need to delete a document, item item, etc.: - from the drop-down menu, by right-clicking, select “Mark for deletion / Unmark” (Fig. 4);

Open the list of actions with the “More” button (Fig. 5) and select “Mark for deletion / Unmark”;

In the “Deleting marked objects” window (Fig. 6) in all 1C programs on the 8.3 platform, the deletion itself is carried out in one of two selectable ways:

automatic deletion of all marked objects;

selective deletion of objects.

When you select the “Automatically delete all marked objects” mode, you need to click “Delete” in the lower right corner of the form. All objects marked for deletion will be deleted if there are no references to them. Otherwise, a window will open with a list of links dependent on the object being deleted. (Fig. 8).

When using the “Selective deletion of objects” mode, you can select what you want to delete before deleting. After clicking the “Next” button, which will appear if you select “Selective deletion of objects,” the program will start searching for objects marked by users for deletion and generate a list in which each object to be deleted is marked with a checkbox. (Fig. 7)

By clearing the checkboxes, we can leave all the objects that do not need to be deleted yet. You can remove the checkbox for deleting an object by double-clicking on it or using the “Edit” button.

Next, to continue deleting, click “Delete”. In the left window of the program, a list of those objects that could not be deleted may appear and a list of elements (directories, documents, etc.) due to which we cannot delete them - in the right window of the program, since they use the one selected for deletion an object.

What to do if objects in 1C are not deleted?

The list that appears in the right window of the program always contains an object that could not be deleted. (Fig. 8)

In order for the object selected for deletion to be deleted, we can try the following:

1. Mark for deletion in the right window all objects associated with the one to be deleted.

If deletion is impossible, a window will open with a list of objects that cannot be deleted and links to these objects.

2. Double-click in the right window of the program to open the object that is interfering with deletion, and manually remove references in it to the object that we need to delete.

A new window will appear in which we ourselves will select another element to replace from the list and click “Replace”. (Fig. 8)

After the element has been replaced, you need to click “Repeat deletion” (Fig. 7) and try to delete the objects again.

Accelerating the removal of objects in 1C

While deleting all marked objects is started, the work of program users may slow down significantly.

If you urgently need to delete a large amount of data, then before starting the actual deletion, it is best to ask all users not to work for a while and exit the program.

Or, before starting the removal, by clicking the “Block all work in the program and speed up the removal” checkbox (Fig. 6), you can force the exclusive mode to be set and block access to the program for other users.

Automatic deletion of objects according to schedule

If deleting all objects marked for deletion from the program interferes with the work of users, then it is better to set up a schedule for launching a routine operation to delete objects.

Objects marked for deletion can be deleted from the database daily, always at a specified time. For example, if you save the “default” settings in the schedule, then the deletion will always run at a certain time, from 4-00 to 4-15 in the morning.

Automatic removal of marked objects in an application on the Internet.

In the 1C Internet application, there is no option to configure the deletion of marked objects on a schedule; there is only a checkbox “Automatically delete marked objects”. (Fig. 6)

When this checkbox is selected, marked objects are automatically deleted in the background.

Why do you need referential integrity control?

In conclusion, it is worth noting that despite the ability to configure deletion in 1C without control over referential integrity (interactive deletion), in normal operation mode, program objects are not deleted immediately to preserve referential integrity. In order to prevent such a situation from arising, such as, for example, deleting a directory item used in a posted document that has been reconciled with the organization’s counterparty or with the tax office.

Still have questions? We will help you delete marked objects in 1C as part of a free consultation!

Accountants often encounter unnecessary files in their work. However, version 1C:Enterprise 8.3 does not make it possible to immediately delete reference elements and documents. This is understandable - the program protects you from making wrong decisions, but such a prohibition does not always suit the user.

Today we will dwell on this topic in more detail. So, how to properly and safely remove marked objects from 1C?

Stages of deleting objects in 1C

The process takes place in two stages, regardless of the configuration version - be it a software product for accounting or human resources, for managers of a large enterprise or retail chain.

1. It is necessary to indicate to the program which document should be “parted” with; to do this, we put a special mark for deletion. During the deletion process, it is checked whether there are links in the database to this document. At the end of the reconciliation, the PP gives permission or, on the contrary, prohibits this procedure.

Next, we proceed to remove the designated materials. In 1C it is not difficult to make the appropriate note; the main thing is to find the required document in the list. Right-click to activate “Mark for deletion/Unmark” or simply click on “Delete”.

Fig 1. How to mark an object for deletion?

PP 1C hedges its bets - a window pops up where it asks you to confirm your intention to “delete the object”. As soon as you agree to continue the process, an “X” sign will appear in the log, which means it’s time for the second stage.

Fig 2. Where is the “removal of marked objects” processing located?

2. PP 1C will provide a choice: delete all objects automatically, or selectively. If you choose the first option, the program will automatically delete all documents that you previously marked.

This is not always convenient, since you will no longer be able to control the process; it will become unmanageable. For this reason, most people choose the second method - you manually select objects to delete. We place the cursor and go to the “Next” command, PP 1C will analyze the directory and present documents that are marked for disposal.

The next step is to designate a specific object to be deleted. Place the cursor on “Uncheck all checkboxes”, find the required document (if necessary, expand it), mark one object or more and click “Delete”.

Fig 3. Possibility of selective deletion of marked objects

The object was deleted, and without any difficulties. It would seem that the process was completed successfully, but PP 1C declares that a problem has arisen, and during the process it becomes clear that the object “sentenced” to disposal continues to take part in the completed documents.

There is only one way out - it is recommended to delete the files with which it is associated along with the element. If the described objects are important for the organization, then it is better not to run the procedure in order to avoid problems that may arise when combining data in the future.

The developers have introduced a new method in 1C:Enterprise 8.3, thanks to which you can delete them automatically.

The function was implemented through a routine task. PP 1C itself organizes the process according to a given schedule within a short time.

To configure this option, perform the following steps: go to “Administration” → “Deleting marked objects”. Check “Automatically delete marked objects according to schedule.”

It is possible to customize the schedule at your discretion, or work according to the existing settings. The advantage of this method is that the removal of marked elements will take place at night, i.e., outside working hours, when the software is not in use.

Fig 4. Setting up scheduled removal of objects

This method is not suitable for every user. Since the program will delete an object or directory without your control, in accordance with your notes, which, by the way, you may have made by mistake or through an oversight. An object deleted by the program can hardly be tracked and restored.

Having studied the above, you can easily remove everything unnecessary and erroneously created by both you and your colleagues. But not all situations are so easily resolved. In everyday work, you may encounter tasks that can baffle you with their originality and complexity. Here we recommend turning to professionals.

MasterSoft specialists have extensive experience in solving problems of any level of complexity. If you have any questions, please leave a request in the “Order a call” or “Ask a question” form and we will call you back.

Every accountant regularly faces the need to remove erroneously entered documents, directory data and accounting records from accounting. Deleting marked objects in 1C 8.3 is possible if their data is not used in another document. Next, we will talk about how to delete marked documents in 1C 8.3 in five steps.

Read in the article:

If you want to exclude, for example, an invoice from accounting, make sure that its data is not included in the reconciliation report. The same rule applies to any other documents and reference books. For example, if you want to exclude an item from the Nomenclature directory, then make sure that this item is not used somewhere else, for example, in an invoice. Removal in 1C 8.3 is carried out in five steps.

First, we note that deleting marked objects in 1C 8.3 takes place in two stages:

  1. You need to mark the document or transaction that you plan to delete
  2. You need to delete all marked objects

Step 1: Mark the item for deletion

Click on the document you want to exclude from accounting. It will be marked in yellow. Right-click and in the window that opens, select the “Mark for deletion” command. Next, move on to the second step.

Step 2: Open the Delete Marked Objects window

Go to the “Administration” section (1) and click on the “Delete marked objects” link (2).

Step 3: Select a mode

Deleting marked objects in 1C 8.3 can be carried out in two modes:

  • automatic deletion of all marked objects;
  • selective deletion of objects.

In automatic mode, the program will process all marked objects and delete those that are not associated with other documents. Selective deletion will allow you to delete objects of your choice from the list. The list will be generated by the program.

To automatically delete, select “Automatically delete all marked objects” (3) and click on the “Delete” button (4). All objects marked for deletion will be excluded, but on the condition that their data is not used by the program in other places:

To selectively delete, select “Selectively delete objects” (5) and click the “Next” button (6):

Step 4: Select items to delete

If you use the selective deletion mode, then after clicking the “Next” button (6), a list of all documents that you have marked for deletion will open, it looks like this:

Use the checkboxes (7) to mark everything you want to delete. After that, click the “Delete” button (8):

If some documents are not deleted, proceed to the next step.

Step 5. What to do if not all documents have been deleted

An object cannot be deleted if the data from it is used by the program somewhere else. In this case, the program will show a list of undeleted objects. For example, if you try to delete property (9) that is on the invoice (10), you will see the following window:

In the left half of the window you see a list of undeleted objects (9), on the right is a list of documents that contain their data (10). They are the ones that prevent an object from being excluded from the program, so they also need to be marked for deletion. In our case, to delete the item “Battery...” (9), you must mark the invoice “Receipt 3 dated June 25, 2018” for deletion. (10), and then repeat the procedure, starting from step 2.

After you have made changes to your accounting, check any reports that may have been affected by them. If accounting or tax accounting data has changed as a result, you may need to provide the tax inspectorate with updated declarations or calculations. If an accounting adjustment led to an increase in the amount of taxes payable to the budget, then first pay the difference in taxes and penalties, and then submit the updated declarations.
